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So lately I've been trying to create patches with this thing solely inside the box. I understand that it's a small rack, and limited in capability in many areas. But I've seen so many videos of people who seem to be pulling much more interesting stuff out of similarly sized setups. I'm thinking of switching a few things up. But before I do that, I wanted to pick the brains of the much more experienced here and just kind of get some idea on how y'all would go about patching something up using only whats in the box here.
One of the main things that is starting to bug me, is that I feel like I've become too heavily reliant on rings, and I'm getting sick of how it sounds. Having trouble pulling more than just the stereotypical rings type sounds out of it. Surely it's capable of more interesting sounds using something I already have here? Maybe?
Also, I really want to love the SMR, but I can't really figure out a good use for it other than running the STO through it. As its own voice, I have not had much luck pulling any kind of varying timbres/sounds of it.
So I've been thinking of ditching the rings, clouds and SMR (and possibly the STO as well) and swapping in more stuff that takes up less place...any suggestions as to what I should check out? For reference, I enjoy the more uplifting, beautiful sounding ambient stuff, but lately I've had the desire to create more evil, dark sounding horror/scifi flick soundscapes. Am I missing anything crucial utility-wise for that sort of thing? Really open to general suggestions, feedback or slaps on the wrist
Apologies in advance if this question wasn't worded great, kind of having a hard time articulating what I'd like to ask but decided to just put it out there the best I could :^)
I found my setups lacking good modular effects. So far I have Mimeophon in one rack and want more delay, reverb and flanger modules for my other two larger racks. What modules would you recommend that give a nice spacey sounds?
Now that's a micro build done RIGHT. The whole basic path is there, plus there's a careful selection process at work because certain things in here (the two halves of the Rampage, for example) can work as several different things as needed. The Rampage (which is sort of like Maths in that it's 'cored' around a pair of Serge Universal Slope Gen clone circuits) is a good example of could use it as an oscillator, an LFO, an EG, and on and on. There is one teensy (it'd have to be to fit in 2 hp!) thing that might work really nice with that 2hp Sine...and that's this: Timbre, baybee...yeah!
As for the other build...OK, this needs to be a backpackable solution with one "voice". Hmmmm...let me think about this...
Hot damn...OK, this actually fits in a backpack, but you oughta get Intellijel's snazzy custom gig bag for it.
This uses an Intellijel Palette 62, which gives you the advantage of having onboard (and NOT under the modules, either) power as well as a tile row where I've put a clock, random source, noise gen, sample and hold, slew limiter, a 2-input mixer/attenuverter pair, a one-channel MIDI interface, and a ganged stereo output level. The case itself also gives you a pair of buffered mults, a MIDI over USB connection, and a stereo 1/4" output pair. Having all of that really blows doors open on the 3U row, and it allowed me to go a lot farther than even I'd expected.
How far? Well, lessee...2 LFOs, 4 VCAs, 3 VCOs (one pair of these can crossmodulate, the other single VCO is a Plaits clone), a pair of 3-in mixers (by splitting the Bastl ABC), and even a stereo FX processor that can take your audio chain from mono to stereo. Much of this relies on subfunctions within the various modules for the space-mushing voodoo...
3U row, left to right: Konstant Labs PWRchecker (good to have a visual feedback about your power condition), WMD Modbox (2 LFOs with CV, plus some other modulation sources), an After Later TILT (can either be an ADSR EG or it functions as half of a Maths...yep, a Serge USG clone of sorts), Doepfer A-140-2 dual ADSR (your main envelope workhorses), an Antumbra Dual VCA (which is really half of a Mutable Veils, where these sorts of variable VCAs are explained better) and the Bastl ABC in the middle. The idea there is that the ABC inputs are for mixing modulation sources, while the DEF ones are for mixing your audio sources. The VCOs start the audio chain next...and there's a Noise Reap Paradox and an Antumbra KNIT. Now, both of these are definitely NOT "normal" VCOs...the KNIT is a 6 hp clone of the Mutable Plaits, but the Paradox is actually a set of two VCOs which are set up to crossmodulate in various interesting ways.
But wait...the mixer is over on the left? CAN be...or you can use the 2-in mixer on the G-Storm Delta VCF. This is a clone of the Korg Delta filter, with both LP and BP capabilities in either 2 or 4-pole depths. Also, if you use the Delta VCF's mixer, this then frees up the ABC to act as a six-input mixer, or you can still use it as two 3-ins, but entirely for modulation. Right after this, another Dual VCA, and then a Frequency Central Stasis Leak...which gives you either reverb, delay (with tap tempo) or stereo chorusing, and this is the thingamajig that takes what WAS a mono audio path and "stereoizes" it.
Like I and others have said, it's not easy to build one of these little-bitty builds, but it CAN be done if you choose and proceed carefully! This rework fixes a lot of the latent hassles present in the original build. Some of this is directly attributable to the case, though...a thing which many modular builds ignore at their peril. By going with this Intellijel skiffy thing, I've eliminated the need to take up more 3U spaces with important functions, putting them into either the tile row or as part of the cab altogether. Result: a pretty decent thing that does what you want (and a helluva lot more...this has some real power to it) and fits your form factor needs aptly. The sole problematic thing here is that the Antumbra Dual VCAs are kit builds, according to the database...but with a little research and some extra $$ to a skilled module builder (if, in fact, you're not comfortable with soldering and such), they're very doable.
Also, this is a good illustration of what I talk about when I mention "functional density". This build is VERY dense, function-wise...but by trying to avoid anything below 4 hp and above 8 hp, that 62 hp row is chock-full of raw power while being easily worked manually. It's a dicey balance...but again, it IS doable. Plus, as noted by others, menu-driven modules are really a pain in a dense environment, so the effort there was to AVOID those, but to still maintain a hefty level of functionality. It works, I think.
When you exercise the pots with the module patched into an audio chain (in this case, preferably patched directly to the output) and listen to the output, do any of the pots exhibit "jumpy" behavior or, with audio path controls, cause any noise in the module's output? I'm sort of entertaining a theory here that there might be some sort of contaminant in one of those pots, could be something like a stray speck of metal in just the right wrong place...
This would require you to eave the 0-Coast outside of the rack (which is a wise idea anyway), and would give you 10hp left over to have some fun with. I've included several Happy Nerding modules because they make insane bang for the buck, well crafted, necessary utilities.
I'm probably missing something, but you aren't going to fit everything in a small rack.
Have fun and good luck!
i'm not going to answer the non-question above, but I will agree with Lugia about the 2hp (and 3hp) modules
I'd also look at Maths - especially the illustrated manual
a matrix mixer would also add an interesting way of mixing together modulation sources
a sequential switch
probably wouldn't add much in the way of extra voices
maybe something to drive the chord2 with - harmonaig possibly or a sinfonion (I have a sinfonion and use it a lot as a quantizer for marbles and to send chord pitch cv to a generalCV - you'll probably want an extra simple sequencer with this at some point - I use a pico seq - for changing song parts)
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
Subscribing to this thread to see how this plays out.
Also I'm all for DIY but are you aware that you have to unscrew everything on the 0-Coast first to fit it in euro rack?
And then have either the original power cable dangling around (taking up additional space from the front panel) or soldering your own adaptor with the potential of frying the whole thing?
This isn't going to work exactly like you imagine, and I think you'll want to put a few more utilities in here (Links and Kinks come to mind as always), but I'm a bit more optimistic about this rack than @lugia, depending of course on what you're trying to accomplish. Keep us updated on what you find is or isn't working and we can help you iterate from there.
Quick headsup: I'm also just on a smallscale rack with a bit of sequencing and modulation.
Looking at this build, even with the addition changes and everything I don't think this is a fun sound machine to have on the couch as you have a lot of menu diving, and program heavy, modules. While you still want to connect it to another device for also programming sequences for example.
Pams New Workout, Beehive, FX Aid XL, o_C, and the disting will all need time to setup for most new patches. And probably lots of "debugging" when stuff is not working out as expected.
I just checked and saw that (without midi in) my build currently weights in at 58 hp, so it might be interesting to see another approach of a tiny rack. And what I can do right now.
For shameless plug to a playlist of my exploration with the skiff (click here)
Also my biggest takeaway from my small setup: Get VCAs, linear ones for CV, exponential ones for audio. The Cold Mac looks fantastic, but might be also a good source for headaces ;D
Okay. I came to my senses. A little more research and now I am here:
- Expert Sleepers Disting mk4 to as sample player and 80 other modules, when I'm sick of my samples.
- Noise Engineering Clep Diaz as to play drumloop snippets up, down, updown and added randomness.
- Dropped the 2hp Avert and switched it for an achtual usable 4hp wide befaco Attenuverter
Turns out this probably is closer to what I can cooperate in my patches for less money and half the hp which leaves more room for other modules.
Sorry I should have detailed my goals, expectations and requirements in my first post.
I'm not looking for an all-in-one solution, I make music in the box (iPad and Ableton), and was looking for a little 'plink-plonk' machine to jam and stay away from a computer screen. But I hear you regarding limitations.
The ALM System Coupe is fantastic but it's just too big for me, I want to be able to easily put the rack in a backpack.
This build is close to what I typically use in miRack, but I agree it could use some attenuverters and VCAs, I initially had a 2HP attenuverter instead of the Trim. Cold Mac, as suggested, seems like a Swiss army knife that could handle VCA duties?
Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately those adjustments have made no difference to the behaviour of the Bass Drum. Even at the lowest audible settings of the TONE and the BD LVL pots there is still a continuous tone at the output, whatever the settings of the CV controls.
I have the schematics but I can't work out how the tone circuit works.
Haven't had much time this week to bleep bloop. Finally managed a few minutes this evening for a quick live jam on my Mother 32's. Big break coming up and plenty of time to do bigger things.
Lugia is 100% correct and I even found a Doepfer 6U case way too small eventually and 12u-14u is perfect for starting with room to expand for modular setups and still include VCAs, attenuators, logic and mixer modules. You could get a divkid 0chd lfo for modulation and a quad vca that would give you plenty of mileage. Add in a Kinks and Links for logic and mults and you are off to the races. If you look at prebuilt modular systems from popular modular companies like Make Noise, Doepfer and Erica Synths, they will have a single oscillator and filter and the rest are support modules like VCAs and so forth. Have you considered a smaller prebuilt system like the ALM Busy Circuits Super coupe? That has all the building blocks and sounds amazing way to learn modular and make cool beats.
One other general question. I've been thinking FH-2 with expanders as my brain, along with an iPad. But have wondered about modules like Hermon, or Nerdseq?
Thanks so much for your quality suggestions. I agree the 2hp's are there to squeeze as much functionality out of the space, but they are indeed harder to work with. And yeah Intellijel's MultiFX is high on my list.
Actually, one thing I would suggest is that you use the extra space to get rid of the 2hp modules. They're great in smaller builds, but if you're adding another 2 x 104 here, it's high time you made those functions easier to use by going with modules that are easier to work with. For example, you're considering more ADSR envelope could remove the 2hp one in favor of something like a couple of Doepfer A-140-2s, and that would up your ADSR count by three while only consuming 14 more hp. Also, the tile row could probably use another Quadratt...or perhaps a couple of Duatts...since there's a shortage of attenuators and polarizers. You could also go with a second Plaits (or a smaller 3rd party version) so you can have some nice, fat detuned sounds rather than just one single oscillator.
I should note, also, that the ochd has all of its LFOs ganged to one rate control. A better solution might be 4ms's QPLFO, which gives four independent LFOs with tap timing...and rates that can range from midrange audio all the way down to over an hour. That sort of slow rate is great for VCFs, lets the timbral results shift imperceptably over time.
Oh, and even though there's an FX Aid in there (good call), you might consider Intellijel's MultiFX tile as well...the chorusing would be useful for "stereoizing" signals, since it can take a mono input but gives you a stereo pair out.
This isn't a bad strategy at all, just be very careful to make sure there's ample space for utility-type modules.
I think I need more ADSR's and maybe a PNW. I'd like some audio mangling, maybe Morphagene and Arbhar. Lastly some LFO's, the DivKid ochd looks interesting for controlling the three parameters of my Morpheus.
Start with all of your controls zeroed. In this case, this means that the two CV controls are at dead-center, and everything else is down. Then send it triggers as you slowly move the controls off of their zero points. My suspicion here is that you don't have the "Pitch Decay" and/or the "Amp Decay CV" set properly...the latter one, especially, since not everyone expects a control like that to be capable of polarization. However, since drum pitches do tend to change as the sound decays, those attenuverter-type controls are necessary here.
Sooooo...where are the VCAs? And I suppose you could press the Pam's or the O&c into service for modulation, but that seems like a waste of what they're capable of. Attenuverters? Space for expansion?
Frankly, I would like to find out who's influencing people to make these pointlessly small builds...and kick their teeth down their throat!!! These clowns are causing people to waste a lot of time, effort, and money on builds that will not and CAN not function on par with the expectations of the people duped into making them. Thinking that something like this would be usable as a proper synth is along the same lines as thinking you can learn to drive on a tricycle. Yeah, sure, I get the "convenience" point of having something small, but that'll get outweighed VERY rapidly by the extreme limitations that using a cab like this causes.
I'd suggest getting VCV Rack and then trying to build an equivalent of the above in it. The problems should be glaringly obvious very quickly. Then start over with something like a Mantis (2 x 104) instead.
You ORDERED this? First up, you have things in here that will NOT work in this configuration. The Doepfer "mixer", for example, isn't going to mix ANYTHING without the output stage. This is also VERY dependent on the 0-Coast in there (where it really shouldn't be, since 0-Coasts have their own cabs and power) for filtering, proper envelope generation, and so on.
This is "sexy module syndrome" taken to the usual, horrible extreme. What boggles my mind is that you admit that you don't know what you're doing, BUT YOU BOUGHT THIS ANYWAY! Yep, you'd better be anxious...because it's probably going to take ANOTHER Rackbrute 6U to house modules that can make this build work. Far as I'm concerned, you've made a grave mistake in dropping a wad on this and then expecting to get a workable synth. You won't. The only thing in here that's useful is, in fact, the 0-Coast...which you might've just gotten in of itself and learned loads more than this rack will provide.
If you can cancel the order, I'd suggest you do so.
Hi all,
I've been working on this rack for a bit now, going back and forth, as one does... I am still very much a beginner but I do own some of these modules and others will be coming soon.
- MN Desmodus Versio
- Instruo Arbhar (coming soon)
- MN Maths
- Pamela's new workout
- currently have a MI Stages that will be replaced by incoming Batumi and Quadrax
Looking to add:
- CV VCA's (the 1u vcas are just an idea right now)
- looking to add a new filter.. still looking around, might get the Jove but who knows
- Looking to add another oscillator... open to ideas but no rush here either - loving the Vampire and Saich. The Mannequins Mangrove, Just Friends, and the Verbos Harmonic Oscillator have caught my attention..
- Really interested in more effects/sound processors.. just got the Instruo Tanh waveshaper/limiter which I love but its more of a saturator/limiter than a waveshaper i think. Looking into getting a dedicated delay module like the Xoac Sarawejo, but get some interesting delay/reverbs from the Desmodus Versio. The Xaoc phaser module looks pretty interesting too.
Everything is being sequenced by a Squarp Pyramid going into the Befaco Midi-CV module. That covers note sequencing, but with the Saich some kind of shift register device might be super helpful so looking at the Intellijel Shifty. I feel like I have the room to get a Quad VCA for cv mixing, but would like something more interesting to play with if possible, especially if the 1u VCAs would cover most/all of my VCA needs. The audio mixing isn't quite there either, I haven't been able to find the Cosmix mixer, which means that I have no aux sends at the moment. I'm considering getting multiple small reverbs/delays/fx units to use as inserts with different voices rather than a global send, but not sure if I have the room for this.
Would love to hear any thoughts on the build, how you see it growing, any interesting things that I may be missing (always interested in unique sequencing and stuff you can only do in modular (ie sequential switches) but I already have sequencing covered and not enough room to get it done as efficiently in the rack. As said, interested in sound processors as well as another oscillator that might add something new/interesting to this.
Also, since sequencing is done out, I don’t have a great way of creating chords for the Straich. Harmonaig is too big as are most of the alternatives I’ve seen. The Quantimor by Topobrillo looks to be the closest to what I want but it’s discontinued. Intellijel Shifty might be the move?
Lastly, I’ve got an Apollo Interface with a bunch of inputs, so potentially could only submit in the rack and have a second stereo output. Is this common at all? Any good modules for this?
Does someone here is using the Zdsp programmer NumberZ ?
I'd like to know if it's easy to use with 0 coding knowledge.
And is it useful or is it just a gadget ?
Hi - my Mutant Bass Drum is emitting a continuous tone whose pitch is affected by the pitch control. The tone is present at both outputs. The module seems to be in permanent self-oscillation.
The Trigger input responds to triggers and produces a kick sound, but this is almost inaudible compared to the oscillation. The Decay control has no effect.
Yeah loving my setup even though it was not cheap a lot of fun to last for years to come. Batumi is great but I need the expansion module to open up more functionality. I love the sliders and many options for modulation with it. Clep Diaz is a bit more tricky to tame but not bad for a small combo LFO/random/step sequencer in 4HP. I like using it to send random cv to my Cursus Iteritas.
Hopefully I can move to larger studio digs next year as I really need more room for my setups in one place.
You are welcome and no problem. That's why this forum is here, to check in case of doubt or in case of a question and that's what you did, nothing wrong with that :-)
Enjoy modular and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
I got them both, the Erica Synths - 2 HP black blind panel and the 3 HP black blind panel. This looks to me like the 2 HP black blind panel since the holes are a bit shifted to the left. With the 3 HP blind panel the holes are quite exactly in the middle.
Kind regards, Garfield Modular.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
That's some great insight antipythagoras, FX Aid XL does seem a bit redundant, and I would happily swap it for some degree of 'manual control'. Cold Mac looks really versatile indeed, I'm not sure how much I'd need the mixer part, but the utility and shaping aspects would be wonderful. I'll have to do some reading.
Actually, on second thought, if you can reduce the footprint of the output module to 2HP, I would remove the FX Aid XL and in its place put the Cold Mac, which gives you lots of options both for audio modulation (you can use it as a distortion, a waveshaper / folder, a panner) and utility (logic, offset, slew, envelope follower etc.) or both (6 channel mixer, VCA), and also as a controller with a big knob that gives you the control to play your patches that you are lacking in modules such as Pamela and uO_C. It's a module that requires a somewhat experimental approach but there is a lot of documentation and it can be a real centrepiece for any patch.
You could also consider replacing the 2HP Trim with the LPZW WK2 module when it's available again, which adds to attenuation the added functionality of offset (really useful to dial in precise values) and slew (to turn stepped modulation into a smooth one).
This looks like a fun little rack that would fit an attitude of exploring creativity within constraints. Beehive/Plaits doesn't need a filter and sounds great on its own so that's a good choice. If you run Hemispheres suite on the uO_C, you've got quite a lot of modulation and utility possibilities here. One downside is that none of the modulation parameters are very 'hands on' in this system -- you will find yourself wanting to tweak an envelope shape or LFO speed in real time at some point, not just their amount. You might consider swapping the FX Aid XL for some small modules that provide or facilitate modulation, e.g. Pique or Kinks, or even a small analogue oscillator that doubles as LFO. Disting and Monsoon should, I believe, provide enough effects. The 2HP Trim could be replaced by a 2HP VCA.
Thank you for your recommendation! I was thinking about adding an internal power supply later on, the one you linked looks great. I considered the 4MS pod as well, but I would need the X version (64HP I believe) as some modules are too deep for the standard case (Disting and FxAidXL are 42 and 45mm deep).
I'm also considering swapping the Befaco Out for a Pico Out (2HP) and add an extra 2HP buffered mult.
Please keep you comments going, that's super helpful!
I would love some advice/guidance on my first build please, here is what I had in mind:
- Has to be easily transportable (60hp max) and powered by either a power bank or a wall wart.
- I'd like to sequence it from Pam/uO_C for semi-generative stuff and external midi sources (Probably my iPad + Launchpad Pro mk3) for more intentionnal sequencing.
For the case, I was thinking about the Moog one, unpowered.
I'm not sure if I'm missing extra modulation or utilities, or if there are any glaring omissions?
I'm pretty sure that I will get some #### for this. BUT I'm still interested in some feedback and rough comments about this.
This rack is not planed to be seperate but fill up the rest of my skiff:
The Plan: Have something that can sample Amenbreaks(Rample) or other other drum samples more or less chaotically (Mimetis Digitalis). AVert and A130-2 to go with the Mimetis Digitalis to tame it and to have more VCAs my system specifically logaritmic VCAs There is still place for an ALM SBG or a some day to come DIY Gate Combiner.
Why use the space for this sampler/sequencer combination? My plan for the whole skiff is: IF i want to go more crazy with voices going outboard with a 0-Cost or other stand alone.
Regarding bigger cases: I'm already thinking about that but LOVE how far I came with my utility based skiff already that I want to see what else I can fit in this small frame.
Basically I want to do more of this, but more structured and complex fashion:
This is workable except for the mixer. The docs say: "Module A-138p is the 4-fold input module, A-138o is the output module that can be combined with one or more A-138p." You are lacking the necessary output module.
You could replace A-138p with an FBP 6 ch mixer. 6 inputs, stereo out, head phone amp, and an fx send to, too. Plus a cue function for pre-listening.
-- wiggler55550
Thank you, Wiggler55550!! You really saved me a bunch of heartache. I'm scanning around for alternatives now (I couldn't find the FPB unit for sale anywhere).
Since I was away from home (and my Eurorack) for 6 months, I got a Korg re-issue ARP Odyssey to have something to play, and also to be challenged by the limitations of a fixed-architecture synth with very limited expandability. I hadn't expected such a big difference in playability, especially tweaking multiple nearby sliders with one hand.
As an exercise, I attempted to replicate the Odyssey functionality, in Eurorack. This rack mainly re-uses my existing modules (adding the minimum needed for missing functionality) rather than picking the best ones.
This exercise primarily showed my how important input attenuators and mixers are to the overall ARP Odyssey design! Most of the 2-position switches for input selection are replaced by patching, but a lot of small input attenuators and mixers are needed. Another big difference is price: €2,826 compared to €699.
VCO1 is a Dixie II got (tri core rather than saw core) which does have the famous excellent tracking and temperature stability, but misses a fixed PWM offset as well as the PWM input. Is Odyssey PWM linear or exponential? Needs a 2-input mixer for FM and 2-input mixer for PWM (offset and input). A-138n is used for FM mixing.
VCO2 is a Dixie II+ got which adds the hard sync input. Has the VCO/LFO switch. Again missing input mixers. Another A-138n is used for FM mixing.
There is also a more authentic VCO, based on the 2600 4027 VCO2, which also has a nice set of input attenuators and CV mixer.
LFO is another Dixie II got so has the sine out. A simpler LFO would be fine here.
Noise is my existing Liivatera noise module got, with white and pink outputs. Lots of other modules fine here.
Ring Mod is Doepfer A184-1 new which combines ring mod, S/H and slew. The G-Storm Electro RM&S new would be another, more authentic option (and would need a different S/H and slew module)
Waveform mixer for Ring Mod, Noise, VCO1 and VCO2 is the top half of an Erogenous Tones Levit8 got but any 4-input audio mixer would work here.
S/H is the Doepfer A184-1 which needs a 2-input mixer. The other half of the Levit8 module (which can be two 4-input mixers) is used for S/H input mixing of VCO1, VCO2, Noise.
For the three filter options (selected by patching):
- 4023 (12db, 2-pole) is G-Storm Electro 4023 VCF buy and is the most essential for the Odyssey sound
- 4035 (24db, 4-pole, moog copy) is AJH Minimod Transistor Ladder Filter new
4075 (24db, 4-pole, fixed arp design) is OIIIAudio ARP4075 Filter Clone new but the weakest of the three filer options tbh
Each filter module has mixer inputs, thankfully.
No module for "drive", not clear if needed.
Doepfer A106-6 got is the high-pass filter, but any simple HPF will do.
Intellijel Dual ADSR got is used for the ADSR and AR envelopes (AR by setting sustain level to max) , and has cycle switches plus retrig inputs.
Intellijel μVCA II got is the volume envelope VCA, with one spare.
Lastly a PulpLogic Exit Strategy got gives the balanced output for recording
A Duophonic MIDI to CV module is missing for the keyboard handling, which would also replace the PPE for pitch-bend and vibrato, and the legato slider, and perhaps the three-way octave switch. I'm working on a DIY module for that.
Comments welcome. No, I don't intend to build this, although the Doepfer A184-1 and the G-Storm Electro 4023 VCF are tempting to add to my rack.
Had fun tonite with my two smaller setups and creating some unique weird sounds layered on top of a nice fat bass lead.
It was great to put my new Clep Diaz to work as well.
I just got a Befaco Hexmixer and love it! Gives me 6 channels of mixer controls with mute switches and sends/pan and all sort of goodies. I was using a smaller mixer with Intellijel Mixup which is not bad for a small 3 channel mixer.
-- sacguy71
This is workable except for the mixer. The docs say: "Module A-138p is the 4-fold input module, A-138o is the output module that can be combined with one or more A-138p." You are lacking the necessary output module.
You could replace A-138p with an FBP 6 ch mixer. 6 inputs, stereo out, head phone amp, and an fx send to, too. Plus a cue function for pre-listening.
-- wiggler55550
Thank you, Wiggler55550!! You really saved me a bunch of heartache. I'm scanning around for alternatives now (I couldn't find the FPB unit for sale anywhere).
Have you considered buying a copy of the most excellent book Patch and Tweak by Chris Meyer of and downloading the free VCVRack software? These really helped me get started for low cost and I still use them for trying things out before a purchase. Congrats on your plunge into modular world.
-- sacguy71
Thanks for this guidance! I'm reading Patch an Tweak now. I haven't really played around with VCV Rack but will do so.
I just got a Befaco Hexmixer and love it! Gives me 6 channels of mixer controls with mute switches and sends/pan and all sort of goodies. I was using a smaller mixer with Intellijel Mixup which is not bad for a small 3 channel mixer.
I've been building something similar but different for Acid, and I'm curious what you're using for your drum sequencing here, does the Maestro handle that?