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Ha, ha, so you are saying that besides our modular synth hobby we should maintain a wooden toy hobby too? Hence buying a lot of Mutable Instruments modules?
It's a pity that IME (ex-Harvestman) is quite difficult to get here where I live, can't really have it tested. Noise Engineering is a slightly bit easier to get but... somehow... their front panels aren't really convincing me, but that might be just me. Besides that, I am not convinced about their price-performance ratio, are you? It's good to hear that you like the brand though :-)
How about Make Noise, Erica Synths and Doepfer then? At least I like them quite a bit! Did you checked out Xaoc Devices? They have quite a few nice bits here and there too. You have Batumi already if I remember well?
Definitely with modular synths we got ourselves a fantastic hobby, that's for sure! :-) Kind regards, Garfield.
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Thanks, yeah with COVID lockdown and recovery from a broken ankle, I need a fun hobby to do for now and into the future. It is expensive but a vacation to Europe each year costs as much and at least the modular system gear lasts forever if you take care of it. I probably won't add much to it for a while due to how much more complex the IME Kermit, Bionic Lester and Quadrax modules are to fully learn plus how to route CV with Kinks and Links to create self generative patches. Fortunately, the other modules are out of stock so it puts my spending on hold for a while. I will get a way bigger 12u case next time. So far, out of the modular companies, I really dig the Noise Engineering and Industrial Music Equipment/Harvestman (IME) modules a lot. Intellijel and Mutable Instruments make amazing products as well. I like how Mutable Instruments send you a nice wood toy with each purchase! That is nice gesture of sway for buying their stuff. Now I see why Jim likes that company so much! You get cool modules that sound great and have tons of utilities and wood custom hand made toys as well.
Hey, hey :-) Another enjoyable video from you, seeing you being happy with your second rack! :-D
To my surprise, I see empty spaces in this second rack, wow! ;-) In another post just now I saw you planned that second rack already full, so enjoy the last few moments that you have space left and then save money for a third rack, ha, ha, it looks like the modular synth "bug" bite you well ;-)
Thanks a lot for sharing this, please continue to enjoy the fantastic modular synth world and kind regards, Garfield.
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Been having fun with new modules thus far in second rack. I am planning to complete my setup with the following configuration and wanted to gather your feedback on what can be improved or changed below.
I use external sequencers but want to make sure that I have sufficient utility modules to create self generative patches that allow the rack to play itself for hours with cool variations and glitches. Everyone here from Lugia to Jim to Garfield has been super awesome and helpful. I would have screwed up before and never considered things like Kinks or Links to use.
I've been building my first rack this year and am trying to understand what makes sense and what does not in my current plans. Because I only have 12 of these modules, some of them here (eg. the Joranalogue and Hex modules) were less thought through than, say the second row that I really like and play with daily.
I've been super inspired by this video from Hainbach: and am trying to escape tracks layering and the groovebox-like kind of rack, that I don't find inspiring at all. So, I've been selling most of my early buys (sequencers and drum modules) and although percussion is still a big part of what I do, I'm much more happy with building the percs myself - I plan to use the R*S equalizer for these mainly, same with the boogie filter. I'm also quite inspired by east-coast synthesizing, like most of you, and I probably miss some of the required modules to get that.
Modules I have already:
- Pamela
- Branches
- Mult
- Just friends
- 1 mangrove
- cold mac
- quad VCA
- delay no more
- zadar
- bloom
- Takaab lpg
- diode chaos
Next modules I'm buying:
- Serge res EQ
- Boogie filter (or Borg?)
- Contour 1 (or Maths?)
Voilà :) So, what do you think? What should I rethink and what feels right already here?
Thanks for your time, Hugo
Really having fun with the new IME modules Kermit MK3 and Bionic Lester so deep and wild plus loving Intellijel Quadrax with Expander and Noise Engineering modules. A quick jam I came up with this evening:
The Hex VCA and Mixup is great combo with mutes for the mixer.
Yes @GarfieldModular, all live, though I patched it in advance, I'm not ready for live patching yet! I was mostly just controlling levels, sequencing chords, and using the ResEq to shift the focus and depth of the sound. It was fun, and practicing live is a good exercise I think, emphasizing a different approach to the synth which is always good. Anyway, glad you liked it and thanks for listening!
Wow, that's a nice and long ambient track! You did this live? Well that's fantastic, pity of the virus situation, it's about time to see concerts like this live! :-)
Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
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Very cool! Yeah I have a wave shaper already and drum type VCO so adding FM synthesis module to my setup would be perfect balance. Probably decide between Akemie castle and IME Hertz Donut MK3. I like the preset options and so forth in the Hertz Donut MK3 and it would match the orange knobs aesthetic of my other 2 IME modules but the coolness of just knobs no screens in the AC module and heritage of Yamaha FM chips is hot.
Yeah this looks awesome for FM synthesis along with IME Hertz Donut MK3. But need very large rack for these ginormous sized modules! Maybe when I get a new much larger case like a 12U setup that can hold 500HP of these beast sized modules then I will bite.
A friend asked me to do a live set at a venue in Columbus yesterday, streamed of course as they all are nowadays, so I put together a quick drone piece working through some Just Intonation and 12Tet chords and drones, and I think it turned out pretty good if you're into that sort of thing!
Made with the below, the MCO was a last minute addition but I wanted a third sound source to add a little extra texture and bass underneath everything, which I was pretty happy with.
@croute I have an AC and it's one of my favorite modules. That said I'm not familiar with the synths you listed here, so maybe you could link us some videos to compare against?
The Bastl stuff is quirky and an acquired taste. You either love it or you don't. The wood and aluminum panels are functionally the same. I had a wood panel Knit Rider and it was a little odd.
I've not used the CV Trinity, but I chose to sell my Bastl products and replace them with alternatives. Not sure that I would invest that amount of money in a CV Trinity, but let us know what you decide.
Have fun and good luck!
i am wondering if this module could sounds like a PSS 390 , or 380 or even a psr 36 ?
And especially could it sounds like the "spectrum" parameter makes those synths sounds?
I have a 7U x 94HP travel case with 3 voice + 3 drums. Size is surely enough to do something usable that can be beefed up with external synths, drums, etc. Looking at your setup I'm wondering if you have enough VCAs?
Excellent, I have the new modules working and really enjoy how crazy the Noise Engineering Cursus Iteritas sounds especially when modulated by LFOs can get serious industrial sounds. It pairs well with the Kermit and Bionic Lester. Plus super easy to learn. On the other hand, IME modules like the Kermit demand time as they have tons of hidden features as does the Intellijel Quadrax with expander a take on the Buchla 281e function generator with self patching CV options, LFO and EG features galore. It shares a lot of the similar design so west coast based.
There's a local sale where I can get a CV Trinity for an okay price, not fantastic but enough to be interesting. I like that it seems to have good modulation options to do some wacky stuff, I just can't find a ton of info on it.
I'm most interested in the automation, though the rest of what it offers seems plenty useful, just don't know if it's worth almost $400 CAD
Additionally, I'm unsure if the aluminum panel version has any benefits over the original, only the original is available
I'd have to +1 for a larger case as well. Having done live techno back in the 1990s (without a DAW, I should note), one method that I found very workable with my Digisound/ARP 2600 combo that I was using at the time was to set up multiple parallel "instruments" within the modular architecture. New track? Just fade in another mixer channel and fade out the one I was on. While the hardware might be rather different here, the method is still quite solid, but it does take a bit bigger build to accommodate several separate audio having all of these intersect at a proper stereo performance mixer (which I didn't have back then) is super-helpful.
Yeah, the Mother 32 on it's own seems to work just fine going from the 1/4" Line Out straight into the interface. Of course, the volume on the Mother has to be almost all the way down or else it's super loud when monitoring.
Will get some cables or adapters for when I expand.
How is the playing with the new modules getting along? Lots of fun? :-)
That's actually not a too bad idea to use the Elektron Analog Four being the (complex) sequencer. If the Ground Control is going to be disappointing (or never will be released), I might just do that. Thanks for the idea!
Mantis? I thought you wanted to get a (mega) monster case from Doepfer or MDLR? :-)
Kind regards and have a good weekend, Garfield.
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Make Noise Function is more attractive to me than the SSF Mini Slew.
-- Sammy3000
I guess if you know well how it works maths, and you need more or less the same in less hp... function is a natural choice.
I'm still learning Function, I don't know all its possibilities, but I discover a few of them, and it's amazing. Maybe in future I'll switch to maths, but in this moment function seems ok to me (in less hp).
I'm using Function, it's only one complex channel from maths, and you haven't got logic operations, but anyway I find so handy, and you have EOR, EOC, positive and negative outs: 2 gates out, 2 cv out in 8hp. The hang input (doesn't present on maths) has interesants utilities.
So in short, you could do the same thing with one complex channel of maths, and little more.
-- nokulture
Make Noise Function is more attractive to me than the SSF Mini Slew. I think my future Rack will look like this:
But I won't sell my Maths. Maybe I'll buy a second Intellijel Stealth Case with Joiner Plates when "Corona" is over and I can get back to a normal 40hour week. Maths is unique and will return later, but now it's time for some Rackspace :)
use one channel of batumi as a clock I guess - which will work fine
I suspect that by the time the second case appears, you will have a better idea of what you need - ie what you feel is missing from this case - but that's also part of the fun - discovery
enjoy your journey!
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
Hey Jim,
Thanks for always replying so quickly!
Ripples was the clear choice on the filter, and definitely an upgrade from what I had in there before. The new version seems like something that I will keep around for awhile. Thanks for the suggestion!
I also got rid of Ears for now, and prioritized the Intellijel Quad VCA. Seems more flexible than the linear-only Doepfer model.
I also haven't forgotten about Maths! At the moment they just don't appear to be available new or for any reasonable price used where I live... So that was the thought behind the Function and the Batumi for envelopes and modulation.
Would you consider this a workable starting point? I'll be transitioning to a self built 7U 84/104 hp case if building my smaller one goes well.
I'm using Function, it's only one complex channel from maths, and you haven't got logic operations, but anyway I find so handy, and you have EOR, EOC, positive and negative outs: 2 gates out, 2 cv out in 8hp. The hang input (doesn't present on maths) has interesants utilities.
So in short, you could do the same thing with one complex channel of maths, and little more.
First patch with the 2hp arp as it's focus.
Arp is driven with Metropolis for gates and root notes. Arp then dictates the pitch of the Demon Core Oscillator via an attenuation channel of Sinc Defero. DCO then comes out into Quad VCA (closed, enveloped from Maths), to divkid mutes, to hexmix as well as back out (mutes ch. 2) to the WMD/SSF Multimode Filter (MMF), that output of which is then fed back into mutes ch. 3 out to hexmix channel 2 (so unfiltered and filtered audio are sent in stereo to the hexmix).
Pitch and Gate Sequences are sent from the Metropolis and distributed throughout the patch. 1 Octave range selected in config. with scale = minor pentatonic (PEnT-).
ARP uses Scale = Augmented 7th (2 LED's ON 3rd LED blinking) and Mode = Descending 2 octaves, with frequent but non-periodic changes in root note and arp reset placement
env1: While the Gate of Metropolis starts and stops the uneffected sequence, it goes to 2 places. First to ARP's Gate input, then to the TRIG input of Maths channel 1, to control the amp envelope on Quad VCA ch. 1, as well as the 1v/oct input on MMF. The envelope is generally kept with a short attack and medium decay, but later on in performance can switch to longer attack and short decay and blend in a looped delay track from Euro DDL for an interesting reverse tape-like effect.
env2: The other output from Metropolis that receives an envelope is the SYNC Out, which emits a gate at the beginning of each 9-stage sequence. Metropolis' SYNC is sent to Maths Ch. 4 TRIG input, attenuated out to ARP's MODE input.
lfo: slow free-running square wave LFO from M32 is sent to the Reset input, resetting the arpeggiation at repeating intervals that are unrelated to the Gate or Pitch sequences from Metropolis
random: Taking a clock from Metropolis, QuBit Nano Rand v2 in Magenta (Random Stepped Voltages) mode sends gate signals of various voltages to the Sync Trig input on DCO as well as an attenuated version to Maths CH. 1 BOTH input and an unattenuated version to Maths CH. 4 BOTH input. Nano Rand also sends noise into the FM CV on DCO and WMD/SSF MMF (Filter).
Eventide Euro DDL is filtered and used looped or unlooped at different points in the sequence. Towards the end of a performance can create a "wash" of delay with maximum feedback. This sounds nice blended with the original signal where the original has a VCA/Filter envelope with a medium attack and very short decay, creating a faux tape loop effect.
The simplest solution that springs to mind is to use a 3.5mm to 6.3mm (1/4") adaptor into your audio interface. The UR44's mic inputs have gain pots that can act as attenuators to save you some pennies and rack space.
I ended up soldering a wire to replace the adaptor as a nice to have, but it's totally nonessential. Verbos even sell them nowadays.
Agree, no rush. New gear will keep me busy for quite a while especially learn the new IME Kermit and Bionic Lester modules as well as Kinks, Links and Quadrax! BTW- Mutable Instruments gets mad props for coolest modular company. They sent me cool swag case candy with each module - hand crafted wood toys! But I am less impressed with IME they did not even send bloody screws! WTF?
My new modules arrived today for my second case. Really digging the Noise Engineering Cursus Iteritas with the Basimilus Iteritas Alter and using the Erica Synths Black Polivoks Filter along with Intellijel Quadrax and IME Kermit MK3 modulation machine! Bloody brilliant modules that sound ace. These will take some time to really learn as they are super deep. For clock, I am going to wait until few months when sales come up again and most likely pair the Pamela's New Workout with the ALM Busy Circuits Boss Bow Two switcher that would be a killer clocking and routing options when mixed in a matrix mixer and apply Kinks and logic to it. I am holding off on a sequencer until next year. I have a few that get the job done and if I need complex sequencer, my Elektron Analog can do that as well as my Octatrack. Probably get Mantis case put a nice sequencer and FX mixer in it maybe?
Regarding your clock question, yes the Pamela's New Workout seems to satisfy a lot of members here. Another option might be to use the Make Noise - Tempi in combination with the Shakmat Modular - Time Wizard module, it's what I am using and I am quite happy with it.
Good luck with the search for a good sequencer, take your sweet time for that one. I am more than a year waiting for the ideal sequencer and still didn't found it (well I am waiting for the Ground Control from but it's still not available yet and I want to have it tested first at my local dealer).
Kind regards, Garfield.
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I use portable folding DJ desks that work well and also great for live performance and an external mixer but will get a matrix modular mixer in the future.
it may be that you don't need anything, if you find that signal too hot - buy a 2hp trim module and try that, if you don't like the results then get an output module
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
What are your thoughts on the 512 Vector sequencer with expansion module and the WMD Metron sequencers? Both are large and have tons of features. I am also looking at Winter Eloquencer and Nerdseq but not sure if I would gel with a tracker based sequencer or not until I can try one in person. No rush- won't buy this year but try them at synth shops after COVID ends. Beatstep Pro may be a good low cost option at this point but I've heard of issues with them. I can try one and always return it if I don't like it.
Hermod is cool but kind of needs an external keyboard if you want to be less fiddly.
I love the combination of keystep pro and beatstep pro.
But I like to go either full fledged or very small and limited (ladik s-143 in combination with knit rider for example).
I don't enjoy tiny eurorack sequencers that try to control everything at once because work flow tends to be menue driven and tedious with tiny displays.
Work flow beats number of functions for me any day.
I want to build live performance oriented case. Mostly for techno.
I don't want to keep drums in euro, because I want to use my tr8s for this.
Now I have here ~3 voices. I've discovered Steevio style sequencing method, and I liked it a lot. Im using links as my precision adder that takes 2 sequences from RYK.
I'd like to hear(or read lol) your advices.
First to out/Ideas:
* Planar - lovely module, but unfortunately I don't see many uses for it :(
* Gemini's Path - as above
* T_U - Change for something less menu divey (I was thinking about Knight's Galoop)
* Change wasp for something other (maybe smaller?)
* Change OA(?)
* Maybe get WMD SSM (Idk if this rack isn't too small for this)
Less important:
* Change ECHOZ for FX Aid(?)
I'd like to make my melodies better so maybe I'd try something other than steevio's method.
I'm open to your ideas.
I use a doepfer A-190-4 USB/MIDI to CV module to connect to my PC and record directly into Ableton DAW. Another option is to get a small tabletop MIDI to CV device like the CV.OCD that is small and portable without having to use precious rack space. I plan to get one to use with my Elektron Octatrack now that I have two 6U modular systems and I don't want to have to always use the one in my first system. I also have an external mixer that sometimes I use.
Though I have an external Mixer before I head to the computer.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.