
New to this forum and to eurorack. I'm trying to send clock from logic pro x to my Erica synths black midi to cv. But the clock signal from logic is always 4 times faster than the actual tempo, going in 16ths basically. I can't figure out why, tried everything! Help!

Related, but not sure if fixable: I some time use my old Korg R3 as a midi controller for my eurorack system. It works great but the korg R3 doesn't send a clock signal at all. Or the erica Synths module doesn't register it. Any ideas?

This module could also be tagged "External" please

Modular signals are much hotter than line level, but you can usually get by without a line level output module. I plug directly into my mixer, but just keep an eye on the gain.
You have posted many different ideas for racks in this forum, some of which might be fun and some definitely won't be any fun at all. I would recommend looking beyond brand name and matching panels to find different modules that will help you accomplish what you want. A Make Noise Telharmonic is going to sound vastly different from an Intellijel Dixie or a Mutable Plaits, and you will need to consider what utilities might help you achieve the sounds you are looking for. Why would you need a modular over software or other hardware synths? What is the benefit of pursuing your music this way?
I would recommend checking out VCV Rack to make sure you have a good handle on what is necessary to make a modular synth work.
Have fun and good luck!

Thank you for your comments.

I don't have very specific goals in mind. I listen to experimental techno and house but I'm not particularly concerned with making polished, stand-alone tracks, at least for the moment.

I want to put together a system that allows me lots of opportunities for exploring sounds, patterns and rhythms.

I was wondering about output. I have a Allen and Heath ZEDi 10 mixer. I can't just route a signal from any general output then?

Hey @troux!

Thanks for this question! My current technical understanding is based on the capabilities of the Buchla 227e (CV quantized movement, swirl, etc.). At the very least I would like to be able to emulate that kind of movement.

Ideally, I would like to allow CV parameters to maintain movement of generative ambient across the room,
while I am sequencing harmonies or processing field recordings in opposite parts of the room (will need to invert signal...still searching for the right module/s). Stylistically, think Ciani // Pamela Z // Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe.

Trying to get as much spatial dynamics to explore ambient as possible AND trying to figure out advanced effect processing for field recordings and live vocals (not really reflected in this rack yet, but thought I'd mention).

Thanks for your thoughts!

I'm a complete modular newbie and so your comments and/or suggestions are very welcome!

My current system consists of a Moog DFAM, Subharmonicon, Roland TR8-S, Eventide H9 Max and Allen and Heath ZEDi 10.

I have some initial thoughts @jamesallisters but first off I'm curious what you actually want to do within quadraphonic space. Is it an open playground for you (i.e. you're not sure yet or you want to try everything you can imagine) or is it something that you want to accomplish particular goals within (e.g. making Ryoji Ikeda jealous of your cool rotating notch effects)? You say "It is meant to allow for organic and real-time weaving of controlled/generative ambient and the textures of speech and/or field recordings." but that's not necessarily something that requires quadraphony, so if you plan to make it a focus it'd help to understand the goals a bit more.

First row (Substractive synth voice) - VCO, VCA, VCF, Function generator, Sequencer, wavefolder

Second row (Ambiant machine fx) - Clouds, etc

Hi Everyone!

Jeebus, that's a mouthful.

First, thank you all for teaching me so much. I have been reading many of your threads while struggling with VCV and my dying laptop to learn the fundamentals necessary to get into modular.

With COVID, I have to suspend my work in spatialized sound and have chosen to use the time to create a more refined instrument capable of quadrophonic spatialization, so that I may continue developing my understanding of composing with space... Up until now I have only been using DAW-based instruments.

I am hoping you all will give me your thoughts on this modular rack:
ModularGrid Rack

It is meant to allow for organic and real-time weaving of controlled/generative ambient and the textures of speech and/or field recordings.

It's my intent to grow into this rack as I hope to eventually perform live, OR record tracks separately to then spatialize for more advanced spatial sound systems... but this is a ways off.

Thanks for reading this harrowingly genuine post! lol. Please, feel free to share any thoughts/concerns you may have. Really hoping to make something special to play with for many years to come.

Doepfer has some basic patchs examples. If you look at the minimal patch, you will replace the A-190-3 by one track of your SQ-1, the A-110-2 VCO by your E352, the A-130 VCA by one channel of the Tallin or the Quad VCA and the A-140 Env by Contour, Maths or Zadar. If you use Math, plug the gate of the sq-1 in channel 4 trigger and Channel 4 out to the vca CV input. Play with rise and fall to shape the envelope.

im in the middle of building a eurorack system for ambient/Dark Ambient style.

right now i have chosen as a sequencer the korg sq-1 so i can get to start knowing the different modules i have sofar.

the main sound source in the rack right now is the Synthesis Technology E352,i would like to connect the korg sq-1 into that,and then do the modulation stuff with Maths.

but i cant really get the korg to "control" or "play2 The E352.

any tips on how to connect this up?


Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

Clock from Ableton. Softube Modular running MI Clouds. Pre-sequenced Wurlitzer melody as well as arpeggiated keyboard texture pattern.

Welcome! It's daunting at first and I made a lot of mistakes along the way which resulted in overspending.

First, what kind of sound do you want to make? An acid setup would be vastly different from ambient, etc. Do you want percussion or just a bass machine? Finding some youtube artists you like and studying their setups can help with this.

Second, download VCV Rack and start testing modules. All of the Mutable Instruments modules are in there, as well as a bunch from many other manufacturers. If you find a module in VCV rack that doesn't exactly exist in real life, there's usually a close match (and vice versa). Omri Cohen on YT is a great resource for rigging up real physical modules within VCV Rack in order to test them out BEFORE you buy. Look at the manuals, look at the youtube videos from the manufacturer, look at DivKid or MylarMelodies' reviews. There are a million resources out there to help you avoid buying modules you don't need.

Third, if you really think this is something you'll want to pursue, consider a bigger case. 84hp gets eaten up quick. It might be better to get a bigger case now and fill it up slowly over time than buy a small case and need to get a bigger one within a year. Also consider a pre-built rig like the Make Noise Shared System, one of the Erica Synths cases, or the ALM Shuttle Coupe. Yea, they're expensive, but they're great collections (Those Dreadbox Chromatic modules look pretty good, so you already have the right idea. ) There are also the Moog Mother 32 and DFAM semi-modulars that area really powerful without going broke too!

Good luck! Sorry I can't be more helpful, but those are some basic points you have to address yourself before getting module recommendations.

Instruo Harmonaig would tie those three oscillators nicely. An Expert Sleepers Disting (Mk4 or ES) is a great modular multi-tool. A Low Pass Gate like a Make Noise Optomix will give you different timbres than just using filters. A complex oscillator like DPO or CS-L can produce some great ring mod, AM/FM sounds. I personally love harmonic oscillators like the XAOC Odessa or the Verbos (my fave brand right now) modules and free running LFOs like Erica Synths Black Octasource or the DivKid Ochd.

It all really depends what sounds you want to sculpt though. There are infinite directions to go from here. Analog/digital/subtractive/additive/whatever

While outside FX are nice, I find it much easier to keep everything in the case, especially when there are really great modular solutions. A Mutable Instruments clone called Typhoon (Original MI Clouds firmware + the two alternate firmwares, Kammerl & Parasites), Make Noise Morphagene & ErbeVerb, Strymon Magneto (also a pedal tho) all come to mind and would add some nice depth to the case.

Hi folks,

I'm reaching out to ask for ideas to build on my current set up.

The original plan was to build a powerful 3 oscillator monosynth (done) then proceed to get weird. Sequencing and effects are catered for outside of the case.

If it helps to list inspirations, Synth Sense and DAAT have been in rotation for a hot minute. Long story short, I like it when synths sound like synths, and I'm open to all types of synthesis.

There's a whopping 88hp left in the case. What would you do to fill the space?

alt text

Edit: For some reason the third oscillator isn't showing.

Hello! So I decided to finally go modular :D

I was interested on the NiftyBundle, but I really don't like the VCO (Chipz) sound that much. I understand that it is a simple solution for a beginner like me, but I was hoping to maybe assemble something 'from sracth'

I'd like a case with maybe 84HP, I think it's the perfect size for me - https://www.thomann.de/pt/doepfer_a_100lc3v_low_cost_case_ve.htm

I like this case as it's simple, and looks good and durable.

I am going to sequence the modular system using my Digitakt, so I don't need a sequencer module, but I do need a MIDI module (maybe to CV and Gate ).

I also like the Dreadbox Chromatic Modules, they are cheap, look easy to begin with and sound good imo.
Can someone help me? I don't have a huge budget, and I pretend to slowly add stuff to the rack. I would like to purchase first only the essentials to get some sound going :)

Thank you very much,
Have a great day,

this user has left ModularGrid

for sure! take any advice with a grain of salt. modular is a very personal experience

OK, I'll bite...how, exactly, is this supposed to work? No oscillators, no VCAs, no mixers, no attenuverters, and other things besides those are missing, too.
-- Lugia
Maybe the filter has self oscilation ?
But I agree with you, it lacks a lot of important stuff.

I think in that case a ladik out could be enough, it is only 4 hp I thought, so you save some space also.

Right on, thank you!

Inscrumental music for prickly pears.

awesome Mate,Thanks


Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

Thank you bhenry1790 for the thoughtful response!

I didn’t realise that the Disting doesn’t fit-that would’ve been disappointing. I’d better make sure I double check those details in the future.

It is tempting to go for a bigger rack for sure, apart from the fact that it will likely go unfilled for years :(. I was partly inspired by Andrew’s video, but looking back at my rack I can see how it just couldn’t be self-sufficient. Thanks for taking the time putting a rack together-yours is far superior in functionality without losing the core elements.

Thanks so much for this. Learning about the pros and cons of these modules and their applications is super fun.

Is lack of send/return the main reason you wouldn't recommend the Ladik modules for this use case?

I have thought about this a bit. My initial plan is to send the output to an external (non modular) mixer, which has sends and effects available to all my gear - for example I've got a Boss sampler that I can use as an effects box for now.

So for now there doesn't seem to be a good enough reason to include delay/reverb in the case. In the future I'd love to have a set of bespoke modular effects - and the option to use the modular as stand alone, or hooked up to the sends on my main mixer.

But aside from the range of modules available, I'm not seeing too many unique benefits from using modular for delay/reverb right now. I guess being able to rhythmically duck a reverb or delay reverb could be cool?

this user has left ModularGrid

Double check that the Disting fits. IIRC it doesn't.

This configuration will be okay to augment your other equipment, but you could do better if building a standalone instrument.

Conventional wisdom is to start with a bigger case. For about the same cost of the Palette you can get the Tip Top Mantis.

If you're in love with the Palette format, then study Andrew Huang's system,. He put together a really good balance of sound generation / modulation and effects.


Took a crack at a similar rack including Chords & Mimeophone. Added a Quad VCA, multi-mode filter, another digital voice and swapped Maths for Zadar.

OK, I'll bite...how, exactly, is this supposed to work? No oscillators, no VCAs, no mixers, no attenuverters, and other things besides those are missing, too.

I dont have noise issues with the milky way but the selected airbank led is confusing since when it is flashing blue it's the darkwaves bank (red) that is active and vice-versa.

I’m looking to fill my first rack-I’d like to keep it small for now, so I’ve been eyeing an Intellijel Pallet Case.

Here’s what I have at the moment:
Here’s what I have at the moment

It’s centred around Chords for polyphony (and chords) and the Mimeophon for texture and effects.
I currently have a Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms SV-1 and a Deluge to help expand things, but it would be nice for the case to be self-sufficient.

The Disting is there to fill any gaps, but is there something standalone that I’m missing? Any help or suggestions would be super appreciated! Thank you!

I think there are nice options in there, but it is not cheap, most modules are a bit expensive in my eyes.

You have not explained what you want to do, but for most purposes you need a output module mostly with a mixer.
To stay in the Make Noise modules, the Rosie is not a bad choice for most purposes as output module.
Only if you want full stereo paths (not all the modules you put in here are stereo), then the Rosie is not the best choice, unles you use the X-PAN (also make noise) as mixer and link the outputs to the Rosie's return inputs.
The X-PAN also pairs well with the Dynamix (not produced anymore) or Optomix, and some other modules for decentral mixing.

I use the Rosie (mono path / stereo output) with the Pico DSP (an Erica Synths module, not a make noise module).
For both channels of the Rosie I have a mixer (cheap, slim and modern Doepfer) and a VCA.

I hope this works :
ModularGrid Rack

What exactly are you trying to accomplish music-wise. All of the racks you've put together and posted are very different. Also, the QMMG pictured here is long discontinued, so you will pay a considerable price for one.
How much research have you put into the functions of each of the modules in your multiple racks?

I really like the Ladik in- or outputs like the Ladik A541 (I have 3 dual inputs (A545) and 1 dual output (A540)).
But I prefer not to use them as end module.
I use it to interface other gear (2 semi modular synts both stereo outputs, and 1 effect box dual in/dual out), but not as final output module (to an external amplifier or mixer).
For that purpose I took the Rosie in combination with a Pico DSP, the Rosie has 2 inputs (1/8 mono: eurorack level) and 1 output (1/4 stereo line level) and a headphone (1/4 stereo) output.

But it has also a send (mono) and return (dual mono) which pairs well with the Pico DSP.
The only thing I encountered is that both channels take the same amount of processing (by the DSP) so I don't have the possibility to mix processed signal with another unprocessed signal.
Then I need to put the effect between the mixer/VCA and the Rosie.

A nice option for movement in LFO's is the Batumi.

I have a small question.
I have the rack as I showed here:
2 rows, in each row a Dynamix, Mixer and VCA.
The out of the Dynamix goes into the mixer, other sources also go to the mixer, the mixer goes through the VCA and the out of the VCA goes to the Rosie, and the Pico DSP is used with the send/return from the Rosie.

My problem is that both channels are now processed by the Pico DSP.
The output of the rosie is line level 1/4 inch stereo output.

What I would like to have is a small mixer with 1/4 stereo line level input, and also double eurorack 1/8 mono imput.
And mix that together to a stereo (1/4) output with a crossfader knob/slider.
anyone know a single module with that possibility?
I know I can use a double IN and double OUT with a stereo mixer.
But that is a lot, I prefer to keep it in about 4 a 5 hp.

Btw, it are 2 independent rows, when I need to travel, I can take only the row with the rosie, and do not need the extra unprocessed line, but at home with more gear, it would be a good option to mix a line level with eurorack in the rack after the rosie.

Any suggestions ?

I believe most of the 1U stuff you've picked is in the 1U Intellijel format. So as long as your case is Intellijel, you're good.

However the RE Guillotine is not in the Intellijel format. It's not going to fit in an Intellijel rack.
-- Ronin1973

Happy to correct you! https://www.ritualelectronics.com/products/1u-blank-panel-4hp

The whole line is Intellijel format.


I'm a complete modular newbie and so your comments and/or suggestions are very welcome!

My current system consists of a Moog DFAM, Subharmonicon, Roland TR8-S and Eventide H9 Max.

I'm a complete modular newbie and so your comments and/or suggestions are very welcome!

My current system consists of a Moog DFAM, Subharmonicon, Roland TR8-S and Eventide H9 Max.

I'm a complete modular newbie and so your comments and/or suggestions are very welcome!

My current system consists of a Moog DFAM, Subharmonicon, Roland TR8-S and Eventide H9 Max.

I'm a complete modular newbie and so your comments and/or suggestions are very welcome!

My current system consists of a Moog DFAM, Subharmonicon, Roland TR8-S and Eventide H9 Max.

I'm a complete modular newbie and so your comments and/or suggestions are very welcome!

My current system consists of a Moog DFAM, Subharmonicon, Roland TR8-S and Eventide H9 Max.

I believe most of the 1U stuff you've picked is in the 1U Intellijel format. So as long as your case is Intellijel, you're good.

However the RE Guillotine is not in the Intellijel format. It's not going to fit in an Intellijel rack.
-- Ronin1973

Can I ask where you got your info about the Guillotine ? I'm interested in the module as well, precisely because I think it is an Intellijel format one. The demo version shown in the video is fitted in an Intellijel case, as are all their other 1U stuff on demo, and the only 1U module they have for sale on their website now, a 4hp blank, is advertised as Intellijel format too.
Everything else is made by Intellijel so by definition compatible, except the u3A which is made by Transient Modules, I own one and confirm it's in Intellijel format as well.

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Also to note:
Until recently (in terms of world history), there has never been an affordable way to internationally market and advertise a musical instrument or studio electronics. In the 80's and 90's, you'd have to take out an advert in a magazine, or supply enough mom & pop stores with at least one of your production units so they could demo it.

Website, youtube demos, maybe some internet marketing. But that's relatively cheap compared to the hard costs of designing brochures etc.

On the physical side, surface mount electronics (the types we see in our smart phones, computers, etc.), have lowered the cost of production, taking away a lot of the hand soldering necessary for vintage keyboards. The cost of development has come down as well, with design tools now available on everyone's desktop and rapid prototyping with affordable one-off circuit board manufacturing being very affordable.

With all of that, synthesizer sales are higher TODAY than they ever were in the 70's, 80's, 90's, etc. Smaller and smaller companies can now slice off a livable profit from their endeavors.

Thanks again. For various reasons, I'm simply not able to have a 'proper' monitor set-up (space, cost, and most importantly time - I cannot mix 'out loud'). So, I simply have to work around the limitations the best I can.

-- baltergeist

As far as plug-ins, FabFilter makes some of the best plug-ins in VST format. So if you can afford to get the bigger bundles, you should be good as far as EQ, saturation, compression, limiting, reverb, etc. I'm assuming that you also have a decent audio interface?

If you have to mix on headphones... then reference other professional work that is similar to your own for balance. Also playing things back in the car will also help if you spend a lot of time listening there. You'll spend a lot of time going back and fixing your mixes at first until you develop an ear for what a good mix sounds like in your headphones.

Mixing in headphones is far from ideal. But it can be done if you have to. Just keep making music and doing what you do.

I believe most of the 1U stuff you've picked is in the 1U Intellijel format. So as long as your case is Intellijel, you're good.

However the RE Guillotine is not in the Intellijel format. It's not going to fit in an Intellijel rack.

As far as being "new" or "noob", I'd go for multi-function modules that can give you lots of possibilities. Think Pam's New Workout, Temps Utile (like PNW), Ornaments & Crime, Expert Sleepers Disting (the dual one), etc.

Multi-function modules allow you to explore a bit, especially the Disting series. You can get hands-on with different utilities and see which settings you are using the most. If you're using that program the most, then consider buying a dedicated module with more features and that is easier to use.

That's not the only strategy you can use. But it's a good one as far as finding out what works for you.

Hey Garfield,

:), thanks again for your kind support! I just finished my modular setup after returning from vacation, so there is more to come. Gonna try some ambient without any beats next...

Best, stay healthy,

Nice list. I'm curious what is your favorite @defragmenteur if you had to pick just one?
-- troux

I would pick the disting MK4 which include all these functions... :-)

Seriously it's hard to pick just one since they all do different things.
Utilities modules I use the most are :

Attenuveter/Offset module (O/A/x2)
Quantizer (Scale)
Noises (Quantum Rainbow 2)
Sample and hold (Kinks)
Logic (Min/Max) (Kinks)
Summing Mixer (333)

Nice list. I'm curious what is your favorite @defragmenteur if you had to pick just one?

Rad @nkozi, thank you for the tip!

@troux they're in stock! I just one.


Hi Jingo,

If you every time after your holidays come up with music like this, then we should keep sending you on short holidays and as a reward get a superb track like this! Spot on, again :-)

I enjoyed this very much, you made my Saturday night perfect, thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

8hp brank = VC SLOPE

Hi Mowse,

This is nice subtle. I like it!

Keep the good stuff coming ;-) Have a nice Sunday and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads