Hi Sumo,
You got quite some "bling" in your rack ;-) Or fancy modules, which is of course on one hand very nice, tough for a small rack like this perhaps a bit too fast to start with, reconsider the (larger) modules like: Rene, Falistri, Arbhar and Mimeophon. Also consider either a larger rack or plan less and keep some space free.
Since you have already planned a quad VCA, perhaps you can ditch the µVCA first and consider it for a later stage.
Beside (or instead of) the Stages you might want to consider additional EGs and LFOs as well. One more filter wouldn't harm either. If I am not mistaken, I only see one oscillator (Plaits)? Consider at least one more oscillator, an analogue one perhaps (VCO)? The combination of Plaits (DCO) and a VCO might be nice.
Consider to start with a few modules only, keeping some space free, build up experience and then add a few more modules, you will see that your opinion on the original planned casing might change here and there a bit. In general I would focus a bit more on classical components (like VCOs, filters, EGs, LFOs, VCAs, etcetera and a bit less those "real nice" (i.e. fancy) modules, that's more once you build up some experience with your rack.
Well, good luck with the planning, keep reading & checking on everything to obtain more information and kind regards, Garfield Modular.