is this IS already possible/ if so, my apologies.
if not, i think it would be useful. don't you?

Hi guys!
I'm an electronic music composer from Italy and new to Eurorack.
I composed electronic music with Csound, Max msp and DAW like Logic but now I want to make my first rack.
I'd like a generic modular for rhythmic patterns and evolving pads, compatible with midi/usb and able to auto generation sounds.
I've already studied my rack and I'd like to receive some feedback!

I hope I haven't forgotten anything too important.
Thank you!


Hi, love the software.
Feature requests:
- Download/ save option of Datasheet
- Datasheet option for all modules i own
- Option to select multiple modules to add to specific rack

Hi Lugia

I've heard about the hotter signal levels of Eurorack.

So what do I have to look for when considering a external mixer. What Input Levels should it be able to handle? Would the Yamaha MG Series or Behringer QX Series be able to handle Eurorack Signal Input?

If I had enough Space in my Rack I would probably do the mixing in my Rack. But I already have limited HP left.

So after a lot of thought, I finally ordered the ER 101/102 combo. I decided to go with the ER-101 because it can add more complexity and beautify to my sequences then just about any other eurorack sequencer that I know of. Should come in in another 3 weeks or so. I’m super excited but also super nervous about the learning curve.

I was hoping to get some in-site from other ER 101/102 owners on how you work with it? How is the work flow? Any tips or tricks you might have. I’ve already gone ahead and read the Manuel and I know my music theory knowledge with help a lot. But yeah any insite you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :)

Mixing with an external mixer will only work well if you have a mixer that can handle the signal levels that are used within a modular synth...typically for Eurorack, that would be zero to +/- 8-10 volts. In contrast, mixers usually want to see either .775 volts (the "consumer" standard) or 1.2 volts (the "pro" standard). See here: Neither of the "normal" level standards are anywhere near the much higher levels in modular synthesizer audio paths.

Since the idea here is to send the signal to the computer via USB anyway, you might find that something along the lines of the Expert Sleepers ES-8 would be better suited to this. Not only does this offer four CV/gate/audio inputs and A/D conversion, you also get eight outputs which can be CVs, gate/triggers, or audio, depending on your needs at the time. With this, and perhaps a stereo performance Eurorack mixer that offers CV control over levels, panning, AUX send/returns, etc, you would not only eliminate the need for an external mixer, you would be able to directly link your computer bidirectionally via USB for control AND audio. And also, eliminate the worry over level/impedance mismatching between an external mixer and the modular.

Made an Alternative Rack with the E350 Morphing Terrarium and the Studio Electronics Quadnic

ModularGrid Rack

Thank you for your answer. You are probably right, it does not looks like good idea.

No such thing as a 2 hp wide power supply module exists at this time. There are some that were out a while back, but you'll notice that the manufacturers discontinued them due to revisions that made these modules larger. There's also a concept module from, but it's not in production...nor does it have an on/off switch, which is unadvisable.

Another issue with the Moog cases are module depths. These don't have an even depth to them across the entire backplane, so there could be issues with modules not fitting. And with many of the 2hp modules coming in at 42mm depth, that's cutting it close.

Just leave the M32 in its own case, where it has its own power supply (which many Eurorack modules cannot use, btw, as it only provides +12V) and where its housing is already bought and paid for. Not wanting to beat a dead horse here, but housing something that already HAS a housing in a Eurorack case isn't cost-effective nor a good use of space.

Lastly...using teensy-weensy modules all jammed together with very little clearance between them and really tiny controls is pretty difficult unless you have fingers the size of toothpicks. Not fun. You may want to reconsider this "jam cab full of 2hp modules" idea...

I want to use empty Moog Mother-32 case for small set of modules. Probably 2 HP will be for power, so 58 HP left for modules. What is you suggestion for some interesting set? Not specific purpose at this time, I am just looking for inspiration. I plan to use mostly 2hp modules, but not necessary.

Thank you.

Do you anybody used empty Moog Mother-32 case (60 HP) for your own modular set?
Can you show the set of modules for inspiration? It is quite limited space.


Hi Ronin. Thanks for your help.

I did some changes on my rack on Modulargrid over the last two days.
I ditched the Qu-Bit Countour for the Xaoc Zadar. It looks fun and I think it suit very well for Ambient Music Exploration. I added the Intellijel Triplatt, the 2HP Arp and the Pittsburgh Modular Micro Sequence. I got rid of Kinks (don't know, I think I don't really need it). I also ditched the Erica Black Hole DSP2. Instead I added the Xaoc Timisoara (I know it's not available now). And finally I added a Filter. The Intellijel Morgasmatron.

I intend to mix outside of the Rack with a Hardware Mixer (probably Behringer) with USB to connect it to my Laptop to Record my Sessions. No Sequencing or FX Plugins, just recording what comes out of the Eurorack. So i also removed the Outs Module.

So what do you think? Am I on the right way or oo I miss something crucial? Or should i get rid of something?

[url=ModularGrid Rack Rack on Modulargrid[/url]

After carefully evaluated comments to my earlier posts (Thank you all!) I have more or less decided how my first rack will look.
It is based on an Arturia Minibrute 2S and my goal is just to make that synth even better and more suited for experimentation and having fun!
If I can make some ambient music and simple generative patches with my build remains to be seen. But I hope so.
Before I clear my bank account I would really appreciate som final comments!
ModularGrid Rack

So, this has a lot of the key parts of the black and gold setup, but with a M32 instead of the DPO, and DFAM instead of optomix..
What it is really missing, however, is a good mixing VCA. I suggest getting a quadVCA. I see you already have a mixer, but you probably also want a CV-controllable VCA to pair with that Maths. Look at Intellijel QuadVCA, or MI Veils.
Also, you could use a reverb effect, there are so many to choose from...

The BIA pairs really well with DFAM, surprisingly good pair. The DFAM has a lot of envelope outs, and BIA really likes modulation. BIA was actually my first eurorack module. But for your setup I would personally get a VCA first before investing in any additional voice modules.

Well.. whatever you end up doing, don't put the Moog and Boog into your rack eating up expensive space, keep them in their own boxes.

First thing... don't spend any money. There's no way to casually put together a rig and get something useful unless you get extremely lucky.

Second, go to and download the FREE modular synthesizer software. There are virtual modules that you can pay for. But the vast majority of them are free.

Do you know what a VCO is?
Do you know what a VCA is?
Do you know what a VCF is?
Do you know what an EG is?
Do you know what a SEQUENCER is?

Can you make a simple monophonic synth out of that in VCV rack? Next make the same patch with an LFO modulating the cut-off frequency filter?

Keep experimenting with VCV rack. Watch beginners' tutorials on Youtube regarding Eurorack modular. Get proficient with VCV Rack. You can make ambient patches with VCV Rack as well. Almost all of the modules have equivalents in the real world. So you're not wasting time.

At this point you've still spent ZERO money.

Once you're comfortable, then start considering purchasing a Eurorack system.

Don't be over eager. Learn first.

Problem is, what you're saying you want to do on this modular you want is way too open-ended a description to work with. There's LOADS of possible modules that fit the criteria for well as loads of other non-modular synths.

Trying to build straight-off is probably not the best place to start from zero, really. My suggestion would be to go and research what makes certain synths suitable for that sort of music. Once you've determined that, then you'll have a much better idea as to where you want to go. Also, look at other existing builds on here by experienced modular users, and see how they approach similar musical issues in their rigs. As you've probably noticed, this is a very complex topic, and one which doesn't have off-the-shelf answers. If you do your research and proceed carefully, you'll eventually wind up with a build that works, but it's worth noting that this could take months of exploration and rerererereREdoing builds on MG to arrive at something functional. But avoiding that level of diligence will almost certainly result in building an unworkable and expensive piece of crap that we'll eventually see on Reverb.

Hey everybody

I’m new to modular and find all of this very confusing. I ideally want to build a rack to make downtempo techno ambient music but don’t know where to start. I currently have a Moog mother 32 and I guess what I’m asking is what would be the modules to start with to begin the journey towards that type of music?

I don't think the Zadar is very deep as far as menu diving. I trust DivKid reviews. The Zadar is on my list of "want." Check here.

If the Morgasmatron is too big then try a Joranalogue Filter 8. It's much smaller but you only get one filter (but with 8 different flavors of simultaneously available filters).

Your results may vary when attenuating the outputs of Eurorack into your line level input. You can use a VCA, but you might have some concerns about noise. Best always to check.

There are pros and cons with all sequencer setups. Externals are nice if you want to save HP space and you have a lot of hardware synths that you want to address by DIN MIDI. I have no experience with the varigate. My sequencing options are Expert Sleeper FH2 (to connect to DAW), 1010 Music Toolbox, Befaco Muxlicer, and a Pittsburgh Modular micro sequencer (not a fan of because of complicated button pressing to access features).

Your MI Links offers one 1:3 buffered mult in its package. Most buffered mults I have seen offer two 1:3 mults usually with a normal between the inputs so you can stack 1:6 if you'd like. Going with Links verses a simple 2HP 2x 1:3 buffered mult depends on your needs. No right or wrong... just what works for you.

Attenuverters are pretty simple and most will do the job. I like my Intellijel Quadratts for this kind of utility. But they only work in Intellijel 1U racks. I also have a Befaco Dual Attenuverter. It also comes with offset knobs that give you a lot more control of your signal. I tend to use the Befaco when I really want to explore modulation possibilities... especially if I'm going into an input that doesn't have any pots controlling the modulation input.

Stereo. Worth it? Yes... if you have modules that output in stereo. Mono isn't bad... it's just mono. Having a left and right image gives you a lot more depth. It's very worthy of consideration and should be planned for accordingly.

so would you suggest buying the case and maybe 1 or 2 modules and then just seeing what I need?

yeah I was also thinking about drum modules but I always feel like that I could invest the money better. so maybe I'll get the basimilus since it can do way more than just drums, but can also do really competent drums!

anyway thank you both for your suggestions! I love this community! :)

One or two modules probably won't get you very far.
The Basimilus is great if you're wanting 808 style kicks. I own it. I just bought a 1010 Music Bitbox. I think it's a great compromise for getting more percussion into your track by using samples OR sampling your own modular gear for percussion and then freeing up that gear for other purposes. It also has two alternate firmwares for wave table synthesis and a multi-fx processor.

I'm an Intellijel case user. The quality is good. I like the Intellijel 1U, especially since more modules are planned and third parties are now starting to see the value. I have 2 7U 104s and 1 4U 104.

thanks that is an idea..

Thanks for the reply! I wish I’d have found this site before I splurged on everything. To be honest, I’d meant to start by making a minimal investment, building the system over time. They’re just so damn beautiful. I got in way deeper than I’d planned. “Just... one... more... purchase.” “I can stop whenever I want!” Anyhoo. I failed to consider the cost of real estate on the case. It seems so obvious now. There is so much to learn. I do appreciate the help though. Thanks again for taking the time! I’m rereading everyone’s posts this morning.

  • superchrissie!

Start my modular synth journey with Doepfer A-100 Basic System about 6 months ago. I have made a series of videos which will be uploaded every Sunday. Detailed patch sheets are available for download. Please take it look and feel free to comment!

"Doepfer & Guitar" Sketches 1 - Doepfer A-100 - A Patch A Week #30

"BACH x DOEPFER" (playlist): J.S. Bach's all 15 two-part inventions performed with Doepfer basic system.

I have looked a bit deeper into the issue:
Different Adblockers mostly still use the same filter lists.
One list called EasyPrivacy​​​​​ blocks the Sentry script. That is a third party script which ModularGrid uses to log errors.
The main MG script stopped execution if the Sentry script was missing, that lead to the error of broken search and missing modules in racks.
The initialization of the Sentry script is now in a try/catch block, so I hope everything should be working fine, regardless of your chosen browser or adblocker.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: nice


"Broke" and "Eurorack"...two terms that seem to go together an awful lot these days. I always thought Dieter's idea was to make modular synthesis more affordable and accessible...

I'll echo Ronin's point about the patchable synths in there. Removing a patchable from its case...that you've presumably already bought and paid for...isn't very economical. Not only have you paid for the case(s) these should be in, you're paying MORE to house them in a Eurorack cab, and this can often be quite a bit more. Assuming that these are Arturia Rackbrutes, each hp of space in them costs $2.04. So if we took the two patchables in here already and then worked out the cost for their space (130 hp), we arrive at a cost for space of $265.20 to house both, which already have housings and power, in the Rackbrutes. Not a good idea. Eurorack cabs really should be for actual Eurorack modules that don't have the convenience of OEM housings and power supplies.

I'm also not 100% sold on the Rackbrute these days, either. They're a GREAT match to a Minibrute 2 or 2s, true. But in practice, you actually lose 5 hp to each one's power supply, plus you're going to have to deal with depth limitations over the busboard. And they're not that big, so there's a tighter amount of room for expansion. Instead, you might look at something beefier like Erica's "Monster Case", which is 2 x 126 hp, with 2.5A of power on each 12V rail, and a max depth of 140mm. Yes, it's more expensive at $599, but the cost per hp is actually only about 30 cents more, and you get a much bigger cab, better P/S, and the ability to go to 4 x 126 by adding the appropriate end-bolsters and a second cab. That's a far more serious case, and also a more long-termable case as well.

Also, using a different browser just for MG might be a fix. I'm using...ugh...MS Edge on here now, and it's working like a champ, probably because Edge is just too feature-poor to be worried about JavaScript calls.

Does the quantizer use a gate to sample the pitch? If so, it might be simpler to delay the gate - gate delays are quite common.

Bought a Doepfer A-160-5 from @Schroeder - module in perfect condition, very fast shipping, highly recommended seller.

Set yarns TE to External
Set yarns B - - to infinity
Set Eloquencer Tempo to EXT
Make sure Eloquencer play/stop is set to red
In Pro Tools go to Setup and then Midi enable connecting yarns to M audio

The best advice I’ve heard when it comes to this kind of question of what to get went something like this.... Once you get started patching and making sounds, you’ll pretty quickly discover what you need to add when you think to yourself “I wish I could do this with it” and can’t with your what you already have.

I would suggest you consider adding a few smaller drum voice modules to the rack (in addition to the DFAM) and, maybe a dedicated multi-channel gate sequencer. Something like the SWT16 or Algorhythm (the two I use). That’s the one thing I wish I had done when I started was focused a little more on drum stuff than synth voices. You’ll probably want more varied drum/percussion sounds pretty quickly.

Check out my two racks on here you’ll see what I mean. One is what I currently have and the other (the wish list rack) is what I’d like to add.
-- Low_Tech

so would you suggest buying the case and maybe 1 or 2 modules and then just seeing what I need?

yeah I was also thinking about drum modules but I always feel like that I could invest the money better. so maybe I'll get the basimilus since it can do way more than just drums, but can also do really competent drums!

anyway thank you both for your suggestions! I love this community! :)

If you're planning on integrating the Mother 32, maybe you don't need another VCO, but something simple like an Intelligel Dixie II + gives you a versatile VCO/LFO, or the Make Noise DPO/STO modules. reverb/delay is great to have, whether on the rack or an effects pedal. the 2hp modules for reverb and delay aren't bad for the money/size.
-- ken32489

Yeah I was also thinking the DPO! The problem is just the price since im pretty tight on the 3k. So I will probably have to decide between the Morphagene and an oscillator. For effects I will probably wait a bit since I am working pretty tightly integrated with my daw and I think basic delays and reverbs can are almost equally good out of the box!

Hello Ronin. Thanks four your reply.

I also thought about replacing the Contour. The Zadar look very nice, but look like a lot of menu diving and quite complicated for a beginner. Maybe a Intellijel Dual ADSR could do the work?

The Morgasmatron sound very nice, but it takes a lot of HP. Damn....I think I already run out of HP :-)

I don't want to process ext. Audio into the Morphagene, so i don't need the Input. If I would use an external mixer (like the Yamaha MG Series) could i go directly from the VCA to the external mixer?

About controlling my rack. I was looking into the Varigate4+, or maybe a Korg SQ1 as an external solution, or a Beatstep or Keystep? But I would prefer doing it all in the rack. Isn't that the fun of Eurorack? :-)

What do you think about the Varigate? ....or a Pam's new Workout? In my first build of my rack I had the Pam's in it. But over Muffwiggler someone told me that the Pam's does not suit for an Ambient/Drone Rack.

Concerning my question in the upper post about going stereo. Do you think it's worth it?

Do I really need the MI Links if I have the Intellijel Buff Mult?

What would you recommend as attenuverter?

Is there something else I'm missing in my rack which I absolutely need?

Thank you so much for your help!! Greetings from sunny Switzerland :-)

Many users have reported that they can not longer see modules in their racks.
Also the module search function is not working like it should.

The reason is a new version of the Adblocker extension which blocks this Javascript file:


If you can whitelist the script everything should be working normal again.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

The best advice I’ve heard when it comes to this kind of question of what to get went something like this.... Once you get started patching and making sounds, you’ll pretty quickly discover what you need to add when you think to yourself “I wish I could do this with it” and can’t with your what you already have.

I would suggest you consider adding a few smaller drum voice modules to the rack (in addition to the DFAM) and, maybe a dedicated multi-channel gate sequencer. Something like the SWT16 or Algorhythm (the two I use). That’s the one thing I wish I had done when I started was focused a little more on drum stuff than synth voices. You’ll probably want more varied drum/percussion sounds pretty quickly.

Check out my two racks on here you’ll see what I mean. One is what I currently have and the other (the wish list rack) is what I’d like to add.

If you're planning on integrating the Mother 32, maybe you don't need another VCO, but something simple like an Intelligel Dixie II + gives you a versatile VCO/LFO, or the Make Noise DPO/STO modules. reverb/delay is great to have, whether on the rack or an effects pedal. the 2hp modules for reverb and delay aren't bad for the money/size.

Hey guys,

I've now been on here for a while but this is my first post!
I'm now planning my first rack and I was wondering if you guys could give me some feedback! (Just ignore the duplicates in the list)

My goals with this rack are pretty broad. Since I'm mainly producing Techno I wanted the hole thing to be really rhythmic and also percussive (DFAM). But since I am always most inspired by the gear I use I'm hoping that this will do the trick.

So did I miss anything obvious? Would you guys recommend getting an Oscillator or Voice (I was thinking about the Basimilus from noise engineering) instead of the Morphagene? Just so you guys know I am already owning the Moog DFAM and I also have a Moog Mother 32 and my budget is around 3000$. For a case I was thinking Tiptop Audio Mantis.
I am really excited to hear your suggestions and I am also really open for any drastic changes in the rack if you think I am going the in wrong direction.

Much love,

Hi Quantum,

Marbles and Morphagene are two completely different modules. I don't really see much overlap there.

Instead of the Contour, have you considered a Zadar? The contour seems like a two stage envelope generator with just attack and decay with some looping.

The Batumi needs a Poti. Look it up and you'll probably want it if you get the Batumi.

As for filters... I like the Morgasmatron due to its versatility. I have one. As far as a general filter module... this...

If you're wanting to sample external signals into the Morphagene then I'd upgrade the Intellijel Outs to the unit with inputs as well.

Deeper question: how do you intend to control your rack? This is where a sequencer or MIDI to CV comes in.

The Maths has two channels dedicated to attenuverting (channels 2 and 3). If you need to control the levels of some CV, then you can do it with this... though a dedicated attenuverter set would be more practical.

Awesomeness! Thank you! I'll start checking out sample and hold modules and Euclidean rhythms. Also, I've checked out your rack. All I see is a bunch of stuff I want for some reason... but don't know why. I'm guessing that's not uncommon. Thus begins my journey into the world of modular synthesis -- and total broke-ness. Thanks again.

I went through and read what you like to hear from your electronic elements.

Research "sample & hold" modules. Bleeps and bloops often sound pretty good with random/semi-random pitches.

Quantizer. If you want generative pitches, forcing them into a scale is a bit more musical. That's what a quantizer does.

Research Euclidean rhythms. There are a few modules with this capability (I love the Temps Utile for this). Combining them, using a logic module, triggering one one set of Eucs with the output of another pattern... you can go on and on. It makes coming up with interesting patterns pretty easy without a lot of composition.

Effects. Reverb, delay, ring modulation... etc. The standard lot. External (non-Eurorack) effects are cost effective. But Eurorack modules with CV inputs offer more creative possibilities.

You have two semi-modular synths in your rack. All of your basics are covered.

As your Eurorack collection grows, you'll probably evict both of them from the rack to make space for more modules.

Bonus points for leaving open rack space for expansion. Feel free to look up my rack "The Machine That Goes Ping" for any of the stuff I use.

Ramirez: now I can see your case... awesome.

Macromicro has some sage advice that I can't disagree with. The Disting and most of ES's modules are a bit frustrating to work with live. The module is pretty powerful. But you'll have to commit your favorite functionality to memory if you're going to readily work with it. But for the price and HP... it offers a lot of value. I still hate the interface, though.

If you're willing to get into Intellijel cases, they offer a 104HP 4U case... one row of regular module space and one of Intellijel 1U. Intellijel makes a four channel module called a Quadratt. It's probably one of the best small mixers/attenuverters to have in your rack. If you're mixing a bunch of LFOs together, you'll want to attenuate and possibly invert the phase of some of your LFOs. The Quadratt will do you for that. Or you can use each channel individually.

Your other option is to use the built in mixing capabilities of your Maths module. Channel 1 and 4 have the slew rate limiters that you'll have to dial all the way down so they don't affect the inputs. Channels 2 and 3 are straight attenuverters. All four outputs will show up at the "sum" output. Just note that if you don't have anything plugged into a channel, it will add voltage to the sum based on where the gain knob is.

Filters. VCAs. Envelopes. Line level inputs and outputs... especially if you're sampling externally.

The Batumi has an expander called the Poti. It gives you front panel access to features only natively available via jumpers on the back. It's worth the few dollars and rack space.

Speaking of rackspace. Yours is entirely full. As a first rack you probably want about 50% of your case empty. As your knowledge grows, you'll want to add more modules.

The 1010 Music Bitbox makes for a great sampler as you can record loops of your sounds. It syncs to clock which is extremely helpful.

I would think of all the non-sexy modules like attenuverters, VCAs, , envelope generators, sample & hold, logic, etc. They are what makes modular special. Get an understanding of what they do and you'll be in good shape.

Oh wow! I see @mt3 updated the panel. I hope this means this module is closer to production. Anyone have any info on it?

You are awesome! Thank you!

"Ambitious it is looking", Yoda would say.
Two rackbrutes to fill, lose some MI modules, get some modules that will combine what there already is; e.q. logic or sequencer stuff.
Sound design can be achieved relatively easy, but in Euro it is mostly about the instant joy.

Thanks Ronin1973, I don't understand the problem with the link, wait

ModularGrid Rack

I think this is ok, what do you think?


Hey Ramirez! I’ve got two thoughts for you:

• I have Batumi and think it’s great, but one thing I’d like to pair it with is a slim, 4 channel simple attenuator. You could do this with your Doepfer quad vca, but I think that will be a valuable piece in your rack you’ll want to use for other things. Having a 4x channel attenuator for Batumi will be great because I’m sure you’ll want to constrict those lfo ranges more often than not.

• I think the Disting could be a good choice for such a small system as a Swiss Army knife. However, since I have one, I want to warn you that it’s a really frustrating interface (like, REALLY frustrating). I don’t like menu diving, but can deal with it if there screen is easy enough to read and things laid out systematically. Sadly, the Disting does neither of these things. You’ll always need the manual handy as your working with it, or get the iOS app “Modes” (a little cheatsheet for different modules). I’d still recommend it in your situation if you want to have tons of flexibility and want to explore many options in relation to your small setup, but if you’re thinking of a small handful of critical things you want out of it and if you hate me I diving as much as me, I’d really considering getting a couple small utility modules instead.

Keep your Chords unless you really need the money for something else. Chances are you'll expand this rack in the future and the Chords module will be useful again. Don't sell anything unless you're sure you don't like it or won't need it in future.

The link that you just posted isn't valid.

thanks very much, Ronin1973, you have reason, need filters, I need to sell my Chord V1, thanks very much !

maybe you can access ?