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There is an alternate firmware for O_C that further divides O_C into two usable modules. I can't recall the name of it but it's out there. You may want to hit the second O_C with that. You may want to go analog with your envelopes, though. I find cycling through menus to adjust a parameter when all I want to do is tweak the release a tad to be a bit tiresome.
I am interested in purchasing the product: trg 31 (139 pounds plus expenses). From Spain I hope to solve it soon. Thank you.
-- Marianosnd
Hello, to order please send an email to vp (at) vpme (dot) de
honestly I may get another uO_c, and have one dedicated to envelopes fulltime. idk where to get 4 individual envelopes in 8hp. that and maybe pico voice. that way all my synthvoices have built in decay envelopes for rhythmic stuff, but can also use them to drone and use envs for modulation.
Big up to @RTFM for his marvelous builds (I received a neatly done Turing Machine with expenders yesterday). I defenitely recommend if you need anything assembled for you.
Everything great with @gesta I trade my analog four mk2 to gesta tempest and you can trust to him because we send the maschine in the same day and mine arrive and gesta analog four also arrive and i am very happy :)
Would it be possible to add some more case designs to the rack feature? Perhaps Intellijel will grant permission to use their case lay-out? A virtual Intellijel case would be nice... it's just about the only way to get your hands on one these days anyways. :)
Everything great with @gesta. The module he sold me looks just like new, and it was really well packaged. My first experience on the Modular Grid marketplace, and I can't be happier!
Looking decent, yep...maybe next, some linear VCAs, so that you can use your modulation sources to control CV-type levels. If you're not averse to DIY, there's this new dual VCA from Majella Audio that not only has the usual in/out/CV points, but also a second 'velocity' CV point which can also be used for any sort of secondary modulation signal, making it possible to easily add an extra amplitude modulation layer to CVs (or audio) in addition to the usual one. Spare attenuverters of some sort would be a good idea as well, so you can scale CVs as well as invert things such as envelopes, etc. In both cases, these would play nicely with the whole rig, not merely the Euro cab itself.
Thank you again Lugia so this is the point where I am. (Mother 32 and 0coast outside the case). Am I going in the right direction? More tips for future modules? Thank you
I'm trying to do a generative ambient patch similar to r beny or Lightbath, anyone have any tips and or patch notes they could give me to achieve this? Thanks so much!
Circadian Rhythms Tempo @ 136 BPM
From Top to Bottom, Left to Right (in modulargrid)
Note: This is Cables ONLY (see Modular grid for knob parameters)
M32 VCA --> Quad VCA CH. 4 Audio In
M32 MULT1 --> M32 LFO Rate
M32 MULT2 --> M32 VCO Lin FM
DixieII Triangle Out --> Cinnamon Audio In
Mutant Brain CV A Out --> DixieII 1v/Oct
ADSR ENV Out --> Cinnamon CV In
Cinnamon Lowpass Out --> Quad VCA CH. 1 Audio In
Mutant Brain Gate 1 Out --> ADSR Gate In
Circadian Rhythms CH. 1 Out --> Peaks TRIG2 In
Peaks OUT2 --> Maths CH. 4 Rise In
MIDI Solutions MIDI Out 2 --> Mutant Brain MIDI In
ADDAC 201B Buff Mult CH.1 Mult 2 --> Maths Channel 2 In
Maths CH. 3 Out --> Maths CH. 4 BOTH In
Maths CH. 2 Out --> (dummy cable)
Maths SUM Out --> Quad VCA CH. 3 Audio In
Maths CH. 4 Unity Signal Out --> Quad VCA CH. 2 Audio In
Quad VCA 4/Mix Out --> Joranalogue Mix 3 Signal Input A
Joranalogue OUT --> Mixer/Soundcard
Blofeld Left/Stereo Out --> ADDAC 201B Buff Mult CH. 1 In
ADDAC 201B Buff Mult CH. 1 Mult 1 --> Mixer/Soundcard
Outboard Gear
Arturia KeyStep
- MIDI Out --> MIDI Solutions Quadra Thru
- MIDI Solutions Quadra Thru --> Blofeld MIDI In
MIDI Out 1
Sequences are the first 16 bars of Fugue in G Minor with 4 bars per sequence, repeat or advance sequences
to taste.
Blofeld - Modified version of ModWheelOrganSCD Patch (filter stuff like used Comb+, LFO assigned to cutoff)
I use an old tr-626 for live work, sequencing MIDI modules and other drum machines as well as feeding my eurorack the sync signal from the TRIG-out jack, I often leave the 626 in pattern step write mode and that lets me create on the fly. I lose the ability to have patterns all setup with the (useful) accent and flam already but those are easily added in on the fly. Can you do that in the BSP at least? or does that make changing patterns for the synth work impossible and now tied to the single pattern being open for writing in real time? could a module like LaunchCodes be more useful to you?
A drum machine, actually. But barring that, it seems like there should be a solution in drum sequencer modules such as Acidlab's Robokop, Twisted Electrons' Crazy8 Beats, or Erica's Drum Sequencer, all of which are specifically designed to function like drum machine sequencers. While I like and use the BSPs for various things, with one exception (triggering an ancient MXR Drum Computer with a blown sequencer section) I tend to use these as step sequencers, particularly in situations where I want multiple monophonic lines in asynchrony.
-- Lugia
Thanks for your thoughts Lugia. I've had many and most drum machines and old but want a tactile way I can play, in terms of live recording of drum hits and muting and unmuting drum sounds whilst all in the rack. Even with the BSP I feel disconected to from the rack modules. Oh well I'll check out the modules you mention. ✌
A drum machine, actually. But barring that, it seems like there should be a solution in drum sequencer modules such as Acidlab's Robokop, Twisted Electrons' Crazy8 Beats, or Erica's Drum Sequencer, all of which are specifically designed to function like drum machine sequencers. While I like and use the BSPs for various things, with one exception (triggering an ancient MXR Drum Computer with a blown sequencer section) I tend to use these as step sequencers, particularly in situations where I want multiple monophonic lines in asynchrony.
Yeah...I think that for the space vs function issues it deals with, the Erogenous Tones stuff raises the bar on function density in 3U. A combo of the VC8 + RADAR/BLIP provides pretty much everything you'd want in signal control in 54 hp. That sounds like a lot of space, but considering what gets dealt with, it's a great tradeoff. This can deal with both audio and CV simultaneously, can be made to function in a number of more elaborate envelope sequenced methods and, if you take another 10 hp for the Levit8, mixing for 4 channels each of audio and CV, or individual attenuation for any and/or all of that. Add the extra perks like inverters, offset gens, etc...these seem to wind up in all of my builds and build sketches in recent times for very real reasons!
Hey all, I am struggling to find a fluid way to perform live with my modular drums. I am currently using a beatstep pro to sequence some tiptop drum modules but find its muting method bloody annoying.
I have been thinking of splitting my rack into 2 as well, using one as a controller for the other. I was going to use the new Intellijel Octalink for linking the two systems up. Since you don't have any 1U, in 3U scale there is the equivalent Doepfer A-180-9.
In my rack I use 2x Quadratts for mixing, but since you don't have 1U, you might consider getting a couple Shades or Triatt modules. Or do what @Lugia was saying and look at some of the rad 8x stuff that Erogenous Tones makes (like Levit8 or VC8).
Yeah, the MScale is definitely a must for controlling the M32 with the Eurorack and vice-versa. Next, I think beefing up the modulation capabilities is key here. Doepfer's A-143-1 gives a lot of options for that, plus it comes in very cheaply at 169EUR, which takes us to 229EUR.
Then, I think something that allows you to beef up the M32's sound is going to be critical, namely another VCO. Sticking with Doepfer (best value for function if you're in Europe, I think), the A-110-1 at 117EUR is a decent choice. You don't need anything super-fancy, really, just some different waveforms, sync, and CV mods. So, 346EUR, within your budget frame.
And yeah, Doepfer stuff is just fine. It's rather basic, but when you need basic, it more than fills the bill. Dieter did these things right, that they're what kicked all of this modular craziness back into gear some 20+ years ago!
As for the dual ADSR, if you wanted to free up some more space.. You could go for a Doepfer A140-2 8HP 2XADSR. I've personally been eyeing the upcoming Doepfer A-142-2 which is 2x AR envelopes+VCAs with ducking, in only 8HP (bonus, you get more VCAs!).
Well, that'd make 9HP more to play with. Rather than going super-high-density, you could use the HP to replace some of those really tiny 2HP modules with bigger and better of the same.
Thanks Dennis! I have big hands so I thought about that when installing. But I tend to set-n-forget the effects or let CV do the work. So the tight squeeze is okay.
I'm probably going to drop the wave-folder out and replace it with a precision adder, a buffered mult, and a Compare Two all from Joranalogue. I should have the spacing to do that. I'll save the wave-folder for the next case. The Disting can handle precision adding for the meantime until the Joranalogue stuff comes out. This is getting expensive. :)
I have not used the Crazy8 Beats but it's on my purchase list as I can use it now before I have any eurorack modules. It's a standalone sequencer that can be removed from it's desktop case and placed in a euorack case.
A mutable mixing module would be a great way to utilize the the joysticks of this case. Using the Crazy8 Beats for sequenced changes (since it can do something akin to parameter lock w/ CC's) would require using a MIDI-to-CV converter (which is actually sort of a bummer since it already has trigger and sync IO).
Another misadventure into ridiculous-costing-rigs land...
This all started after seeing a case like this:
I was thinking how neat it would be to use this case as a eurorack workstation! Since this is a disc jockey case, it would need some kind of catchy new name: Mod Jockey! Can't tell if that's terribly cliché or kind of clever (all my best ideas ride this fine line).
So the eurorack modules will sit in the very top portion of the workstation (where the LCD monitors are in the image). But that's only 3U so my 1U modules will actually sit directly below in the rack unit closest to the top portion. Using Synthrotek's 1U eurorack bracket. Hopefully this slight angle between the 1U and the 3U modules will not be an issue for ergonomics.
What will the remaining 6U of slanted rack space be used for?
The Mode Machines SEQ12 is a 6U 19" rack-mountable sequencer. The SEQ12 has 3 MIDI outputs and they can be put into "CVFASTMODE" which sends MIDI data at a much faster rate (not sure if this will work with the Bastl 1983 or not, I'm also interested in exploring the Hexinverter Mutant Brain for this purpose). My plan is to use one MIDI output for the 1983, one for the Treadstone and another will go to my external daisy-chained gear.
The 4 rack units at the very bottom will have a 3 rack unit mixer of some kind and a 1 rack unit compressor. These will let me master the sound just a bit while performing live. The Analogue Solutions RP08 will be used as a "trunk" connecting my eurorack to my mixer from inside the case (saves me some HP from a true mixer module and avoids extra patch cable clutter heading into the case).
So, about $2,500 for the eurorack modules, another $400 for the case (including the eurorack brackets), the SEQ12 is $1100 iirc and the mixer and compressor will set me back at least another grand. So about $5,000 for this whole rig all things considered (which I still haven't considered a power supply!)....I must be dreaming...
Thank you all for your tips. Ok Lugia so move #1 done: m32 is back in its case. Now outside my doepfer case I have the m32 and the 0-coast. What now? what module do I absolutely need considering my budget at the moment is 300/400 euros? Are doepfer LFOs good? I was looking at dooepfer A-145 LFO and A-156 QNT or should i look for something different? Do I need the erica synth Mscale for m32 and 0-coast?
maybe try out placing the 2hp modules between bigger modules to get better playable accessibility to the knobs
im currently going crazy fiddling around my 2hp mix and 2hp verb ''twiddling'' the knobs :-(
did you already play with the sequencers? maybe some mutable mixing module? im currently looking for something like that myself for immediate control over channels
im planning on 2 Racks complementing each other. One is more suited for melody tasks (metropolis + shifty + eventually a buffered multiple), the other case for techno/glitchy stuff (the telharmonic providing a melody/chord source).
im currently struggling finding a convenient routing / mixing solution....
i know... more vcas? i just wish there was a smaller mutamix module (i love faders and mute switches )
anyone got any tips for my routing/mixing problems? you think i lack anything in particular?
Lots missing here: modulation sources (envelopes, function gens, LFOs), extra VCOs to thicken up the M32's VCO sound, VCAs (both linear for CV work and exponential for audio), perhaps a reverb (not counting Clouds here, but something like a spring), some expansion to the sequencing as well as more clock modulation/logic to create variation.
I'd strongly suggest that move #1 be the removal of the M32 from the cab, though...put it back in its own skiff, if you have it handy. The build you're doing here is in a cab that's really too small to support 60 hp of it being taken up by that one device. Open that space up for more, then I think a lot of the options I and others have mentioned will happen a lot more smoothly.
Modulation sources, definitely hands down.
DivKid did a great video on the Vector Space. If I had the space, I'd get one. It should give you some interesting results when combining modulation sources. The Batumi is fine. But I sound like a broken record on the forums when I say to get the Poti along with it. You won't have to fuss with the jumpers on the back if you want LFO shapes like triangles, saws, etc.
If you'll be working with volts per octave, you may want to get a buffered mult and possibly an adder (for accurately summing CV).
Hello flaminggarlic, thank you for your tips, I’ll look for modulation modules, what do you think about batumi and the pittsburgh modular lifeform micro sequence? Nice video, rich of ideas, thank you.
This is a cool lecture I saw this morning that has some interesting approaches to sequencing in euro by South Coast Modular. It's pretty interesting and may give you some ideas of what direction you might want to go.
I'd reccomend some modulation and a second sequencer for more patch variation. Something like the qubit octone would add variation to the mother sequencer. For modulation, maybe something like a Pam's new workout if you don't hate menus, or disting if you really don't hate menus. Maths is is hands on and really useful, but there are other dual function generators out there. I've been looking at the blue lantern spore generator and thinking it looks interesting. There's also the sin phi miasma, and the befaco rampage (sliders > knobs) . The ways to use these are endless, but the logic sections are great for creating quasi repeating phrases of cv that sort of sound the way you expect melodies to sound. Paired with a quantizer you can "play" the thing and get immediate musical results. Maths is great because you can attenuate those signals before you compare them, giving you a lot of control.
MOTU and Bitwig is a solid choice for modular integration because MOTU interfaces can output DC voltage and Bitwig has native plugins build in which are very similar to Silent Way.
Hello world. This is my rack now. Outside the rack I have a make noise 0 coast. What modules should I add now? Some must have doepfers? Maths? I'm interested in drones and ambient. Thank you very much for helping a noob.
Thanks for the feedback. I'll certainly check out Bitwig. And re the ES-8 or ES-3 I'm thinking that this could be a possibility, while the Motu as a first step could give me a taste of that type of integration.