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I've always been a huge fan of the Silver Apples but I just learned about Morton Subotnicks, Silver Apples of the Moon.
Is there a connection here or just some crazy cosmic significance that the two most famous 60's synth/electronic musicians have essentially the same name for their music?
I love this sequencer. Been playing with it for over a year now and I still love it. It's awesome for generating melodies and bass lines. I feel like it's criminally overlooked and underrated.
Yeah, this is actually not bad as you're going to expand it. As for that second 84 hp skiff, I'd actually suggest using that plus a nice clocking/trigger sequencer for the drum modules. It'd give you more room in what would be the 'main' cab, and turn the skiff into something 'mission-specific', namely a bespoke drum machine. If using the BSP is the idea, then I'd say load that skiff up with drums and some mixing (stereo, natch) plus a little bit of FX to make a beefy little drum box when the BSP's in use as the controller. (looking at one of my BSPs) Hm...yeah, this is really a doable idea. Here's what I'd do:
This is probably totally irresponsible as far as drum skiff designs go. Much of it is 808/909, but there's some weird crap added, such as the screwy dual tom module and all the crap on the left side, which allows you to build two more drum 'voices', one using external signals and the other with chipnoise racket, and both gated by a dual AR controlling a dual LPG. Two mixers down on the end allow direct-output in stereo, with four pannable voices and the rest in some variation on mono/center. I have a distinct feeling that this might be capable of hurting people.
Well, if that's the idea, then there's some problems right off. First up: no signal input. This is a big problem for the external processing function, since you'll need to boost signals up to synth levels to work with them, and nothing here does that. Also, whatever you get for that function also needs to have an envelope follower as a matter of course; envelope followers track the dynamic level of a signal and convert that signal level into a control voltage that can be used for things such as filter cutoffs, VCA controls, etc. Necessary. Very.
Mixing via the Optomix is possible...but really, you need a second mixer (preferably with VCAs) here as well. It's not enough to just mix audio in a modular, as you can get very useful results from mixing different LFO/envelope/etc CVs as well, creating composite modulation signals from that.
Disting is nowhere near useless. It simply does too much to call it that, and for small skiffs like this, you need major multifunctionality. If I were to term something something I see here as 'unnecessary', it might actually be the Just Friends, but a lot of that is due to Mannequins' trendy psuedo-babble that they use to describe the module's to which, I would like to quote the great thespian Samuel L. Jackson: "ENGLISH, MOTHERF***ER! DO YOU SPEAK IT!?" Seriously, if I have to pull out a copy of 'Psychology Today' to figure out what a module does, I call that 'fail: major'. Anyway, terminology aside, you might even consider TWO Distings, considering what Expert Sleepers jams into the 4 hp they occupy.
I'm gonna tinker with this a bit...but I'm also going to presume that this isn't a powered skiff, and add a power supply just to be on the safe side. If you don't need that, then I suggest dropping in that second Disting, but this'll be done with only one:
OK, now that's solid. Notice that there's a bunch of itty-bitty modules here now, but the functionality is jacked way up. The optional P/S is at left, and like I said, if you're using a powered skiff, just replace it with another Disting and put that next to the one that's there.
External input: added. Morphagene and Telharmonic, as the heads of the signal paths, are right of the Disting(s). Then things change a lot. Next up is a Happy Nerding 3xVCA, which allows you to use the VCAs together in mixing or separately, as needed. Next, I mashed the Maths down to two of its contituent circuits with the pair of Doepfer A-171-2s, saving 4 hp. Waveshaper next, then a pair of modules: a Doepfer A-121-2 multimode VCF (which outputs all modes on separate jacks) and a 2hp mixer, which allows you to mix the VCF's outputs to get some very weird filter voicings. Same space as the Sisters, but still quite strange and cheaper. Then more VCA/mixing, and two FX processors, a 2hp delay and an Erica Pico DSP, which also serves to stereoize your mixed mono signal, so that you get a stereo signal out the right side with that Ladik output, which also has metering and separate inputs so that you can run the Morphagene path out through one, and have the Telharmonic voice on the other.
This thing is capable of some pretty nutzoid stuff, even with the minimal modulation section, due to the Disting (maybe two) and extra VCAs. As far as multiples go, my suggestion is, like with any small skiff, to use inline multiples or stackable cables and just be careful not to connect outputs to outputs. Should work...granted, it's a bitch trying to cram two different signal paths into 104 hp, but it IS doable!
im looking into getting the maths and morphagene in time... but what do you recon of the rest so far? do i sort of have a decent idea and without certain modules being without use?
Can you post the link to the modulargrid page for your rack instead of screenshotting/uploading a picture? It's easier for people to play around with the system and make recommendations.
Hey, been lurking around here, mw and lines for a while; wanted to put together this 3u but still not sure how capable this combination of modules would be.
The idea would be to have a synthetic voice plus the MG for manipulating (the 3u itself + acoustic instruments an field recordings) or as a tabula rasa to build patterns and "track". The MG being the center of the skiff, would have modulation from Pam's (which would clock everything plus sequence little phrases or add randomness when needed) and I would run it through Sisters (which at the same time would also filter the Telharmonic). Optomix and Maths as function generator and to modulate the Sisters, MG and the Telharmonic, mix some signals. Folder and Disting are pretty much self explanatory. I'm not sure how much I would need the Disting so I could replace it with something else.
Any improvements/changes/swaps you would suggest? Feel free to point out anything! (I wouldn't be surprised if this is full of dumb or redundant choices if not useless at all, so...)
Looking forward to the discussion ~
I don't have such a problem with using the computer to manipulate controls, etc, probably because I've been doing that so long I either don't notice, or VCV's UI coding is good enough that it doesn't drive me up the wall. As a basic learning tool for the underlying concepts of modular synthesis, I'd have to say that it's unparalleled at this point. Everything behaves like it should, albeit up to a point.
That point is, as I noted, when VCV Rack runs into its processor limitation. And I wasn't too pleased when I got a snarky reply from the developer as to the possibility of it having multiprocessor capabilities in the future. To me, that's a problem, and it's also a problem when the primary developer refers to a professional musician as a 'layperson', as if the point of the VCV project is the coding and not the end-use. It struck me as unprofessional, and gave me certain concerns for the long-term usability of VCV at a large-scale level if the intentions don't involve creating something pro-grade. For cobbling 20-30 modules together to do virtual basic builds, it's fine. But if I want to construct something extremely complex and sizable as to I've's not going to work after a certain point because timing issues, severe audio glitches, and the like begin to creep in as it hits the top-end limit of the sole processor core it runs on. That's unacceptable as far as I'm concerned.
Consequently, I've been doing a lot less long-term work with it over the past week, after discovering that critical limitation and the developer's apparent unwillingness/inability to address it. I'll keep an eye on it, however, and hopefully this will get dealt with by the time we reach the 1.0 iteration...but I'm not holding my breath.
As for the Behringer Neutron...again, not holding my breath. It took them quite some time to start delivering the Model D in any sizable quantities after making it 'available' to retailers, and despite the fact that some beta users have prototypes, to me, that means nothing. My suggestion would be to avoid Uli's vaporware and instead look at patchables from manufacturers that put product out, instead of teasing about it until hell freezes over; IMHO, Uli Behringer needs to shut the f**k up, quit trolling certain forums to cadge marketing ideas, and stop doing cheezeball renders of 'new products' and hyping his 'development' of things that, frankly, already existed and which shouldn't require much 'developing' in order to bring them up to speed for the 21st century.
I have been playing with VCV to get my head around some aspects of modular, but still I am getting tired of clicking on a screen. Also having to dig around third party modules for VCV to do some basic stuff gets a bit boring (0.6.0 I hear should help that though).
My initial thought was to buy modules slowly and use VCV rack with the modules but so far that isn't happening.
I reckon the Behringer Neutron is going to be something that I get as it's got plenty of patch points.
Not bad...but yeah, the cab will need to be a powered one if you stick with this size. Also, the output module's a couple hp wide in this. My suggestion: Ladik A-540. Also stereo to 1/4", plus you get a little level meter on there.
I still think that going to something larger, such as a Tiptop Mantis or an Arturia Rackbrute 6U, would be a good move, tho...
I've kept the sequencer, filter, reverb, delay and output. I've replaced your LFO, oscillator, VCA and envelope with two oscillators, a dual VCA and a dual envelope. I've also added a multiple and a mixer. Good on you for thinking to put in an output module by the way...a lot of people don't think of that and it's a good thing to have.
By swapping the LFO out for a fully featured oscillator, you get the option to use the second oscillator as an LFO or as an audio source. The multiple is added so you can have both oscillators follow the same CV if you're using both for audio. You can use the mixer either to mix the two oscillators, or if you're not using it to mix oscillators you can use it to mix control voltages. This really isn't a big enough system to really warrant a voltage-controlled envelope, so I swapped that out for a dual envelope generator. Finally, I swapped out the single VCA for a dual VCA.
I don't know whether or not the case you're looking at includes a power supply, but if it does make sure it supplies enough power and has enough connectors (8 connectors for the system as you laid it out, 10 for the system as I laid it out). If you don't have a power supply, you'll need to sacrifice the effects modules (the reverb and delay) in order to have space to put in a 4HP power module.
This actually has all of the basics, although you might find it useful to look into a smaller LFO module. That Fonitronik is huge, and takes up room for some other modules that could push the build a lot further. 1 x 84 isn't much space, so shrinking things down as much as possible is important. Alternately, you could also look into a larger case if you've not acquired this one pictured yet. That would open up space for a couple of other VCOs (important for getting things to sound 'fatter'), maybe some waveshaping to dirty up the sound a bit, a few useful utilities such as mixers, mults, and the like, and also a few more VCAs to enable control over both audio and CV levels.
But as a base-level emulator for a 303...yeah, it's got that covered.
I am completely new to modular and hoping for some guidance from you more experienced folk. I'm looking to build my first synth in this format and wondering what the basics are to get something to 'work'?
Copied the system from a post made by Maison Vague on GS.
For the past several years, I've been slowly putting together a Buchla 200 (not 200e) inspired Doepfer A-100 system. To roughly approach the functionality of specific Buchla modules, I've been using this list as a guide:
254: A-138e 3 way crossfader and A-133 Dual VC Polarizer
259: A-111 VCO, A-110 VCO, A-137 Wavefolder, A-196 PLL, A-132-3, A-134-2
266: A-149 SOC and A-118 Noise/Random
281: A-143-1 Quad A/D and A-172 Max/Min
291: A-101-1
292: 4 x A-101-2 LPG and A-138 mixer
I've been pleasantly surprised at just how far I've been able to get using only Doepfer modules!
Polka, huh? Well, that could be several places, but a couple of polka-crazed areas are also key to modular synthesis. Wisconsin gave us the Wiard system and Grant Richter's module designs, and it's the current home state for Serge/STS. As for Minnesota, Foxtone in MNPLS now controls Buchla polka is no bar to modular synthesis!
OK, so let's presume an Intellijel 7u...hold up...
Hmmm...this isn't half bad:
OK...the tile row is now filled nicely. uMIDI to take advantage of the rear-panel MIDI/USB jacks, buffered mult for future expansion CV sending, QuadrATT for extra attentuators/mixing, a digital reverb, and the Intellijel I/O so, again, you can take advantage of the built-in 1/4" jacks.
Next row is all your stuff, arrayed more like a 'voice' with the trigger control and mult at one end and the Frames mixer at the other.
Third row is where I got busy. I added a master CVable clock, S&H/noise, and clock divider. With this array, you can divide the master clock for different tempi to the sequencer, the M32's sequencer, and the S&H if you so decide, or any combination thereof. Batumi (with the Poti control expander) adds four LFOs, and a Doepfer A-171-2 gives you a CVable slope gen for an extra envelope, LFO, slew gen, or what have you. These Serge-derived modules are super-useful for buttloads of functions.
Next to that, two more linear-only DC-coupled VCAs for processing control voltages and the like. Then the Dual ADSR, with that being the end of the modulation section. Next to that, an uMod II, which can be used for ring modulation, certain logic functions, or as yet another VCA. Polaris is next in the chain as your other VCF, with the Veils in position for mixing and/or more CV control right by the Clouds to do your granular manipulation before sending its output upwards to the Frames, then on to the I/O.
Layout seems right...the signal flow should be really clear, making it easy for both studio and performance work. And the M32's patchpanel is about dead-center to let the M32 be the primary 'voice', allowing it easy patching to any of its surrounding modules. Normally, I might've put this on the bottom row to get at the chiclet keyboard on it easier, but somehow, this makes more sense from a signal flow standpoint. Not too shabby, I think...
Thank you both for the reply’s and suggestions. My rack is 2 Moog 104 skiffs that’s why i have 2 power supplies but plan on getting the Intellijel 7U 104 case in the next few months. All the modules I have listed in this picture These are modules I currently own. I live in a very very small town,and I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who does anything with eurorack. People around here play classic rock, county, or polka... not joking lol. What are a few modules that I could use to really step this up to the next level.
Yep, love the Quad also increases function density, which is critical if you're doing a 3u skiff like this. My advice for going further would be to jam maximum function into smaller space (hence the Quad VCA) and save the large hp spans for very specific functions that are must-haves.
As to a filter that fits this bill, my suggestion would be a Doepfer A-121-2 followed by a 2hp Mixer. That way, you get the multimode filter, but with the added mixer, you can combine response outputs for some elaborate sound manipulation, and the whole mess fits in only 10 hp.
But go small and powerful...there's quad LFOs that fit into that Dual LFO's space or less, and those would be better options with the limitation the skiff causes, and so on. Also, see if you can locate a powered skiff, such as the Erica 84hp skiff or MakeNoise's powered 104hp. That way, you take the power off the patchpanel and gain another 4 hp. The more space you can free = more space for possible functions.
My experience with VCV has been rather different. Apparently, the software isn't multiprocessor-capable, and it runs into critical limitations when it exhausts the capacity of a single core among the 16 that it should have at its disposal here. If it could use the rest of the capacity, it would be an outright monster...but in its current iteration, it's best kept to simple builds, especially if any of the sample-based modules are in use.
I like the idea, I like what it could represent...but that limitation is a serious problem for me.
Yeah, this status change makes no sense. The S-180 is the core of their entire sequencer system, and Ladik doesn't discontinue things until they have a successor to the discontinued module, then they yank the prior version from their product list altogether (check the C-040 and C-041 for an example). If that status is wrong, it needs confirmation...then fixing.
First question that comes to mind is whether this is an Intellijel 7U or a compatible-with-everything-else 7U. There's a big difference in how to proceed with this build between those two, and the options they give aren't mutually-compatible.
Otherwise, Braids and Clouds don't exist in those forms anymore. Clouds only exists as third-party builds in a different size, and Braids has either been replaced by its v.2, Plaits, or exists as a third-party build as well with the original circuitry. Unless you have the originals of these on hand already or are 100% certain that you can get them second-hand, it's best to remove them altogether and replace with the present-day options.
Second...why two power supplies? 7U at 104 hp isn't totally huge, and one of these Tiptops alone does 2 amps at +12v. The -12v spec is a little...ah, lacking, but unless you're exceeding 500 mA on the -12v rail, having the second one is unnecessary. If this IS an Intellijel cab, also, the cab's already powered with a supply that way exceeds the Tiptops, but given that that's unclear here, it's hard to tell if you can lose both supplies or just one (or better still, put one in with a better current balance across both 12v rails).
m1sterlurk's spot-on about the Quad VCA, also...saves some ca$h over the Veils and you can free up its VCAs with a couple of little submixers for that duty. And the thing that jumps out at me as a problem is that there's a lack of cycling modulation sources here, such as LFOs, a function gen, etc. Granted, the Dual ADSRs can cycle, but that plus the M32's LFO isn't going to properly feed all of the modulation-hungry stuff in here.
I mentioned this in a couple of discussions that I participated in today, and I don't want to be cross-posting, so I thought I would start a single thread to let people know about this.
My apologies if this is a violation of terms but I searched and it didn't seem to be.
I recently started a Slack community for the purpose of real time chat on the subject of all things Eurorack. Not much activity in there yet, but I am hoping to build a community of people interested in the subject and establish a hangout of sorts where people can converse in real time if they are so inclined.
For VCA you can't go wrong with the Intellijel Quad VCA. 4 VCAs in a single module that can double as a mixer. Very useful both now and down the road when you have more modules.
The sky's the limit when it comes to what filter to use. The most popular "basic" filter is the Doepfer A-124 Wasp filter, which is a 12db basic multi-mode filter, but really any filter you feel like would work for you could be used.
On the subject of virtual modular, VCV Rack is really great, free, runs on the most recent version of OS X, and even has a collection of Mutable Instruments modules that you can use.
I am currently building up a hardware rack myself for the first time, but I have found VCV Rack to be a great way to try out certain modules, configurations, etc. to determine whether or not I want to buy the hardware. The software alone, sounds great BTW, I just like the physicality of the hardware rack.
Also, I started out with a Mother 32 myself, and other than the fact that it takes up a lot of HP, I find it integrates well with everything else I have added since and I am not planning on retiring it any time soon.
Also, and my apologies if this is a violation of terms but I searched and it didn't seem to be, I recently started a Slack community for the purpose of real time chat on the subject of all things Eurorack, and as a newbie myself, I have included a getting-started channel. Not much activity in there yet but I mention it in case you might want to join. And bring your friends! :)
My apologies if this is a violation of terms but I searched and it didn't seem to be.
I recently started a Slack community for the purpose of real time chat on the subject of all things Eurorack, and I am very into drones myself so there is a drone specific channel. Not much activity in there yet but I mention it in case you might want to join. And bring your friends! :)
The module profile for the S-180 8-step sequencer marks it as discontinued - on the ladik website it says:
" I´m not able to answer individual emails about its availability. I´m making S-180 and S-183 (and listing them) almost every day, kindly check shop occasionaly. I´m not able to manage preorders or waiting list or alerting you via emails. Thanks for understanding.
Out of Stock"
Anyone know for certain what status is? idk how old the above text from website is
I would replace the Veils with an Intellijel Quad VCA. I would also add a mixer module or two (2hp makes a 4 channel mixer that is, well, 2HP in width).
Other than that, you have two sound sources (Braids and Mother32 Oscillator), three sound processors (Clouds, Mother32 Filter and Polaris), and a good number of CV sources (Dual ADSR, LFO/Envelope in Mother32, Frames, Peaks, and Micro Sequence). With an added mixer module (so you're not eating your Quad VCA/Veils) you have a fairly balanced system.
She is complete (for now)
Final Build list:
Pitsburgh Modular Cell 48
Make Noise Mysteron
Make Noise Pressure Points
Synthrotek DLY
TipTop Audio uZeus
Pittsburgh Modular Lifefroms Outs
I had to cut the ARP and the passive Mult in order to fit in a power supply. But now it is a self contained synth like I intended it to be. Eventually I will move everything over to the Cell 90 and use this as a control device with sequencers, PP and probably some sort of random event generator.
There could be an option for users to enter their real name in their account and choose if they want it to be searchable or not.
I have no idea if such things as I‘m suggesting are easily implementable or not. Just thinking „out loud“.
Anyway, I am very happy with MG as it is and proud to be a Unicorn.
Social functions aren‘t necessary. That‘s what we have ther platforms for.
Just being able to search for users by either their real name or user would be very helpful.
Oftentimes I see an interesting video on YouTube and would then like to find their racks here, but it is usually by chance that I do. Then I copy the link to their profile and put it in my notes app. It works, but having this simple functionality right here would be great!
If there is, it can't be too recent. This system's got five discontinued modules in it, for one thing. I tried riffling thru the magazine's back issues and got nowhere when doing a bit of searching, but unless your Japanese isn't up to snuff, the article (if it can be located) might not be all that informative.
Hey, the sheer allure of 13 x 84hp is hard to pass up! Can't blame you there...
Yeah, saw that build in the other's a LOT tighter now, and with the plan to expand, it's going to grow into a veritable kaiju monster of noise over the next few years. A helluva start, to be sure!
I'll second the importance of having some other CV sources...take a cue from m1sterlurk and look into snagging an SQ-1. At $100 for a 2x8 sequencer with internal clocking and a few other tricks, it's a quick and cheap way to kick the functionality up even further. You can even use sequencers as multistage envelope generators, user-definable VCOs (if you can clock them at audio frequencies), and a bunch of other interesting things, some of which do require a couple of other modules, but hey...they don't call it EuroCRACK for nothin'!
Yes. Pretty much you're able to add another element to your initial sound and also add some movement to your sound, either by modulating the original sound or by modulating the effects you run it through. You'll get much better results than running a single sound through effects with limited modulation.
If I were to give you advice in the past tense (before you built your system), the advice I would give is to have a roughly equal number of audio generators, audio processors and CV generators; and have sufficient mixers, multiples and VCAs for them. As an example, look at the system I'm building:
I have five sound generators: Three VCOs, a Mysteron (a digital waveguide) and a noise generator.
I have six sound processors: A comb filter, two multi-mode filters, a lowpass gate, a wavefolder and a reverb
I have five CV generators: two envelopes, a Maths, a Batumi, and a DC attenuverter/fixed value generator.
I have three multiples, three four-channel mixers, and a Quad VCA module
I have a Disting, which is a multi-purpose digital module that can fill many of the above roles.
Finally, I have a stereo output module, for a total of 25 modules (26 if you count the power supply).
I should point out that I will be controlling my system with a pair of Korg SQ-1s, which gives me 4 gates and 4 CVs to work with. These are outside the modular system itself, which is why you don't see a MIDI/CV converter.
I don't have a single sound generating module that is as capable as the Braids, but I'm capable of making far more complex sounds because I can mix different oscillators at different pitches and can also cross-modulate the oscillators in various ways. My sound processors are all relatively simple in comparison to yours (which are impressive I must say), but I can get far more movement out of them because I have so many CV generators to control them with. My mixing is somewhat more capable than yours (3 4-channel mixers vs. 2 3-channel mixers).
m1sterlurk's 100% spot on here...this system has an awesome compliment of processors, but very little in the way of sources. While the Braids is a really great oscillator in of itself, having just one single audio generator isn't going to work well unless you're talking about a very minimal system build. Another problem that seems present is that some of these space-heavy processors are a bit redundant, notably the Morphagene and Clouds which are both granular sample/audio manipulator devices. If you were to let one of those go, you'd open up another either 18 or 20 hp (depending on what gets pulled out) and then that would give you more space for a bit more sources. Although, I'll second that vote for the Dixie II+, but put one of those 3-in mixers next to it to use as a handy waveform combiner to stretch out that multi-waveform oscillator's capabilities.
I'm also not a huge fan of Pittsburgh's first-gen stuff, so a different and more capable filter might also be a consideration. Hrmm...gimme a bit, gonna tinker with this...lessee...(exeunt stage left)
REMIX! C'est voila...
OK...I did some radical surgery on your original here. First up, I reworked the tile row's positioning to work together with the reconfiguration, putting the MIDI on the left above the VCOs. Buffers are next to this. Other buffer went away (redundant) along with the MakeNoise mult (too big, replaced with 2 hps for twice the mults in the same space). Modulation/S&H tile is now above the modulation sources, and the audio I/O is rightmost, again to follow the signal flow pattern with the processors now on lower-right.
VCOs are the Braids and two Dixie II+s which now have the mixers as waveform combiners as well as mixpoints for the Braids' output. This is a pretty critical rework, as it now gives you three signal sources, meaning you can use one for audio frequency modulation on the other two, and still have those two for a more complex audio source.
Audio flows down to a Morgasmatron, which is a very twisted take on the Korg MS-20's filter pair. The Pittsburgh VCF just didn't have the modulation inputs to do some really wild stuff that the Morgasmatron does easily, plus the M'tron is a dual-input VCF with a MIX output, which means you can also use this to mix audio as well, albeit with some strange stuff going on. Warps is next to tamper with the audio, either from the M'tron's MIX output or its individual filter outs, allowing you to further combine those down while processing them at the same time.
The Quad VCA is dead-center in the bottom, which allows you to easily use its VCAs for audio OR CV amplitude control. You can mix two audio signals together on VCAs 3 and 4, but still keep 1 and 2 free for DC-coupled linear work.
Morphagene is gone, as you'll note. As I noted above, it's redundant, and you don't want a lot of the same processing things in a small build like this. Kept the Clouds, which has the Erbeverb as its front end. An idea I had is this: take the mono feed from the Warps (1 + 2), feed that to the Erbeverb's mono in, then use it to generate a stereo field to feed the Clouds with, and the Clouds' output goes direct to the I/O above. So, technically, a big chunk of the middle of the audio chain is where the mixing gets done, in increments, until you hit that last processor pair and tamper with the mixed audio plus create the stereo field signal to go straight to the outs. Also, bringing the inputs in is a bit easier now, since they can come in either in mono to VCA 3 while VCA 4 handles the generated signal path...but that's just one method, and this creates several, now.
Above the processing is modulation: a dual ADSR to better deal with final VCF/VCA envelopes, the Maths for loads of definable modulation, and a Batumi for four fixed-waveform LFOs. Plenty of modulation signals now to feed the various modulation-hungry changes!
Anyway, this is how I'd approach the situation. Yes, it means swapping some things out and doing some radical surgery, but this is a much more capable build, starting with the bones of yours...and it had pretty good bones, just needed some reworking. Another suggestion (which m1sterlurk's on below) is to study experienced synthesists' builds, and glean information from seeing things that those people tend to do in common...because they work. It's also best to do and do and redo and redo and redo again and again here on MG before pulling the fiscal trigger for a system, because you can both study up AND learn how to make, then avoid making, mistakes.
Thanks all for the help! This is my first run at a modular system, and I'm still learning the ropes.
I forgot to mention I use an input on the intellijel stuff as another sound source, but that routes into the morphagene for splicing.
@m1srerlurk, if I understand you correctly I really need to get another oscillator, envelope generator, and some more lfos. That can ve patched generate a more interesting sound source. That can be altered heavily by the processing units I already have on board. Right? Makes sense now that I look at it like that.