Ha I though the Wogglebug could generate Noise as in audio noise as well. I guess I'm wrong then. I'm used to Kyma where noise is noise.
I know I saw you are a big Intellijel fan ;)
Ha I though the Wogglebug could generate Noise as in audio noise as well. I guess I'm wrong then. I'm used to Kyma where noise is noise.
I know I saw you are a big Intellijel fan ;)
Oh good heads up. Makes perfect sense. Replaced!
Regarding logic do you mean something like Plog?
-- Tazio
Plog is definitely good, my choice actually along with some 2hp ORs for extra. Looking like a good system (your updated one, not the one above), I'd suggest perhaps a noise source and something like an optomix and you should be set.
Good choice on the Shapeshifter btw. Its a sound designer's dream. I have 2 actually. Because its so versatile, it never feels redundant.
Oh good heads up. Makes perfect sense. Replaced!
Regarding logic do you mean something like Plog?
Lamond handles the Goike designs in the UK. I would contact him, he's a super nice guy.
Maths logic is of the cv processing variety, not on/off (AND/OR/XOR) gate logic.
And I hate to say it, but that's the least useful clock divider in euro imo. It divides the opposite way you'd exist and has extreme divisions. If you want to keep it in 4hp I'd recommend the circuit Abbey g8 or animodule Tiktok which does both multiplication and division.
Oh man! I'm so sold on the Goike. There shouldn't be any power issues right? I'm in the Uk at the moment.
As for the comparator the Disting has one and math should cover logic. Some switches would be nice for sure.
I've added a Clock divider and an Audio Input/Pre I really felt in the need for.
Looks marvelous! And those power busses are Doepfers?
solitud.de | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
Thanks for you feedback exper!
I was under the impression that the Wogglebug would generate clock, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
Great tip on the Hubs I did not know about those, I'll get one or two along with the stackcables.
Regarding the 104hp could you point me out some? I was set with the PM Cell 90 because they seemed good for width and price tag.
Also, what utilities were you thinking about?
-- Tazio
The wogglebug can generate a clock, but I'm referring to division/multiplication, etc. Things get interesting when you ping filters, delay speeds, etc at different speeds. Something like a Pamela's Workout could clock everything there, and give you probability randomization, offsets, etc.
As for case, what country are you in? There's lots of good options from 4ms, Goike, lamond (UK/eur) etc. I had a pgh 48 case, and the cost savings were not worth some of its hassles. Power wouldn't work with some modules, case was not the full size, making it off a half an hp. It also weighed a TON, even for the half size one, as pgh usea steel instead of aluminum like Goike and 4ms.
For utilities, logic, comparator, switches, etc.
A word of caution on the Echophon, it didn't go fully dry, the wet signal is always there a bit. Also there's a bug in that if you externally clock it, and stop the clock, the echophon will jump the delay speed to the fastest setting. It's quite jarring. I replaced my extortion with a Modcan dual delay and couldn't be happier. No pitch shifting, but super flexible.
Thanks! Yes, it's a 9U/104HP handmade walnut case from Germany made by Weedywhizz. The craftsmanship of the case itself is stunning... absolutely quality work with oiled finish and everything prepared in the case so it's just a matter of mounting the power busses to the preassigned bolts.
I guess you are right about the blank panels, I got some from Schneidersladen arriving soon and I won't need half of them now due to planned expansion.
Sure, Echophone, somehow I missed that... Never used it, but might at some time..
solitud.de | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
Solitude thanks for replying!
With this setup I thought the Echophon could be a good choice, it reminds me a lot SoundToys's Crystallizer which I'm really fond of. Along with that sits the Jomox unit which packs an open feedback structure with some more fun features.
I tried to limit myself to only start with that much hp available. Of course a Brains and a Seq would be nice, but maybe in the future perhaps. I though PPs could be used as a mini 4 steps sequencer, am I wrong?
Cool Rack, is this custom made?
Also blank panels are never a wise investment ;)
solitud.de | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
Thanks for you feedback exper!
I was under the impression that the Wogglebug would generate clock, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
Great tip on the Hubs I did not know about those, I'll get one or two along with the stackcables.
Regarding the 104hp could you point me out some? I was set with the PM Cell 90 because they seemed good for width and price tag.
Also, what utilities were you thinking about?
And yes I'm a delay lover.
-- Tazio
Where is it? I have still to find an affordable stereo Euro digital delay myself.
Also maybe rethink your decision to not use a sequencer. In modular you can and should sequence not only notes but everything else too. The envelopes of your Maths, waves of the oscillator, etc.
Since you already have the Pressure Points, maybe a Brains would be a simple solution to do that.
Also what Exper says: clock source.
solitud.de | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
For one thing, you probably won't need the buffered multi. All make noise modules (wogglebug, PPs, Maths, etc have buffered outputs already. Use stackable or Intellijel hubs to save space. I'd also stretch to a 104hp case, so you could throw in a LPG, and some other utilities. Even perhaps a clock source.
very good ,,, i would even be interested in 1/8 version in 1MU moog format
i really like the new design
yes 4 channels would be good - that is what i thought when i first looked at the unit
thanks for clearing up the the breakout boards :) i was thinking this would take up a row (84hp)
as for the internal or external screen ?
isn't the ipod connected via lightning jack ?
or is it integrated in into the unit ?-- FSK1138
The iPod will be integrated from the inside but should be easily removable. We will make sure that you can plug it from one of the faceplate's USB boards as well. But from a user interface standpoint, having it inside will be nicer, because the graphical user interface can be aligned with the channel's knobs.
-- ishizeno
I have decided to follow your advice and make the iPod Touch an external component. In fact, I am removing it entirely and replacing it with a built-in Raspberry Pi that will act as web server, serving the UI to any external device over WiFi. More on this on my blog:
Fixed a long time bug, where screenshots in the patch editor did not change when you edited the rack.
This should work now.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
It now mentions the A-131 Exponential VCA on the right hand side. Is that expected?
-- ishizeno
This is an automated API query to http://www.eurorackdb.com/ which "guesses" best results for your modules name.
If you are listed there, too this will vanish.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
It now mentions the A-131 Exponential VCA on the right hand side. Is that expected?
A new track with this system - Two Notes In Parallel
Switch to an other modular universe from everywhere with the new Universe Selector
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
The ModularGrid Marketplace is an area where private persons can trade their modules. The Marketplace is also tightly integrated in ModularGrids search engine and lets you run complex searches on offers via the Module Browser. A convenient notify function alerts you if someone offers a module you desire.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
also,a way to put up images unless you can already do that
-- MarsFaceNo image uploads, but you should be able to embed images and videos via the markdown syntax.
-- modulargrid
ok thanks,was going to link a fly by vid of modules I've put up for sale.
(BSOD says my hard drives on the way out so don't want to mess with individual pic at the moment in case laptop goes down)
A feedback system will come. I am thinking about verification, too, but that is hard to layout.
I won't limit the usage to Unicorns, because everyone should be able to test the Marketplace.
People actually have to put stuff on it to make it interesting.
At the moment I tried to make it as easy and flexible as possible, so many things are missing or feeling not quite polished.
If the Marketplace will be used in the future for sure there will be a lot of upgrades and some Unicorn enhancements too.
also,a way to put up images unless you can already do that
-- MarsFace
No image uploads, but you should be able to embed images and videos via the markdown syntax.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
When clicking on the module's picture from the following page, an older version of the module's image is used.
That is probably a cache issue on your browser. Looks good here.
Also, what should be the process for adding a new module maker? ISHIZENO sounds a lot better than "other-unknown".
Added Ishizeno as manufacturer. Welcome to ModularGrid!
Thanks in advance for your help!
-- ishizeno
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
When clicking on the module's picture from the following page, an older version of the module's image is used.
Also, what should be the process for adding a new module maker? ISHIZENO sounds a lot better than "other-unknown".
Thanks in advance for your help!
my suggestions are :
4>FH-1 Expert Sleepers
5>EURO Brute Numerical MiniBrute Expander
6>Intellijel Audio Interface II and or μJack/uJack
if your interest is musical compositions as opposed to sound design i would replace most of what you have with
a complete synth like Anushri Mutable instruments
you will save allot of money in the end.
and a must have in any system is MATHS or FUNCTION
Those are good points Exper, I have been thinking of trading a wavefolder for a ring mod... But I am not sure what to sacrifice for the quadra expander... I am not sure what the qadra with expander will do that the dual adsr wont... So I am a bit confused about that aspect. I guess one quadra plus expander might be the way to go.
Hi All,
This is my first try at Eurorack design. I could use some comments/suggestions from more experienced people. Here are my primary needs/desires:
1. I am interested in creating musical compositions as opposed to sound design although the latter would be fun
2. I want to have pretty advanced sequencer capability, hence the Intellijel Metropolis, but am open to suggestions
3. Other than the sequencer I want to keep it pretty simple and straight-forward.
4. I have a little M-Audio Oxygen25 controller that I would like to use with the system. It only has USB.
5. I also have a MicroBrute that I think could be used as a controller but not sure what to plug it into.
6. I want audio outs to plug into my audio interface as well as a headphone jack.
Thanks in advance for your help!
We already have: http://www.modulargrid.net/e/other-unknown-e350-morphing-terrarium-expander
Any reason why we need this addition? Is this new panel available commercially?
If not, this is a duplicate.
The design was simplified in order to reduce the number of analog crosspoint switches, hence the projected retail price. I've also decided to adopt the Arduino shield standard for the breakbout boards, while using a dedicated Arduino Uno for every polyphonic channel. Without the iPod Touch and with switches for only two channels, the 8-channel module might retail for less than $1,000, which would be pretty cool... Last but not least, I've added a mockup of the backplane on the module's page.
Hello SpaceCloudsFilter. This module was never sold as a kit. Are you sure this is the correct module you are looking for?
great idea nice to see this happen
i would become a unicorn member for better selling/buying purposes
i agree a feedback score and verification of some kind of who you are and who your selling to
also,a way to put up images unless you can already do that
but all in all you done a good thing here
Hi! I just bought this module a few hours ago. I was my first eurorack module, so I don't know very much about it .. I buy a kit ,
I have the atomosynth koe :http://www.atomosynth.com/koe%20desktop.html and this sequencer. I don't know why but the sequencer was working and now he's stock on 1 even if I turned all the 16 switches ON. Can you help me? I think my connection are not right. Thanks a lot!
Hi everyone!
As I'm about to enter the modular world I'd like some serious feedback on a rack I believe should fit my needs, but since I only used non-modular synths and digital ones I'd really like some input here.
I need this to be an all in one stand alone sound design workspace. Mostly for non musical purposes.
It has to be extremely flexible and with a lot of modulation at disposal (thats the reason for the 2 Maths). I don't feel the need for a sequencer and if I really will need one I'll use the Midi in. And yes I'm a delay lover.
Please feel free to suggest any change or point out inconsistencies!
if people posted a video or photo of their actual rack it would weed out the FANTASY racks from the real ones
i would like to buy or sell with unicorn members only :)!
regular ModularGrid membership should include some sort of social media link
because they are still pretty anonymous :(
also could you include a "sale feedback" so i know how past transactions went with that user
Might be worth considering adding some additional "verifications" and a "feedback" loop but this is a great start.
Verifications could range from Paypal xfer to connecting a 3rd party account like MW to creating a way more complex verified ID (eek: https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/450)
Feedback could range from a simple rating, score, comments, to reporting a buyer/seller. Thanks for working on this, the notification feature is gonna be handy. Hope it can be kept simple and people honest. :)
Sure. I have absolutely no problems if you show a MG rack in your video.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
yes 4 channels would be good - that is what i thought when i first looked at the unit
thanks for clearing up the the breakout boards :) i was thinking this would take up a row (84hp)
as for the internal or external screen ?
isn't the ipod connected via lightning jack ?
or is it integrated in into the unit ?-- FSK1138
The iPod will be integrated from the inside but should be easily removable. We will make sure that you can plug it from one of the faceplate's USB boards as well. But from a user interface standpoint, having it inside will be nicer, because the graphical user interface can be aligned with the channel's knobs.
buying and selling to members
-- FSK1138
We now have a marketplace with a nice search function and a notification feature!
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
Hello, It's me again.
I want to make a video, and I would like to use in it the rack that I have put together here. Do you grant me permission to do so? I would leave the ModularGrid logo at the bottom of the rack and clearly mention in the video that the racks were composed together at this website. A positive answer from you could lead more people to use your site and perhaps more inclined to take a Unicorn Account. What do you say?
The ModularGrid Marketplace is an area where private persons can trade their modules. The Marketplace is also tightly integrated in ModularGrids search engine and lets you run complex searches on offers via the Module Browser. A convenient notify function alerts you if someone offers a module you desire.
On the Module Detail Pages you can make use of the Notify function for a specific module. You will get an email if someone offers a module you are interested in.
You can set your country in the user settings, so you only will get offers in your continent.
If you did a successful trade add your business partner to the Good Traders on the Marketplace thread.
That will build up trust and reputation over time.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
yes 4 channels would be good - that is what i thought when i first looked at the unit
thanks for clearing up the the breakout boards :) i was thinking this would take up a row (84hp)
as for the internal or external screen ?
isn't the ipod connected via lightning jack ?
or is it integrated in into the unit ?