Hey Farkas! Just wanted to say thanks for the reply and also the Happy Nerding 3xMIA suggestion. Actually I am in two minds with the Lapsus OS I currently own which has 4 channels of attunenverter/attenuator/offset at 10hp - great for live performance which is my main goal but I'm kinda of getting along without it tbh. Going to do more research/practice to see.. It just may be better for me swapping it out for the 3xMIA at the expense of loosing the faders but gaining 2 more channels/polarizer and 4HP free space.
Big "hi" to everyone here also!

Hey Farkas, first time post for me here, just wanted to say thanks for the insight into what you have learnt along the way, it helped me to read this as I am new in all this on my own as none of my mates understand the Euro rack thing so I get a lot of rolling eyes and "oh here he goes again.." comments ;)
I too started out by getting disillusioned with my synths and endless mixer /1/4 jack leads running across the room for years and I got to say I feel so much more liberated now within the ER format since selling everything in the summer.

It was good to read your thoughts on the do's and donts and all the mistakes that can be made following well intentioned "advice”.
As a 4 month in noob I've learnt a shed load already but I still feel overwhelmed sometimes on what utilities I need and understanding the mechanics of complex signal manipulation and patch theory. like MylarMelodies and your post pointed out you will know once you just started experimenting and practicing which modules are working for you and which aren’t.
Anyhow, great stuff & HNY22!