It's definitely the SynthRotek / MeanWell causing the problem. There are no ribbons connected backwards. The two Doepfer bus boards are fine as well, I just tried removing my Doepfer DIY power from another case and used it to power the installed boards on the new case and everything works fine, with lots of modules being happy.


I just built a new rack:

ModularGrid Rack

and powered it with:
• Synthrotek Deluxe Power module
• 2 Doepfer bus boards, 1 4ms flying bus cable
• power brick

Unfortunately, when switching on the rack, the "-12V" LED of the Synthrotek Deluxe Power Module is flashing and so are my Verbos modules' LEDs. When removing modules, it turns out that the Synthrotek only works for around 4 modules, when attaching a 5th, I get the flashing again.

Huh? The Synthrotek should provide WAY more power than needed by the modules.

This does not seem to be dependent on which of the distribution boards/cable I use, and not on specific modules (whilst the 2 oscs seem to be the most demanding ones).

Any idea what could be the cause here? As I said, the Synthrotek should provide multiples of the actually needed power...

thanks & greetings,
