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Thread: small racks.

Thank you very much, that was the kind of advice I was needing. I was looking into the Moog racks but I was concerned about depth. And I don't understand why they are so inexpensive... I realize they don't have power, but I look at how much a power supply costs and I can't figure how an unpowered case goes for $50 and a powered case goes for $350.
Also, did you mean to suggest those other modules INSTEAD of the Pam's , or to add to/augment the Pam's? Good info, tho thanks again.

Thread: small racks.

i read on various forums for modular synthesists and they always seem to discourage people from getting a small rack, like the Doepfer mini case or Synthrotek Power Lunch etc. They say its a waste, get a bigger case, you will need it, you will want it to be bigger...
What I REALLY want IS something kinda small, that I can wrap my head around. I'm currently using a Moog DFAM, Microbrute, a couple Volcas and some effects. What I would really like to try is a small case with Pamela's New Workout, Expert Sleepers Disting, Synthesis Technology E950, and a couple VCAs and ENV generators as needed... wouldn't this cover at least a few bases, for a beginner? Then if I DO want to expand, and I suddenly have more space and a bunch more money... I guess that is what they call a GOOD problem to have, right?
Am I missing anything important?

The 1 module is the E950 circuit bent vco by synthesis technology. I plan to combine it with an 0 coast, TE OP-1, assorted Volcas & Pocket Operators. Thinking about Synthrotek Power Lunch, & getting utility stuff from 1u modules. That or the HEK (minus the 1u of course.) I know the case isn't expandable, but I like portability, and limitations.
I'm sure I will eventually get a bigger rack & add VCOs, LPFs, VCAs, LFOs, LPGs, sequencers, clock dividers, euclidian rhombusoidal function generators with buffered multiples etc etc to slew the folded waveforms and ping the vactrols. But for now, just to get that Circuit Bent VCO going, what else do I need? Output module? Expert sleepers? Maths?
Thanks, love the grids.

I have a PO 12 with a broken output. I don't have Eurorack (yet) but could this bypass the broken jack & restore sync to my PO family?