I would like to hear from members what type of speakers they are using. With Modular Synthesis we are dealing with such a wide frequency spectrum and although the bottom end tends to get cut during mastering, the fact remains that we are dealing with a lot of infra-sound. LFO's go way down into territory not detectable to the human ear, but me I would want to hear all that my ears can handle which should be around 20 htz, even lower.

I am using the KRK 10's, they go down to 26 htz but I am looking into solutions to go down to 20 or even lower.

Some may think this is a mad discussion, but with the gear we are using, it makes sence to me to want to hear it all or atleast as much as possible.

If you want better low frequency response, add a subwoofer.

If you want better low frequency response, add a subwoofer.
-- bopodoq

Lets just say I knew that already. I'm interested to hear about your speaker setup for your modular.

I have multiple ways out but it eventually goes through an Audient Nero monitor controller to a Kali Audio WS-12 sub and two Kali IN-8 v2. Adjustable crossover. The sub is foot-switchable on/off. Sounds great and good bang for the buck.

I have multiple ways out but it eventually goes through an Audient Nero monitor controller to a Kali Audio WS-12 sub and two Kali IN-8 v2. Adjustable crossover. The sub is foot-switchable on/off. Sounds great and good bang for the buck.
-- bopodoq

That is a sweet setup, I had the IN - 8 V2 and they are really good. I have been meaning to get the WS-12, it goes down to 23 hz if i remember correctly

To work on a daily basis I use AKG K-240 MKII headphones: they are very precise, very pleasant headphones, they do not cause any fatigue because they are semi-open, (announced bandwidth: 15-25000Hz). I kept and still use from time to time the excellent version (made in Austria) 600 Ohms K-240 Monitor.

For mixing: Focal Alpha 65, but I check with small PreSonus Eris E3.5 BT speakers, and Zadig 301 hifi speakers from Cabasse. There is no universal and perfect listening solution, the only rule is to know the qualities and defects of your own system. And check the result on different supports.

Concerning the extreme frequencies, I usually cut (with an Eq in Logic) below 30Kz with a curve of 24db, and above 17000Kz also with a curve of 24db. There is no point in going beyond this, the vast majority of listeners and in most situations cannot perceive extreme frequencies. It’s good to manage space, and don't disturb what will be most useful to the hearing. As often said, the art of mixing is to make room and avoid everyone stepping on each other’s toes :)

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

I can say the same that after 40 years of studio work my days of using Genelec's are over. I need speakers to be pleasant on my ears. However mixing and mastering is one thing, working on a modular I want to hear the whole spectrum that my ears are able to detect. When mastering a production unfortunately there is a window one must adhere to. Humans are in general cabable of hearing down to 20 hz, although a trained ear will go lower.

If a sound becomes unpleasant the same goes for a very low frequency as any other, then we need to fix it. An important thing to keep in mind is that just like an lfo which is inaudible to us mere humans but will still affect the audible register dramatically. A problem in the bottom end will have damaging results in our audible frequency spectrum. With a speaker system that does not hide those things from us, we can make use of the amazing possibilities that truly are there, if only we can detect them, hear them.

Focal Alpha 65 and IkMultimedia iLoud

Focal Alpha 65 and IkMultimedia iLoud
-- JohnBlues

Are you satisfied with IkMultimedia iLoud speakers?

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

yes they are very nice for the size and price and compare favorably to the Focal's. i am in a small office/studio/man cave and i often don't need the Focals. One big advantage it switching between the pairs of speakers.
I am interested in headphones recomendations

I am interested in headphones recomendations
-- JohnBlues

In my opinion, headphones are a working tool that should enable us to be close and intimate with our music and our sound. That's why I personally prefer semi-open headphones, because you forget about them pretty quickly, they're less tiring. I can use my AKG K-240 MKII headphones for hours without ever getting tired.

Sometimes I think I should get AirPods as well, because most people listen on wireless in-ear headphones. In any case, it's good to be able to compare the final mix, the master, with several means: speakers and headphones.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).