Hi all. Here's a link to my current rack.
I would use a link but it won't update properly so this image is most accurate.

What do you think I should fill those slots with? I've got the Es-8 and Es-3 bringing in LFOs, 1V/Oct, etc. but feel like I'm missing clear choices for utilities or sound shaping.

Thanks for any ideas.

It seems to be a good ground to me.
Just leave the slots empty or place blankpanels until you reach limits you can clear identify.

Maybe there is just no need to add something at the moment


maybe a matrix mixer?
maybe some comparator stuff?
Noise sources even for modulation duties?

I like very handy things, like a 4ms signal mingler, Lapsus Os or Xaoc Samara II, but I guess you have this allready covered in your other modules.



Thanks. those are some great suggestions. As is the one to just wait and see what appeals later.