With a bit of tinkering you can great an entire patch that runs from a noise source, if thats your thing.
I regularly put noise into a VCA and turn down the amplitude, feed that into the ADDAC T-Networks and you get a lovely grungy crackle, feed that Crackle into an Envelope Follower and you can get a Clock/Gate out of it along with an envelope slope.
Meaning you can adjust the VCA, the Envelope follower or the T-Networks and get subtle changes to the triggers you are getting.
Sloths is a great module As @geusensdriesmusic says, I'm currently using it to modulate Divkid Ochd.
Marbles might be a good starting point for a bunch of Triggers, Gates, V/oct and modulation (Just remember to modulate your Modulators).
2hp RND has planty of options for such a small module
Befaco Burst is good for triggers guided by probability
Noise Engineering Clep Diaz is a nice little LFO, Stepped and Stepped Random module that will keep in sync with your clocks.
Have you tried doing a Krell Patch?
Error Instruments make the Indian Reasonator, which you could think of a as a One-trick-Pony but I find it quite flexible for some background sound scapes. Filter it, combine it with Sine waves and wavefold it.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.