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I think this is a good idea. Even just to look at someone's modular rig can be inspiring and with the addition of messaging and youtube you can see how they use it. For those of us into home brew modules it can also be good as a form of springboard into building custom modules for those that are interested.
pittsburgh have an inexpensive 4 chanel mixer. each input has an output or, all inputs are summed at the channel 4 output. I also have a cp320 which i think you can buy as a kit. a useful feature on this mixer is the mult sockets in addition to audio inputs outputs.
This is my first modular build working on a 'no' or 'low' budget. The case is a used flight case (utility briefcase) with internal dimensions just over 84hp and enough room for 2 rows. Its a little shallow but I have around 65mm depth for modules and to leave patch cables in place when the lid is closed. Its a solid case and no too heavy for lugging around.
You will see 4 x 4hp blank panels in the build, these were used to keep the rails in place when the case was put together. The rails are bolted to left and right wooden spacers ends which make up the extra internal width. The rails with ends are fixed into the case using flat head hex bolts (the ones you get with flat packed furniture). There's a small gap at the top and bottom of the rails which I think I will fill with some sticky backed foam strip to stop anything falling down the gap (this is when the rack is full, if ever).
The power supply is the Row Power 40 with Flying Bus and external power brick.
The first module I've added is the Music Thing Radio Music. This follows the audio work I've been doing in my VJ sets using samples triggered using my Livid CNTRL:R. This is blind mixing where I have no idea where the looping audio sample is and I fade up the sample using a knob on the Livid. VJ software is not great for controlling audio so I'm exploring the hardware route. With this I also have x2 Music Thing Modular Simple EQ's. Plus a Mutable Instruments CV Pal as a low cost way to start exploring MIDI / CV.
The module I'm looking for next is a simple output mixer. At the moment I have the AI Synthesis AI002 Audio and CV Mixer in the rack. For the output mixer I want a minimum of three inputs and a master mix out knob.
I like the simplicity of the AI Synthesis AI002 but would be happy to get some suggestions on mixer options, ideally low cost and DIY is fine.
Very useful thread! I am new here, didn't have any deals yet! Just want to share contacts of reliable provider I recently co-worked with and could recommend to everyone, I got excellent optoelectronics here .
as a noob myself i dont know much about those two full-voice-modules since i am more interested in building a full voice myself out of smaller modules but i can give you two tipps:
do you want to modulate something? if yes you'll need an mod source like lfo/eg and an vca.
wogglebug and ultra random analog are very popular random sources afaik. have you already looked at them?
So I've been reading up on modulars and how to start a system and so far I'm pretty set on these modules. I literally barely know anything at this point so if I'm wrong about anything or overlooking something please enlighten me! I'm here to learn. My question is though; would this be a good place to start my journey into modular and are there any modules that I should consider besides the ones I've chosen that might work better for what I need (or be cheaper? lol)
Basically I want something that can get those nice sounding "traditional" modular sounds as well as more natural "physical" sounding ones. And I guess whatever's in between... And then use my OP-1 to sequence it. Does anyone here have experience sequencing a modular with an OP-1? Are there any modules that would be compatible for that or do I need an external box from Kenton or the like?
My thought process on these modules was:
- Lifeforms SV-1 covers most of the basics, has an arpeggiator, etc. Would be a good workhorse.
- Elements has nice natural and percussive sounds and a resonator to boot (I'm a sucker for really resonant chime and bell-like sounds)
- Doepfer A-118 cause I love random everything. Is this a good module for random parameter changes and gate and stuff? Are there better ones?
And there's a bit of space leftover for a midi module or something. Any suggestions? Other modules that might pair well? Is there anything the SV-1 lacks that I should fill the space with? Please advise!
Thanks for any help! It's greatly appreciated!
PS if anyone is selling a Lifeforms SV-1 and can ship to the West Coast of Canada please let me know!
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ah i was just stupid only thinking in midi xD
of course you can utilize every beatstep sequencer simultaneously over cv in your rack =)
before i typed the last post i was thinking in anticipation about how i will be soon able to sequence 4 things with my digitakt over MIDI. xD so here the mixup in my brain xD
i plan to also get into soldering (finally xD) with eurorack, do you maybe have some inspirations of first modules to solder if you dont have much soldering skills already? xD
if i were you i would think about the feature overlap between clouds and morphagene and if i really need two similar tools in my first two rows.
if one of the two is enough for you at first, you could use the space to get maybe some attenuverters, switches and some logic to spice up your patch possibilities.
i am too inexperienced with all those different forms of noise and all the modules that offer a noise output to give you really good tipps here ;)
Thanks for the reaction Racooniac! I indeed had a look for the Yarns, mainly because it lets you record small sequences. Due to budget I went for the A-190-2 midi to cv. I am not quite sure I understood your sentence about being able to use only one of the beatsetps sequencers without Yarns. Isn't it so that for the drums seq I have 8 gates that i can stick in whatever drum modules? Like in my case the peaks and pico drums? And then use the other gate and pitch outputs from the other sequencers to go to an oscillator without even using the midi to cv module?
I will have to try it out. The last modules are arriving today together with my new creation desk!
So I hope I can start soldering the radio music and turing machine this weekend and move everything in the new studio. Cheers again for the tips!
Thanks for your advice man!
First of all I've chosen a case, it will be Mantis from Tiptop, its very light, has power, has travel bag so i can fly with it as a hand luggage. 208hp is pretty much space.
I've added a Zlob VCA, so minimum amount is reached:)
Also made a decision not to go for Rampage, seems too complicated and frustrating at the moment.
Tiptop One will stay in case i'm gonna use some extra audio source to be processed through the synth.
I've added 909 bass drum with the Pico sequencer cause I found solid kick to be important (thats why i love Tempest). Later I will assemble all analog drum-rack and it will move there.
Disting is a cool little thing! Ill just go for it because of this. Also added Pam's Workout, from your recommendation.
Got one more filter from Bastl and changed 4 to 6 inputs mixer.
Added 2 hp freez to use with external input.
I use noize pretty often so here is Doepfer's noize generator.
The last thing is Morphagen. Very flexible and sounds just awesome.
Now i think its too many effects... What else do I miss?
since the rampage has no attenuators like the maths, it very much likes living near an Happy Nerding 3xMIA or 4MS SISM or Triatt or something. Pams New Workout packs a lot of envelopes and lfo's into a small package, maybe have a look at it.
when planning for an digitakt (which is a nice idea btw.) you could maybe get a little light on those samplers? and maybe use the space of that tiptop one and pico drums and pico seq for something else?
(with your yarns you can utilize 1 or 2 or 4 midi tracks of the digitakt in your rig over midi, no need for more sequencers imho)
maybe you can fit an disting mk4 into there? very useful multi purpose module for small systems.
also: VCA's (yes you can really never have enogh of them)
Zlob VnIcursal VCA, befaco hexmix vca, intellijel dual/quad vca, tangle quartet, veils etc.
Hello guys! Im planning to build my first modular. I've read and watched a bunch of videos on how to start all this, but still it seems very confusing at this point, so it might be errors in here, maybe i miss some basic things. So feel free to comment and advice, i will appreciate it!
Few words about what do I wanna use it for.
Basically playing synths is my favorite time spending (what a surprise), but my job makes me move to a new place almost every half a year. At home I've got pretty solid MIDI-chained setup with Moog Voyager, Tetra, Analog4, a guitar that i sample into Octatrack, tb-303, bunch of effect processors and a DSI Tempest as drum machine. Obviously its not possible to carry all those with me. So i decided to sell the setup, get a small MIDI-sequencer with drum samples (considering Digitakt as a main option) and build a modular synth that is flexible and not huge.
Most of the time I play techno, but slowly reducing amount of percussion and moving to ambient-style soundscapes.
So my goal in this case is not to produce too much crazy blips and farts, but more stable musical sounds.
Thanks in advance:)
I pretty much have to have a volume pedal! For one, it takes the tuner out of my signal chain, and I can stick it between my drives and effects for more control.
I also suppose that I could raise the feet on the board and stick the power modules underneath. The GigRig stuff is awesome for that because everything is so lightweight.
Dropped one of the three LFOs and one of the two A-118 Randoms, which gave space for a dual quantizer and a logic module.
As you can tell, the two voices (two bottom rows) are identical up until and including the VCFs.
If anyone sees any omissions or has any other comments (like if I've included Doepfer modules known to not be particularly good) I'd be deeply grateful.
as a companion for the beatstep maybe take a look on the yarns. it could utilize 1-4 of the beatsteps sequencers instead of just 1.
also the saying goes "you can never have enough vca's" and thats true ;o) you will need an vca for EVERY single parameter you want to control the depth of, so one can generally not have enough. mixers are just vca's without control voltage.
also look into attenuverters like triatt, 3xmia, spo etc. and think about where you could use one.
I am Kristof aka Snuckyfication from Belgium, Antwerp province.
I have long been busy in the music but now only as an amateur. I only just discovered the modular synths.
The complexity and complete openness of the system and what you can do with it, draws me to it I guess.
Although I love challenges, I think this one will be a serious learning curve. And since I am in my middle forties, it all tends to go a little bit more slow than twenty years ago.....This might be the start of my midlife....
Are there events around modular in Belgium or neighbouring countries?
Kind regards,
...euh, I thought you could put the mother in the rack as a module..;Guess I understood that wrong then...
It all depends on what you would like to do with it. I am also just starting with my first rack, but I tried to choose my modules based on what I want to do with the modular. I opened a thread to ask for advice also.....
What would you like to do with your rack?
I am completely new to this kind of music/sound making/design. It is really daunting to choose between the tons of modules out there. I would like to create generative music, ambient patches, down tempo, etc. but also being able to integrate this in my normal recording workflow with Ableton. So normal voice, guitars, etc.... After listening to a lot of youtube and what modules they were using to make it, I came to the rack above. I also ordered an arturia beatstep pro for the sequencing. I still have in my studio a machine mk1, MPK225, APC-40,etc..; and newly acquired a book on Midi (Midi Power! by Robert Guèrin) because I still don't know too much how it all interfaces with each other. For instance, how can I bring a microphone in the modular? I mean, I want to talk or sing in the microphone and do stuff with it....what module allows me to do it?
What are your opinions on my decision for the starting modules? Taking into account what I am trying to achieve.
All comments and suggestions are more than welcome and I am looking forward to meeting this community in cyberspace or IRL.
Kind regards,
Kristof aka Snuckyfication
Thanks so much for all the input. Some great advice. I agree that spending more time with the mother will help me get a better understanding. Hoping to make some time available soon and will definitely check out the brain seed and other potential triggers.
It's good to know that my thought processes regarding potential builds are reasonably sound. Uluckily for me I have no one to talk these things out with irl
I would imagine I'll work towards something like this next year perhaps and probably look to add some midi/DAW connectivity modules. For now though I can't wait to get stuck into the mother 32. SQ-1 is on the way too!!!! excitment builds.
I don't know what you mean exactly... if you say you like some sounds from them then it is appealing to you, right.
If it sounds right, it is right. That is all that counts.
Can't help with the sequencer tho.
Btw - I listened to some youtube examples of the A-137-1 (wave multiplier) and I don't think that's what I want. So I made a new version which drops those & the Erica Pico's, and then adds more Doepfer noise, S/H and random modules instead.
How many VCAs would it be reasonable to have in a duophonic system where each voice is at most made up of three sources (2 VCOs and noise), and when one wants velocity sensitivity? I noted that the A-147-2 LFO has a VCA that can be used standalone as well.
And - am I low on multiples in the new version? (I have two A-180-2 at the moment.)
Doepfer make some great modules for sure, I currently have a A-132-3 dual linear/logarithmic VCA and the A-110-4 quadrature thru zero VCO. Your setup looks all good to go. I wouldn't bother with the A-132-4, I would swap it for the A-185-2.
I am trying to put together a duophonic modular based on Doepfer. I know synthesizers pretty well (have owned a MS20 and a MonoPoly in the past), but this would actually be my first modular. I live in Europe, and so Doepfer is the brand that seems most economical to base the build on. I will use this mostly for non-percussion/non-rhythm/non-sequenced parts, in other words mostly pads and drones and stuff like that.
* Does this look reasonable? Are there modules in there that are known to be inferior to other brands etc?
* I want to have velocity sensitivity applied to amplitude and VCF cutoff. Do I have enough VCAs for that, and/or missing anything else?
* Anything missing that I absolutely should include? Anything over the top that I could live without?
* Will I be able to get a vintage/non-sterile sound from these VCOs, or are there others I should go for?
Thank you! Does this make them unappealing? Because they are digital? I like some of the patches I have heard from them. Kind of my style. I currently have a Mother 32, 0-Coast, Maths and Clouds and I am looking to expand. I'm going to purchase an Intellijel 104 hp x 2 rows with a 1u row case. I was considering Elements and Metropolis vs Rene sequencer. Any suggestions?
I've had a mother 32 for about a week with not much chance to play yet
Spend more time with the mother, naturally you will hit limitations like not enough vca's or mixers or attenuators etc...
just buy what you are missing and let your rig evolve on its own module for module is usually the best advice anyone can give you, just listen to your rack it will tell you what it needs.
I don't know how you will play the thing
his mother32 has everything on board
but research the mothers quirks to not get suprised by buggy behaviour. it has some weird things going on like no proper grounding and other quirks that are nice to know beforehand so you dont run into trouble.
I think it is a really nice starting system, with not much to really miss. No errors.
Play with it, and you will see yourself what you are missing.
I don't know how you will play the thing, but I guess you either have cv-keyboard or you play it from math/batumi. If the second is true I personally would miss some triggers. I think Brain Seed would be a good companion for you setup with maths.
Hello Andy,
Neither Clouds nor Elements and Braids are fully analog. They depend on microprocessors - only the input/output and cv modulation stages are analog naturally.
To make a fully analog version of Braids the module would fill up the space of .... I don't know - something really really huge.
Mutable Ripples is a filter and it is for instance fully analog.
I really like some of the things I hear from Mutable Instruments. I have Clouds and am thinking of picking up Elements or Braids. Are these modules true analog? Sorry if this is a dumb question. Relatively new to this.
Hello, my first post here. So I want to put together a great sounding monosynth with loads of waveshaping possiblities. I have some good fx already so no fx nodules to keep costs down. Am I missing any essentials? Perhaps some modules are superfluous. Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks!