Lovely rack.
Can i ask you just why did you ended up selling your make noise maths ?

For my degree work, I had the wonderful opportunity to use the MakeNoise Shared System. These are just a collection of my learning process as well as some original work. Enjoy!

What buchla clones are missing?

I have a PO 12 with a broken output. I don't have Eurorack (yet) but could this bypass the broken jack & restore sync to my PO family?

Thread: Patch #1

Inputs from Keith McMillen Qunexus:

  • Qunexus CV1 to Doepfer A180 top jack
  • Qunexus Gate to ModDemix Carrier/CV1 In
  • Qunexus CV2 to VCOb PWM In
  • Qunexus CV3 to ModDemix Carrier/CV2 In

Ha! Replied too late - thanks exper :)

Now there's only one! Another moderator took care of it :)
You need to choose the "Show exotic modules" option to find it.



No worries, I hid it from view and marked it duplicate. Also linked the original listing in the info...

One trick when searching for modules is, make use that in advanced search settings, you select build type as DIY AND manufactured. Also, if its a more unknown or limited module, select the "Show exotic modules a.k.a. "other/unknowns" button.

And pretty much, always assume a module has already been added at some point. ;)

i couldn't find the module on the site a few days ago, now there are three????? unfortunately, the site won't let me delete the module (it's already in a few folks's racks)

This is the third submission of this module. How many do we need?
Anyone with knowledge on different versions etc, feel free to change things to make it right - or mark them as duplicate/delete, and I'll take care of it.
(There are some slight front panel variations, but nothing which seems to be worth to have more than one...)

This is the first production released revision of the VCF-74 (Rev-C). Availability is estimated to be June 20th

Its not stereo, i understand now its Dual-Mono because Minijack-Construction.
My Headphones are Stereo. Some Modules have Dual Mono fem-Jacks.
But its dumb that the Mixers are not "Dual-Mono".
Sure i have only Params for Volume at it, but now i use the A-106 as a Mixer...with less capacities...

Later i will add Fx and....

How i can know, Moduls have Dual Mono if i stick i stereo?


Oh its the wrong Thread :/...

Man this stuff is like crack! I thought people were being dramatic.

Just added rings and an oplab to the mix for some lovely sequencing and melodic work! :)


Already in the database:

ModularGrid Rack

Hi everyone,

This is my first post and visit to this site. I was directed here after I bought a few modules last week to start exploring modular stuff. My day job is a sound designer, but I pretty much exclusively build everything and process field recordings on a laptop.
I want to start performing and writing new music on my new modular instrument and I like the separation it creates between my art and day to day work.

I currently combine field recordings with ambient guitar/drones/pedals, I also have an iPad running borderlands and an OP1.
I'm looking to try and build a rack that'll work to capture and manipulate found sounds, build up lush atmospherics, yet still maintain upbeat, almost naive melodies/cute tones I quite often try and keep in.

I have a mother 32 for pretty vanilla stuff, but hope I can make use of it's patchbay to try some more experimental things. I love clouds and that's what really swung me into getting into modular. The dual looper is a bit of an experiment. I was searching for something that would allow me to capture and layer drones and textures. I think I still need a bit more time to figure this out.

The Tempi, to be honest was a bit of a last minute experiment with trying to get a clock divider in to help shape rhythms of things. After playing with the dual looper though, I haven't really found a good use for this yet. I still plan and have budget to get a couple more modules though, but would appreciate any help or ideas that could help me explore both my current set up, or any recommendations for missing modules.

My first patch/plan I want to create is a simple soft whimsical evolving drone I can leave in the room as part of an art installation I'm doing in a few weeks time.



i only have anushri so far but am planning my rack similar to yours so had to try! I was of the impression that most euro modules and patch cable are mono, i.e. that is the norm, although there obviously some that do stereo, sometimes this would be on one minijack (tip/ring/sleeve) but more likely be separate monos for l+r. These are usually fx machine and have some kind of panning or width/spread adjustment.

what you need for head phones is mono to stereo converter jack, these come in 3.5>3.5 or 3.5>1/4

they sound broken, maybe you should sell them off cheap? id be interested
-- owbotic

no,. other ideas?

i worry that the yarns may be redundant, considering that the FRR and the AK do cv to midi...what would be a good replacement if this is true?

ModularGrid Rack

i'm new to this, so please forgive me if i've overlooked something essential. the fact that i'll be incorporating my AK and FRR leads me to believe that these two units will fill in roles in the usual rack.

they sound broken, maybe you should sell them off cheap? id be interested

Thread: Funbox v2

Intellijel 7U case. To be used with Mixbox: ModularGrid Rack

Thread: Mixbox

To be used in an Intellijel 7U case along with Funbox v2.0: ModularGrid Rack

Thread: Moon River

ZDSP outs L+R -> Machinedrum inputs A + B
Machinedrum out C -> Multiple input

Hi, i have a Case :D
-> Doepfer Energy
Trigger Riot
TipTop SD, BD, CP, Hats (stereo okay)
Bismilus Iteritas
A-106-1 (stereo okay)
PoleZero SSF/WMD
Disting mk3
2x Malleko Mix

Okay...i have no consonance Stereo Out in my Headphones direct listening from
- Pole Zero (also if stereo from TipTop-SD, i have 95% mono left side here)
- Malekko Mix (both) ( 95% mono left side)
- Neuron ( 95% mono left side)
- Bisimilus ( 95% mono left side)

What happens here?
Energy Problems?

Headphones are okay, A-106 brings my stereo back...

Thanks for helping.

Greetings all,

This is my first eurorack ever. I am going for a starter kit where I have all the bases covered. Couple OSCs, filters, buffed mult, mixer, env. generator, midi to CV module, etc.

Any tips or suggestions are welcome as I am a newbie when it comes to modular synthesis.


A good option to replace the maths would be the 4ms Quad Pingable LFO. Each can be used as a one-shot AD if the ping clock is stopped. Plus, rhythmic modulation and a clear next step for expansion (e.g. QCD).

Was wondering if i could get any advice about this setup. First thing to point out is I have Anshuri in box so rack space is not an issue its just there for illustration purposes. Also I have a 606 I modded with trig ins which i plan on using with the trgger riot hence no drums in the rack. So the question is. do i need more utilities to make this practical? I'm not sure if i need more basic linking, mixers, envelopes VCAs etc?? any opinions from seeasoned eurorackers ?? cheers

Well 3 month is too much imho... All sales sites have it maximum 1 month... You should change that and keep it clean :)

The ads are already timed and selfdestruct after 3 month. Maybe that period is too long...
Since we are not included in any transaction it's hard/next to impossible to find out which offer is still valid...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:


Well I've seen and asked too many people already for items they're selling and in the end they already sold them. And I bet it's contaminated with much more... You guys need to find a new solution to this as it's a pain in the ass and then you end with like 300 ads for just a region and in the end you have like 200 real for sure.

One of the ideas is to put a timed ad... After 3 weeks of not notifying if sold or remove if given up for sale the ad should delete itself and user must add it again.

The Marketplace feels like a jungle now...


Don't forget it also functions as 3 independent attenuators.

I too put one in my rack to power my BSP, not enough ma. Now I use it to power 2 gooseneck led lamps, which is great as my rig is portable and lighting can be a problem.

we need kit :)

I'd pick up a second Z3000. They FM incredibly well together.
-- TriangleMan

I thought buying a second VCO but mostly because I have the opportunity to get an AS RS95e for 80 €. But yes..a second Z3000, why not, I really like it!
Correct me if I'm wrong: for a basic full synth voice, I just need to grab an LFO. But if I want to make rich and complex ambient or industrial textures and process some external sounds, I need a lot of modulators! So wtb next: pay the price for an all-in-one module like Math (enven if the complexity scares me a bit) or take some entry level LFOs/RM/S&H/Noise modules from Doepfer..?

It sure has enough modules to do something meaningful. Question is what exactly are you trying to achieve? Looks like you want to plug in some sort of guitar or similar. In that case you may want to have something to convert the pitch of your instrument / controller to CV so you can actually play your synth with it, such as the RS-35 . Also, there is a lack of VCA and mixer for my taste. Loose one the uZEUS and get a mixer instead. Did you notice, the guitar interface module seems to be DIY only.

Hello! Can anyone tell me if this synth ecosystem has enough pieces to function and make a wide variety of sounds? The synth is the second one called First Mod.

I watched a couple demos on YouTube, and I envisioned using it to generate arpeggios (apparently missing the core concept, lol). Once I realized it wasn't going to work for that purpose I took it off, I just forgot to edit my post to reflect the change. Thx for the input TriangleMan

I love the Trigger Riot, but I'm curious how you plan on using it with this setup. I primarily use mine for triggering drums and envelopes. I'm wondering if you have enough destinations to to justify it.

Nice! Really like the part around 2:00.

I'd pick up a second Z3000. They FM incredibly well together.

I just pre-ordered one from PCA.

In the picture, it looks like it can be removed from the case. It seems like it would be an odd design choice to not make it compatible with a eurorack case.

okay. thanks .. I am on the manual ... too weird tho ... ur vid only shows static ;(

Thank you @Datasette for the System X Envelope. I created an account here because of your offer :)

how do u control the telharmonic? I am super stupid and new to modular .. so far I hate the module :( --- thanks for reply
-- TrabanT

I would suggest reading the manual to get started:

You could also look at some of our videos on our youtube channel:

Nothing good comes easy... modular synthesis is no different then learning any other instrument. Takes time.


how do u control the telharmonic? I am super stupid and new to modular .. so far I hate the module :( --- thanks for reply

Hi all, this is actually my first rack. Any suggestions on what to buy next? I'd like something not too expensive, exotic or complicated as I'm starting, and analog only. DIY is ok! Thanks

I see this is a DIY. Any details on construction plans?

When creating a new rack it would be very practical to be able to input the power qualifications of your case (as an optional requirement) so power warnings are particular to your current setup, when modules exceed your case's power possibilities.

Thread: Marketplace


i pay for an article that never arrive, the guy send me a wrong tracking number after to weeks.

he still have the module available

not sure if here the proper way to report this

Thread: Bento Box

Thank you, moegl! :-) It's rather fun. Next step is getting this into a 7U Intellijel case (inbound now)! It's quite a challenge doing all mixing through the Cold Mac, but this build is specifically about creative constraints and limitations, and it's actually taught me a TON about Cold Mac. (Super-hint: The TriAtt is the key to making Cold Mac much more flexible.)
tw/sc @noisejockey