...Small businesses can't limit their advertising potential by sacking off these terrible platforms. ...
-- wishbonebrewery

This doesn’t seem to be about advertising on these platforms, but rather that purchasing modules from "Signs Modular" is only possible by contacting them via Instagram or X.

Personally, I also believe there should be an alternative way to get in touch, so that people don’t have to create an account on these morally and socially questionable platforms just to initiate a module purchase.

Thread: System 01

Could be someone be so kind to help me if this system makes sense? Thank You
-- MX___

Sure! Your system technically may makes sense... but only in the same way that a house made entirely of cardboard technically provides shelter.

Behringer modules will make sound, sure, but their business model is basically "copy & undercut," which isn’t exactly what the Eurorack spirit is about. If you’re okay with that, go for it! But if you want to support innovation, independent creators, and long-term quality, you might want to mix in some non-Behringer modules.

TL;DR: It’ll work, but you might wake up one day and realize your entire rack is just a cheap clone of someone else’s hard work. 😉


Does anyone has a clue how to connect this to the case? there's apparently no socket for the power and the manual does not say any. I've tried seraching aroud but i've not found anything usefull.
-- sntelectronics

I don't own one, but the picture on the Thomann website seems to show it:

I'm 99% sure that the long horizontal cable is the power connector (16-pin plug with a 10-pin cable).

on https://doepfer.de/a155.htm there is a similar image that shows the power connector

Thread: Adsr use

If you're getting the sound you want, then it might be perfect for you.
In my experience, mixing every voice with silence in a rhythmic way is crucial—otherwise, my output tends to get muddy and overloaded.
Do you have any audio recordings? That would make it much easier to give feedback.

... No idea why the devs cant implement this simple thing into the code for the site.
-- geoffcrowther

Have some patience with the MG developers—it’s not as simple as it might seem.

The option to "Show/Hide modules that are in the current rack" could probably be implemented fairly quickly.
But a full Rack Diff Wizard is a bit more complex.

A proper concept would need to be worked out first:
- What should the input interface look like? Maybe two dropdowns where you select two racks to compare?
- Should it even allow selecting multiple racks at once?
- Do you want to see only the modules that are in all selected racks (the intersection)?
- Or only the ones that are not in the intersection?
- What should happen with the result?
- Should you be able to create a new rack from the comparison?
- Should there be a JSON export that you can manually import as a new rack?
- Or should all modules be tagged with "unracked" and the filter options have to be extended?

So many questions...

You could try drafting a solid concept for it. That would definitely increase the chances of the MG developers implementing it at some point!

is there a way (with the unicorn account) to see which modules you have used from my collection, but not in the active rack. I have a few racks and when i'm planning a new one i'd like to see which are currently used in my other racks
-- geoffcrowther

A few days ago, I needed the same thing.
A diff wizard for two or more racks would be really great.

Since there's currently no way to have a specific number of the same module in your own collection, you'd have to create a separate rack with your collection. That way, it would also work with multiple instances of the same module.

@geoffcrowther As a tedious workaround see https://modulargrid.net/e/forum/posts/view/42725

Thread: Bug Report

It happened again, Plaits is gone! But only when I am logged in, works very well when I am logged out. Mystery module page.
-- pawal

Can you reproduce the issue in a different browser or in a private browser session?
Try deleting all modulargrid.* cookies in the browser where you're experiencing the problem.

different from the last one, what do u guys think honestly of this?
-- skyler

Maybe not bad – but the bass drum is way too loud!
On my sound system, it feels like all the other sounds are at just 10% volume.

... that brings the flexibility of a full-featured sequencer ...
-- FileTransferProtocol

This sequencer looks like a lot of fun!

But does it really have no reset CV-input, or am I missing something?
Wouldn't that mean it inevitably goes out of sync when restarting the master clock?

A demo video with drums or at least a metronome alongside some loops of other sequencers would be super interesting to see!

Does anyone have a copy of the malekko voltage block firmware 1.6 ?
-- Bigbadger65

i found a link to google drive on https://web.archive.org/web/20240803195927/https://malekkoheavyindustry.com/voltage-block-updates/

Thread: Bug Report

The font size on Microsoft Edge is too small for the entire website, almost unreadable...
-- electricfish

Ensure you have 100% zoom. I think the symbol in your address bar indicates a non standard value.
maybe you changed it unintentionally with Ctrl + mousewheel
common keyboard shortcut for 100 % zoom is Ctrl + 0.
those shortcuts should work in most web browsers

Oh my goodness. I've never heard of these but oh wow they seem useful. Thanks for teaching me something new today!

-- HGsynth

Essentially, these NKPs are just a collection of capacitors. Many bus boards already have similar components built in. I can’t say for sure if this is an effective solution for eliminating noise, but I assume it could help in certain configurations.

If you have any idea what it could be, I'd love to hear from you.
-- Hoggres

I don’t have a definitive solution, but I do have a few suggestions to consider:

Approach 1:

Unplug all modules from the power bus. Reconnect the modules one by one. This might help identify if a specific module is causing the noise. If you find the source, consider using a "Noise Killer Plug" on the problematic module: https://www.midi-hardware.com/?section=prod_info&product=NKP

Approach 2:

Take a loose wire and connect one end to the rail of your Eurorack and the other end to the casing of your other equipment (e.g., audio interface, amplifier) or any component involved in your audio signal chain.

Approach 3:

Start by simplifying your audio path to isolate the issue.

Begin with the simplest setup: Eurorack -> amplifier.
Gradually add components: Eurorack -> audio interface -> amplifier. Adapt this sequence based on your actual setup.

Approach 4:

Try using a different sound system. Take your rack to a friend’s place and test it there. If the noise is absent, there might be a device in your home setup (e.g., a refrigerator) causing interference. Rotating power plugs by 180 degrees might help (if your country uses reversible power plugs).

Personal Experience:

I have a "WMD Performance Mixer Mk1" that produced significant noise through my speakers. After connecting this module to a different power supply in my rack (I have eight Meanwell RT-65B units), the noise disappeared. Replacing the Meanwell RT-65B made no difference. This suggests that certain module combinations within the same power supply can create noise issues.

Good luck!

Finally circling back around here... This doesn't seem to be returning all of my modules. Are their other parameters for paging through, or a flag to dump everything?
-- out_of_band

Monitoring the requests of your browser should give you an idea what is possible


...Its very difficult as well to see how far the two triggers are apart, since it's just milliseconds of difference.
How do you guys handle this issues?
-- deurstopjoris

i highly recommend to analyse the signals via some monitoring like the mordax data.
its not that cheap but its one of the most useful modules i have. it helped me out hundrets of times when i did not understand why this or that does not work like expected. Thanks to this module i learned so much about eurorack!

pretty sure with some multi channel oscilloscope you can identify the specific module(s) where the microtiming gets messed up!?

When dealing with huge racks that are very full its often a pain to perform tiny rearrangements
it would be great to workaround this by temporary injecting empty rows and remove them again
something like this

Row functions
├── Swap Rows
│   ├── Row 1
│   │   ├── with Row 2
│   │   └── with Row 3
│   ├── Row 2
│   │   ├── with Row 1
│   │   └── with Row 3
│   └── Row 3
│       ├── with Row 1
│       └── with Row 2
├── Move Row
│   ├── Row 1
│   │   ├── to position 2
│   │   └── to bottom
│   ├── Row 2
│   │   ├── to top
│   │   └── to bottom
│   └── Row 3
│       ├── to top
│       └── to position 2
├── Insert empty row
│   ├── 3U
│   │   ├── top
│   │   ├── between rows 1 & 2
│   │   ├── between rows 2 & 3
│   │   └── bottom
│   └── 1U
│       ├── top
│       ├── between rows 1 & 2
│       ├── between rows 2 & 3
│       └── bottom
└── Remove empty rows
    ├── all
    ├── empty row y
    └── empty row x

-- modular01

@modulargrid have you ever considered to implement this feature (at least the move row functionality)? It shouldnt be that time consuming!? i am still willing to help out.

...filter/sort "My Modules" to only show modules not currently used in the displayed rack...
-- proppy


...A filter on "My Modules" to show only modules not in the current rack would be very helpful when contemplating swaps...
-- gimbalgambit


...I wish I could filter/sort by whether a module is in the rack I am currently viewing...
-- adamj

@proppy @gimbalgambit @adamj & many more who requested this feature within the last years
As an ugly workaround you can open the javascript console of your browser and execute this snippet:

Hide modules that are already in the rack

$('.box-module').show(); $('.box-module.in-rack').hide();  

Hide modules that are not in the rack

$('.box-module').show(); $('.box-module:not(.in-rack)').hide();  

But be aware that this only applies to already displayed modules! So you may have to scroll down after clicking My modules

Does it make sense to lock module editing even when there is no information about module depth or 5V power consumption?
for example: https://modulargrid.net/e/winter-modular-eme-black

@modulargrid: consider to make those fields required before beeing able to set it to "Approved by manufacturer"

Power Supply (uZeus 4HP) specs:
+12V: 2000 mA
-12V: 500 mA
+5V: 170 mA

Doepfer basic VCO A-110-1 needs:
+12V: 90 mA
-12V: 20 mA
+5V: 0 mA

Moog Mavis needs:
+12V: 112 mA
-12V: 0 mA
+5V: 0 mA

you can simply sum up those numbers for each power line (+12V, -12V, +5V) and compare it with the numbers of your power supply. as a recommendation you should not exceed 75-80% of the given power supply

If those numbers are correct (please verify yourself) it is totally safe to use it for your 2 modules. Further you have a lot of headroom for more power hungry modules left...

...This does not work for you?

-- modulargrid

copy/paste modules does work within both browser windows. but each with its separate server side clipboards.
it makes no difference if i edit the identical rack or 2 different racks. i use firefox and chromium on linux

You can copy/paste from different browsers..

modulargrid.com is now an alternative domain for modulargrid.net.

-- modulargrid

copy/paste modules between .net and .com top level domains does also not work. each site has its own "server side clipboard".
the urls
seems to be persisted in the MG database on a user session basis instead of a user basis!?

You can copy/paste from different browsers..
-- modulargrid

This does not work for me
each browser session has its own clipboard

When dealing with multiple browser windows for rearrangements all windows are doomed to use the same zoom level.
This is a bit tedious when dealing with one huge and one small rack.
As far as i know the browser zoom level is always the same for each (sub)domain.

@modulargrid can you try to add a 2nd subdomain which serves the same site (like www2.modulargrid.net ) to allow different zoom levels?
Or will this break the copy paste functionality?
In case you give it a try dont forget to set canonical meta tags and disable site indexing.

Is it possible to automatically create a rack with all modules in my collection?

as far as i know this is not possible

Or at least to see the total HP of the collection?

At the bottom of your racks there is a link to the data sheet:

At the bottom of the data sheet you can see the total HP

Would like to somehow see everything that I have.

you can add all modules of your rack(s) to your collection:

You have a list of all your modules in the my modules tab:

Thread: Bug Report

Found some querying inconsistencies in the Module Finder when it comes to modules listed under the "Other/unknown" manufacturer:
-- drohn

"other/unknown" is excluded on purpose which makes sense to me.
There is a hint when you have 0 search results as well:

...I would apreciate a healthy discussion on this topic, do you have sync problems or is your system working...
-- GunnarWaage

Maybe a bit off topic because i dont use "sample accurate sync" but here is my synchronisation experience:
We have a lot of jam sessions with all kind of electronic music equipment (dozens or close to 100 different syncable devices within the last years).
Everything is synced via MIDI clock and in some subsystems this MIDI clock gets converted to CV-clock/reset via Arturia devices (Keystep PRO, Beatstep PRO) or PAMs.
In those hardware based setups sync accuracy has never been an issue.

As soon as a laptop or tablet (windows, mac, ios, android) needs to be synced as slave things start to get inaccurate.
But every better software has the possibility to adjust the clock-sync-offset in milliseconds.
Strange thing i experienced is that the needed offset value is often very different compared to former jam sessions with the same equipment.

There are indeed a few syncable eurorack modules that are always a single CV-clock-tick ahead.
To solve this issue i have built an arduino that holds back the very first clock tick after start.
Now i have 2 different master clocks in my eurorack to get everything in perfect sync

... Can you just use some special cables in place of the small shunts that currently need to be physically moved from the LPF pins to the HPF ones? Is this what you mean by jumper cables? Thanks!
-- thermal

you can replace those red jumpers

with "Arduino Jumper wires"

connected to any SPDT switch (center pin on PCB to center pin on switch)

if you need further assistance feel free to PM me to keep this thread module specific...

...Bit of a shame there aren't switches for this on the face of the module as it's a pain to take the module out mid session to swap the jumpers on the back...
-- thermal

in case you have 2HP left it shouldn't be that hard to turn a blank panel into a non-destructive breakout module with a few small switches.
with long jumper cables it also would be possible to place this breakout module in the row above or below...
two years ago i made something similar https://www.modulargrid.net/e/other-unknown-a-128-bypass-breakout

All versions of Happy Nerding - FX Aid seems to be capable as well:

Further Expert Sleepers - Disting MK4 has also a DJ-Filter algorithm:

some of the doepfer filter modules do this in 8hp - wasp, sem etc
-- JimHowell1970

I have 2 wasp filters but the LP/HP mix knob is additional to the cutoff knob which requires to use both hands in some situations.
unfortuantely the unfiltered signal of the cutoff is on the opposite position for HP/LP (like most filters i have in my rack).
thx anyway!!

...Usually called "DJ" filters...
-- farkas

thank you!

Does anyone know (preferably small) modules that acts as LP and HP filter with a single frequency knob?
noon: unfiltered
CCW: LP cutoff
CW: HP cutoff

Like endorphin.es squawk dirty to me in this mode:

or the endorphin.es - Ghost

Does this type of filter-combo has a special name?
Thank you in advance for any suggestions!

...patch cables go from input to output hence an optimised system should ideally have the same number of these, no matter which modules are included...
-- Dan_ogq

I disagree. for me an optimized system is defined by other aspects than than the relation of I/O's
- most important: can i achieve the audible results that i want?
- is it ergonomic or is there room to optimise by rearranging some modules?
- is it performable the way that i want?
- is it easy to get every module perfectly in sync without struggling with missing clock ticks?
- do i have enough headroom with my power supplies?
- is my lightning ok regardless where my rack is located?
- is there any audible result i want to achieve but not possible with modules i have?
- is it easy for me to find/grab the right patch cables?
- etc.

those are a few of my thoughts to optimize my personal rack...

using the "search similar racks" function i found a nearly identical rack:
maybe it includes the blurry modules that cant be recognized in the video...

Yesterday i wondered if its time to rearrange the (~160) modules in my rack from scratch
As its not possible to place modules to a specific position within the rack this is horrible monkeywork on huge racks
so much scrolling, so much zooming in and out, so much searching in the my modules list, so much fiddling around with the buggy hard to use module placement that requires pixel perfect movements...

so i had another idea to start with this task:
it would be great to work with module dummies in the real world before starting to persist the arrangement in modulargrid.
smaller versions (maybe 1:2) of each module printed on paper or cardboard which can be arranged & moved around on a desk.

using AI it shouldnt be that hard to convert existing images of the modules to printable blueprints/pictograms that can be printed to paper and cutted with a scissor.

So my huge feature request (or at least placing the idea for this feature) is an "export all my modules or a specific rack to printable A4 sheets"

I have to admit thats especially for users with huge racks because small racks are handleable completely digital within modular grid...
Maybe the idea is totally crap because some aspects are much more tedious than on modulagrid (like searching modules or to get a feeling for the arrangement with only a black/white mess of tiny pieces of paper/cardboard)
Any thoughts?

...Wishbonebrewwery -- Takaab could work but I REALLY dont like 2hp modules. fingers are just too fat...
-- Scarfmeister

as a workaround i have most of my 2hp modules combined with small blank panels on at least one side.
this particular module does not have any potentiometers so probably there is no need for additional space.

i never have heard of this module but reading the description made my curious - i am going to search for some sound examples...

Thread: Change Log

Push entire row of Modules

-- modulargrid

in my opinion it would be better to close the remaining gaps with each push one by one with each click
your soulution removes all gaps at once
thx anyway

currently you can only swap entire rows. its not possible to move a row to a specific position without messing up the rest of the rack
Edit -> Swap Rows

i already made a feature request for moving a row

Ah, tnx i get it. Tnx for the reply ! Im looking more for something more easy and less damging to my cases. As in, unscrewing evry time i need the case, thats gonna make some damage.

-- Gijsja

in your first post you said ...i dont mind drilling in yhe cases...
the "damage" would be 2 holes on each case edge that has to be connected (a total of 8 holes)
attaching and removing a metric screw within a metric nut does not cause any further damage.

Hey, tnx for your reply, how do you disconnect the top case ?
-- Gijsja

i have to remove those two M5 screws on each side. then i can lift the upper case:


maybe its more clear on my (unfinished) top case

of course this is not exactly applyable with your cases - but i think a similar solution would be possible. do you have pictures?

recently i built a custom case that consist of multiple stackable sub cases:

first i tried to use 8mm x 80mm metal bolts between the cases but i was not successful.
I was hoping to be able to stack & unstack the cases without the need for any tool.

after i realised that its totally ok for me using a tool in favour of a good connection between the cases i finally mounted a 3mm metal plate with 2 M5 holes on top of each sub case
it looks like a strong connection with nothing to worry about.


When dealing with huge racks that are very full its often a pain to perform tiny rearrangements
it would be great to workaround this by temporary injecting empty rows and remove them again
something like this

Row functions
├── Swap Rows
│   ├── Row 1
│   │   ├── with Row 2
│   │   └── with Row 3
│   ├── Row 2
│   │   ├── with Row 1
│   │   └── with Row 3
│   └── Row 3
│       ├── with Row 1
│       └── with Row 2
├── Move Row
│   ├── Row 1
│   │   ├── to position 2
│   │   └── to bottom
│   ├── Row 2
│   │   ├── to top
│   │   └── to bottom
│   └── Row 3
│       ├── to top
│       └── to position 2
├── Insert empty row
│   ├── 3U
│   │   ├── top
│   │   ├── between rows 1 & 2
│   │   ├── between rows 2 & 3
│   │   └── bottom
│   └── 1U
│       ├── top
│       ├── between rows 1 & 2
│       ├── between rows 2 & 3
│       └── bottom
└── Remove empty rows
    ├── all
    ├── empty row y
    └── empty row x

Thread: DivKid ochd

I bought my ochd in 2021, and after unpacking it, I noticed an ugly stain on the encoder button that looks like dirt but couldn't be wiped off.

Schneidersladen offered to replace the ochd, but it seems to me that shipping it across Europe wouldn't justify this first-world problem. Therefore, I decided to keep it. As for its functionality, I've never had any issues. Everything has always worked perfectly, and I use it frequently.

-- JimHowell1970

perfect - thanks a lot for your advice and explanation!

Currently i am building a "modular" modular case. It consists of several cases that can be stacked to an unlimited height.
the very top (case-) module will have a 1 meter LED bar that emits to the ceiling.
This Led bar has a height of ~ 70mm so i will have space for a 1U row at the front.
I have no idea if i ever will use this 1U row for modules. for now i will create a huge blank panel for this
but i wonder in which distance i should drill the holes for the rails.

Researching the different 1U front panel heights brought me:
Intellijel: 39,65 mm
Pulp Logic: 1,7 inch which should be 43,18 mm

Is one of the formats more future proof than the other?
thanks for any advice or opinion!

I would like to easily filter out blank panels.
-- jgb

Second on this

-- Dub007

something like this?

or is there another context where excluding blank panels makes sense?

  • Room for expansion... there should be 8-10 HP left in my rack.

hahaha - thar's not room for expansion ....
-- JimHowell1970

consider to replace HP with U when thinking about room for expansion :D
just kidding - but 8-10 HP will not be enough.

a few minutes of yesterdays 8 hour synth jam session...

...What are some things that I can do to troubleshoot this.
-- isolatediguana

without having proper knowledge i had been messing around with hissing noise in audio equipment every now and then.
in some cases the direction of the AC power plug solved my issue.
in other cases i figured out that a totally different device (e.g. some light) had been the cause
sometimes an additional wire (ground to ground) solved my problem.

further you can try to narrow down the cause by unplugging all modules in both cases and replug+check them one by one.
good luck!

...click on "My Modular" it takes me to the last Eurorack system I had looked at...
-- JohnLRice

my experience is that "My Modular" always shows the rack with the most recent changes. But maybe i am wrong...

Would be nice to be able to duplicate a module when planning a rack. Maybe a button or so on the top left like the others.
-- maths


...they don't want to share the secret sauce.
-- Sedalus

thank you for that one :D

...I normally have my current rack and some variation of it as public...
-- ferranadsr

that sounds pretty normal to me.
as stated in my initial post - i am curious why people set all of their racks to private. without judging anything...
(i have added ALL to the topic title)