When posting your rack, don't post a JPG pic of it, post a link so people can review your set-up. Just copy the URL when viewing your rack. Like this.

Pam's New Workout has an optional MIDI expander. If you're working with MIDI hardware, that might be very useful for sync'ing.
Steppy is a gate sequencer. It doesn't output pitch information. You have a Beatstep Pro that offers gate AND pitch CV. What do you intend on doing with the Steppy?
You have the Intellijel Quad VCA. You also have a Doepfer Dual VCA. For the build, I think you would be safe getting rid of the Doepfer.
I like the Batumi and Poti expander. But this is a small case. Is there a dual LFO module to your like that's a lot smaller?
For your ring modular, I would go with Befaco's A*B+C. It's a dual ring modulator but has pots included for level control. That will be extra handy.
Speaking of pots... look up "attenuverter" You need a couple of those to change the polarity of your CV and attenuate it. Befaco also makes a great dual attenuverter.
Your choice of filters are a low-pass filter and a low-pass/band-pass filter. That's a lot of real estate for a small case. Unless there's a specific style of sound you're looking to get from your filters, I'd find a smaller multimode filter.
Do you have a noise source here?
Where are the envelope generators?
If you get rid of some of the fluff you don't need, you can also go with a Disting EX rather than a Mk4. You'll get much more use out of the EX.
You can also save space by purchasing smaller clones of the Mutable Instruments stuff. Again, in a small build, you might want to sacrifice a little convenience to get squeeze in more modules (more functionality).