Hi all,
I have been on verge of diving into eurorack for a while and have finally decided to jump in. After playing around in VCV Rack for a while, spending some time on YouTube and reading through the forums here, I feel like I'm finally becoming a little more comfortable actually making a few purchases. Before I do however, I was wondering if any of you fine people would be willing to take a look at the rack I put together and provide any suggestions as to where I should start with my first purchases. Because I'm new to the whole thing, I'm sure there are some obvious holes or redundancies in this build so any critique would be super helpful.
Ultimately, I have about $2k to spend so I'm looking for the best places to start and then build out from there later. A little bit of info into what I'm looking to do:
I already have an 0-Coast that I've been digging into and am looking to include it with my build. I will also probably be doing most of my clocking and sequencing in my DAW to start until my build is fleshed out a bit more so those are not urgent.
The only required purchases for me to start would be a rack (looking at the RackBrute 6u) and a Morphagene (I thought a long while about using just this as a standalone as well). This leaves about $1100 to play with. My thoughts to start were the Veils (for the Quad VCA), Batumi (for the Quad LFO), ES Disting MK4 (for the flexibility), Erica Synths Black Wavetable VCO (to be a complimentary voice to the 0-Coast) and probably a simple mult as well.
I know the 0-Coast itself provides me with a bit of flexibility as it has a lot of the basics already built in, but I would like to make sure my first few purchases will be as musically compatible as possible. I would also like to make sure the build compliments the Morphagene as much as possible too. This probably sounds a little broad, but in general I am looking for a build that can do some interesting textural ambience as well as have some grit if it needs to go into a more industrial sounding direction.
In addition, if there are any modules you think would be a cheaper replacement but do the job better or just as well, I am open to that. And vice versa, if there is a more expensive one.
Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated and super helpful! You all seem like a welcoming group and everything that I've seen in this forum makes me feel confident I'll end up going down a road I'll be happy with.
Thanks in advance!