Hey again,
I’ve finally decided to go without the Morphagene for now, it’s a pretty cool module but I think this small cab will be much more fun to use if I add a few utilities instead.

Removing the Morphagene frees 20hp in the top row and this is what I changed:
I moved the Pamela’s New Workout to the top row and it now sits between the PS and the VCOs, this should avoid any noise from creeping into the audio chain as Lugia pointed out. I guess the Pam’s will be setup and forget most of the time, so from all the cv modulation modules it kind of makes sense to put this one besides the PS.
Then I added a wavefolder as Farkas suggested, but instead of the uFold II I decided to go with the AntiMatter Crossfold because it can also be used as a crossfader or a VCA, that will surely be useful in this small cab.
In the second row I replaced the Mixup with the Happy Nerding 3xMIA as Farkas suggested too. I would lose the mutes in the Mixup though, but the acid rain Switchblade can swich, mix and mute audio or cv, so far so good. Also adding a kinks to rectify signals, do basic logic or use the s&h and noise. Pretty cool, can’t wait to have this guys in my rack.
Ok, so there’s 8hp left so far. I was planning to add a classic ADSR at this point, something like the MFB ADSR with CV ins for the different stages, but then I stumbled upon the Make Noise Function.
The Function is quite interesting but I’m afraid I don’t fully understand its potential yet and I’m unsure if it really complements this rack. I know it can be used as an ASR envelope generator or as an LFO too, a part from that I don’t know what other tricks it can be used for, but the EOR and EOC outs make me thing there’s a lot of creative patching possibilities in this module.
So, does this rack still make sense? what about the Function? Should I replace it with an ADSR or with something completely different? I think the rack kind of makes sense for its size but your feedback is more than welcome.