Hallo Community.
Finally, I gout my first Rack standing infront of me. After Patching some hours I am struggeling if i maybe need some more modulation sources? What do you think?
Hallo Community.
Finally, I gout my first Rack standing infront of me. After Patching some hours I am struggeling if i maybe need some more modulation sources? What do you think?
Yep, and the problem is pretty obvious: not enough envelopes. There's lots of stuff here that needs them (VCAs, VCFs). I reworked this a bit:
I also reworked the layout considerably, putting most of the audio UP, mod/CV DOWN (except for the Milky Way and Rosie), and putting everything in a L->R flow. Now, I did remove the Make Noise Function...at just one EG in an 8 hp space, it was a waste of panel space in a small rig like this. Removing it and one of the Links allowed me to drop in a Malekko Quad Envelope instead, which also will play nice with the Stages, Tempi, etc. Plus, while the Links has some very useful functions, there's no need for two of them here; you should be using inline mults whenever possible in small rigs.
Thank you so much for your reply and for "redesigning" my Rack!!! Iam quite new to Modular and quite happy that I start getting a feeling for whats missing, btw whats too much. You confirmed my oppinion! I still dont know why I bought 2 STO´s and the Telharmonic and the Plaits but I think I´ll need them soon, or find a use for them. At this time I only use a few Modules of mine, just to get them to know deeper.
Thanks again mate! You helped me a lot!
What I did there with the oscillators was to do a pairing very much like what I did on a rebuild last week. In this case, the "primary" oscillators are the Telharmonic and the Plaits, and the STOs are co-located so that they can be used as an AF modulation source or a doubling VCO on each. But yeah, the lack of envelopes was the key...VCAs and VCFs need 'em like we need water!
Could you be so kind, if you find the time, show me this in a little Patch? That´ll help me, iam sure. I did not knew, since a couple of days, that I can modulate an Oscillator with an Oscillator.... If I understand you right, I could modulate the Telharmonic with a STO?
Absolutely! That's what the Telharmonic's "FM" input is for. That'll take any modulation input ranging from long LFO curves up into audio-range signals. Running a sine from the STO to the Tel's FM will let you do basic FM against additive spectra. Even better: DON'T connect a CV to the STO, but DO connect one to the Tel. That way, every change in pitch becomes an equally-radical timbral change as well. LOTS of tricks can be done like that, so showing off a single patch is just scratching the surface. For example, you could send that STO sine through a linear VCA, and give the VCA the output of an EG with a slow attack. With that, you'd then have the FM component grow in complexity as the attack ramps up to the sustain level, then tail away on release.
Best suggestion here is this: Rule #1: don't patch an output to an output. Otherwise, go NUTS. See what YOU can come up with. A modular is basically a sandbox for sound...with this sort of a rig, you'll be pulling new sounds out of this box for years!
Thank you again! I will check that all out and go playing in my sandbox! Sure a lot of fun and this is important in those frightening times. Stay healthy and thanks for you tipps!
Here's an easy rule-of-thumb for modulation... if there's an attenuator or attenuverter (a knob that controls the amount of anything) in the patch, you can insert a VCA into the chain and modulate THAT.
That's not the only way to modulate something. But it's one of the easiest ways to bring some "movement" into your sound. Not all modulations have to be these huge sweeping affairs. Even some subtle amounts of modulation can go a long, long way... especially when you are modulating multiple things.
Thanks @Ronin! Due to Lugias Tipps I changed a bit in my System. Thinkin about to start a 2. Rack in the near future but till then, iam patching, noodling and learning with my stuff i have so far. take a look at my rack and tell me ur oppinion :-) I have a Beatstep Pro for sequenzing as well