ModularGrid Rack

with this rack I want to do live performance of drones, meditation music, harsh noise. in the studio I would use it for bass synth, sound design, making sample libraries for video games, advertising, radio, movies. I think I can just use external reverb to save money and save space in the rack. Any suggestions?

Oh, and had a good experience buying modules from @penrose_riots as well!

Had a good experience selling modules to the following guys:

Anytime again

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Bought and traded with @daviskeithdavis. Great communication & shipping. Would not hesitate to deal with again.

Thread: Cicada Shock

c0, f0#, c0, d1, c0, g0#, c0, g1
., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
Plague Bearer:
Sweep Inputlevel high to make a constant BI, pull back to make the E350's saw LFO be effective.
Sweep Freq to drastically change M15's square wave.
Square signal has a lot of character.
Saw wave provides the acid sound w/ no VCA. Runs through the MMG.
Release provides a TON of character for the M15 Square wave.
Toggle between = and /2
Sweep main filter knob.

Props to @altemark for sending a Basimilus, no wait, a Mutamix to the Netherlands. Very nice communication! A pleasure doing business : )

Thread: EMW T-DRUM

The EMW site said this was 50 mm deep but the one I got was 62 mm deep and wouldn't fit in my case. The deepest module that will fit in my case is 50.8 mm max so I modified the module by removing the euro power header on the outside of the PCB and put a MTA-100 on the inside of the PCB. Now it only requires 48 mm depth.

I should note that musical styles I'm picturing are pretty chill... Some drone, some Berlin school...

I've been thinking about making an awesome, powerful lunchbox... Something both playable and generatively patchable. This current plan might be a bit too claustrophobic (kind of worried about that), but it sure seems to have the power I'm going for. I'm trying to stay away from modal modules (eg. Peaks, Disting, etc) though the mk.3 Disting and at least one EON might have to be there anyway... so small and useful!

The Function is the biggest module in there, but I think it's damn useful... Some vc'd envelope/LFO action seems like a good idea, right?

The only module I'm really unsure of is the Brainseed. I've never used one so I'm not sure if I'd get along with it, nor am I sure that even if I did get along with it that it'd be of much use in this lunchbox.


Thread: bookmarks

modular sequencers: Audio Damage, ER-101, Modcan, Stepper Acid
external: Beatstep Pro, Social Entropy Engine, Kilpatrick Carbon
CV recorders: Modcan, Shakmat
MIDI recorders: midirex
... Ableton Live?

Thread: bookmarks

modulation: Quadra, Just Friends, Quad Envelope, Omnimod, CV Trinity, Malekko AD/LFO, Peaks

Had a nice deal with @Holti and also bought some stackcables from @Tritata... all went perfect. Thanks guys

So this is my setup up to now (except the metropolis which is going to be a christmas gift to myself but consider its existence in my rack as true).

The bottm right 40HP blank is not actually there cause the 3rd row is just a custom 44HP mini rack of mine. So the actual usable left HP is 18 because (the image is not right) the Frames is also not there...

I really like the MI Frames but should i go for individual modules, a mixer, vcas, a switch instead?

Have in mind that Modulargrid has calculated total draw: 959 mA +12V|490 mA -12V|0 mA 5V, which is true as far as i have checked from modules manufacturer technical descrition pages and the whole system is powered from a DIY kit Doepfer (1200mA).

Thank you in advance for your time and help!

Thanks @Holti

The first Rack dive in the Pearldiver Studio.

The second Rack I would like to have next time...hope my dreams come true!
SANTA CLAUSSSSS....Hear me ...!

have a couple of successful deals with @Holti

I am looking for one of these modules, used would be awesome but i fear they are not something that comes up for used too often



Thread: Bug Report

Sorry false alarm. I did not get an email with my plaintext password. I got confused with another modular synth forum that joined around the same time.

Thread: Case depth

There are some nice cases out there. Which case offers the most depth above PSU and bus board? Modules like uLFO have 60mm depth, but some cases like Pittsburgh only have 38mm.

Thread: Bug Report

One question: my password got sent to me by email in cleartext.

We do not send passwords via email! Please forward the mail you have got to

I hope that doesn't imply that my password is stored on the server in cleartext?
-- praffensperger

No, passwords are hashed and salted.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Not pictured:
Metasonix S-2000.

Should be the almighty Drone.
-- solitud

Thanks solitud.
Yeah, I thought about that, it's drone for sure. But that guy said something like *******(insert big word here) recording method.
EDIT: Found it! It's called an Aleatoric(chance or dice) recording. Here is the video:

Picked up a MakeNoise LxD & now have dual Zdsp's too!

Thread: Bug Report

First, thanks for making this awesome site. I love it!

One question: my password got sent to me by email in cleartext. I hope that doesn't imply that my password is stored on the server in cleartext?

Should be the almighty Drone.

Hi guys and gals! Vinnie Lee here.
I'm a producer and mixer for a small record company here in Beijing. And I'm also a guitarist. Been playing music for 14 years, and got my MS-20 Mini and SQ-1 not long ago. Trying to go modular, and happy to find a place like this!
I want to say thank you to everyone who works on this site, you did a great job! Keep on the good work!

Use blank panels to cover those empty spaces on your case, you don't want to stick your hands in it by accident and get shocked... For the dust, just use any cloth(cotton prefered, no static build up).

I discovered to not place sensitive modules like spring reverbs next to the modulars power supply. They pick up easily hum.
Also if you plan to include 5V modules it makes sense to place them in one row so you only need one of those adapter thingies.

-- solitud

Thanks for the information solitud!
BTW, do you think the power supply's magnetic field will affect the modules? I heard about that on some Youtube videos.

It will create some nice self evolving ambient sound.
I remembered this kind of process have a name(a guy said it on Youtube, but I forgot which video), what is it called, again?

Bought a perfect clouds from @A.S
Recommened seller

Good call!

Turing machine

Sascha A. Haber

Here my euro rack system, I got a Braids as macro oscillator, an MMG as filter, an useful Expert Sleepers disting (16 differet mode w this module), classic passive multiple from doepfer, delay and reverb from Audio Damage with an attenuator (Triatt Intellijel) a double LFO (Zone B.F. from Eowave) a classic ADSR from Doepfer, with a multifunction double VCA from Make Noise, as well I can process some audio from my external machines with the A-119 from Doepfer. My system is integrated with some external toys like Microbrute an MFB Tanzbar, and sequencer and midi to cv converter: Beatstep v1 and a ROTASYNTH an UK handmade synth with 8 step rota sequencer.

Thread: total feces

this rack is no more
I have began selling some modules.

bought a module from @kkempes – smooth transaction, well packaged, good communication – perfect! thanks!!


Thread: portable


-master clock lcd w/ bpm 0.1 divisions
-voltage recorder

bought a module from @thisisprisma – smooth transaction, well packaged, good communication – perfect! thanks!!

Hi people!

This is my first day here, and I want to just briefly share what brought me here.

I am dream of making a modular system capable of producing sounds like this:

I know this is the Buchla Music Easel. I've long thought about buying it. But if we leave it completely out of the picture and only focus on the sounds heard in these two links, what can kind of Eurorack can get me close to this (preferebly within the 6U scope)?

Is it possible you can share a rack template with me, just to get me inspired?

I appreciate your help!


Thanks, solitud! I've begun noting power requirements more closely.

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Selling my Doeper case for 190 Euro. Pics on request


I discovered to not place sensitive modules like spring reverbs next to the modulars power supply. They pick up easily hum.
Also if you plan to include 5V modules it makes sense to place them in one row so you only need one of those adapter thingies.

Hello MG forum--I am, like some other beginners on the forum, not new to electronics or electronic music, but I am to the world of modular synthesizers. I am planning my first system now.

When I think of component placement in a vacuum-tube amplifier or in my various effects circuits, I avoid placing certain things near each other for various reasons (like keeping power wiring away from audio wiring in an amp, etc.).

• Are there modules that should not go near one another?
• Do some "not get along" when placed on the same bus in a rack?

I appreciate in advance any advice from you all!


MI Elements "Ominous" voice exploration, w/TipTop Audio's CR and Zdsp custom verb:

Any reason you've reposted this? There's already a Ginko Mix entry. Same to Grains.
-- EarlJemmings

cant remove it anymore :/

bought the Ken Stone Burst Generator, awesome unit. everything worked out perfect. Friendly communication.
Would buy anytime from @bachelard again, many thanks !

Any reason you've reposted this? There's already a Ginko Mix entry. Same to Grains.

Thread: 07NOV2015

Ext Clk 84bpm
Aux A: G Len
Pulse Count: 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 6, 6, 7
Gate Mode: ., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
Notes: B1, C2#, G1#, F1#, D2, E0, D0, G0
Tweak everything
DPO Osc A and E350 FM: Sweep

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Sold a Ken Stone Burst Generator to @freespace. Quick payment, great communication. Great buyer!