
Yes, its all about what you are wanting to achieve in the end and how you want to go about it.

A Prophet Desktop would be sick, but the sonic capabilities would be limited compared to eurorack. Id even go so far to say the Make Noise 0 Coast would give the Prophet a run for its money with flexibility and fun factor.
The Prophets sound sick and is obviously a beautiful synth to own, but in my opinion it depends how much Prophet sound you want in your productions or have excess money to waste on hardware. For me personally the Prophet would be great Techno, Ambient, Chill or old school John Carpenter style stuff.

Im not sure what the "BSP" is, but another option for you could be the Erica Synths Pico range, which is another little modular system.

(1) DNQAAOSw44BYV~k0" target="_blank">http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Erica-Synths-Pico-Eurorack-Case-Power-Supply-42hp-/162326609458?hash=item25cb6b7e32DNQAAOSw44BYV~k0
(2) WOMAAOSwZQRYZxvV" target="_blank">http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Erica-Synths-Pico-VCO-Oscillator-EURORACK-NEW-PERFECT-CIRCUIT-/302182229411?hash=item465b76e5a3WOMAAOSwZQRYZxvV

On the more expensive side of things, there are some similar options available such as:
(1) Roland System 500
(2) Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms System-201
(3) Sound Machines Modulor 114

You just have to spend enough time browsing companies products to know whats out there.

Some recommendations for Cases would be:
(1) Doepfer A-100P6
(2) Doepfer A-100LC9
(3) Doepfer A-100LC3
(4) TipTop Audio Mantis
(5) Any kinds of 3U Skiff Case combined with a TipTop Audio uZeus PSU and power brick.
Heres a example of Skiff case that comes with a PSU:
(a) http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/302018843188?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
(b) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Synthrotek-Cheeks-Power-6U-104HP-Case-V1-EURORACK-NEW-PERFECT-CIRCUIT-/121962215659?hash=item1c6583b8eb

(6) Synthrotek also offer alot of cool stuff in regards to cases and psu's:
(a) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Synthrotek-Cheeks-Steel-6U-84hp-Case-EURORACK-NEW-PERFECT-CIRCUIT-/302126540028?hash=item46582524fc
(b) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Synthrotek-Cheeks-Steel-9U-84hp-Case-EURORACK-NEW-PERFECT-CIRCUIT-/302126540343?hash=item4658252637

(7) Something from SynthRacks.com
(8) Go down the custom case route by either buying side panels or making them yourself:
(a) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Erica-Synths-WOOD-SIDES-1x-6U-THICK-Case-EURORACK-NEW-PERFECT-CIRCUIT-/301730320410?hash=item464087501a
Buy the rails, screws, threads or sliding nuts and PSU aswell. But you need to consider to time of labour and what kind of tools you will need. Going down the pure custom case route isn't always the best option for people who do not have easy access to tools etc. Plus you would only end up saving about $200 - $300 compared to some of the options above, which is basically 1 new eurorack module, is all that effort really worth it to you ?

Hope this has helped
-- spaceV2

Hey thanks again for the response! I will check out the options for sure!
BSP = beatstep pro btw, its a hardware sequencer, which saves me some money on the sequencer modules and allows me to use my mfb tanzbar and korg minilogue from easy from one tool.. And hopefully, in the future, a modular synth.

I'm pretty happy about finding the 0-Coast, good chance I'm gonna get that first, but thanks so much for all the ideas, I really need to browse a lot before making decisions it seems, it's all so abundant, there's tonnes and tonnes of options and I really have no clue what's good or bad.
I agree that the prophet is probably not worth its investment, although I do make electronica/techno, so it would come in great for pads. On the other hand, honestly many soft synths make for great pads these days..............

I'm definitely down to make building a rack a summer thing, spending some time on screwing around with screws and rails and drilling holes and stuff like that.. Gotta work for your money right ;) But I'm not suuuper techy, so I'll only go down that road if I'm sure it's not too hard.

Q / Precursor

epic dude lol

Got any youtube videos showing some sounds you create on this thing ?


Yes, its all about what you are wanting to achieve in the end and how you want to go about it.

A Prophet Desktop would be sick, but the sonic capabilities would be limited compared to eurorack. Id even go so far to say the Make Noise 0 Coast would give the Prophet a run for its money with flexibility and fun factor.
The Prophets sound sick and is obviously a beautiful synth to own, but in my opinion it depends how much Prophet sound you want in your productions or have excess money to waste on hardware. For me personally the Prophet would be great Techno, Ambient, Chill or old school John Carpenter style stuff.

Im not sure what the "BSP" is, but another option for you could be the Erica Synths Pico range, which is another little modular system.

(1) DNQAAOSw44BYV~k0" target="_blank">http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Erica-Synths-Pico-Eurorack-Case-Power-Supply-42hp-/162326609458?hash=item25cb6b7e32DNQAAOSw44BYV~k0
(2) WOMAAOSwZQRYZxvV" target="_blank">http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Erica-Synths-Pico-VCO-Oscillator-EURORACK-NEW-PERFECT-CIRCUIT-/302182229411?hash=item465b76e5a3WOMAAOSwZQRYZxvV

On the more expensive side of things, there are some similar options available such as:
(1) Roland System 500
(2) Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms System-201
(3) Sound Machines Modulor 114

You just have to spend enough time browsing companies products to know whats out there.

Some recommendations for Cases would be:
(1) Doepfer A-100P6
(2) Doepfer A-100LC9
(3) Doepfer A-100LC3
(4) TipTop Audio Mantis
(5) Any kinds of 3U Skiff Case combined with a TipTop Audio uZeus PSU and power brick.
Heres a example of Skiff case that comes with a PSU:
(a) http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/302018843188?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
(b) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Synthrotek-Cheeks-Power-6U-104HP-Case-V1-EURORACK-NEW-PERFECT-CIRCUIT-/121962215659?hash=item1c6583b8eb

(6) Synthrotek also offer alot of cool stuff in regards to cases and psu's:
(a) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Synthrotek-Cheeks-Steel-6U-84hp-Case-EURORACK-NEW-PERFECT-CIRCUIT-/302126540028?hash=item46582524fc
(b) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Synthrotek-Cheeks-Steel-9U-84hp-Case-EURORACK-NEW-PERFECT-CIRCUIT-/302126540343?hash=item4658252637

(7) Something from SynthRacks.com
(8) Go down the custom case route by either buying side panels or making them yourself:
(a) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Erica-Synths-WOOD-SIDES-1x-6U-THICK-Case-EURORACK-NEW-PERFECT-CIRCUIT-/301730320410?hash=item464087501a
Buy the rails, screws, threads or sliding nuts and PSU aswell. But you need to consider to time of labour and what kind of tools you will need. Going down the pure custom case route isn't always the best option for people who do not have easy access to tools etc. Plus you would only end up saving about $200 - $300 compared to some of the options above, which is basically 1 new eurorack module, is all that effort really worth it to you ?

Hope this has helped


I agree on what you say. If you want to get rid of your 6U case, going for a 9U one anytime in the summer I'd be up for taking it from you, so you can go bigger and I can start haha.. Anyway I don't have a big budget at the moment, so I can't start now anyway.

What I was thinking is getting the MakeNoise 0-Coast semi-modular synthesizer, once I saved a little. Then At least I'll have a soundsource. I already own a BeatStep Pro, which allows me to sequence hardware (incl. cv/gate). I think it will be a logical approach to start with the 0-Coast and the BSP, so that I can get into the idea of modular synthesis a little bit and then start to buy a 6U case (maybe 104HP) and some basic modules.

It will be nice that I'll already have a sound source then and some sort of adsr control and parameter controls. Maybe once I understand the fx modules a bit, by then I'll have a better idea of what kind of modular VCO/VCA I'd want to get....
I think I'd want Math and Clouds, so it will cost a lot from the start. I can get a job in September that'll make me about 1.6k which I could completely invest into the rack and start everything up. I guess until then I will play around with the 0-Coast.

In any case it's good to see that there are options for the case. Because if you look at my budget it will probably not exceed 2k anytime soon and spending 500-1000 euro's on a case seems kinda ... pointless. I could also get a prophet desktop for like 1.4k I think it was, so that would make a lot more sense otherwise. But if I can find a 300 euro case I'd definitely be up to start about with modular synthesis :)

Thanks for all the replies guys!
Q / Precursor


three Moog mothers, 22 Make noise modules, 4 modules form other makers,
Arturia miniBrute as keyboard controller, Presonus 1818 AudioBox and Belhringer Virtualizer effects rack.

Just waiting on a 16-16 ribbon and a 2HP 3:1 switch module.

ModularGrid Rack

real life picture on my Facebook Page

Thread: AK47

Thread: AK47

Ini mcm sedap je

I managed to figure out a successful calibration process for this module after three days of trial and error. Reply or msg me if you need the info.

Also want to add that this module was (as printed on pcb) "Design[ed] by Anywhere Instruments".

Considering they've never replied to my inquiries about the module over the years, I'll surely never buy anything they manufacture.

Thanks to @psantoni for quick & safe shipping. Module in perfect condition!

My 6U 104 hp TipTop Audio case was only 300 GBP, no custom building or time wasting needed.

I have already out grown this size within a month or 2 though, a 9U 126 hp or 168 hp is what I will need eventually I think, but for now not so worried about it because its pretty safe to say 2 out of the 3 rows will be filled with sequencers, clocks, utilities and the likes.

It just depends what you want to do and how you want to go about it, but for your case it sounds like a pre made case might be a better choice for you.

My Eurorack has been sitting idle for months while I slowly buy a bunch of modules that will allow me to make sounds. Live performing, sequencing and extra utilities is for the future.

Some recommendations would be a Doepfer case, TipTop Audio Mantis, or some other not so large 3U or 6U case you should be able to pick up for 300 EUR more or less.

Its probably not the best idea to dive into eurorack just yet if your budget is that tight, for me I have personally accepted being homeless in turn for owning a Eurorack, loving it.

Doepfer has a DIY PSU kit aswell:

...DIY cases that cost between 400-500 euro's... >
-- Precursor

You did notice the 300 EUR figure in my previous post?

That is, case including power.

Thanks for the great help everyone. I was almost giving up on this whole idea after reading about DIY cases that cost between 400-500 euro's... And then the 'custom' ones ranging from 1-1.5k .... That's nowhere near my budget. I'm thinking of postponing my ideas to the summer when I'll have some more time to build it myself, but the synth racks looked quite affordable. Perhaps I'll start with one of those.

If anyone has other alternatives or ideas (or selling a 2nd hand case w/ power supply lol) I'm still all ears as I'm trying to navigate myself a little bit before spending hundreds of euro's :)


I'm not a modular noob and know how to use a voltmeter but am confused how to properly calibrate my Synth Machine module by Synth Factory. One day both it's oscillators went significantly out of tune, the module came with no documentation and the manufacturer either no longer exists or refuses to respond to multiple communication attempts over the past two years. I really love the module's versatility and sound but it's practically useless this out of tune.

I've noticed four trimmable components per oscillator on the back of the module: range, scale, high end trim and pulse width adjust. I was able to make significant improvements using a voltmeter with all but the pulse width adjuster, but this is relatively speaking since it only tracks almost two octaves; before it could barely track one.

The problem is I have no idea how to properly calibrate and suspect there's a particular order the trimmers should be adjusted to do so. I'm hoping someone here understands what the trimmers do (beyond the little that seems obvious to me) and can give me some brief advice on calibrating them. If it helps to know, I just got a Dave Jones O'Tool module to support the effort better than my large and limited-capability voltmeter might.

Here's a pic of the back of the module...



I should also that Synthracks have very nice cases:

They also have a bunch of things like rails, rail brackets, helpful things with custom case building:

for a 6U case I would probably go for a 2x 3U TipTiop Audio uZeus power supplies and for larger builds such as 9U I would maybe consider a 3U TipTop Audio Dual Access connecting to 3x TipTop Audio Studio Bus Boards


4ms Pedals also offer a great range of power supply for eurorack:

Hope some of this info helps you on your eurorack adventures.

After much researching I ended up going for the TipTop Mantis case.

Its made out of plastic though, but a very good power supply comes with it for the low cost.

My second alternative was to go down the 3U power module route from either TipTop Audio or 4ms and build a custom case and buy the rails etc.

Yea the branded wood cases are very expensive.

Hi everyone,

I recently made the decision to dive into Eurorack due to being burnt out on the digital sound, sick of spending all my time installing / updating and activating software instruments, poor support from software companies and generally experiencing too many software, DAW and OS issues.

After many years I have decided that a eurorack processed further with plugins is the best workflow style for me personally. There are some good benefits to this being:

1) Working less inside the box
2) More hands on
3) More fun
4) Less CPU and Memory usage from not using as many software VST Instruments
5) etc. etc.

Here is a picture of the Eurorack system I am building towards: https://cdn.modulargrid.net/img/racks/modulargrid_363519.jpg?1484167785

I am a electronic music producer who dabbles on the darker side of genre's, dark techno, dark trance etc etc.
The purpose behind this eurorack system is mainly to be a "sound generator" with lots of dark character, it is not intended for live performing and sequencing (yet), I am just going to be making lots of gnarly sounds to chop, process etc.

I am not too sure about what effects modules I want yet, and I am thinking of only having 3 oscillators in the rack at any one time but I do want all 4 of those oscillators.

Im looking forward to participating more in the forums over time.

Any thoughts and ideas are welcome.


Just received a module from @mexicane. Very friendly, easy transaction and great module. Thanks!

...I just found out that the cases are like 10 times more expensive than the modules........ Am I missing something here or what?
-- Precursor

Well, cases and power are not exactly cheap. It seems hard to justify a 4 digit amount on a case if you can hardly afford the modules to fill it. Well you don't have to go that expensive. You could DIY build two 6Ux84/104 HP cases with a uZeus and a Toshiba brick each and get away with 300 EUR for 4 rows. Fill that with second hand Doepfers. Yeah right it won't be a fancy FRAP Tools Uno or somesuch but it will be doable on a budget and it will get you going FAST. Once you have that running you can kick back and wait for opportunities.

Case+ a good power supply is definitely not cheap, but I think not significant compared to the cost of modules that fill them. e.g. I got my Make Noise skiff used for $185 on ebay, a nice wood 6U case with 5A of TipTop power for $375 from a friend, which is about as good as it gets. Takes some time and patience for the deals.

This is based on the idea that if you have enough voiced percussion, you only really need one melodic element to accompany it. In fact, you hardly even need the melodic element.

Hi guys,

I'm currently exploring the idea of this amazing thing called eurorack, but I just found out that the cases are like 10 times more expensive than the modules........ Am I missing something here or what?

I would like to build a synth overtime that I can use on the stage (electronica/techno), and I was thinking about a 12U case, but prices are over 1k euro's so I quickly decided there is no way I can afford that ON TOP of the modules themselves.. 6U has crazy prices too, so I guess I might be looking in the wrong places.

I am definitely considering getting everything 2nd hand, but I know that modular stuff usually doesn't drop in price too much, so really what I'm asking here is, are there any affordable (preferrably portable) cases for sale out there or does everyone in fact build their own? (I'm not very good when it comes to electrical shit...)

Probably this has been asked 1million times before and I have skipped through some pages on the forum trying to find it, but forgive me for not finding my answer. I'm also new to this forum.

Thanks in advance and best wishes for 2017 everyone ;)


See how it works out, you can change things out at will/buy and sell.


"The intersection of physics and music" plus some guitar skills, I like the way you think! perhaps some kind of future collaboration?

I've been busy switching out stuff over Xmas, here is my v2 rig.

better to get a Mother 32, me thinks, or an 0-Coast

Thread: Change Log
  • Use , and . to push modules to the next adjacent neighbor.
  • a new overlay explains all shortcuts
    -- modulargrid

JUst tried, works like a charm.
BTW, one from my drawer wished for but afraid to ask ;-))

Thread: Change Log

Improved keyboard shortcuts

  • Use , and . to push modules to the next adjacent neighbor.
  • a new overlay explains all shortcuts

Caching behavior improved in Command Center

After editing racks people often saw old thumbnails of their racks in Command Center. This should be improved now.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

thanks so much to mr @Klangtueftler , making deals with him has been a pleasure :)

Thanks for smooth transaction to @ping_panic for 4ms Spectral Multiband Resonator.

Great transaction with @penrose_riots - excellent comms and module came well packaged. Cheers!

I'll never have enough funds for this...
Saw the drone demo of Fusion on YouTube and... desire

Thread: 2hp Mix

Umm -- it wasn't me!
In fact, if it had been, all the jacks would be near the top, MIX lowest. The knobs would be on the bottom half. But that's just me and because I'm used to a two row skiff with the mixer located bottom right.


Thread: 2hp Mix

why did you separate the output jack from the rest of the jacks?

Making deals with @Kingtubby is a pleasure.
We had a little issue with my shipment and he was really comprehensive and patient.

200% recommended user. Great guy

Yes, there are many possibilities. You can go with
- a modular stereo/panning mixer. Like the Sputnik, or the L-1 VC Stereo Mixer
- separate panners like this Doepfer
- even building your own panners using many VCA's :)
- using an external performance mixer (Mackie, Allen&Heath) of which the most have control over panning their L and R
The most cost-effective way is undoubtly an external mixer if you don't need CV panning control over every channel.
If you know that you'll incorporate drums at some point in the 'not so distant future' a 3rd U is a very good idea

Thank you @grahambrot,
OK, maybe I should only get one small single output mixer, like a Intellijel uJack and mix voices with a performance mixer. I just don't seem to find such mixer which can pan, maybe I need an extra panning module. OK with the one DPO as currently the only oscillator, a multy channel stereo mixer seems too much, I was going to think ahead for times when I have more voices, and then I would like to pan single voices left or right. For example I add a bass drum module, snare module etc...
I see my rack might become too small soon :)

Just showing off the DIY-System for my project 45nm.
Besides the modded Volca Beats and Bass and two Monotrons everything DIY. Some Lunetta stuff, Arduino based modules, modded guitar pedals, tools and a few analog cicuits.

Not complete yet

Questions? Feel free to ask or check:
https://facebook.com/45nanometer or https://soundcloud.com/45nm

I had the Ginko as kit, pretty easy to assemble, just some basic soldering skills are needed (the only tricky part are the led, beware to not overheat them and check the polarity, I made some mistakes on that), but I know it was also available as "complete" module. The guy behind GinkoSynthese is very friendly and extremely helpful, so if you are interested in the module maybe it's worth to send a mail; the sample slicer is really a great module, that crunchy 12bit sound is lovable.

Best of luck with you modular!

Thanks for smooth and trouble-free transactions to
@loopino for IF117 - Wavolver II,
@pufik for Sputnik Oscillator,
@LYXE for WMD Triple Bipolar VCA,
@sambal for Model 41 Steiner4P Filter,
@pownie for ADE-30 Wave Boss,
@DNLGS for Quad VCA II,
@AVJR for Dronebank,
@annxia for West Coast Random Source and Mangrove,
@restlessboy for modDemix,
@hadj for uVCA II,
@Max_Millon for A-116

Thanks man!

I'm definitely leaning more toward the Disting, from a practical approach. I'd like to learn as much as possible about these couple pieces and then move on.

The idea of a DIY module is really appealing to me--is that how you'd typically get a Ginko Synthese, through a kit? Looks like it's tough to get if you're outside of Europe, but a really cool module!

The far right 1U module is a 3.5mm to 6.35mm jack sockets 6.35mm sockets are via a panel on the side of the top case. From there it goes straight into a soundcraft signature 12 mixer and then into my Adam monitors as well as multi track recording.

This is awesome! Where can I go about learning how to do this mod? and/or purchasing the kit/faceplate? This 5hp version is fantastic and looks great.

If I had to choose a single module I would go for the disting because as you said it's the swiss army knife of modular. Clouds it's an amazing module especially if you have the mother 32 for additional processing and cv. I personally don't like the chord (bare with me, I never had one and never tested one, I just don't like the idea behind it), I would use that space for some modules for a proper synth voice or I would go for the Spectral Multiband Resonator to use in combination with the mother32.
I would like to recommend you for what about sampling the Gynkosynthese Sampleslicer, it's an amazing tool for sampling I have one, I love it and I use it a lot or if you want to stay classic you can go for the phonogene (altough it cost 4 times the Gynko) from Make Noise. If you want to spend big money you can go for some fancier samplers like the upcoming assimil8or from Rossum or the bitbox from 1010music (not that expensive but very interesting) or the ER-301 from Orthogonal devices.


Edit: if you go with the multiple - I would take an active one...
-- grahambrot
Yes, but it was just to fill the space and i already have one left. And I use stackables.
Also the Tirana is already in my bigger setup.
The VCO ist new and has an attractive price for what it can do, but I did not have purchased it yet.

Another thought would be to use only black panel modules that use only the 12 V of the mother psu …

alt text

Hey fam,

Looking for some real quality life advice -- I currently have a Make Noise skiff (104hp) Mother 32 and a Maths. What's next?

Logistically, I plan to keep the M32 in it's own case, and reserve the skiff for other modules.

My goals are to create unique musical textures (west coast/ambient), and some sampling / music concrete manipulation.

What I'm wondering is...

  1. Should I go for the Chord next for an additional voice (or 4 -- including harmonies)?

  2. Should I go ahead and go with Clouds cause I know I'll love it

  3. Should I go with the Disting, because... it's a badass swiss army knife of tools.

My primary synth for the past couple years has been an OP-1. It carries a lot for me, musically. But if you had to pick just a few modules to either interface with the OP-1 (midi or audio/sample processing), what would you suggest?


I want to point out, that the output DA-converters are working at 8-Bit resolution. What that means is described here, around page 5: https://www.muffwiggler.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=137280
I hope this is helpful.

Edit: if you go with the multiple - I would take an active one...

PS: the uZeus only uses half of its mA with this row. Is there a way to power the whole row with the Mothers PSU?

The Mother doesn't use -12V. Hence, the mother's PSU doesn't delivers that.
But the other way around works - you can power your whole system from the µZeus. The power should be sufficient.

Apart from that I like your system. I don't know the VCO - might be nice.
You can use stackable cables instead of the passive-mult. Then a braids would fit in (also not HP-dense)
And with two more HP you could get a Rubicon, if you like FM.
RYO Penta would be a even smaller 5 step sequencer with small but dedicated 'knobs' - it's DIY though.