You are correct about the higher frequency range of the prismatic ray. There are other uses for them too like "keying" that you would need a video keyer for that is currently out of stock and the prismatic rays do much more and key differently.
Here is some links to where I am using the pr as a keyer:

Thread: Change Log

Module Collections

Unicorn Users can now favorite modules they own. From this My Modules list it's way easier and quicker to add them to the planner. It's still possible to filter the My Modules list, e.g. "show me my VCAs".

New module property: Product Lifecycle

Modules have a new property Product Lifecycle with the dimensions Concept, In Production and Discontinued. If enough modules are tagged, this will go into a search filter.

Message Manufacturers

There was some trouble with manufacturers who lock/approve their modules but have the specs incomplete.
Now there is a message button on the module detail page where you can get in touch with them.

Remove Module Rating

If you have accidentally rated a module you can undo that by simply clicking on the rate button again in the module finder.


Show exotic modules a.k.a. "other/unknowns" filter was broken, works again

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Hi, it's POB -- You can watch a live modular synth performance with this setup right here.


a self-contained eurorack system
instant and tactile like an acoustic instrument

  1. hardwired connections between Folktek Matter and Meng Qi Seashore;

  2. tonal / atonal audio from Skot Wiedmann HYVE / IFM Mr.Grassi, travels thru body into various points within Matter;

  3. left/rightmost inputs on Seashores are equipped with jacks, thus touch-controlled external signal injection / feedback are convenient;

  4. Meng Qi DPLPG provides smooth vactrol based voltage control of volume and tone;

  5. Recovery Effect Cutting Room Floor offers pitch shifting looping / delay / faux reverb, and is sensitive to incoming volume;

  6. bottom jacks on ADDAC Size Matter is connected to a D-Class amplifier, a hefty built-in surface transducer provides strong sound and vibrations to feel with body.

it went through a few revisions.
I hope it stays in the fine line between redundancy and scarcity, like a well designed standalone instrument.

video :
sc :
buy file :

I had a few nice, smooth transactions with @Fa Cesario, @Inflexus and @john somatix. Thanks guys!

I was checking the TBC unit (the back connectors), and I think it only gives me component video. and not RGB. is that possible? anyway, that thing it´s big and heavy as sh*t, I can't be carrying it around. and it would mean I would not have it if I want to bring my system elsewhere (and it's going to be very portable at first, I'm going to buy a single row rack). so I think the LZX TCB is back on...

the thing with the cadets is that they're not that cheap, even purchased like a kit (I'm not sure I can get the different parts here, sadly). a processor costs $90, and the passage its $219. what's best, two cadets or one passage module? I'm guessing the cadet, as it is a triple processor, right?

ok about the mapper, sold! =)

ok, I understand about the prismatic rays function. but that can't be achieved with a similar module but thought for audio? or this one is specifically for video, with sync involved? the frequency generated has to be really high too, right?

ok, two prismatic rays units sound like the way to go. I just have to see if I can affoard it...

and what about that video logic unit? I saw Lars started a batch again. do you have any?

btw, this is almost exactly the set I had in mind, lol. I was just not including the prismatic rays...

thanks again!

Yes about the LZX TBC. If the rack tbc you have has genlock input or sync I think it will do the job.

I would probably get some cadet processors and crosfader pcb/panels instead of the passage to cut cost and you can place them around your system better. A cadet scaler or two is not a bad idea for putting audio eurorack gear into the video path but a panel of passive jacks/10k linear pots would work too and in some ways give more control once you get the hang of them.

Any signal in the video synth goes into the mapper and you get crazy "toasting" effects like solarization. Think of stuff you do with the videonics colorizer and make it better(cleaner) with more control.

The vco's give you shapes on one level and modulation sources on another and both at the same time if you want. The prismatic rays are particularly good at making shapes to my taste over the original vwg's but they still have lots of uses too.
I recommended two prismatic rays because I was told the more oscillators the better and after I got several I tend to agree. The prismatic rays can also be used like a keyer in awesome ways.

I think the cadets are the way to go.

Thread: Change Log

Markdown Preview for the module edit form

Since quite a while the text for module descriptions can be styled with Markdown Syntax.
Now we have a preview button next to the textarea in the module add and edit form.
It works exactly like the forum preview.
This should prevent the large amount of versions which are generated each time the data is saved.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thank you to @tothof for the deal on the Grendel Formant Filter.
Good seller, fast reply, and module in perfect condition.

I'll echo Snail's comment, a mother 32 would allow you to dabble, you can certainly use your Sub 37 to play a modular live for monophonic lead lines, but you'll have to use module like 4ms PEG or QPLFO for triggered modulation.

Can the Sub37 output CV from the sequencer? or is it just from the keyboard.

Any of the semi modulars that are out at the moment like the mother 32 or oCoast will allow you to test the waters.
Tight intigration with a fix path synth is difficult, but layering a sequenced bed of modular mayhem under and expressive mono synth is most *people's idea of heaven.

*people who frequent modular grid, muffwiggler etc.

Had a good transaction as buyer with @boboter. Super fast dispatching and clear communication.

And i did a nice trade with @Delabelle, if you are local Brussels wiggler, i recommend to meet up with him.
Had a great module/system design/music talk during module handover.

A Eurocrack Pusher: "The first time is for free" ;)

so cool, thanks again man

ok, I understand the basics of the visual cortex and sensory translator.

about the Color TBC, if I understand correctly, I will input an external composite or s-video signal, and get a component signal and sync pulse in return, each by their own, right? that can be handy, I don't own many gear with gen lock capabilities. but I have a rack TBC unit that I have barely used. is it the same? why does it says "LZX Sync cable required"?

about the Passage unit, I can use it like to mix a video signal (one channel of component, not a composite, right?), an audio signal, and a voltage signal from a sequencer, all together, as a voltage sygnal, and get the result of each one mixed with rest?
I can get the exact same result by getting cadet modules myself? that would save some money I guess, but I still would have to buy kits, as I don't think I can get everything needed here

I don't understand shit about the Mapper, but it sounds amazing. what's the input? and what's the output?

about the Prismatic Ray, I understand what's a VCO on audio. it's a little more difficult to understand what it is on video. does this unit even works with video itself? or you generate with this a complex voltage signal than you then input on the passage unit to process a video signal? and that's why you need more than one.

maybe I'm not giving the cadets the credit they deserve. it's all the info available to make them by yourself? you can get all of the components needed on any electronic parts store (I'm sure that's not the way you name that in english)? maybe I can just get the fronts and boards from LZX.

perhaps I can form now just buy one Prismatic Ray, and add cadet modules that can give me more options. what do you think?


Visual Cortex: Basic all in one unit, mixer, keyer, decoder, encoder, ramps, sync generator, etc: Get video in and out and more.
Audio Translator: direct input and/or internal mic external audio visualizer. 5 fixed band pass filters to extract the different frequencies of an audio signal with 3 setting fixed envelopes for fades and stuff

Color TBC: video input device that will take any signal and put it into the lzx system with no need to sync. This may be more of an optional module for you. The visual cortex will sync to an external device but if you want it to be the master sync source the device you input will need to have gen lock abilities. Also, if you are into internal feedback, which I have been heavily experimenting with of late, you will want this

Passage: utility mixer/attenuator type module. This is also optional but you may want to get some cadet crossfaders and or processors to replace it. This will let you take signals, particularly modulation sources and mix them together in a more controlled way than an audio mixer would.

Mapper: crazy color warp man. can do really strange things with colorizing. I have two.

prismatic Ray x2: awesome shaper all round good module, get at least one, but you will want more.

That is a few $100 or your budget but that set up will be really nice and is all available less the vc though the visual cortex restocks are set for November I think

Cadet modules are super. Nice to have. Do lots. If you are handy with the solder, you can make these from the schems Lars provides on the site. I would also recommend building a few each of the differentiators and function generators.

This all depends on what modules you use, and how many you use. But either way, you are most certainly building something with far more flexibility than a preconfigured synth. Even with just a few modules, you can vastly outperform the Sub37. Makes Noise DPO, and Make Noise Maths, with a Korgasmatron and a basic sequencer has far more capabilities than the Sub37 and for around the same price. Of course the Sub37 has a keyboard and can save your work — but if that's your main concern, you might want to think about an Analog Keys with their new Overbridge capability.

Here's the thing — and it's also a response to a previous commenter — the modular world isn't necessarily about having an easy tool to get those sounds that you like. Trust me, if you go searching for a sound, you'll find a leprechaun first. Not even the engineers of these modules can tell you exactly what is happening once you create a complex patch. So trying to find to a sound that you heard before, or are envisioning, is a very difficulty task (unless we're talking a straight up gritty bass - that's pretty easy). These things are best used as a springboard for creativity. Set up a patch without even considering what the outcome will be — close your eyes, twist some nobs and listen. You'll find a little something in there that you can build a song around. Record it and chop it up. It's like any instrument — the more you play it, the deeper you can go. I've played guitar for 25+ years, and the vast majority of my songs started out from me noodling around until I stumbled upon a nice riff. It's the same with a modular synth.

If you want the classic sounds of a Prophet or a Moog — buy those instruments. If you want a completely new world of inspiration — one that you've created yourself — build a EuroRack.

Happy Twisting!

Excellent - thanks!

my first modular project!!! don't kill me if i made a mistake!!! =)

Please add Tube and Digital categories to this.



Since this thing also has a MIDI interface, please add MIDI interface to the description so that the module filters work properly.


Please add Tube and Digital categories to this.


Thread: ADSR+VCF

salut josh
so hab ich adsr mit vcf gepatcht, nichts passiert! beim vcf fehlt für mich einfach audio in und audio out
wie geht das richtig?
gruss, david

* Make Noise Skiff
* SSF Mini Slew

Buy later:
* ER-301
* Basimilus Iteritas Alter

* MI Frames
* O'Tool+
* Rene
* Erbe Verb

Lovingly eye:
* Xaoc Samara
* XAOC Praga or Toppobrillo Stereomix?
* Audio Damage Eos?
* Varigate 4?
* Meng Qi Voltage Memory?
* Xaoc Belgrad?
* Pressure Points?
* Arturia Drumbrute or Max/MSP?
* Tip Top Quantizer?
* MI Warps?
* Ornament and Crimes?
* Control Forge?
* Monome Arc?

Maybe Sell:
* Rene
* Erbe Verb
* Mother-32

This video makes an Arc and a ER-301 seem like a really tempting pair. But I think I can get away with either using the grid to similar effect or touch fun with Rene. Arc would be nice but ain't nobody got $$$ for that.

Rene and Erbe Verb are valuable enough that selling them to fund ER-301 sounds pretty good. Would be a bit of a bummer though.

The Dave Jones here should actually be an Optomix whose strike inputs are being hit from the envelopes from Just Friends.

Braids is in CSAW mode being driven by the White Whale sequencer playing one of the built-in major CV scale sequences, currently saved as pattern 1 on the CV B output. Maths is the control center in the patch and is self-patched to alter rise times/envelope lengths to, primarily, the FM and Gain on Ripples, as well as feedback in the delay and some self-patching.

Particular points of fun on this patch are messing with the VCAs (both veils and optomix), playing with the Log->Exp knobs on Maths especially right near the "Linear" boundry, and messing with Delay settings on the DLD. One thing I haven't done yet but should is play with subphrases on the White Whale and possibly drunken walk pattern navigation.

had a good trade with @mnpzn for the erica synth dtech vcf, btw. great module,
good prize, minimal costs, fast handling, well packed.. thanks to him

Got Dervish from @Nomodulus everything as expected, trusted seller

A random module button. When looking at the Eurorack modules, it's incredibly easy to get lost in all the modules. There are times when I would just like to look at a random module and decide whether or not it would be good for me.

(I suppose if you got fancy, then there would be two buttons. One a pure random, and one a random that I don't own.)



can you make this 0.25hp, please?


here is what i think to get as a modular 2x 84 hp to keep it simple, portable...
did i miss anything ?

ModularGrid Rack

minimal, techno, dark, percussive, psy

@bosco thanks for a phonogene in mint condition & bulletproof packaging!


I have access to many custom made analog synths (housed in The Institute of Sonology) and I would like to be able to communicate with them by sending MIDI note data from my computer.

I also found a Doepfer MAQ16/3 sequencer that I could potentially use for this purpose, i.e. by sending MIDI data to this module and there convert it to CV.

To begin with I was trying to hook up the Doepfer to the patch bay, start the sequencer, and use the first CV output to control the pitch of one of the oscillators in the studio. At the beginning I thought it worked but then I realised that the pitch range is very narrow (around 1 octave) and not full range.

I checked and found that both the Doepfer and the oscillator work in the range of 0 to 5V and probably both maintain the 1V per octave standard.

I think that perhaps I was not outputing the full voltage range from the Doepfer. I tried playing around with the presets but it didn't really make too much of a difference.

I was hoping someone here might have some ideas on how to make it work.

Thanks much!

This looks very useful! Just ordered a couple.

I designed this system to do a lot of stereo processing as well as reflect East coast-West coast styles.

First, a little history. My father created electronic music back in the day when it was done by cutting up magnetic tapes. He graduated to synthesizers, and built several modular systems. (He also salvaged keyboards, such as an Arp Odyssey which was bent to that only one key played. He took it out of the case, installed a bunch of patch points, added a divider, and sold it to a local college.) I spent a lot of time on my father's synths.

I built a PAiA Stringz'n'Thingz and mixer, but my first synth was a DX-7. Now I've got a Korg Kronos, but I'm getting that modular itch. Being relatively cheap, I don't want to recreate Keith Emerson's rig. I'm thinking more about sticking my foot in the water, but not in a way that limits me in the long run. As such, I looked at the EuroRack modules that included a MIDI interface (might as well use the Kronos keyboard, right?) and a Synth Voice.

It looks like the Pittsburgh SV-1, the Moog Mother-32, and SoundMachines Modulör114 will all work for me.

The Modulör114 doesn't have a traditional MIDI port, but the Kronos has both the traditional ports as well as USB ports. On the other hand, it's also larger and more expensive than the other two. The other two look remarkably similar. In terms of cheapness, not only is the Moog cheaper, I don't have to buy a case until I add a second module. But it's only got one audio oscillator.

So, I'm looking for a bit of advice. Which of these three would make a reasonable starting point, but also be usable in a more expanded system? Or do you have some other advice? (I do know which end of a soldering iron to hold, but haven't etched a circuit board in decades.)

Oh, I see. Thanks for the input! Will look into it.

Take the "Size" parameter. You can control it via the pot on Clouds. And you can also modulate it via patching something like an LFO into corresponding input on Clouds. But what you will also want to do is control the amount of modulation you send to that parameter, for which purpose you'll need to patch your modulation source (your LFO, say) into an attenuverter and then patch the output to the size input on Clouds. Now can can control the amount of modulation you send to Clouds using the attenuverter. On other units, the intermediate patching isn't necessary: the six little pots on Rings, e.g., allow you to attenuate the amount of modulation sent to the various parameters.

True, you can do this via the MIA or channels 2 or 3 of Maths, but utility modules, whilst boring, will really help you to make the most of the more exciting modules like Clouds. And since Disting now supports Sample playback ala Radio Music, I'd personally get something like ATATAT instead.


Wouldnt the gain pot on the clouds be enough to attenuate the incoming signal?
Or do you refer to something else?

? Peaks and Maths provide envelopes ?


Looks good to me, but since Clouds lacks attenuators on the inputs you might well need another attenuation module just for Clouds.

Ok so my mg modular looks like this... what do i miss ? what mixer do u suggest?
ModularGrid Rack

The Tiptop uZEUS is a good starter. I still have mine. Do monitor your modules' mA's though and set the jumper accordingly. RTFM. (Funny things will happen once you are coming close to the limit of your PSU. Modules will refuse to start intermittently and are seemingly dead. Others appear stuck or start acting funny after a couple of minutes... That's why it's a good idea to plan for 20-30% more power than your modules add up to. Some have a hefty inrush current.)

Modules I use all the time are multiples (A-180-2 and Mult), the Ladik M-120 Attenuverting Mixer and Uoki Toki 4LFO. All of these pack a lot of needed functionality in a small space which is important in a 6Ux84 case. I used to have 4 mults all patched up and still wanted more. This was much alleviated by a newly aquired A-138m Matrix Mixer. A Disting I don't have but I can see one in my future.

A note on Maths. It's a great module and gets best marks around here. Still I would recommend getting Function. It's a looping envelope with VC-able attack and decay/a slew limiter/LFO/oscillator/S&H/envelope follower /trigger source/whatever, all in 8HP. Which basically means you could build a synth with just a handful of these. Allow a few month to get bored by all of that , then blow twice as much on Maths. Or get a second Function. And, your rack space is precious. Just my 0,02 EUR of course.

Looking forward to the hands on, I've never seen or heard of anyone using modular in my area, so for now its all youtube and google. But a Tip Top HE kit and FH-1 are on their way and I'm excited to build.

@willger55550 Besides Disting, what are some of your "every patch" modules?

gotta love this !

Intellijel Dixie II + - Will be used as a 2nd oscillator together with the mother 32.

Make noise Maths - Because maths.

Peaks - Seems like an awesome multi-module, if I like it I might get another one down the line.

Intellijel Uvca - Need some kind of VCA.

MI Clouds - The module that got me interested in eurorack. Will definately not exchange for something else.

Radio music - Cool little module, seems like fun.

Buff mult - Mainly for the mother 32 kb out to track properly to the dixie.

So what are your thoughts on this? :) The radiomusic seems like the "least vital" to me, so that can go first if you have ideas for other 4 hp modules that might make more sense.


So this here is the plan for my first rack. I've already got a mother 32 (aswell as a korg minilogue and Roland tr-8 + a beatstep pro). The case is ordered so I won't be planning beyond the 104 hp at the moment, but suggestions and opinions for change would be appreciated :) Opting for making ambient/downtempo music so keep that in mind as well.

ModularGrid Rack

Will quickly go thru my plan for each module in this case:

Disting MK3 - Simply seems to be a good "do-anything" module that might also teach me what I like and don't for future independent modules.

Happy nerding x3 Mia - Attentuation and mixer in a small package, chose this over other attenuators because of the 2 inputs per channel at the same hp as "competitors" (Triatt and shades)

Sonic potions Penrose - Because I'm interested in selfgenerating melodies (as well as DIY) so getting a quantizer seems like a good idea.

Nano rand - Need a random module to feed the quantizer with, aswell as doing random things to other things.. Yes, Im not to sure what I will use it for but Im sure itll come in handy at a small size.

MI Rings - Sounds fucking sweet, so sweet

this is more i was looking for.. im not that impressed with surgeon set like I'm with this guy

The Disting is like a Swiss army knife, great for all the utility in just one piece. When you find yourself needing one of its many functions all of the time a dedicated module might serve you better. Just one of the many aspects to think about. You could go on forever pondering what might be better or worse. In the end the real, hands-on, experience will tell you what you need to know. I found myself using modules in every patch I had little regard for initially.

@richc90 Thanks again for your insight. I was impressed by what I had seen of the UHC, it seemed like there were enough ins and outs to created some interesting effects, I saw a video of it being self patched and liked its tinker-ability. Though in this rack maybe there's enough of that present in the Maths. I also have been fixated on an analog BBD for a long time and was trying to incorporate that somehow. But like you said it may be an even stronger configuration to use an external delay patched in through Rosie. I added the Dixie as you recommended but had also considered the use of Disting's oscillator capability as a second voice + STO's sub for a full sound. I was surprised to read that you considered Disting's delays comparable to an analog delay, but that's great news if it is. Do you think Disting's Oscillator is worthy of consideration for that function?

Honestly, I would have left the Rosie (mixing with an effect send for the delay, plus audio outs). Also, whilst the Optomix is great -- I rarely get tired of hearing the STO into an LPG --- the Opto is a combined VCF/VCA.

Unless you are absolutely sold on the UHC and that specific delay -- to return to the first comment, why have you selected these modules in particular? --- I would suggest swapping the delay for something like another disting (which has nice delays) + ModDemix. Also, you just have one voice here, so I'd add another VCO.

So, I'd suggest something like: FH-1, Disting, STO, Dixie, uFold 2, Maths, Optomix, ModDemix, Disting, Rosie.