Well they all sit in 1U row so no they'll not move to a tile carrier, if modular grid allowed for 1U tiles be shown properly it'd great!
The ADSR takes a Gate signal from either your sequencer, controller keyboard, or MIDI converter, and then shapes it, so that it isn't just straight "on" and "off." The resulting shaped signal then goes to the CV IN on your VCA.
I stare at this thing. Can anyone explain how the signal gets in and out of the ADSR. Or does it merely act as an output to trigger the oscillators? Confusion on my behalf.
I like advice. This is similar to my others. I want to run a guitar through it, use it as a monosynth, use it as a rhythm section, and finally feed through it to control my old MOOG with CVgate and trigger. Maybe three of theses at a time, depending on what I am doing? Critiques are welcome because I am new at this. Controls would be via my Roland D20 keyboard/synth sequencer or an old Korg Poly 800 as just a keyboard/midi interface.
Recording of my piece called "Creature" Part II for MakeNoise Records, which was recorded with this system using only the MakeNoise modules.
One of my latest tracks, made with this system plus an Elektron Machinedrum, and Roland R8 and TB-303...
solitud.de | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
Pamela's Workout by ALM Busy Circuits is the Clock of all Clocks, if you ask me. To answer your question, however, you can dispense with a dedicated clock if you don't mind losing the use of a square-wave LFO, but you should consider using a Pulse/Clock Divider in conjunction (with an LFO).
THis unit is probably out of my price range. I have another version wothout a rhythm section/clock. Curious from those of you who know, would I need a clock beyond the clock out from the MIDI and LFO? THanks!
Neither of these oscillators are a bad choice - they feature regularly in my own dream/drool racks - but relegating a perfectly good VCO to lowly modulation duties would break my heart - personally, I would prefer to install a dedicated LFO (or several)
THanks Togodumnus! I need advice like this before spending my hard earned cash. The Pittsburgh and Intelligel oscillators should also work as LFO's. That's why I selected them....Is that a bad choice?
You may want to consider swapping one of your three VCOs for another VCF to compliment the Polivoks. I would, in addition, swap the Shuffling Clock Multiplier for something more useful such as an LFO.
To run a guitar (or most anything else) through a synth I would recommend the Doepfer A-119 External Inpuit/Envelope Follower, perhaps coupled with an Inverse/Offset Attenuator.
Regarding the construction of my own powered custom Euro-rack modular case(s), I plan to use the Z-Rails, Bus-Boards and Power Interfaces manufactured by TipTop Audio.
Curious what those of you "who know" think of this rack. I'd plan to make the shell myself and purchase the internal electronics mounting rail. Likely, if I ever want a Rhythm section, I'd build another, smaller unit. This would be controlled by either my Roland D-20 (Keyboard/Sequencer) or my Korg Poly 800 used as just a keyboard. My real wish would be to run a guitar through it, use it as a monosynth and also to use the MIDI to control my old Moog.
Any advice on who makes good power electronicas and bus board?
Never mind. I just discovered how easy it is to upload your own modules. I have named my version "Micromac -R 56hp".
I need help fitting the last module. It seems that the width reported for the micromac is wrong and it should be 56hp instead of 57hp. Is it correct?
This is actually 2x cases that live side by side - hence the "spacers" in the middle.
Attributes: They/them, Queer, Enby, Poly*, Anti-hierarchy, Nature/Tech Weirdo
Sites: www.overand.com | www.soundcloud.com/overand/ | www.youtube.com/overand
WTB: Euro VCAs, Mixers, Env Followers & Interfaces.
Building the modular since ~2003
The Doepfer Dual Attenuator is actually a DIY attenuator.
The two "Turing Machine" modules and "Pulses" expander were actually DIY'd as well. Take a gander: http://synth.glitched.org
There's another ~50HP with all-DIY stuff; I'll upload some module pics in due time.
Goike 6U 104HP Curved Hardwood Boat (Walnut) http://www.goike.com/node/5
Voltage Tweaker
Goike 6U 104HP Curved Hardwood Boat (Walnut) http://www.goike.com/node/5
Voltage Tweaker
It looks great. Proper arrangement of the modules (number and distribution) would make an excellent and intuitive system. Most 5U systems are "all-black" and noone seems to care.
Argh my eyes!! I can't focus on a single knob... I'd be lost in a second if I had this system in front of me!
Sweet Patch on my set up #1- Phonogene MPC:
Loop into Phonogene, Phonogene Slice set to 16 (noon- I put tape on mine and marked the different slice points) Rene QCV with voltages stored(I guess recalled from Q page) to equal 16 increasing values from QVC. QVC out to A183-2 in. The 183 is modded to 4x gain rather then 1x attenuation so I offest -2.5v from the rene QCV to get ±2.5 then gain in up to get ±8.5 ish. Output of that goes into Slide in at full CW. Slide offset in the middle goes to Noon. Now touching plates on the Rene gets me MCP type action with 16 autoslives of whatever I've recorded into the Phonogene.
Bonus feature: Clock the Rene and the PEG so that when you hit a pad on the rene it triggers the PEG, send the PEG envelope to the Play in on the Phonogene and you can dictate how many times your 1/16 chop plays. Mess with the curve for funky rythem action!
Hi there! This is my special portable case. It is actually built into a box that has a kinda cool set up. The box is big enough for 6u with a gap at the top which is exactly the right size for a 3U skiff to slide into horizontally (like a drawer) the Skiff is powered by the main box via a din tether I DIY-ed into the side of the box and skiff. Bottom row is the Skiff whicha also works nicely as a stand alone. I moded the A183-2 on the bottom row to let me convert the Rene's +5 into ±10 to control the Phonogene. I believe it to be THE BEST EVER! Other cool things... the little guy next to the E350 is an expader for the e350 with 3 bipolr attenuators but when any of the 3 don't have an in signal they are normaled to +10 and work gread as an expander for the Dixie to it's right!
... and this is a track I made with it
solitud.de | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
This is Rack No.1 on ModularGrid. Planning this Rack brought me the idea to build this website.
solitud.de | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
Just built this one myself from a pcb and panel blank. Love it. Works great. Low noise floor. Sounds great!
Just a sublime module. Perfect for sound shaping or for creating dynamics within anything in your track (by modulating the vca's or processing the odds and evens outputs differently, for instance). I can safely say that mine will never leave the house, just a brilliant piece of kit.
i didn't have the module yet, so I've never seen the PCB. Turns out it was lost in the mail. Anyway, thanks for contiously pointing it out. I'd delete it but others have added it to their racks, so you'll just have to deal with it.
Yup, proper title is "lopass". It's even printed in huge letters on the PCB:
Did you know you could save 15% in 15 minutes on car insurance?
The Thomas White board is called a lopass gate (not Low Pass).
it's spelled wrong (lopass gate). That explains why I couldn't find it in a search
This is a duplicate.
No problem, but if someone watermarks an image, they do it for a reason.
By coincidence I bought a VCO-2RM lately. I will make a photo and upload a better image.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
Sorry! I did take it from BCM — but the one here was all janky.
Also this image is clearly watermarked. Flagged this module as private.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net