Yeah, another beginner thread... seduced by potted plant youtubers and an appreciation for random unpredictability brought on by middle age and career stagnation, here I am.
I am looking to build a system capable of interesting guitar/sound processing (more pad/swell/euphoria than bit crush/mangle) and some light generative sequencing that I could either trigger with or react to using processed guitar.
I've been playing guitar professionally for 25+ years, but I highly doubt this will ever leave my office. It's really just a personal indulgence more than a gigging rig.
I have a few synths already and a cabinet full of guitar pedals. Pieces of note, Moog Grandmother, Deepmind, Arturia beatstep/minilab/keylab controllers, Microcosm, Zoia, Strymon Big Sky/Timeline/Mobius...
I've been working my way through Comparative Irrelevance's 3 module videos, reading posts that mention guitar/generative, and just generally dabbling in ambient music for a few years. I really like the CI videos where he is processing external audio or setting up generative pads and plucks.
My purchasing plans will have to follow a phase system.
First phase: I am considering the Arturia 6u Rackbrute. I've used their products for years and have some brand loyalty. I do wish there was some built in utility like the Intellijel's but the price and I like the price and size... For getting the guitar into the rack, Ears. Then a Dual Looping Delay and Monsoon to get the clouds flavor in a smaller space. Also thinking of picking up the nRings early on since it's so present in the CI videos I like, and uJack to get the sound out.
Phase 2: Ornament & Crime, Maths, Quad VCA, Strymon AA.1 and Pam's.
From there, who knows. I love Zoia, so I'm tempted by the Euroburo. I really like the Mimeophon in the 3 module videos... But this is well into the future.
My question is, what am I going to regret not getting in these first couple phases? I know I'm probably overlooking some obvious stuff. Honestly, I'm really working off the CI videos in choices. Particularly episodes 50 and 87, but also 3, 19, 25, 34, 67, 138 to name a few.
Here's what I've got so far...

I know I need VCA's, clock, mult, and quantizer. I think I have some of that covered but would really appreciate any input you have. Thanks, from a middle age noob.