Hello all,
Would love your thoughts on this planned setup. This is designed to be used in combination with the semi-modular gear I already have so is light on basic modules like VCO/VCA. For example, with the 0-coast, System III and mini-brute, I have 5 VCOs to play with.

My goals are to extend my semi-modular setup to have more room for experimentation with rhythms (Marbles, Logic, and Steppy plus my BSP and KeyStep), sound processing (Monsoon, Rings, MMF), and be able to perform live (hence the Palette case) with my other gear. The compressed versions of Rings and Plaits get in the way of easy live playing but the Lapsus Os gives a lot of flexibility in quickly modulating parameters of other modules like those. Drums are through TR-8S and/or Live depending on setup.
Would love thoughts on this general setup and on which to get first. With my budget, I can afford the case, 1u modules, plus one or two other modules now. Thinking of starting with Monsoon and Marbles then adding others next year as I can afford them.
P.S. Thanks to all the posters and commenters here. I have learned a ton just from reading this forum.