Not shure about plaits thou. Was thinking of it for diverse timbre machine to feed the morphagene or to mix with the CO. but maybe you guys have suggestions for better use of the plaits hp

building my second modular after leaving for some time. I´ve build a little case and try to build a simple setup for experimentation. Beats covered by Analog Rytm. Poly Stuff by a Prophet.
The Case is not fully loaded yet. Already build in are Renemk2, Maths, Zadar, Verbos CO, Belgrad and the Morphagene and till now I use it in conjunction with an 0 Coast, mostly as an output VCA with the 0 coast Envelope and the Clock out to Rene.

Most Modules have Attenuverters for modulation so I picked the 3x VCA for mixing and output. Batumi for Clocking and yeah LFOs...

But maybe I´m a little bit blinded by now, am I missing something. Anything you would add or strip away? It´s a tight space and for now I want to stay in that case.

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