This was my only BD module for a few months. I have read a few reviews from people who don't like it in comparison to the original 909, that its not punchy enough or such.

I really like the BD909.

As it has a very wide sonic character it lends itself very well to further modulation and mangling. Saturating or overdriving it with a VCA gives very varied results. If said VCA is controled by an snappy envelope in time with the beat you really start getting somewhere.

I feel it really shines when paired with a resonant filter, hp lp bp all give different results.

I like the dry sound of it also, but if you have not fallen in love with the BD909 try treating in like an oscillator and not an end of the line module.

Those are good points Exper, I have been thinking of trading a wavefolder for a ring mod... But I am not sure what to sacrifice for the quadra expander... I am not sure what the qadra with expander will do that the dual adsr wont... So I am a bit confused about that aspect. I guess one quadra plus expander might be the way to go.

So I am building this thing for quasy self generative musical polyphony among other things.

Modules and case are in the mail (some are on back order I think, but they will come).

I desided to go all intellijel becouse they are quality and the range of modules realy fit with my way of thinking.

Top Right corner is 4 voice poly. 4x Dixie II, 4x uVCF, 2x uVCA.
These can all be used for other functions but can function as a 4x poly.

In the case there are 4 adsr envelopes and 8 ad envelopes (all can funtion as lfo also).

There is also a Rubicon osc for solo voiceing, Dr Octature 8 pole filter/lfo, Shapeshifter digital osc, Kogasmatron filter with expander making it sort of four filters. Also there are more VCAs and mixers.

People are saying that for the price og such a thing you can get a poly synth, sure this is true. But with this settup there are enormus possibilitys not possible with most poly synths.
Think how many sine generators are in the box for instance? I count 14.
Additive synthesis anyone?

How many band pass filters? I count a few.

How many fm modulation possibilitys.

So not only is poly possible but a huge variation of other things.

To make things even crazyer there is the sequensing section. The combination of 2x uScale and 2x uStep plus Metropolis will make quasy self generative poliphony/polyrithm possible. This combined with the planar for texture changes gives nice possibilitys.

So I am thinking of building a modular, It will be my first one but I have a lot of other gear including a few mono synths. I know that a modular mono synth is loads of fun but I want a poliphonic one.There is a music shop here in Iceland that is realy interested in selling modulars so they asked me to help figure out what companies to start working with. I sugested MonoRocket for cases, Pittsburg modular, Make Noice, Mutable instruments and TipTop audio. I think with these companies there should be a nice variation in emphasis. In return I get a bit of a discount and well more good will then I have today. So here we have a 4 voice poliphonic beats. The top two rows are basicaly 4 voices, each voice has a Oscilator, Filter, Dual VCA, Envelope and tool box. Each row has two of these voices and at the end a mixing section. The bottom row has utilities for more complex opperations as each of the voices is pretty standard. Here we have a Yarns for the 4 voice midi control, Tides Wogglebug and Maths each followed by a mulltiple for aditional mangling of the four voices. and then a LPG that I am thinking of using to turn the lowest voice of 4 voice poliphony into a rythmic beating bass line and then a phace shifter to give the whole voice a final shimmer and finaly a outs. I am not compleatly shure about this as a first purchase... maybe I should start with more variety and spend less on more... I am hoping this set up will produce "HUGE" pads and string sections...Any thoughts? All discussion would be nice.