Never in the field of modular synthesis has so much been owed by so many to just one person* - thank you for this amazingly useful database.

*except Bob Moog or Don Buchla or maybe Morton Subotnik and then there's.......

Thanks for your really full response Joem, I feel like I set you a homework essay or something ..,but your advice is really appreciated. I am new to modular, the nearest I come at the moment is a microbrute with the breakout patches, a friend is lending me a 1990s analogue solutions mini modular so you are right that time spent playing with the system 10 will give me a better idea of what I want to compliment it with....there's nowhere I can get hands on with the system 10 before I buy and all the demo s I've seen have focused on its gnarly sounds you've had yours for a bit does it do justice to the softer end of the sonic spectrum too ?


Hi Joem I also started a sys 10.1 + plan today - I aim to get the PGH in May so beginning to think about what else to put in the case - so why the modules chosen so far ? Just watched the tut for the qu bit, that is seriously cool despite the slightly wobbly looking knobs so now I gotta rethink , damn