thanks again. I tried what you said and on a different browser on a different computer too with the same results. I wonder if it's something to do with my naming scheme perhaps? I dunno.. does the screenshot default to a particular order of saved racks perhaps? I'm convinced it's me and not you. : )

Didn't end up going for the Polaris?

ER-101 by orthogonal devices but only if you are rich enough!!!

I just press the screenshot button under the view menu.

I see. You click the screenshot button and then you see a jpg of an older configuration of the rack.
I am pretty sure that is a cache issue.

Press shift + reload after you clicked the screenshot button. Do it when you see the old image.
I will look for a more stable implementation...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

hey thanks for helping out.

I just press the screenshot button under the view menu.

tried what you recommended but unfortunately no joy. still screenshots a different/older rack configuration to the one I have up.


Thanks @WALKER_ for great communication and careful packaging of the module. Would deal again!

How do you do the snapshots? Can you try to clear browser cache:
hold shift and reload page.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: delete

All you need now is the west coast random source

Thread: delete

Thread: mony

Case= 150
Braids+warps+frames =642€
Black panels =100€
ornaments +Kinks + ripples +shades = 410€

Moog mom 32= 550€

Gastado: 1852

Clouds: 220 black panel 30
Second hand rene = 420€
streams = 170 +black panel 20
ears _70

= 1110

utilidades sencillas y cables =120.

I know I'm missing something obvious but can someone tell me why when I go to take a snapshot of my rack it will only snapshot a different rack I made before and not the one I'm working on?

your help would be much appreciated.

Ah. Always a bummer when that happens. Would have been nice to have one. Thanks, Joe.

I see this is a DIY. Any details on construction plans?
-- GRK_Astronomer

We built these at the Moogfest 2016 Engineering Workshop. Steve from Moog told me they have no plans to offer it as a retail module. We all got silver panels, but there were a few with black panels built into the installation art at Moogfest too.


Valentin Rocher

Hi...i am a new user here. (...)
-- CelleGuy

Hey welcome... but you copied and pasted my exact words !

Hi...i am a new user here. I want to know why 6 outputs instead of 1 only ? Probably all outs are normalled to the 1st one, letting the user to can use each individual output in order to tune pads individually and/or to drive 6 different sound generators? Moreover, how many pages the 12 pads fill?

You are welcome!
1 pad recalls 1 page, and per page there are 6 voltage values, each for 1 output.
so you can play pitches on 6 oscillators at the same time.

Thread: Change Log

Filter for module property: Product Lifecycle

Filter for Concept, Currently Available and Discontinued
The setting Property Unassigned shows unassigned Modules, so that it's easier to tag them.

Add all to My Modules

With the new function Add all to My Modules it's easy to populate the My Modules list from a current rack.
You can find in the Edit DropDown menu.

Counter for search results

If you search for modules the quantity of results will be displayed.
-- modulargrid

All great features!
Just tried the collection, works great.
Thank you !-))

...I'll keep learning and ... then make a more informed decision on the next modules.
-- Azarius

You are a very reasonable modulist. Or at least more reasonable than I am. I own more modules than rack space.

Fair enough. I'll keep learning and experimenting on what I currently have and then make a more informed decision on the next modules.

Put a blank. If you cannot think of it you do not need it.

Any opinions and advice on what would be the best modules to compliment my current setup? I'm fairly new to the modular world and started with the SV-1 and the KB-1 and really love em! Very versatile and functional. So to complete the rack I was thinking possibly the LxD or a 4ms RCD? The SV-1 already has S&H and Noise outs but maybe a dedicated random like the nano-rand? The SV-1 also has 2 1x2 mults but could probably always use more. Or maybe a Dixie for another sound source/LFO? So many options... so little HP!

(*edited rack to remove the Intelligel Audio Interface II... I thought I was getting some ground hum noise but apparently it was a ground loop from the Beatstep Pro... I used the included ground loop cable and it solved the problem so I don't think I really need this interface right now.)

I recommend @mnpzn !

Thank you for the quick reply, you clearly answered but I still can't get completely (yeah I look slightly dumb :-). I even don't get what a “track” can be in this situation...(a channel?) By the way, let me try to summarize what I (probably) understood.

I see that each pad covers at least 2 functions: to recall a page inside a pre-selected bank, to select a step (whose pitch has to be manually set via knob) within the page. Since there are 12 pads, and the outs are just 6, I have to deduce that each of the 6 outputs deliver alternatively both 6 top and 6 bottom row pads (as well as each knob controls the pitch of both top and bottom row pads, correspondingly).
If this is right, the presence of 6 outputs still confuses me. Am I right to consider this controller intended to “play” monophonic modules? If yes, the voltage values (pitch infos) will never be put out at the same time. Thus, what are the applications for the 6 outs? Are they normalled to the 1st?


Hello there, I can't understand some functionalities. For instance, why 6 outputs instead of 1 only ? Probably all outs are normalled to the 1st one, letting the user to can use each individual output in order to tune pads individually and/or to drive 6 different sound generators? Moreover, how many pages the 12 pads fill? 2 pages, right?

there are 6 tracks so 6 outputs,
each combination of bank button would recall a "bank" of 12 "pages",
each pad would call a "page" which contains 6 voltage values, one for each output.
so there are 84 pages in total.

Hello there, I can't understand some functionalities. For instance, why 6 outputs instead of 1 only ? Probably all outs are normalled to the 1st one, letting the user to can use each individual output in order to tune pads individually and/or to drive 6 different sound generators? Moreover, how many pages the 12 pads fill? 2 pages, right?

Best, FM

BPM: 84ish
Rainmaker - simple /3 delay
Rings: Mode Green, Type Blinking Orange.
Peaks: Channel 1 Drum synth, parameters can varied. Channel 2 HHs
Knight's Gallop: 8 steps, Mode:RD, Table 3.

A-149-1 controls the structure input on rings, randomly changing chords/root note.

Drums get mixed and go into Rings input.

seek on pattern 12

uscale set to f and a#

drum pattern just in case: snare on 5 and 13, maybe add more, channel f needs 16th notes but with every substep activated.

Bought a MI Clouds module from @A.S. and a 4ms VCA Matrix from @restlessboy. Good people to trade with.

While I liked the new faceplate I have reverted it to an earlier state because the module is already assigned to 60+ racks.
And those started to look strange.
I have flagged it as a duplicate.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:


Thread: Change Log

Filter for module property: Product Lifecycle

Filter for Concept, Currently Available and Discontinued
The setting Property Unassigned shows unassigned Modules, so that it's easier to tag them.

Add all to My Modules

With the new function Add all to My Modules it's easy to populate the My Modules list from a current rack.
You can find in the Edit DropDown menu.

Counter for search results

If you search for modules the quantity of results will be displayed.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Hi everyone,

Would like opinion of the community on my futur modular.

Basically the idea of the rack is to have enough option to create fat nasty dark and deep textures, bass and leads.
I will record sounds from the rack directly into ableton live from there i will edit my sample and trigg them in a sampler korg electribe 2 during show with my band.



This looks very well laid out and complete enough to have lots of fun.
My preference would be to add an old school filter and perhaps one of those mini-sequencers. Not to sequence pitches but modulations.

How did you upload the image of your rack, i would like to do the same but can't find the button or right way to do it on my interface ?
-- newbryde

No need to upload. If you comment on your own rack, it will be automatically embedded.
You can always just paste the URL to your Rack in the comment field.

My Rack:
will render

My Rack:
ModularGrid Rack

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Hey Paul,
How did you upload the image of your rack, i would like to do the same but can't find the button or right way to do it on my interface ?



Hi all,

Any tips on this setup? Do I have too much LFO or VCA? Anything missing?


The virtual modular doesn't work on the newest version of OSX unfortunately.

So I really would love the idea that least for unicorn members could turn the modules upside down.
I do this sometimes to get cables go more organized way.

Wonder would it be difficult task to program for the module builder?

Cool thanks a lot guys, I live in London so I think I'll hop by London Modular soon. I'm currently very busy and not in a hurry to spend a big amount of money anyway. I don't think the Schneiders Laden in Rough Trade still exists does it? Regarding the virtual modular, I'll look in to it. But I'm pretty sure I want to get in to the real deal too as I see it also as a study project of understanding sound and synthesis better then I currently do.

I'm still doubting between a full voice like the atlantis or paying a little extra for separate modules. Thanks everybody!

Here is simple just cortex and prismatic ray with audio modules

I don;t have a logic module but think about getting one. I will say, you can find the audio equivalent of the logic and scale it whereas the prismatic ray, not too sure

You are correct about the higher frequency range of the prismatic ray. There are other uses for them too like "keying" that you would need a video keyer for that is currently out of stock and the prismatic rays do much more and key differently.
Here is some links to where I am using the pr as a keyer:

Thread: Change Log

Module Collections

Unicorn Users can now favorite modules they own. From this My Modules list it's way easier and quicker to add them to the planner. It's still possible to filter the My Modules list, e.g. "show me my VCAs".

New module property: Product Lifecycle

Modules have a new property Product Lifecycle with the dimensions Concept, In Production and Discontinued. If enough modules are tagged, this will go into a search filter.

Message Manufacturers

There was some trouble with manufacturers who lock/approve their modules but have the specs incomplete.
Now there is a message button on the module detail page where you can get in touch with them.

Remove Module Rating

If you have accidentally rated a module you can undo that by simply clicking on the rate button again in the module finder.


Show exotic modules a.k.a. "other/unknowns" filter was broken, works again

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Hi, it's POB -- You can watch a live modular synth performance with this setup right here.


a self-contained eurorack system
instant and tactile like an acoustic instrument

  1. hardwired connections between Folktek Matter and Meng Qi Seashore;

  2. tonal / atonal audio from Skot Wiedmann HYVE / IFM Mr.Grassi, travels thru body into various points within Matter;

  3. left/rightmost inputs on Seashores are equipped with jacks, thus touch-controlled external signal injection / feedback are convenient;

  4. Meng Qi DPLPG provides smooth vactrol based voltage control of volume and tone;

  5. Recovery Effect Cutting Room Floor offers pitch shifting looping / delay / faux reverb, and is sensitive to incoming volume;

  6. bottom jacks on ADDAC Size Matter is connected to a D-Class amplifier, a hefty built-in surface transducer provides strong sound and vibrations to feel with body.

it went through a few revisions.
I hope it stays in the fine line between redundancy and scarcity, like a well designed standalone instrument.

video :
sc :
buy file :

I had a few nice, smooth transactions with @Fa Cesario, @Inflexus and @john somatix. Thanks guys!

I was checking the TBC unit (the back connectors), and I think it only gives me component video. and not RGB. is that possible? anyway, that thing it´s big and heavy as sh*t, I can't be carrying it around. and it would mean I would not have it if I want to bring my system elsewhere (and it's going to be very portable at first, I'm going to buy a single row rack). so I think the LZX TCB is back on...

the thing with the cadets is that they're not that cheap, even purchased like a kit (I'm not sure I can get the different parts here, sadly). a processor costs $90, and the passage its $219. what's best, two cadets or one passage module? I'm guessing the cadet, as it is a triple processor, right?

ok about the mapper, sold! =)

ok, I understand about the prismatic rays function. but that can't be achieved with a similar module but thought for audio? or this one is specifically for video, with sync involved? the frequency generated has to be really high too, right?

ok, two prismatic rays units sound like the way to go. I just have to see if I can affoard it...

and what about that video logic unit? I saw Lars started a batch again. do you have any?

btw, this is almost exactly the set I had in mind, lol. I was just not including the prismatic rays...

thanks again!

Yes about the LZX TBC. If the rack tbc you have has genlock input or sync I think it will do the job.

I would probably get some cadet processors and crosfader pcb/panels instead of the passage to cut cost and you can place them around your system better. A cadet scaler or two is not a bad idea for putting audio eurorack gear into the video path but a panel of passive jacks/10k linear pots would work too and in some ways give more control once you get the hang of them.

Any signal in the video synth goes into the mapper and you get crazy "toasting" effects like solarization. Think of stuff you do with the videonics colorizer and make it better(cleaner) with more control.

The vco's give you shapes on one level and modulation sources on another and both at the same time if you want. The prismatic rays are particularly good at making shapes to my taste over the original vwg's but they still have lots of uses too.
I recommended two prismatic rays because I was told the more oscillators the better and after I got several I tend to agree. The prismatic rays can also be used like a keyer in awesome ways.

I think the cadets are the way to go.

Thread: Change Log

Markdown Preview for the module edit form

Since quite a while the text for module descriptions can be styled with Markdown Syntax.
Now we have a preview button next to the textarea in the module add and edit form.
It works exactly like the forum preview.
This should prevent the large amount of versions which are generated each time the data is saved.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thank you to @tothof for the deal on the Grendel Formant Filter.
Good seller, fast reply, and module in perfect condition.