Makes sense and actually already works this way.
If there is a thread to a module then you can find the link to the forum at the very bottom on the modules detail page (and also the latest comments).
If you add a comment to a module without a thread on the modules detail page you automatically add a new thread to the forum.
Hope that makes sense too

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Just an idea, but if you're going to have a forum with threads on each individual module, maybe the pages for each module could contain a link to that thread. I hope that made sense, Fnord needs moar coffee.

Thread: Bug Report

Sometimes "improvements" do the opposite thing and do not work for everyone.
In favor of the new streamlined comment function the private comment feature is gone, sorry.
It will only come back if I am forced by a wave of angry MG protesters.
Until this happens consider to flag your rack as public and maybe share the enjoyment of your planning with some other users.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

quick question about "Comments won't work on private Racks."

this prevents adding (private) notes on private racks.
not the end of the world but I did found it useful...
any chance to have it back?

Using the same Harbor Freight case as Erthenvar for an Anushri and some extras. Instead of going with the 1u tiles, I'm getting 2x8hp of sideways modules. Hard part so far is finding a small, inexpensive, hopefully DIY power supply to fit inside.

I fucked your mother's dog in hell.....

Good question. Every manufacturer has his own way to measure depth, so I don't think we can set a standard here.
But as you mentioned, since the depth depends on the power cable you use, I would vote to measure the module depth without power cable attached.

should the module depth include the power cable attached? Some cable connectors are 5mm higher than others, so sometimes the resulting total module depth depends on which power cable you use

Thread: Change Log
  • Switched Module Detail pages to Markdown
  • Switched Manufacturer pages to Markdown
  • fixed a Bug where comments on private racks leaked in the forum

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

oh well, if you can fix it why not.
probably not a so big deal, excepted the fact that some foreign intelligence may steal my rack plan...
-- 0x00

The new "fix" is online. Users simply can not comment on private racks anymore and so they will not end here accidentally.
Regarding foreign intelligence: there is no solution in sight. Somebody is building a huge modular from your plan and tax money right now.

hhhm, I never thought about it before, but maybe evil's greatest power is people perpetually underestimating it? :-(

Excuse my spam: Need any gear, like a Supernova rack, Rapco 8-Pack 10' drop snake or Manley mono Enhanced Pultec EQ (early version, see history section here ) Make me a reasonable fire sale-ish offer if interested.

John, out of context, the sentence 'I just plunged myself deep into your slippery zombie love' is somewhat hilarious.

Thank you for the nice comments! Sorry to hear that things are not going well.

I should mention that I calculated the combined force of the set to be sufficient to unleash a million years of happiness on earth. But obviously I underestimated the forces of EVIL.

Hey, turnabout is fair play! ;-)

OK, I just plunged myself deep into your slippery zombie love! I really like this swirling nightmarish soundscape. And wow, Reverse mouse mercantilism sounds great too! Reminds me a bit of middle 70's period King Crimson.

How have you been? I hope you are well. Life is hard and totally fucked up for me at the moment.

Now you can come HERE to ignore my tracks!

Argh, this is broken by design. All comments end up in the forum section.
Have to fix this or find a workaround, sorry...
-- solitud

oh well, if you can fix it why not.
probably not a so big deal, excepted the fact that some foreign intelligence may steal my rack plan...

Argh, this is broken by design. All comments end up in the forum section.
Have to fix this or find a workaround, sorry...

how comes this shows up here? I was simply adding a comment on my own (private btw) rack...

No. It seems to keep getting pushed back.

any release date estimation?

Thread: Canvas

Good points - perhaps a Pamela's Workout and a μVCA II?

Thread: Canvas

Hmm, I don't think there is an alternative option for the Voltage Controlled Fan.
Perhaps you could use a more vanilla clock source for the Divider/Pressure Points combo? And some standard VCAs wouldn't hurt either.

Thread: Canvas

ModularGrid Rack

Been shuffling things around in this rack for a while now - I think it's just about planned-out enough. Any alterations to suggest?

Thread: Black Hole

Those look much more capable than the doepfer/PM combo. Reworked...

Thread: Black Hole

Good points. Be aware, the Pittsburgh one only outputs 1/4 note clocks. Strange decision there.

I'm using the Mutable Instruments Yarns along with other clock modules like Pamela's Workout. Yarns can control a LOT. It might even be less or about the same as the 2 interfaces. Yet it can do poly modes, extensive clock and trigger modes, arpeggiation and up to 4 sequences. It's pretty insane for what it can provide in 12hp.

Thread: Black Hole

Yep. And for shameless self promotion: skip one interface and reserve the space for an Ultima Ratio, a clock divider which is build for such purposes and will be available soon

Thread: Black Hole

Didnt think of the click track. Very cool

Thread: Black Hole

Depends on the available CV outputs. You are right, this can be a bottleneck.
When I started modular I wanted to control everything via MIDI but very quickly lost my interest in it.
But if you using a DAW and a Multi Out Audio Interface to sequence are you aware about the PlugIn solutions like Silent Way?
For DAW sync you can also just output an audio click track, needs no MIDI to do so.

Thread: Black Hole

The goal pf the second one is to be able to set and modify delay and reverb time and sync with bpm easily, and still play the synth via external controller. Can this be accomplished with 1?

Thread: Black Hole

Looks like a solid eastcoast rack. Two MIDI interfaces?

Thread: Black Hole


Because the traffic is still pretty low here, I should probably just post my stuff in a single thread that I can just add to. I tried to edit the title of one of the existing ones, but I wasn't able to. So forgive me posting one more, which at this point, contains stuff that I did this weekend.

these are soundcloud 'playlists', so they should keep on playing through the tracks. If they don't (which would happen to some people on mw), let me know.

Amazing Fantastic Shriek Battalion

Blinky Blinky Scream Scream

Inaudible. Plugged this Blue Lantern Synth to "Line Level" in both a line level jack and a normal channel on my mixer with gain maxed out and because the output is so quiet, there's a horrible amount of noise. Don't recommend this module, it's useless.

In the meantime my kit arrived and I had a blast building this!

Everything is very well layouted and I was able to get it working on first try!

I agree with the changes. At least for now. The other forum does suffer from format separation I think, as people will stick to what they know. That said, not looking forward to Buchla discussions that will only make me wish I had some. :)

The goal is to merge discussions into the forum in a way 90% of MG users won't even notice while given the other 10% who care better tools to use.
-- modulargrid

This happened today!
Since the comments from the individual module/patches/rack pages will be aggregated in the forum I had to change the forum structure to make this happen. That means:
No more format specific forums

As 1 or 2 other people have said, and I have mentioned privately, I really think that there should be a section where one can talk about more general music related topics - whether about more philosophical issues, or about compositional methods, etc, etc.
-- Nelson Baboon

I agree with nelson, a composition forum would be cool!
-- Wiktorion

Since the Forum is still very weak by now can we use the Modular Discussion Index for that? Perhaps I can just find a better name for it?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Merged Discussions into the Forum

Discussions are gone. Two commenting sections where overkill.
You can still comment on module/patches/racks but everything will be piped into the forum.
This keeps the code base slim.

And also every feature of the forum is now available in the former discussion pages like the search function, media embeds, emoticons and quotes.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Flagged as duplicate

Mod has fixed this.

Thread: Patch #1

Loosely based on Richard Devines creature patch (His system isnt exactly the same and also I decided to tweek it a little anyway). I'm replicating it as learning experience more than anything.

Using the CV Bus to mix the signal to the mono output.

The in and out on the Echophon are going to Z-DSP with Halls of Valhalla card

Here is a recording sample, but its different everytime:

Thread: Patch #1

I'm a bit sad, because it seems that Richard is cheating with this patch-as his system isnt strictly speaking a "shared system" for his system does away with the moddemix in favour of second optimix and he also has an added function module. Which kinda defeats the whole point of the shared system idea.

Thread: saw pad

briads in 3xSaw mode, use A minor scale

Thread: saw pad

briads in 3xSaw mode, use A minor scale

Kabeln högst upp till höger modulerar Red Panda Particle.

See this patch in action at 

input 2 of mixer is from Arp noise fully open


inputs to gate and CV are from kenton USB solo

  • demo recorded

  • Toggle A-170 time range to bring synth sound in and out

  • PM Filter QCV & FCV fully counterclockwise

  • Cutoff ~2 o'clock

  • wiggle Z4000 decay knob!

  • moving delay clock knob is awesome!

reference track: eurorack_52mono.aif

quadlfo in 4lfo mode

1st and 2nd lfos very slow

4th lfo same as echophon clock

3rd lfo 1/2 of 4th lfo (more or less)

notes: if you engage maths' 4th channel Cycle mode , you get fuller tone (not plucked)

wiggling reneé's y-cv attenuator brings variation in the sequence

turning Triatt's second knob fully CW brings cascading, out of tone pitches in the sequenced delays


Thread: #29 cuba jam

There are several timbres:

227e A and C ate the Balanced Modulator (Lower part of 285e)

227e B is Bass from 261e, first filtered (B), then VCA'd (A) through 292e

227e D is timbrally very rich, a great complement to (and the same timing as) the bass in 227e B.

281e A goes to 292e A, B, D and Balanced Modulator Timbre input

281e C is the main clock

the 227e's submixer's "in th mix" is disabled to avoid bleed-through, but must be enabled to get the signal from the 207e's output

DON'T change the timing (281e C)!

play slowly with the sequencer (manually) on the 291e. The sequencer is also the same timing as Bass (282e C)


To Do:

tweak the 291e for a more convincing sequence

z3000 at 313hz

z3000 at 313hz