thanks for the speedy reply ! so if i add an output module im assuming it will put the combined audio from logic on my ipad through the headphones ? for example , the modular signal going into logic combined with any ipad based effects and instruments

It's a good combo, the ES-8 and ipad pro, but you'll only be able to use one interface at a time.
The solution is to put an output module next to the ES-8 with a headphone output, or sell the ES-8 and upgrade to the ES-9 which I believe has an onboard headphone amp.

hi guys , im looking to record my modular gear into my ipad whilst playing piano and other instruments as auv3 plugins over it to record compositions .
i just got the expert sleepers es-8 to use as an audio interface for my ipad pro running logic pro . i can receive audio into logic fine but i cant find a way to configure it so that the ipad doesnt use the es-8 as the audio output also .
i have a usb hub between the es-8 and ipad , and headphones plugged into the usb hub , but logic wont allow me to use the headphones as an output to listen to what im playing in logic and recording from the modular , only the es-8 .
does anyone have any experience with this setup ?

i love to hear you opinion on my module and - if someone has expirience suggestions for future functions ( i mean not things like "can you make a 1u version" or in need to make it coffee too" ;)

Howdy! I don't actually have a Victor so I'm not 100% sure, but in the manual it says this about the gate input:

"GATE IN – use this 3.5 mm TS jack socket to activate
the onboard mix envelope from an external
source. The GATE input expects a v-trig rising from
0 V to +5 V."

Whereas the Plaits has an actual built in LPG/envelope for amplitude, it looks like the purpose of the gate on Victor is to trigger an envelope that sweeps the onboard oscilator mix. Does that sound right? I also noticed the USB/Midi jack says specifically it does not respond to note on/off which makes me think it doesn't have internal VCA capabilities. I think you'll want to run it into an external VCA and use gate from the GM to trigger an envelope to control it. Cheers!

A 16 wave waveform generator. Has delay, repeats, speed internally, all of which can also be changed with CV. Trigger button or CV in.
Also allows you to “stir in” other signals to affect the wave, which produces some very interesting results.


Thread: Change Log

Mini Updates

Median Price

The Used Price History history on the marketplace includes now the median price. The median price ignores the very low and very high offers and could therefore represent the more realistic price. Unicorn feature.

JSON Rack Import/Export

Unicorn users can export/import their racks as json data

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Hello everyone,

This patch swings with a bouncy, organic feel, almost like an acoustic instrument. The video is a little bit messy because I couldn't sit still while filming — you'll catch glimpses of my shoulder in the frame from time to time. Sorry about that!

I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed making it.

If you like this video, please consider liking and subscribing. Your support really helps me keep creating these patches.


I am trying to play my newly acquired Behringer Victor using my Moog Grandmother , keybord out into the Victors V/Oct
and the GM Gate out into the Victors Gate In.

The V/Oct works fine but the Gate is not working, i.e i get a continuous drone from the Victor.

i use the same patching from my GM into Plaits and it works fine.

Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening with Victor? Is it a duff Victor or am i missing something very obvious?

So I guess this is the common "Hey I'm new, looking for opinions on my rack" post. …
For cases, I picked three Intj 7u 104hp cases each outfitted with a pair of 1U Octalinks to route each case to the others. That way I can just pull the 3 CAT cables off to be able to put the case lids on without having to unpatch everything.
-- TheLooseNut

A few thoughts regarding your hopes for Octalink cross-case connections.

• With a system this size you'll often find yourself patching more connections between the cases than the eight supported by an Octalink. (That won't matter when your patches will be torn down before the cases are moved.)

• Octalink connections are great for subsonic CV signals. They might or might not suffice for audio signals. You'll need to patch directly, instead, if crosstalk interferes with quality.

Happy patching!

The show was great. There were so many chubby guys with bad haircuts it was difficult to say hello to everyone.

Thread: Oh’Man

Patchnotes in the youtube link

thank you so much for your input! will check those modules out. :)

Were I filling out this system I would next go for an Intellijel Quadrax (or perhaps Quadra) and then a QuadVCA. At that point you'd still have all Intellijel modules which is visually (and sonically) pretty.

Maths is a function generator. Quadrax is also a function generator. They're different but serve roughly the same roles. Things like signal level balance are likely to be better between modules by the same manufacturer.

Hello Everyone,

I just got a 7U 84HP Intellijel Case and a few modules: Atlantix, atlx, metropolix and sealegs.
what would be a good addition to this system?

I know ideally I should just learn how to use those modules inside out first but I'd appreciate any recs for future upgrades.

I was thinking of potentially getting maths but I'm not really sure if it'll be useful or if I really need it.


Very beautiful piece, positive and sunny!
-- Sweelinck

Thank you very much! I'm really liking the Klee.

Thread: Bug Report

Discovering any Bugs? Post here!
-- modulargrid

The primary version of KOMA Dual Discrete VCA cannot be added to a rack. Choosing either version from the module page adds the alternative version picture. This started some months ago. Before that it worked fine.

Very beautiful piece, positive and sunny!

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Thanks @Progspiration for getting us back on the right path, we should have known something was wrong :))
Thinking about this presence of an original MI Clouds, we could perhaps justify it by a desire to own a collector's item... it's not my thing, but I could understand.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Hi you all !

The 2 clouds threw me off at first too, but reading the original description closer, the 1st row is what they have already and the 2nd row is proposed next steps. I also agree a smaller/more flexible clouds clone is a good step though

Howdy folks! I haven't posted here in a while, mostly because I haven't completed any recordings recently. I have been checking out/enjoying other posts here though. :-)

I have been busy recording, just not publishing stuff, and also enjoying a lot of DIY projects. I recently completed building the venerable Klee Sequencer and here's my first recording with it. Cheers!


Yes, not only will one Clouds be enough and I personaly even suggest replacing it with an excellent clone like Monsoon: smaller and more complete. And don't forget Beads (Emilie said Clouds was "a mistake", and at the end of MI, she created Beads).

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Why 2 clouds?

I would drop the behringer envelope and get something else. (or use maths for envelopes)
+ drop the behringer vcas and mixer - and look for something like a Veils or Quad Vca with more Vcas in one module
I like Nano Modules ONA as standard vco (its small hp)
I would drop all the behringer - even the low pass filter, there are other cool filters in this hp.

Maybe think about it a bit more



Don't buy anything from @freesolo337. I will summarise my experience with him:

1 - On the 17th of August I bought a Mutable Ripples V2 from him, I sent the money and he sent the module on the 22nd.

2 - The module should have arrived at my house on August 27th but it could not be delivered. Apparently because the address on the package was incorrect, so the Spanish postal system informed me that it would be returned to Ireland. I informed @freesolo337 of this situation and he opened an incident case with the Irish postal service.

3 - A few days passed without any update. I called both the Spanish and Irish services several times; the package was still in Spain but no one knew where it was. After calling persistently for weeks I managed to get it located and sent to Ireland.

4 - The package was lost again. After calling several times and sending dozens of emails, I found out that it was blocked in customs. I had to call again over and over again and managed to get it unblocked so that it could be returned to Ireland. Throughout this whole process, @freesolo337 did nothing about it.

5 - When the package finally arrives in Ireland (12th September), it can't be delivered to @freesolo337 because there is no return address. I was told by the Irish service that @freesolo337 had to fill in a form to get the parcel back. He decided not to do so because he had already filled out a form (step 2) and apparently filling out another one was too much work for him.

6 - Since 12 September I have asked him for the incident case number of the form he opened. He has not sent it to me. The last message from him is from 17 September telling me that he had already filled in a form and that he will let me know. Since then I have not heard anything more from him, he has ignored all my messages for weeks and I am without my money and without the module I bought. I have been ripped off :(
-- nin993

Just for you to know: after one month of ignoring every single message I sent to him and after almost two months of this situation, @freesolo337 decided to appear and give me negative feedback for...whatever reason. I never imagined there could be people like these in the modular community, it's so sad and disappointing.

UPDATE: He has deleted his account in case there were any doubts about how childish and scammer this guy is. And now, the guy created 3 fake accounts just for downvoting me. It's incredible having to see this after getting scammed by him. He already has my money and my module but apparently it's not enough for him. Be careful because you can find truly awful people here.

+1 for Marbles.
+1 for Rnd Step.
= +2 :))

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

-1 on getting rid of Maths, it's a superb module and opens up so much modulation possibility (and also has some dang snappy envelopes). And rather than a Marbles I'd suggest getting something like Divkid's RND Step which gives you a bunch of sample and holds with internal random sources. Throw in a couple ring modulators, let's say Intellijel's Amps module, and you have many of the foundational pieces that make modulation possible and fun, which after all is the point of modular!

Just my 2 cents.

Is there a way to lock a module in position in a rack, so it will stay locked in position when aligning other modules around it using the keyboard shortcuts?

Marbles is great fun and super useful!

Since this is your first rack regardless of what you get now, you will have a completely different point of view after using the rack a few months.

I would ditch both clouds and the maths and learn to use just the two subtractive voices you have set up now for a few months.

Then you will know what else you need.

I totally agree! A couple days ago I happened to post a similar request on the ModWiggler forum:


One gripe I have about module entries that are "Approved by manufacturer" locked is that many manufacturers are not very good at keeping on top of updating their modules on ModularGrid! And the method of getting the manufacturers to update changes or correct mistakes by sending a message is sort of tedious/cumbersome and no guarantee that the change will take place or the request even read, since ModularGrid is often a low priority for them or worse yet they've gone out of business or passed on. 😔

I think a better method might be to set up a "Pending Change" status so that end users can use the normal tools to make changes to a locked "Approved by manufacturer" module but the changes wouldn't take place until the manufacturer takes action on the pending request (approves, rejects, or doesn't respond for a certain period of time, at least a week but no more than a month?) While a request is pending no more changes/pending requests can be made on that module. This way it would be more streamlined for both users and manufacturers and modules that were locked by manufacturers that don't care or are MIA can still be updated in a reasonable amount of time. (which will also reduce the need to end users to create duplicate module entries that can be edited)

Thread: Current

how do you connect the Qx remote to the Quadrax?
-- alexangi

It just connects with a standard I2C ribbon cable. Currently I just have my Qx connected to my Metropolix, but it's compatible with Quadrax, Matropolix and Planar2.

Anyone going to Machina Bristronica 2024?
If you see a chubby guy who needs a haircut, say hello!

does anyone know what capabilities do this extension module provide on the 1u plum audio ornament and crime (phazerville firmware) ?
thank you :)

Thread: Current

how do you connect the Qx remote to the Quadrax?


What was your plan for it when you got it?

This thing sounds absolutely awful. It doesn't create either interesting musical sounds, or interesting non-musical sounds. The sequencer is great, its the only thing going for it. But at $600 there are far better sequncers to get. It's not much use having a huge semi-modualr with a really cool sequencer, that sounds horrible in every other capacity. Further, you can tell that the Moog quality has severely dropped. The first three semi-modulars they put out all had really well done manuals with super useful starting patches. The manual for this is pretty sparse, and having gone through all the starting patches they had, I can't think of a single use for any of them.

Amazing modulation module and I have a lot of them! I finally found a user interface that suits me, everything is logical, well designed, practical and designed for a live game.
The strength of this module is to have 8 outputs at 8 hp and it is bipolar.
I love it so much that I'm thinking of buying a second one!

Yes, the switches you propose have a lot of sense I guess.
Passive multis doesn't work well for audio signals, so I got it the reason for your first proposition. Anyway, for me they are superuseful, not only for audio (that's mainly the reason I use buffered), for modulation too. Ambient music with a lot of modulation is more fun for me :)

But yes, fair enough switch minimix, xaoc dsp and one vails for bartender and barback, even if probably I'll miss the xaoc dsp, it's the best solution I think.

Thread: Bound

patch notes in the youtube link

I have two original tiptop power bricks, each one output 13 V, 3.07 A max. No problem since day one.
the amperage in you case seems low, what power brick are you using? although it's strange if the uZeus rail indicators blinks even with one module plugged in..
Have you tried to remove/swap all the busboards? If it blinks even without busboards connected to the header the uZeus could have an issue. Have you inspected the back of the module? alla caps are in place?

That's very fair! I think I'm used to just running stack cables and hex/outboard passive mults that I often don't think of them as necessary, but that's my own workflow. What you're doing sounds super cool! My vote would probably be to drop Minimix, Xaoc DSP, and maybe one veils, and add the Bartender/Barback combo to mix. Whatever configuration you end up with, would love to hear what you make! Cheers friend

thanks for the advise with the jumper.
I removed it but unfortunatly it still flashes.
With your hint, I could find other threats with simmilar problems.
I even tried to plug in the cables of single modules to doublecheck, if its maybe because of the higher start up power consumption but it still flashes..
Could it be the cable from the wall wart?
It runs13,5V / 1.11A

Hey guys
So to cut things short (very short) ive made a few silly purchases over the last 5 years in regards to modules that i dont need so ive sold a bundle of stuff to start almost from scratch. My purchases proir where mostly through impulse and my system became senseless and Infuriating when being used.
Ive decided that id love a system that could pull off some brilliant atmostpheric spacey tunes. Lots of reverb and delays i suppose haha
Also something that could help with creating a tradiotional type song structure ie .. verse chorus verse etc
id like to add beats to the music as well but ive got a few different methods of adding them in later on in the proscess.

Ive got another case (9u doepfer 84hp) so space isnt so much of an issue.

Qu-Bit Nebulas has peaked an interest for its reverb and delays
Malstrom Arkan also looks interesting but im not sure what all i can use it for
and also DATA - Mordax so i can get a better knowledge of whats happening to the sound.

I posted here to get everyones elses thoughts and possible ideas, maybe jog some creative thinking my own head haha

cheers guys

[ModularGrid Rack]

Hey! thanks for the suggestions.

I guess it's difficult to decide which modules drop or not. But buff mults and jugle henge isn't sure not to drop. I use so much the multis for audio, cloning signals for sending to differents effects and depends on patch, using jungle henge to create a new full stereo spectrum audio mix with only one source. For example: rings to multi, one dry signal from multi to JH, another to clouds, clouds to JH, another from multi to prism and finally prism to JH. Like that I have 5 audio signals from rings dry + wet to put into JH and play around the spectrum. Love the results of this kind of patch around Jungle Henge and multis, I consider they are so lush and give me an ambient signature for my music I love so much. It's true JH is better partnered with veils (or whatever VCAs) on this kind of patches.

In other hand, sometime I use bitbox micro as a kind of drum machine and Jungle Henge seems perfect to mix all drum kits placing into the stereo spectrum.

Maybe I could drop the Xaoc DSP cause i have to use all effects as an inserts because my mixer. If I switch to a mixer with sends/returns I won't need so much.

If you want this all to have a certain rhythmic undercurrent, Pam's is probably the way to go. Also, a Toppobrillo Sport Modulator seems like it'd be a good calls for a noise/ambient case like this as well - lots of opportunities for going from modulation to audio rate oscillation and everywhere in between. I think it would fit this setup particularly well for how it can be both a self-contained drone synth in its own right as well as a toolbox for your modular setup.

An attenuverter or VCA would also be helpful here to give the textures even more movement and fill more space.

So I got a bug up my ass and was going to sell all of my mods. I sold a little over half of what I owned before I had sellers remorse and decided to keep the rest. Based on what I have here, I want to fill in the rest of the space with mods that woud compliment what is there for chill drone and ambient noise and spacescape type stuff. I also might try to make some glitchy randomness ala Autechre type stuff. Any advice?

This is the rack as it sits on my desk today.

Here ya go, I used my ancient samari search techniques.

glad you mentioned this as I've never seen it

I've personally had really good luck with the modules I've gotten from After Later, both new and used. I haven't used the Bartender/Barback mixers, but they do seem to fill the functions you'd want! Boy I'd miss having the Veils though, they're really great VCAs. I'd sooner drop both of the buffered mults and probably Jungle Henge as well. That would get you most of way to the 34 hp required, but would have some trickier decisions for the last few hp. How much are you using the that Xaoc DSP? The combo of Beads and the Versio modules as well as Prism feels like it could be enough effects. I'd maybe be inclined to pull that out if mixing is the priority at the moment. I don't envy those hard choices!! The good news is you can always buy another rack to house the stuff you're not ising here haha

Thanks Sweelinck! Glad you liked it.