The show was great. There were so many chubby guys with bad haircuts it was difficult to say hello to everyone.

Anyone going to Machina Bristronica 2024?
If you see a chubby guy who needs a haircut, say hello!

You can also bring the icon back in the user settings under Planner Menu Preferences

would love an option to sort by power specs for eurorack among the other sort features (newest, popular, alphabetic, etc.). [...] For my needs, +12v alone would be sufficient;
-- obmuc

We have that now. Modules can be ordered by positive rail.

I currently use DeoxIT Faderlube for scratchy pots with great results but years ago I used WD 40 very often. I know it's a formula for water displacement but it also lubricates a bit and I could revive some pots and buttons with it.

Get that into a pot, and you're going to probably need to replace that pot soon after that.

It might not be the ideal solution but I don't have any broken pots due to WD 40, I don't think it is corrosive like Kontakt 60.

My Eurorack changed a lot in the last 9 years but the Doepfer A 138m is still in it. Super plain, basic and useful device.
Somewhat hidden function: the first row is normalized to 10V so you can mix offset voltage. A 138m can mix any CV, can attenuvert, can even be used as a feedback mixer for audio.

If someone sees a guy with a ModularGrid shirt on Friday, that's me! Say hello!

If one publishes something on BandCamp, is that "something" then exclusively to be used with BandCamp only or is one allowed to publish it parallel elsewhere as well?

I am actually not very familiar with bandcamp. I created an account just to test the MG embed feature :)

Nice album by the way, my favourite is Ankylosaurus, fantastic track. Nice vocoder effects you are using there :-) If I may ask, which vocoder are you using there?

Thanks, I used the Waldorf Lector Plugin as vocoder in this track but nowadays I love my Roland VP330 and just use that for everything vocoderish.

Thanks a lot for this great functionality within Modulargrid and thank you very much for sharing your great work here with us! Kind regards, Garfield.

Thanks for kind words!

Re: bandcamp I seem to be the main user around here but I would love to see that working 🙇
-- troux

Bandcamp embeds should work now. You have to go to Bandcamps Share/Embed options, then select a "style" and then copy the code that is listed with the option Paste that in the ModGrid forum post and it should render the album.

To all with the archive idea: what happens when a rack is archived? Is it visible for other users? Is it still searchable and can be copied by others? Or will it behave more like a private rack? Will it disappear from your command center?

The forum has a new experimental feature to embed albums. Use the embed code in the wordpress format from Bandcamps share options.
Happy to post my latest album Dinosaur Ballads albeit it is already 3 years old. It is made in a more traditional way using mainly polysynths (OB-8, Juno 60, Prophet 6, JD800, PolyEvolver) but most songs also have a track or some sound fx made with my Eurorack modular.

I have no idea how to do a Fizmo in modular but I had to chuckle because the first rack ever created on ModularGrid is my poor attempt to build a modular Wavestation/Microwave including a discussion about that on the page that wiggled muffs at that time.
Whatever you will do chances are it will not be much cheaper than that Fizmo and it also will only have two voices ...

It's just the Favicon that is requested unsecure via http from the same domain. I don't think that is a big security issue.

I notice that there seems to be no way (anymore) to go from a users list of marketplace entries directly to a specific offer.

That should work again, thanks for the report.

O.k. that is not directly modular related but chances are someone here also uses an old CR-78 to sneak those Phil Collins vibes into the Eurorack performance.
I tried to sync my CR-78 via Midiclock using various converters but had issues with all of them so I decided to build my own which took WAAYY longer than expected. I call it the Compusync 78.
The Compusync 78 can also be used as a realtime programmer for the CR-78. It looks a bit DIYish because it is, but the result, especially timing and START/STOP behaviour is very good.
So if someone is interested send me a private message since I hand built a small batch of devices I am happy to sell.
Also did a video to showcase the interface with my best presenter skills:

Since Covid most packages to the US are shipped ... with a ship. That can take months. I have send one module via plane with DHL. That cost 50€.
Then you have to fill out those US customs forms I barely understand.
It makes me feel like I am committing a serious smuggling crime and will be arrested the next time I visit the US.

Excuse me for exaggerating a little.
Maybe I should have stated that, to be fair, a lot of people I‘ve come to know do still use or did use logic and love the workflow.
I guess that’s really a matter of taste. I‘m not massively into the Toolbox thing for example. But thats beyond the scope of this thread.
Sorry if I offended someone that was not the Intent.
-- Cangore

Not at all. Logic has several issues, e.g. Logics naming for the Drummer function is super cringeworthy, for sure very garagebandish.
I use Logic mostly as a multitracker, they did the automation feature right, especially with Mackie Control.
I use Ableton for creating and cowork.

I‘d personally say don‘t go with LOGIC as it seems to get more convoluted and confusing every Update. Most People I know now call Logic „Garageband Pro“. And I personally dislike it and avoid working with it.
-- Cangore

Logic can be confusing for sure but mostly the reason is it's dense functionality.
The step sequencers in the last update go very much into modular territory with the ability to run in every direction independently. Also Logic now has a Session view similar to Ableton and still supports 15 years old Emagic MIDI interfaces and Mackie control.
Very good sounding stock plugins too. To call it Garageband Pro is unfair imho, it's a very capable DAW.

One competitor to Ableton is Bitwig. Has also good CV Plugins built in, is a bit more modern than Ableton and even runs on Linux.

You see the inflated prices mostly on Cwejman modules. These were made by an ingenious inventor in high quality and small quantities. During his lifetime the modules were already the most sought-after and expensive. Now that Wowa has passed, it is clear that the price is no longer determined only by the functionality of the module. They are considered as a legacy, as pieces of art.
Sure some people want to cash in but if you think about it this way it is very relative: what is the price of any Banksy certified reproduction print.

Now, are there any common tips when designing such machines? Is there a common rule for all arduino projects? What are some pitfalls that you got into when sketching?
-- Wiktorion

If you need CV output you need a proper MCP49xx DAC, the Arduino pcm outputs won't do it. There is an Arduino SPI Lib available for this. Arduino is nice to tinker around but I have read somewhere that Mutables Émilie classifies 8bit controllers as waste of time because you hit the limits very soon.

Btw this is my Atmega project:

Thread: WTFLOL

huh - that's fascinating/fun - Safari doesn't see posts here, but chrome does ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-- RDaneel

Looks good in Safari 12.1

Looks a bit better now

Next time you're in touch w/ Geeklapeeno, you might want to let him know that zero progress reports and info updates on the site over about three years time is really not a good look

I think he is aware of it. He has a full time job in the maker industry, so on the good side the products are top notch because he has a lot of experience in engineering and construction.
Images from the new prototype with an angled construction. It's planned to have different wood choices and finishes:

Thread: Bug Report

Hmm, the ones with the letters are tricky ones.

Thought so :)
I think it's weird to start with Z so I see it that way:
-> it's ASCENDING from A to Z, so the arrow up makes sense.

The other thing is the Number of functions. That is clear from the meaning.
But I don't want to reward the modules with the most tags to appear first on first click. Because that would lead to tag spam.
Maybe this can be renamed to Speciality or something ...
For now I have changed PRICE, HP and DEPTH.

Thread: Bug Report

Seems that depth works the wrong way? [...]
-- ParanormalPatroler

Good point. The other sort options are discussable, too.
I would like to define all orders at once so what would you and everybody else say is this correct/expected:

Arrow up:
Newest: newest module first
Popular: most popular first
Alphabetic: modules first with letter 012..ABC
Price: most expensive first
Manufacturer: Manufacturers first with letter 012..ABC
HP: widest first
Depth: deepest first
Number of function: modules with MOST assigned functions first

The Geeklapeeno Cluster is real. I have chatted today with Mr Geeklapeeno and he even showed me new build, non-render models with curved design.
I don't know when they come but there is so much work inside the project that I think they will materialise eventually :)

Image shows my own Cluster
Geeklapeeno Cluster

Geeklapeeno, which is similar, was also much talk, no walk.
-- Lugia

I have a Geeklapeeno late prototype. It's a beautiful, well thought out enclosure.
I don't know why he did not manage to release it yet ...

MOTU and Bitwig is a solid choice for modular integration because MOTU interfaces can output DC voltage and Bitwig has native plugins build in which are very similar to Silent Way.

I was thinking that if possible, it might nicer if the Info, Zoom, Rotate and Trash icons were in a sub-popup menu that is opened by clicking on a single icon

They are too prominent, in the way? You can hide them quickly by pressing ESC.

The log out period seems really short these days! It used to be too short for my liking and then it seemed to get longer and more recently it seems extremely short! :-(
If it creates too much of a burden on the server to have lots of people logged in, maybe time out could be a lot longer for Unicorn folks? ;-)

Mhh. I did not touch the settings in the past. Maybe some PHP update changed some INI. I have increased the values now. The server should handle the users we currently have just fine. In future there should be an US proxy though...

Small HP case sizes needed for MU and MOTM.
-- JohnLRice

A bit tricky. I have checked it, the graphics of most enclosures look scrambled with 2HP MU/MOTM...

Thread: Change Log

I'm seeing issues both in Pedalboards and Eurorack cases.

Aaargh... should be fixed. For the pedalboard part you might have to clear browser cache ...

That Spinal Cat module made it in the demo image of the MG marketplace default offer.

It's only voted by 4 people. This means nothing.

If I understand Mr Cortini right you already have anything you need. He said he can just use the Octatrack to create a song. The 0-Coast is your Buchla. The Analog 4 your EMS Synti AKS (o.k. that is an exaggeration).

If you want to expand: your sources are more on the well behaved clean side. Maybe you can add something more raw analog. A vintage VCO mono or a small Eurosystem (this is ModularGrid for a reason).

And you need of course a stompbox style larger than live fx unit, like BigSky, Mercury 7, Space, Bam ...

3 go in, 1 goes out. A mixer!
It has even the crazy sum Σ sign on the panel. To remix Whitney Houston there are better options available, though. Like SSL or Neve consoles.

No opinion about that drum machine, but that soundcloud track is a nice tune.

Try to delete them from your user page.
Else pm me the rack ids and I take care.

Any suggestions how to delete the undeleteable?

No such a thing for the master of data annihilation.

I have the older Korgasmatron, that is a great filter, very gritty but also very versatile because it tracks 1 V/octave and can be used as dual sine oscillator.
I had the dual Borg, which also sounds nice, but I did not like, that you always had to put in a cable if you wanted to use just one of the filters.
I did not use the Befaco filter, but I have several other modules from Befaco and they all have the punkrock approach, so I guess that Sallen-key filter will be cool too.

On MG it reads "processor that analyzes the frequency once per second". That is what I am experiencing, too. It's not easy to fine tune with a 1sec delay. It might be still useful but what I am saying is, there are better alternatives if you just want a tuner.Ymmv.
Other than that, sound is ace.

the measure & sync features are pretty handy, but you have to know your frequency to notes conversions, or at least 440Hz = A4

You can also display note values. Z3000 is a cool oscillator, but the tuner section is not very good. Too slow and not very precise, especially in the lower end.

It follows the same rules like a standard search. So you can sort by Newest, Popular, Alphabetic, Price, HP, Manufacturer, Depth.
All the other search parameter work, too. So you can filter for VCA or manufacturer.

Problem is that most modules don't have that flag attached and are listed under the Property unassigned label.
We should make some kind of community data sanitation event to complete the data at one point...

I am convinced that 6U/84HP is a good size but you have to be a pro planner to make it count.
9U is the gold standard and everything larger 9U gets to a compulsive problem.

@herrprof check the option Build Type in the advanced search.

There are so many great options. I would say Math is hard to ignore for a small system.
If you are into Doepfer check out A-171-2 VCS, if you can DIY check Befaco.

I don't need full adsr on a modular and would go with the Quadra from your choices, but the Doepfers are solid too.
The Doepfer modules need to receive a gate signal to go through all adsr stages, a short trigger is not enough.

Some kind of Envelope Generator?

I would not necessarily recommend to build a modular to get a lush, dreamy type synth.
It's difficult to play polyphony on a modular. For dreamy pads stay with your Matrix.
Modulars are more awesome strange noise and slightly out of tune machines.
I recommend to start with the typical building blocks Osc/VCF/VCA/Envelope/LFO. Add a Modulation Sequencer for fun.
Add one or two mystical modules of your choice for individuality
Atlantis is a synthesizer on it's own, like your mother (no insult here).
A main component for the sound in the mylarmelodies video is the Eventide reverb box, I think.

Should be the almighty Drone.

I discovered to not place sensitive modules like spring reverbs next to the modulars power supply. They pick up easily hum.
Also if you plan to include 5V modules it makes sense to place them in one row so you only need one of those adapter thingies.

Thread: ello gubna

Big Voyager fan here. That was my first knobby analog synth, too.
I think you will love your new foundation, that is kind of another Voyager just with lots of wires!
Welcome to ModularGrid!

... and this is my Voyager Track :)

To clear things up

  • You can delete modules if they are not assigned to any rack.
  • As an uploader you can always unlist them.