I found 1918 threads containing XI in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Module orientation no longer possible? ModularGrid by 10 592
Cre8audio Mr. Phil Ter Modules by 19 2126
High noise bleads mutable Racks by 15 505
Feedback Racks by 4 92
Maths now available in EU Modules by 6 250
Shift Registers Exist ModularGrid by 3 43
Need help with choosing MIDI to CV module Racks by 5 63
Palette Pico Performance Case - Comments Welcome! Racks by 1 73
Eurorack as expansion for my synth? Racks by 11 142
what do you think of this? first Eurorack setup Racks by 8 219
How can we delete a module image? ModularGrid by 7 120
Unicorn Account ModularGrid by 15 241
Xaoc Devices Zadar Modules by 12 27657
More feedback patching, smoke signals take 2 You by 4 93
Other/unknown XiaoJia E-Studio - Theremin Version_1 Modules by 1 37
Expanding from a 64hp beginner palette to a ( albeit slightly less tiny ) 104hp rack. Racks by 8 271
Experimental music made with modular and semi-modular gear from Malaysia! You by 6 161
ClintRack Racks by 6 212
Advice on newbie techno rack Racks by 18 513
Mini Brute Expansions Racks by 7 242
Behringer Baths Modules by 39 10086
Enelysion - Dark Ambient Music and Visuals You by 1 17
Help for more recommended modulation. Too many sound sources! Racks by 23 380
My new song "Portray" is out now! (vinyl drums, analog synthesizers, analog effects, an... You by 1 19
Idea Synth voice (Topologist's Sine Curve) Modular Discussions by 2 68
Bigger Case Racks by 6 175
Dark ambient track (recorded live) You by 1 46
Edward Zimmer Hans needs your INPUT! Racks by 4 139
RackBrute 6U annoying tone Racks by 6 371
Reasons for setting ALL racks to private ModularGrid by 17 590
Hi, Help me trim down this rack for my 1st foray into modular... Racks by 11 592
First ever rack: drum machine focused on generative sound design Racks by 10 573
Feedback on this n+1 rack sketch please; Racks by 4 130
help needed: moog sound studio 3x126hp expansion Racks by 5 136
1010 Music Bitbox Micro Modules by 15 23229
Mosaic Quantizer (Black Panel) Modules 6 1763
(Updated) Self-Contained Portable Rack - Chapter 2 Racks by 6 229
Eurorack beginner, first ideas for Intellijel 4U 62HP rack Racks by 11 268
Oxi Instruments Coral has arrived! Modules by 6 6644
Would like advice on a self-contained portable rack Racks by 5 157
Begginer rack, advices welcome Racks by 6 145
Few questions for a newbie Modular Discussions by 8 272
Maximal Drip // MIDI Sync the Hologram Microcosm to Infinity Looper, Vocoder, and Modul... You by 4 85
KICK ASS!!! for August 2018. Modules by 1 152
Maths Only Rack - ideas? Racks by 6 235
Why do people have an obsession with Black panels? Modular Discussions by 22 888
First Euro Rack help Racks by 4 156
Looking for advice on future evolvement of my rack ... Racks by 1 50
2HP spare. What would you do? Racks by 7 158
Filling the Make Noise case 2 Racks by 17 184
Generative Patch inspired by Allen Strange's "Dream Machine" You by 3 78
Need advice on output modules and general module choice for my 1st rack Racks by 4 174
First setup - opinions would be appreciated Racks by 5 178
Over-egging the pudding Modular Discussions by 6 227
FSU Rack — Sample Mangling Racks by 10 213
Ok I'm doing the I'm new thing. Racks by 4 150
New video: Soothing haunting synthmusic Patches by 2 50
Black System III mod Racks by 4 86
Rack and Digitakt Racks by 6 175
Make Noise Case Build Racks by 12 221
Effectionless Racks by 10 259
Behringer System 55 Expanded Racks by 1 121
Eurorack ambient videos and music You by 4 123
Module Idea - Zero HP Passive Stereo Panner Modular Discussions by 16 266
Line level i/o‘s and studio integration Modular Discussions by 5 160
7u Built Around Akemie's and ER-301 Racks by 3 123
My First Rack to work with Matriarch Racks by 7 121
Modular systems and electricity risks for patients with ICD Modular Discussions by 15 389
NerdSeq sequencing modular + vintage FM. You by 1 34
Weak signal in CV mixer Modules by 4 80
Powerproblem IO Instruments Modules by 7 178
Two important questions. Should I do it? And what should I get? Modular Discussions by 7 149
Rackmount Organizer ?? Racks by 2 46
*OUT NOW* Soundscapes NO:1 - LP by Tunç Çakır You by 1 16
Eurorack Newb Patch Experiment You by 9 169
Molten Son (104hp 10u) (current) (copy) Racks by 1 72
SQ-1 functionality in a eurorack module? Modules by 13 363
Dark Banging Drums n Live Techno Racks by 1 184
Designing my first eurorack setup in a Caixa 104! Feedback? Racks by 9 425
My first rack Racks by 20 366
Tubbutec 6m0d6 via Midi Modules by 2 38
Vaemi's new module, the XFMR VCA with transformer output and linear control, on sale now! Modules by 1 34
First Rack - Ambient / Slow / Self-Contained Racks by 6 313
Introducing, ZIQAL Dimension Wavetable oscillator Modules by 35 3276
Drum Machines/Synths similar to the Pulsar-32? Modular Discussions by 7 235
Sanity check my upgrade - moving towards generative Racks by 2 87
Looking for thoughts, comments and other feedback on what I've got so far and where I'm... Racks by 7 197
Eurorack Blues Racks by 2 105
Starter rack Racks by 10 194
First Eurorack Racks by 35 687
My current case and future steps. Racks by 4 143
Cheap Monitors with Eurorack? Modular Discussions by 10 254
TRS to TRS MIDI Cable Modular Discussions by 7 141
Live rack for improv live performances You by 6 268
Expert Sleepers ES-8 Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 12 27814
Digitakt, Mutant Brain and Pam's Modular Discussions by 1 94
First ever rack. Opinions/advice? Racks by 6 189
On the hunt for envelope generators Modular Discussions by 8 400
Not streamed for a while You by 5 118
Triple Time - Modular Jam You by 3 114