I found 699 threads containing currently in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
 Change Log ModularGrid by 180 2362
 How to get listed as a manufacturer ModularGrid by 11 3845
 Bad traders on the marketplace [no doxing!] ModularGrid this user has left ModularGrid by 120 7278
 Marketplace ModularGrid by 59 9803
 Why to NOT get into modular synthesis Modular Discussions by 84 5356
Looking for feedback/advice on Nifty keys Rack Racks by 8 166
Trying to make something versatile but small as a starter modular. Effects will be take... Racks by 20 205
Need advice to extend my semi-modulars set Racks by 12 502
Feature Request ModularGrid by 516 7836
Bug Report ModularGrid by 132 2017
Looking for PGH Lifeforms Binary Filter Modules by 1 35
see which m0dules from my modules are in use in other racks ModularGrid by 4 163
First Rack. Need Thoughts and Advice Racks by 7 146
Tiptop Mantis - Final Racks by 1 71
Please help me Start building a modular for dark ambiant music. Modular Discussions by 13 537
Finishing (?) my techno voices modular Racks by 6 169
Idea: flip modules 90 degrees, allow stacking ModularGrid by 8 393
Beginner in need of help/advice Modular Discussions by 3 153
IDM-ish texture tone drum maker Racks by 1 63
Module Sorting ModularGrid by 1 48
Need advice for additions/modif. Granular, glitch, ambient, acoustic instruments, turnt... Racks by 8 198
Need a little direction and advice on my rack Racks by 6 95
Do you Instrument or do you Function? Racks by 9 407
Building an ALM only small Rack Racks by 13 108
Does anyone make a gated effects send module? Modules by 6 146
Second Pair of Eyes / wwyd Racks by 4 94
Reverse Cowgirl 2 Live Racks by 2 176
Too many modulation sources? Racks by 4 173
Obligatory "Hey I'm new, looking for opinions on my rack" post Racks by 14 287
Defunct manufacturers that still have manufacturer-approved (i.e. locked) module pages ModularGrid by 3 221
Current Racks by 9 8734
Downsizing... Racks by 6 151
Bitbox micro - more audio inputs with custom firmware? Modular Discussions by 1 61
Mod Machine for the Moog Sound Studio Racks by 4 106
Module API or data dump? ModularGrid by 6 514
2 modular audio card and ableton Modular Discussions by 4 48
Another Moog Matriarch and Sound Studio 3 companion Racks by 7 141
My undue Eurorack Racks by 2 101
Please help me decide between Kermit MK3 and o_C for my rack Modules by 3 98
Your Favorite Opinionated Modules? Modular Discussions by 13 521
Trigger - Gate question Patches by 5 68
Autism Rack Racks by 11 340
My eurorack modular ambient etudes You by 92 2173
Feature request - 1U 3U ModularGrid by 6 233
Patch cable storage for desktop modular systems Modular Discussions by 20 575
FlatSix Modular - Arp Of Darkness Modules by 6 956
Roast my rack Racks by 12 338
Help. insufficient power Racks by 16 311
Patch 57 (my handmade synths) You by 3 65
Guitar Solo You by 12 152
Modules and other hardware + Sale on my BandCamp LPs You by 1 38
Adding a Computer and a sound card into the setup - Suggestions? Modular Discussions by 5 105
Fraudster in markedplace ModularGrid by 7 311
Yet another beginner rack (adding to Moog Sound Studio) Racks by 7 249
What's your approach to organizing multiple cases/racks? Racks by 10 249
Help me design my skiff Racks by 12 276
Suggestions Racks by 3 108
Serge inspired rack. Racks by 3 103
System XZ Racks by 2 429
VST Oscilloscope Modular Discussions by 5 149
Project Victor fx Racks by 5 294
Newbie needing opinions - beginning the eurorack journey Racks by 4 180
Auto Generative Music Modules by 6 171
Subharmonicon MIDI + internal seq. control Modules by 2 88
Looking for ideas! Please enlighten me:) Racks by 8 204
Cinematic Cyberpunk Racks by 3 150
Blukac Endless processor Vs Qu-Bit Bloom Modules by 2 102
2024 Shuffle Racks by 5 182
The People's Tank Racks by 2 58
Having trouble generating a screenshot of my rack ModularGrid by 5 76
Utilities Topic Modular Discussions by 9 283
Problem with the Email server ModularGrid by 1 24
Need you help... Racks by 5 105
Populating my 6U 88HP Eurorack Racks by 25 773
My 9U 84hp in progress rack Racks by 9 354
where have I gone wrong ? Racks by 14 650
Rack for processing live drums Racks by 9 253
Next Module? Racks by 4 110
Soundforce Dual Filter Modules by 10 267
Compressor help Modules by 5 145
My last 11 HP Racks by 8 232
Eurorack recording? Modules by 11 231
Can Melted Electronics be added as a manufacturer? ModularGrid by 2 81
Is this an information site? ModularGrid by 15 563
Thoughts on Indian Resonator V4 Modules by 9 207
Modules with more outs than ins Modules by 24 361
Other/unknown Signs Modular pds Modules by 3 80
"Muddy" sound from mixed output Modular Discussions by 11 293
New user intro/suggestions Modular Discussions by 3 114
Eurorack case Racks by 2 151
Bluebox Eurorack Edition – Compact Digital Mixer Modules by 1 59
Other/unknown PAC BOT 3 Modules by 26 729
Drum SEQ: Opinions/Experience/etc.. SWT16+ or Erica Modules by 7 191
Any idea about potential next modules? Racks by 9 409
Rack workflow and module choice opinions please! Racks by 5 145
Radio modules and extracting sounds Modules by 13 300
Sending quantised CV as offset question (Mimetic Digitalis + Lapsus Os + Voltage Block) Modular Discussions by 15 210
Output options...with headphone socket? Modules by 10 216
Minimal monophonic techno basslines (62hp) Racks by 12 306
Compact techno drum rack help Racks by 9 317