Prismatic Ray, Visual Cortex, Staircase, Sensory Translator and Bridge are among LZX Industries most popular products.
Master NTSC/PAL video sync generator with external sync lock, sync bus access, RGB...
RGB to NTSC/PAL video encoder, clipping and blanking of input signals, RGB contrast,...
Wide range analogue voltage-controlled oscillator with five waveform outputs,...
High bandwidth voltage-controlled signal crossfading, voltage-controlled amplifier,...
Wide bandwidth DC signal processing, summing and full wave rectification, triple...
Precision conditioning of external audio and control voltages to 0 to 1 Volt scale
Wide bandwidth DC utility mixer, brightness (bias) and contrast (gain) processing,...
Synchronized waveform outputs for use in wipe and pattern generation
Voltage Interface
High-pass filtering, edge extraction and enhancement
Waveshaping, solarization effects
8 Bandpassed Envelope Followers
Video Waveshaper
amplitude classification, sequential multiplexing
XY positioning and scrolling of pattern generation sources
multi-function external video input for synchronous sources
Voltage-controlled filtering, edge and outline extraction, image softening and blur,...
logic operations for shape and key combinations, switch controller, quantization
logical clock divisions, preset x, y & frame rate divisions, sequencing
boolean logic and inversion, geometric shape and key combinations
video input, digital frame synchronization and color decoding
Core module with all required functions for EuroRack modular video synthesis
Linear Position & Rotation Processor
Linear Geometric Processor
Linear Keyer
2-channel wide bandwidth crossfader
4-channel wide bandwidth voltage scaler
5 Channel Audio Envelope Follower
Polar-to-Cartesian Colorizer
Triple Arithmetic Processor
Voltage Controlled Oscillator
RGB-to-NTSC/PAL composite video encoder
NTSC/PAL sync generator for video synthesis systems
Input amplifier
Dual Waveform Generator
Wide bandwidth voltage processor and 2 channel mixer
Wideband voltage comparator with voltage controlled threshold level
Wideband triangle core VCO
Laser Display Interface
Frequency Multiplier
Additive Layer Priority Mixer
Edge Processor
2-quadrant or 4-quadrant multiplier
Video Display & Preview Driver
Wideband white noise generator based on Zener diode avalanche noise
3 Channel Alpha RGB Compositor
Linear Chroma Key Generator
Dual Animator
Nonlinear Functions
Analog to Digital Converter
Digital to Analog Converter
Clock VCO
Shift Register
Multi-Logic Gate
Quad Gate
D Flip Flops
32-bit ARGB Frame Store & Digital Video Effects Processor
Stylus Pad Controller
Waveform Visualizer
Dual Input Synchronizer
3-Bit Computational Graphics System
Passive Expansion Panel for TBC2
Linear Sequential Key Generator
SD/HD Video Synthesizer & Scan Processor
Passive 2.1mm barrel distribution module.
Video encoder
Dual Oscillator
RGB Keyer/Fader Module
3X3 Matrix Mixer
XY Position, Scale, and Skew
Dual Shape Generator
Triple hard key generator
Six stage waveshaper and voltage controlled amplifier
Triple voltage processor and summing amplifier
Summing amplifiers and buffered multiples
Static voltage generator / color picker
Concept only
High pass filter / edge extractor
RGB to YIQ, YIQ to RGB Colorspace Converter
wall of ramps
3-bit digitizer for analog graphics and video sources
Triple Quadrilateral Key Generator
Color Video Multiplexer and Switcher
Triple Four Quadrant Multiplier
Motion Controlled Dual Ramp Waveform Generator
Passive Expansion Module for TBC2
Programmable Gain Offset