So I have my Rackbrute 6U build finally complete (ModularGrid Rack).
For me, it is a great complimentary piece to use with my Hydrasynth desktop and BSP.

I also have a Minibrute 2 and now looking to create a little complimentary Rackbrute 3U to use with it. I could also see myself letting my son borrow this one as well to use with his Moog Mother-32 and DFAM ( or just swap between this 3U and my 6U to use interchangeably with the Hydrasynth and Minibrute 2

ModularGrid Rack

Have envelopes, modulation, clock VCO/VCF and VCAs covered...mixer and Ciao output (which I think would let me mix the two Rackbrutes together if I ever wanted to) also a swiss army knife module (MK4) and buffered mult.

What am I missing? Seem like a good mix to compliment a Minibrute 2 and/or swap out with my Hydrasynth and/or Moog Mother-32?


That 3U was just about there, but there was a signal discontinuity between the mono VCO and the stereo VCF. Fixed that with the Minsk, which lets the user adjust a mono signal into stereo...and natch, it's post-VCA and pre-VCF. Also, I went with the Veils due to the convenient "breakable" mixbus, as I wasn't sure that the Erica had that. But now, this lets the user use one of the Veils VCAs for signal-to-Minsk levels and then there's plenty left for the stereo output and that STILL leaves a VCA free for modulation level control. So here it is...
ModularGrid Rack

That 3U was just about there, but there was a signal discontinuity between the mono VCO and the stereo VCF. Fixed that with the Minsk, which lets the user adjust a mono signal into stereo...and natch, it's post-VCA and pre-VCF. Also, I went with the Veils due to the convenient "breakable" mixbus, as I wasn't sure that the Erica had that. But now, this lets the user use one of the Veils VCAs for signal-to-Minsk levels and then there's plenty left for the stereo output and that STILL leaves a VCA free for modulation level control. So here it is...
-- Lugia

Well, I'll take this as a sign of my learning progress to be 'almost there' :) Its interesting that the discontinuity comes between modules made by the same manufacturer. So, with the Neutron Flux being 'stereo' does that mean I could route the mono out from the demon core osc and use just 'half' of it and technically i could route another mono vco to the other half? If I had my 6U and 3U sitting next to each other, I could take the out from the Ts-L into the other half of the filter? (I think my Sirius' Veil allows me to do that)?
To be honest, I was looking at Veils for this too but for different (dumber) reason which was just to have something different to use but it sounds like Veils is the way to go here for sure. When yo usay 'breakable' mixbus, do you mean that each channel can be used independently?