at around $3,000 this configuration might actually fit into my budget, and it still meets my total production capability aspirations. how do i go about getting a 1x3u 100hp case and what would that cost? can someone please critique this design? im looking for genuine feedback. i think i covered all my bases, but it would be nice to hear some genuine comments from the community...

please take a look and tell me what yathink

ModularGrid Rack

peace โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘พโœŒ๏ธ.

ok, so i found a 7u 104hp case on sweetwater and im only planning on filling 104hp of 3u... but i just maxed out the configuration just to see what it would look lile completely full. ...

ModularGrid Rack

please, please, please, comments.

peace โœŒ๏ธ

i feel like im getting ignored. im finally considering spending real money and i cannot get a single comment of feedback.


If it makes you feel better, you're not the only one haha

I only comment if I feel I have experience of the modules, and in this case its Ochd and Pams so I'm no use to you.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

it just feels like, maybe, i have unlocked the "secret sauce" and... i just want someone to acknowledge this congratulate me or calmly explain why i am actually crazy, etcetera. ...

i feel like maybe nobody has ever crammed that much into 3u 100hp in terms of total standalone functionality in the history of eurorack, and i want some credit. etcetera.

also, see how im just having fun with the third row? why cant i get a single comment like "im sure youll have fun playing with those 4 dreambots if you complete the case."

it feels like nobody here is at all focused on production at all. i cant get a single person to comment on my designs as total conceptual instruments. bandinabox should be the aim.

im done ranting.

peace. โœŒ๏ธ๐ŸคจโœŒ๏ธ...

It's about as close as I've seen you get. I still think this is a work, but I'll play along:

ModularGrid Rack

I've made some quality of life changes while still trying to keep what you have here. Rather than explain all my changes, I'll just say that if there are any you don't understand or appreciate, I am happy to answer any questions and provide alternative solutions. I can give you a rough overview, though. I will say is that I think you will be much happier avoiding those 2hp drum modules, espcially if you don't give them enough space. They are very difficult to use in a big system with lots of cables and options. You should be able to run lots of layers this way, as well as be able to sample and combine elements using the Bitbox so you can use the results of those patches while running other patches. "Band in a box" will always be better with a DAW, a more streamlined hardware workstation like an MPC, or at the very least as a large system built gradually by figuring out what you want from each "bandmate" using experience and going piece by piece. But you can totally do multiple things with this - bass, lead, chords, drums, and other samples all simultaneously. You'll want to throw a MIDI keyboard in there for the Demon Core, and you'll be a lot happier with an external mixer if you want multiple things going on like a full band, but it should kinda work then. Kinda.

No one else but YOU will be using your system. So if you're happy, then that's all that matters..... I can tell you are passionate about your choices, and that's the beauty of eurorack. However, I would reccomend starting with only a handful of modules (perhaps the core ones) and thrououghly learning them will show you what your system needs. From my experience, I've had "ideal" systems in mind, but they never truly stayed 100% true to tuition and changed as I purchased more.

I will agree you've covered nearly all of the bases for a groove box (my inspiration aswell), but there could definelty be better choices for the limited HP you're working with.

Also, having a pams and a clock module is a little confusing in such a small system. Maybe replace one for some more HP.... And for my last two cents, dont limit yourself on the modulation (LFOs, ADSRs, Logic, Ring Modulation, Attenuators etc.) Part of the beauty of modular is modular. Maybe look at the ochd expander.

the very first 100hp posted is the core idea.

the third row in the second post was just to "fill" the case i was looking at and was just to experiment and have fun with coupling chaos oscillators. i did not like your new modifications zachsname. i wanted the drum sounds to be just set it and forget it and the 2hp modules do that. also, you dont seem to get what the strange-r does and how it fits into my design + focus on production.

believe me, i know what that 1st 100hp does and i would be happy with it. the third row was kind of a joke. your new design looks like a mess, zacksname ! focus on design.

nobody gets the concept. oh well. peace โœŒ๏ธ.


i know i dont need the pam, but its the most convenient way to keep the strange-r and clockwork in synch, plus, if i wanted one or the other in double time, pam could do it.

also, zacksname. i was thinking a lot about signal path and cable management that your new version ruined. with the 2hp i can cut out each part with the sir mix a lot mutes.

everything is a compromise and i think i wss making a lot of good ones. you dont have to use any modules. with your new design you were taking away some of the creativity. ...

(why is nobody getting my concepts, etc. ...)

peace โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ŽโœŒ๏ธ.

What's the concept?

I think you should just buy it. The rack itself is so much easier to bounce ideas off of than any individual will be.

the concept is live improvised chordal progressions with a generative element on the strange-r controlling a demon core, and a set of sequences programmed into the clockwork where i can mute each part individually on the sir mix a lot, with full envelope, filter, modulation, and effects chain, with no extra gear needed in any way.

too abstract for you, zacksname? peace โœŒ๏ธ


also, the concept for the 3rd row is experimenting with the ways the dreamboats can couple together, which is why i have the octasource and joysticks and funny noise module, so i have enough options to explore very deeply into the possible soundscapes i could unlock.

(but it was mostly just a joke. im not sure exactly what i will do with the 3rd row etc.)



hey, zacksname. i fixed the 3rd row just for you, etc.

ModularGrid Rack


also, i wanted to point out, i came onto this forum with a 4x 12u 100hp concept, and got it down to 1x 3u 100hp (if you only count the 3u 100hp i have any intention of acquiring.)

thats a 16x reduction in complexity. i feel like modulargrid should give me a badge for this.

etcetera. peace.


Be sure to post some examples when you finally buy this stuff and get going. I can't wait to see what you come up with.

we will see. i have not 100% gotten the budgeting in order, etcetera etcetera....

by the way, related to the comments about how overly cluttered my original designs were, check out how much gear is owned by 'renku corporation', lol. check the link: ...

peace โœŒ๏ธ

The "clutter" comments aren't about having too many things, but about having an imbalanced setup and impractical module arrangements that would make your setup almost impossible to get results from unless they were just harsh noise or pure drones. A single row can be cluttered and cramped while a giant setup can be balanced and user-friendly.

but i 'could' get melodic results from the strange-r and i 'could' get rhythmic results from the clockwork (if the clocking works the way i think) and i have enough modules to fill out all the voicing chains. i feel like the 100hp at the very top of this thread does have good performance flow and the concept isnt being appreciated enough, still, and frankly its hard for me to work out this budgeting, so, tbph, id rather just have a conversation about this design on its own terms, to derive some satisfaction 'ahead' of the time i put it all together to find out if it works etc. it seems like all the advice i have gotten so far has been working against my general concept, instead of trying to steel-man it. like, specific advice, if the clockwork will even accept a clock in, or if i have made a calculation error would be most helpful...

etc. ... ... ... ... ...



Clockwork is a prototype... so, you will want to look at something else... if you think steppy isn't enough triggers. if you're cool with all the 2hp models together... cool. for utilities look at Bear modular. uO_C goes a long way.

at around $3,000 this configuration might actually fit into my budget, and it still meets my total production capability aspirations. how do i go about getting a 1x3u 100hp case and what would that cost? can someone please critique this design? im looking for genuine feedback. i think i covered all my bases, but it would be nice to hear some genuine comments from the community...

please take a look and tell me what yathink

ModularGrid Rack

peace โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘พโœŒ๏ธ.
-- singular_sound
For the cost of all of the drum and sample modules, you could get an ALM Squid Salmple for less money and eight channels individally triggered. Spend a couple of hundred dollars more, you could get a Rossum Assimil8tor which gives you eight channels of samples and lots of inputs for modulation. It can also produce single cycle waveforms (oscillator) and can sample and play back CV modulation. Personally, I think your rack has too much sequencing and not enough modulation or VCA's. Modulation is what makes Eurorack so powerful. I would pull your sequencing out of the case as there are lots of standalone options that are more cost effective. Believe it or not, if you take your two sequencers and the Pams Workout, you could just about afford a Squarp Hapax (see Thomann) which is an awesome and powerful 'forever' sequencer that gives you plenty of room to grow.

I don't like the drum stuff in this small of a case. I don't necessarily agree with the comment above about too much sequencing, as I use sequencing as modulation, not just pitch cv, but i see where they are coming from, especially with drum sequencing. If you focus on all the things pams can do, then you see you do have some redundancies.

It is very difficult to pull off a complete-groovebox-total-production in eurorack. I like the idea above of looking at a ALM Squid Salmple as a core and then expanding as youve done.

I would even consider either pairing with a beatstep pro if you want to keep drums in, but would rather pair with an external drum machine, and then focus on the voice or pair of voices you'd like to pursue.