This is a PulpLogic Lunchbox build of an Etherwave Plus Theremin Voice.
Outs (headphone, stereo, are on the right)
The Theremin control inputs will require customization:
Three 1/4" Jacks on left, labeled Vol, Pitch & Gate
Vol CV 1-10V IN maps to 6 buffered outputs, taking 1 1/2 tiles
Pitch CV -2.5-4.5V IN maps to 6 buffered outputs, taking 1 1/2 tiles
Gate up +8V IN maps to 4 trigger outputs (using Gate-to-trigger circuit)
The Etherwave Plus Gate Up is converted to Trigger for these reasions:
It's only immediate use is to trigger Syncs on oscillators and LFOs
But, we want to retrigger Syncs on other events
An OR circuit would never fire further events if the Gate was connected and always UP
So, we convert Gate to trigger, so it is normally zero, allowing other triggers/gates to fire