Hey! Quick question. I am having trouble matching my pitch of my A-111-2 VCO to other oscillators that I have. I am using a Beats Step Pro to sequence it, and it is not follow pitch very well! Does anyone have any advice for me getting the pitch to follow a typical 1V/oct? My Rings Modular follows the Beats Step Pro fine, so I know the problem lies with the A-111-2 VCO. I am going straight from BSP to the VCO to out. Tested with different VCOs and only this one has the problem.

Adjustment procedure can be found in the technical manual. Can be intimidating if you never done that before so maybe someone who build modules in your area can calibrate it for you.

DO NOT attempt to align or scale a VCO without appropriate test gear! Sure, you might be able to get the VCO in the ballpark as far as tracking goes, but unless you have access to a multimeter and a frequency counter (or its software equivalent), you're likely to have a very frustrating experience. You'll first need to make sure that a 1V step actually IS 1V by finding an initial reference voltage, then going up an octave; never discount the possibility that the A-111-2 is actually RIGHT and that other things are the mistracking culprits...make sure of this before doing anything else.

Thanks for the help @defragmenteur and @lugia. It seems like this might not be an easy fix for my at my beginner stage. Ill look around the city to see if I can find some local help. Feel free to link me to some helpful youtube videos that might be able to walk me through the process.