Is this adaptor available?

My live set from Volt Divers​ on Feb.13th, 2016.
It's actually 2 sets. I played my initial 22min set as booked,
then got asked to play again towards the end.
So i powered my case back on, and went for it ! Thanks Jeph Nor​ for recording!
What a fantastic evening! Thanks for listening :)

Thread: ZOIG

Rearranged for 2016. My tiny system...

Hello all,

I thought you might be interested in this new site of mine which was born out of the desire to bring together all the amazing videos people are making these days. A place to inspire, see tutorials, watch performances and more. We even have our own Soundcloud group - add your tracks if you like!

Its only been just over a month or so but we seem to be getting good feedback and a hell of a lot of visitors.

Please check it out and like our Facebook page if you think we're doing something right.


Soundcloud group -


this user has left ModularGrid
Thread: Thanks

Thanks to @fungophil for the great tansaction, couldn'tbe happier

try the Turing Machine
or a lfo + A-151 Rev. 2 , A-152 or A-160-5
basically the same idea :)

Aloha All,
New to the eurorack universe, and having a great time researching. I have a few questions though, and don't know anyone in my state who is into euroracks.
I've decided that I want to pursue building a eurorack. Ive ordered a case (LC9) and currently possess a Sub 37 in my home studio. I'm not sure where to start however...I've been watching youtube videos and reading on this forum.
My goal is to create a eurorack that compliments my gear including the Sub 37 to make dope melodies for my tracks. Any recommendations for my first few modules? Would I need a Mide-CV gate such as the Doepfer A-190-4 to receive Midi in from the Sub 37? Also, maybe an additional oscillator such as the Tip Top 3000 mk2.
Basically, my question is if I own a moog, what do I not need to get started in the eurorack. All advice appreciated. Mahalo!

There are a few modules using shift registers, one of them being the famous Benjolin ( Other modules using shift registers:

Do you use a module with shift registers? Why? Do you even care? Just wondering...

How about: hover over a blank spot in your rack (between 2 modules for instance) and a popup tells you how many blank HP are there. Would make module layout even easier than you've already made it.

Hi everyone,
i'm looking for a Model 14 to buy, if you want to sell, just tell me
thanks a lot

Ability for users to annotate their racks in some way.

I use Modular Grid to explore and research future modules. I use the racks to group modules under exploration and use the rows as default categories by shuffling modules around the rows as I learn more about them. This alows me to see all modules under research all in one view rather than in seperate racks.
-- John Jacobs
Exactly what John described.
MG is the #1 module research tool for me.

...option is to specify how many 3u and 1u rows to add when making a case. grow in use soon.
-- exper
That would be very helpful!
So far I have to sketch out my future 1+3+1+3 U x 104 HP case using pen & squared paper.
Or should it be 3+1+1+3 U : - ?

Lest I forget: What's there seems thoroughly thought out and works amazingly well.
So thanks A LOT for what we have.

Thread: Marketplace

Honestly, how do you call european countries which are not in the EU?
-- modulargrid
Europe (non-EU)?

Thread: Change Log

Added Switzerland as a region in the marketplace.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Marketplace

I have another request: Can you make 2 regions for Europe, EU and Non-EU?
-- bj_gzp

I can not find the right term. Non-Eu would also be Hongkong.
I have renamed Europe to EU and have added Switzerland to the list.
That is not the most universal but practical solution to me since we have many swiss users so they deserve their extra status.
Sorry I needed one year for that

Honestly, how do you call european countries which are not in the EU?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

A CSV export of data sheets would be very useful for me as well. :-)

I can't say enough good things about Studio Electronics, their gear, or the 4075 filter.
This was a birthday gift and Greg at S.E. helped me with all my questions and made sure It shipped in time.
I put the filter in, and was completely blown away.
I used Arp 2600 synths back in the 80's, and know the sound well.
The filter has every bit of the honking brassy sound of the original 4072 filter. First thing I did was Edgar Winter's Frankenstein. The filter totally nailed the sound of the synth break towards the end. Everything from brass patches to the haunting "Close Encounters" sounds were spot on to an ARP filter.
The build quality is impressive. Clean solder joints and lots of discretes.
Nice that it fixes the 12Khz limitation of the original. The drive control pushes the filter to misbehave wonderfully, at high settings.
I highly recommend this filter.

Thanks @solitud for selling me a Meng Qi VM. Quick shipping, thorough packaging and a module in great condition. I recommend!

Thanks @f33d for a swift and smoooth transaction and very nice communication. Recommended seller!

Bought a Sputnik 4-tap delay from @bj_gzp. Went perfect. Will by from him again!

Thread: ALT (copy)

DIY expression pedal interface

Bought two modules from @grieve and they got here fast and in great condition. Actually, shipped too fast, since I'm still waiting on my power supply so I can't turn them on yet ;)

Playing with imaginary configurations to stuff into the new Waldorf kb37. Best I can tell, it has 107hp of rack space. The idea here is to have the basics, but also have some weird stuff. I just wanna take a small hit, not get addicted. :-) I'm infatuated with the Evolver's stereo filter config, so I thought having two filters and stereo VCAs would give me that option too. Plus the Modal filter has so many options. Sequencer, although simple, is covered with the Moog.

Waldorg kb37 has MIDI/CV and headphone output as well as rack and power. FX would be external: Strymon delay.

What am I missing? Any pro tips?

After buying the kb37 and stuffing with this stuff, it obviously gets pretty expensive. "Cheaper" option would be to use my Pro2 as the controller (very nice) - but the 107hp width would be odd, plus racks and power aren't exactly cheap.

Just wondering if these two seem similar in function to other people. I'm leaning toward the Photozene but I need to do a little more homework.

I don't really know what I'm doing but I would like to put together a rig for soundscape stuff. Maybe some rhythm. Being a guitar player I have a pedal board with reverb, delay and tremolo (Strymon) and looper. So hoping to integrate that. If anyone has suggestions for modules please let me know! Thanks.

Btw, this site really is incredible how easy it is to build a rig!

From a beginners POV just wondering if there is a difference is sound quality (I.e. depth, timbre, resonance) between VCO modules? I gather they all sweep through the audible frequency range in some form or other, but is there a definable quality that makes one more pleasing than another? I am thinking about picking up a Lifeforms module to start my synth module journey and wondering if the VCOs in the unit are any better or worse than others. Cheers.

I recently bought a make noise monorocket 90hp case. It has a flying bus 16 pin cable connected to the board and 16pin female header pins. I also got Dixie 2+ that has a 10 pin power connector. So I was hoping to get some advice from you guys on the best way to connect the two.

• Can I get a Flying Bus cable with 16 PIN MALE header pins and then use the cables that are usually provided to with modules to connect everything.
• Would it be better to get a Flying Bus cable with 10 PIN FEMALE header pins?
• Are the two cables interchangeable on the Monorocket?
• Are there set voltages for Flying Bus cables? I noticed that the Flying Bus Cable that came with the Monorocket has 300V printed on it.

are there any news this will really come as eurorack??

Markus Schwalb

Big Thanks to @chiavere for the Erbe-Verb! Excellent communication, transaction and fast shipping - great seller!!

Update to uZEUS PWR Switch problems:-

Replaced switches in both uZEUS modules and inserted jumper in each.

All LEDs working correctly with no flicker etc.

Removed jumpers, everything still working correctly.

I have probably never used my Eurorack system more than 100 times, so any wear and tear on the switches could be ignored.

Therefore, I have to conclude that the problem IS caused by mechanical stress on the solder joints caused by the original threadless switches not being anchored to the Front Panel.

Will report in the future if anything changes.

purchased a module from @drwiener from germany (i am in the usa), the transaction was simple and easy, and the module arrived quickly and in perfect condition. definitely a good seller!!!!!

Bought many awesome serge modules from @drwiener : great stuff ++ well built ++ perfect packaging ++ nice communication.
I am sure i buy from him in the future more modules : ) highly recommended !

Nice making Serge Sales too @freespace @XRD1 @yufo
Good buying from @armandamar

Thread: Patch #5

thanks again works great
IG: ChrisLeidy

very nice! have you done any programming to any of your mutable modules to make them function alternatively?
now for a mutable instruments anushri rack!!!
IG: ChrisLeidy

I just wanted to take a moment to mention the outstanding products and product support from Pittsburgh Modular.
They modules sound great and the staff there has been beyond helpful, courteous, and attentive.
I have encountered few companies that stand behind their product the way Pittsburgh Modular does.
The gear is well built, extremely well thought out, and provides features that go beyond traditional ones found on many of the modules that I have looked in to.
I own a Foundation 3.1+ with some additional modules. If you are looking for your first modular, or to expand your existing one, I highly recommend Pittsburgh Modular. I assure you that you will not be disappointed!

I have tried without success to log on/ renew my membership for Muffwiggler but keep getting rejected.

So I am writing this here concerning problems with the Tiptop uZEUS Power Supply and in particular the panel switch.

I have experienced the same problems as other people with regard to intermittent presence of the three LEDs, believing that modules are incorrectly plugged in, especially as I use a combination of Eurorack and Analogue Systems modules.

I think I may have a solution,but need to confirm it in practice:-

Most of the modules I have assembled or purchased ready-built that contain toggle switches, use a nut to tighten the switch body to the front panel. However, the uZEUS power switch has a smooth barrel, and therefore there is some degree of movement which may be causing stress on the solder joints behind the panel.

I will be replacing the switch with a threaded version and will report the results in due course.

Mark Elliott
United Kingdom

Yes, I agree with you on the Befaco VCO. The Befaco VCO has been on my radar- and I keep changing my mind as to whether I should get 2 Synthrotek VCO's, 2 Befaco VCO's, or 1 of each. The Befaco Sampling Moduler, however, I did not even know existed. I'll have to look into that one to understand what it does- right at the moment as write this reply, I don't have a full grasp as to what it does, and can do. Time to research. :)

I think a lot of people have been at a similar crossroads; to specialize in just non-rhythm synthesis or go jack of all trades groovebox. However every time I eyeball the mutant machine or jupiter storm I remember that I own an Octatrack and my rack has MIDI clock/trig in.....

Given that you have about 30-40 HP left, I guess what you have to decide is: can you fit enough rhythmic firepower in that space to be satisfied?

It depends on what you want. If you can be happy with a few Tiptop 808/909 modules and a trigger sequencer like this not yet out one or this then maybe go for it. Just know your rhythm section isn't going to be Mike Portnoy's Siamese Monster, and that is totally fine if that's what you're looking for.

If that is too much of a compromise, save up for some kind of standalone drum machine and build out your rack. You've got lots of good price points here from the Volca Beats to MFB's new stuff and seriously dangerous gear like Tempest and many of the Elektron boxes (my favorites).

These are just hands-on hardware options that seem good to me too, I'd urge you to do your own research. Remember you'd need some kind of MIDI clock/trig IN module if your box doesn't send CV/Clock signals out so your drum box can sync with your rack.

Also, I'm not sure why'd you want more envelopes either, but you're spot on with needing a clock divider for rhythm.
-- starkwether

Thanks for your detailed reply. I am new to this so don't really know what I am doing!?!?
Just received my PEG maybe a mistake but found Maths to be very confusing and thought the PEG looked easier to generate synced movement, (have read it pairs well with maths)
I really bought peaks for drum duties...and have old synths 808/909 but love the rhythmical patterns heard in modular, could you recommend me something to prevent me doubling up on further module errors?

Also, here's the Befaco Sampling Modulator for your consideration. Its like a weird sample and hold/sequencer/clock divider you can get in a kit. Could be interesting with drums.

This is a well thought out rack I think, a great starting point for the budget. All the bases covered for basic subtractive groovebox.

About the only thought I had on it was, maybe you shouldn't double up on the Synthrotek VCOs and Drums. My line of reasoning is, if you can diversify with a different but similar module that meets your requirements, why get duplicates?

So staying within your criteria of DIY kit, relatively same cost and HP, what do you think about the Befaco Even VCO - kit? I'm having trouble finding any DIY kit drums....all the Hexinverter Mutant kits are long gone :(

Sorry, so is this a built rack or asking for advice on it? Either way I think it's a pretty awesome lunchbox to play with the brute.

In my subjective experience, limitations force you to be creative. YMMV

I also find that a mouse and keyboard are like a filter that allow my analytical decisions through and almost completely block that "right brained" intuitive, stochastic non-deliberateness. When working with hands on knobs in real time it seems to me that I can get to a place where half of me is on autopilot, and the other half is anticipating complex patterns several steps ahead. That is just me though.

I think a lot of people have been at a similar crossroads; to specialize in just non-rhythm synthesis or go jack of all trades groovebox. However every time I eyeball the mutant machine or jupiter storm I remember that I own an Octatrack and my rack has MIDI clock/trig in.....

Given that you have about 30-40 HP left, I guess what you have to decide is: can you fit enough rhythmic firepower in that space to be satisfied?

It depends on what you want. If you can be happy with a few Tiptop 808/909 modules and a trigger sequencer like this not yet out one or this then maybe go for it. Just know your rhythm section isn't going to be Mike Portnoy's Siamese Monster, and that is totally fine if that's what you're looking for.

If that is too much of a compromise, save up for some kind of standalone drum machine and build out your rack. You've got lots of good price points here from the Volca Beats to MFB's new stuff and seriously dangerous gear like Tempest and many of the Elektron boxes (my favorites).

These are just hands-on hardware options that seem good to me too, I'd urge you to do your own research. Remember you'd need some kind of MIDI clock/trig IN module if your box doesn't send CV/Clock signals out so your drum box can sync with your rack.

Also, I'm not sure why'd you want more envelopes either, but you're spot on with needing a clock divider for rhythm.

Thread: First Rack

I think the multi was a good move, actually I should have suggested you one! Wow, the Kappa pretty cool. I didn't know anyone made a desktop step sequencer in that form factor. Enjoy that stuff!

...multing select outputs from channel one into channel two as a kind of cascade or divider or coordinator for even more wide ranging results.
If you like exploiting the A-150, you would LOOOVE the A-152. Too much too get into here and now, but check it out.
-- RLK
Will check it out, thx RLK!

Recently purchased a Pittsburgh Mixer from @john somatix. Great condition and properly packaged just as I expected, but I especially appreciate the nice and friendly communication. Reliable seller, great person!
-- Monkizzle

Thank you @Monkizzle !

My pleasure :-)

It would make sense to avoid module duplicates just for the sake of seeing one's module in its actual orientation.-

On a side note, I am toying with the idea of having a 1U-ish row of 'rotated-by-90-degrees' modules. To manage that in the Module Browser/Planner, a Rotate [r] command would be great. Using it twice would also solve the flip/upside down problem. But that's probably too far off of everyone else's needs.