Yes, it's very useful and well layoutet. Like the design also.Unfortuantely I messed up the drilling of the switch holes. The 3rd one from left top, grr. | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
Yes, it's very useful and well layoutet. Like the design also.Unfortuantely I messed up the drilling of the switch holes. The 3rd one from left top, grr. | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
I proudly build this VCA myself on the Befaco workshop in Berlin earlier this year.
It's the photo from the original device. Was fun! | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
The last musical composition of Ludwig Wittgenstein, recorded just seconds before his death from the Tingler.
Wow! Fenix through a Culture Vulture? Any soundcloud demos of this setup, Mr Baboon?
The only effects I currently use are those built-in to my Behringer Xenyx mixer. Like Solitud, I prefer the Euro-modular solution over the Studio Outboard route. I hope eventually to have a number of effects modules in my Eurorack; tapped BBD, echo, chorus, spring reverb, etc. There have been quite a few newly released modules along these lines by companies such as Audio Damage, Synthrotek, and Flame, Doepfer also have a decent selection.
Hello world,
I've only been into modulars for a few months, but have been into music production for nearly 15 years. I'm based in NYC, and really enjoy spending my rent money on eurorack modules.
Totally! I don't visit Muff's.
I agree with nelson, a composition forum would be cool!
Alternate title: Three breasted coeds conquer Uranus with mathematics
(test of soundcloud set embedding).
Instruments used: 7 string violin, turbo Rat, Microgranny 2, Fenix
As 1 or 2 other people have said, and I have mentioned privately, I really think that there should be a section where one can talk about more general music related topics - whether about more philosophical issues, or about compositional methods, etc, etc.
On the general question about why another forum? I'm perhaps the least objective person to respond to this, but I think that people who would ask that question underestimate the number of people who are dissatisfied with the way that the mw forum has turned out. There are a few people here already who either have quit that forum, or have been involuntarily dismembered.
This site already has a fair level of integration with Muff Wiggler, and to be honest I think that Muff's has already established itself as the de facto website for modular synth discussion.
No doubt about that. And the MG forum is not meant to replace Muff, which would be a ridiculous and hopeless effort anyway.
MG already had a kind of basic forum functionality for a while with the discussion/comment section where you could comment on unique modules/racks/patches, so the idea behind the forum isn't exactly new.
The context sensitive discussion made absolutely sense but the implementation wasn't as good as I liked.
The new forum engine just tries to expand this functionality by adding a search function and a more common thread hierarchy and the possibility to add threads which are not bound to modules/racks/patches.
In my view this is evolution not revolution.
The goal is to merge discussions into the forum in a way 90% of MG users won't even notice while given the other 10% who care better tools to use.
Unfortunately I rushed the launch so the migration isn't ready yet (what bugs me).
I mean sure this new forum "doesn't look like an Excel® Spreadsheet" (personally I like the vBulletin look), but I really don't see anything here that Muff's doesn't already offer.
In short, making multiple general-purpose modular synth forums is kind of like making multiple modular databases; different distributions of people can yield different results. This can be a good thing, but I think the community around modulars is small enough as is.
When I started MG 3 years ago a lot people told me there is no reason to do it, because of the already established options available. If I had listen to them what would have happened?
Probably nothing!
People would still happily use their JAVA planners just because others told them that's the way to do it.
And most would accept that and wouldn't care about it at all.
I just try to improve things. This doesn't work in 80% of all times, and I never now if it will work or not.
I am sure that somewhere a kid is building the next Über-Planner, not because it makes sense, but because he wants to do it.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
This site already has a fair level of integration with Muff Wiggler, and to be honest I think that Muff's has already established itself as the de facto website for modular synth discussion. I mean sure this new forum "doesn't look like an Excel® Spreadsheet" (personally I like the vBulletin look), but I really don't see anything here that Muff's doesn't already offer. In short, making multiple general-purpose modular synth forums is kind of like making multiple modular databases; different distributions of people can yield different results. This can be a good thing, but I think the community around modulars is small enough as is.
Just my two cents.
Culture vulture is a funny one I think- sounds golden on some material, dreadful on others. Buchla into KSP8 is something of a constant for me.
Uh, oh! Could this be the place for the occasional babooney-tune, interspersed with incendiary wit and remarkably troll-like observational humour?
This, or a desert with some lonely wolfs prowling through.
What's going on, Solitud?
Are you gonna be opening a Euro-based online Modular Shoppe soon?
-- Adminius
No such plans. | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
You still got this rack, Solitud?
The modules?-- Adminius
Yep, still got all modules! The layout has changed a bit since then, though. | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
Uh, oh! Could this be the place for the occasional babooney-tune, interspersed with incendiary wit and remarkably troll-like observational humour?
What's going on, Solitud?
Are you gonna be opening a Euro-based online Modular Shoppe soon?
I need to get into pedals really. Planning on getting the ALM sbg for that purpose. ( )
Other than that, I don't really use hardware apart from my modular. My effects I limit to the spring reverb and delay already in my system. (Intellijel Springray and Modcan Dual Delay)
If I eq/tweak/compress, it's unfortunately all 'in the box'.
Would love a suggestion for an affordable compressor/limiter/eq to dedicate to the stereo out from my modular.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
Hello. Thanks for the much-needed initiative.
I would vote for a less format-specific approach myself - otherwise it will surely end up as an euro forum and the barely relevant others on the sidelines. So I am not sure how much I will contribute here, but I wish you good luck anyway.
There are a few that I use on a constant basis, on both modular stuff as well as synths, guitars and whatever.
Evol Fucifier -- the amount of different levels of both filtered sounds, combined with multiband distortion and tape saturation is marvelous.
Earthquaker 'The Warden' -- compressor, but a much cheaper alternative than using more high end stuff. but has a nice quality and range of compression. No sidechain, but I don't use that shit anyhow.
Dr. Scientist 'Cosmichorus' -- Highly effective and versatile chorus pedal. Sounds like heresy, but I like it better than the Roland RE-501 by far
Catalinbread 'Echorec' -- an emulation of the Binson Echorec; I don't give two shits what it emulates, but it certainly is a lovely little delay pedal.
Spaceman Effects 'WOW Signal' -- Technically a fuzz pedal, but has an LFO that adds generously to the sound, overall. the sound of the actual fuzz circuit complements pretty much any synth or guitar I've run through it. Aces.
I'd like to say that I use the Eventide stuff, but I had to sell my Eventide shit a while back; and I mean, it's great -- lush, open, dynamic. If I could afford an Orville, I'd own an Orville.
Saturnworks Pedals makes a reamp box that's 70 dollars. It doesn't require additional power, and is totally transparent. It's a bit cheaper than the Radial stuff, and it's hand-built, well. I use it to run synths through the guitar pedals. It's effective, and keeps the gain differences from causing unwanted mayhem. Some pedals can deal with line-level without issue, some can't. I use this to avoid problems.
Wow Nelson, Culture Vulture, you do it with style.
I like to keep effects mostly analog for the modular and I am using an EH Big Muff for distortion.
I have an Synthoma Elkorus as a BBD chorus, that is really cool. It's a 19" device with CV ins (on the back, bummer) handmade by a guy from Spain. Somewhat noisy for picky ears but that's the definition of analog, right :) ?
On the modular site I like the Pittsburgh Analog Delay a lot and also managed to solder this Thonk Spring reverb kit.
Tapping the spring tank with the fingers in sync to a beat makes everyone around smile.
I also have a digital reverb, Lexicon PCM92. It has 700+ presets but I refuse to use any other preset than No. 1 "Large Hall", it's that great.
This is practically my default setup, use it all the time.. | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
After getting a chance finally to play with a healthy Fenix (mine had been damaged in shipping) the last couple of days, I decided to dedicate my Culture Vulture to it. Interestingly, when I tried one with a Serge a couple of years ago, I didn't really like the combo - it seemed to make the Serge sound a bit more brittle. Sometimes that was nice, but it didn't seem to enhance the sound that much to my ears. Of course, my memory might be flaky on this.....
But damn if it doesn't sound great with the Fenix. It just seems to give the sound a little more of an edge, but still retains the Fenix sound.
Wondering about other favorite combinations that people make as their setup default....
Jeez, I forgot to implement the ban mechanism
Well, at least it won't get boring then I guess.
Maybe this is a strong marketing point: the world's only forum which has a Baboon
-- solitud
Ha. We can all get along just fine! This is an place for modular synth discussions, and there won't be any need for incendiary topics if we keep it on topic. :)
Now let's get posting.
Hi. Nelson Baboon here. I am an egocentric troll who has been banned from muffwiggler at least 50 times by now. I also own the world's only cunning umbrella, and my music can be found in various places on the internet.
-- Nelson Baboon
Jeez, I forgot to implement the ban mechanism
Well, at least it won't get boring then I guess.
Maybe this is a strong marketing point: the world's only forum which has a Baboon | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
Hi. Nelson Baboon here. I am an egocentric troll who has been banned from muffwiggler at least 50 times by now. I also own the world's only cunning umbrella, and my music can be found in various places on the internet.
Welcome 3001 and johnnn :)
I might as well introduce myself as well. My name is Jesse and I've been obsessed with the eurorack format for a little over 3 years now. Though I've ogled over modular systems in the past, almost everything I did has been "in the box" with Ableton, Reaktor, etc. Everything started to align once I paid attention to eurorack beyond the original Doepfer and Analogue Systems lines. Of course, that was 3 years ago, and what's available now in the format just is insane! I've gone from a room full of monosynths and gear like the monomachine and nord g2 to an almost all modular setup. (Can't get rid of the machinedrum!)
I'm so glad Modular Grid now has a forum, as I have spent countless hours using this site to re-arange my system, plan new purchases, and generally just get excited with new modules appearing almost every day. Solitud has created a wonderful and intuitive environment to explore this stuff.
I will be one of the moderators here, along with Wiktorian and Solitud.
You can find my scraps of module demos and detritus at:
Looking forward to seeing this forum grow!
Hey Ryan,
Hello, I am Ryan! I'm glad to see that there's a forum here(was it always here , or just recent?) Find this site pretty cool, I really respect and appreciate how much work went into this site!
the Forum was launched today, we will see if users like it for my crap, not sure how to embed here.
You can embed single tracks only by just pasting the link
I do wish there was a Wiard modular grid planner! I know for the 50 people who have one....lll
If you can convince Mr. Wiard to sponsor a small system this wish can come true ;)
-- 3001 | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
Hello, I am Ryan! I'm glad to see that there's a forum here(was it always here , or just recent?) Find this site pretty cool, I really respect and appreciate how much work went into this site! for my crap, not sure how to embed here.
I do wish there was a Wiard modular grid planner! I know for the 50 people who have one....lll
John, I remember on day one you where the very first ModularGrid visitor.
What a pleasure you are also the first regular poster here! | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
I'm John Noble, and modular synths changed my life. I run The Eurorack Database ( ), the Fully Patched Music series of modular/experimental/analog music events in the San Diego area ( ), I make some custom synth stuff like modules and cases, and I perform & record solo with my Eurorack modular as "prettyhowtown" ( ) and as a member of a couple of other projects. I also seem to have turned into a festival promoter. Life is getting really weird, and I like it that way. :-)
I've been working with Solitud since shortly after the launch of ModularGrid (my site supplies a data feed), and I really admire his talent, persistence, and attitude. He's a treasure. His music is really good, too: check it out!
I'm Wiktorion, or Viktor which is my real name.
I live in Sweden where I run a small art studio called Studio Odessa.
I've been dabbling with modular synthesizers since I was 18. That might sound like I'm old in the game, but I'm 23 years old, so many of you are far more experienced than I! :) I've got a dreaming, hazy mind, which colours everything in my environment, especially my music; I make Electronic Shoegaze, or Dream Pop(
I also dream about modulars constantly, hypothetical systems and configurations, which has lead me to different modular system planners.
A friend told me about Modulargrid and I was instantly hooked! This is where I can see all the latest modules and plan my dream systems, or calculate power needs for my current one. I've also been trusted by head honcho Knut to keep the module library clean of gunk and duplicates, and also to keep the forum nice and tidy. Looking forward to finally get to meet you all (I've been oogling at your systems, you know!)
You want to say something very original and sophisticated, but you don't know what?
Introduce yourself, or say Hello! | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
Beside programming this website I always wanted to develop my own module. Since I am not an expert in electronics I teamed up with Erik, a guy who is and together we build a module we call the Gezeiten UltimaRatio.
Ultima Ratio is an intuitive playable Clock Divider, Clock Generator and Dual AR Envelope.
You can use it
A video of the UltimaRatio in the real world (with flower boxes)
I also want to thank Liis, Oli and Antje without their help the project would not be possible.
It would be really helpful if those of you guys who are even remotely interested in the module would join the mail list on the new Gezeiten Website.
So I am super excited what you people think about it! | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
Click on View post page on a Vine video. Find it as a option marked with three dots "...".
This leads you to a single page for the video.
Copy paste the URL of this page in the markdown editor.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
This is Rack No.1 on ModularGrid, the first Rack that started it all!
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
Some feature is missing? Post your idea.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
The ModularGrid Forum uses Markdown for formatting purposes.
It's like HTML but feels more natural to write because in general you don't need closing tags.
Additionally you can read Markdown even if it's not formatted.
Below the Markdown Editor Form is an inline link Markdown Syntax which lists most of the useful formatter options.
A hashtag before a text block creates a heading
#This is heading 1
Two hashtags before a text block create a heading in hierachy 2
##This is heading 2
. This results is Yeay.**Yeay**
. This results in YeayJust prefix *
or numbers 1.
to a textline and create numbered or bullet lists.

will do
Just post the link of your Rack in the Editor. The Rack will be embedded end linked.
Same functionality applies to Soundcloud, YouTube and Vimeo media.
Just post the URL from the browsers address bar in the editor!
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
The Forum is about modular synthesizers.
Don´t flame, don't shout, be nice.
Don't hi-jack threads, don't cross-post.
Don´t embed porn or violent media of any kind.
This is not the place for discussions about politics or society.
No blunt racism
Use the marketplace for that
Moderators are always right
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
Sketch a Patch is very basic idea to quickly write down a patch you have created to use it later or share it with other users.
To start with a sketch you first have to build a rack with your modules in the planner. After you have added all relevant modules open the Sketch a Patch Drop Down Menu in the secondary navigation of the planner and click on New Patch.
A screenshot of your rack will be generated and you will be redirected to the Sketch a Patch editor.
Now you simply can double click anywhere on the screenshot to create a new cable.
Drag and Drop the jacks of the cable to the desired positions (that's probably over the socket of a module).
Jacks will NOT snap to sockets, Sketch a Patch is really just a kind of a freehand drawing board.
Double Click on a cable to remove it from the sketch.
Don't forget to save your sketch! (Click on Save Patch)
To mark knob positions switch to Knob Marker Mode via the top left button menu.
If you double click on your sketch a white circle appears you can use to mark knob positions or enabled buttons or anything else you want to point out.
You can freely move the marker via Drag and Drop.
Double click a marker to remove it.
You can select two available Color Systems for your cables
On Eurorack modulars the color of the patch cable will change in relation to the length of the cable depending on the chosen cable system.
Just for fun. Try it out.
You can save your Patch Options settings
If you have added or removed a new module to your rack you have to generate a new screenshot for Sketch a Patch in the planner. Else you will always see the old rack screenshot.
To create a new screenshot click on Show->Screenshot in the planner. After that got to the Sketch a Patch Editor and if you still see the old screenshot hit the browser refresh button hard (while holding SHIFT).
Be aware that if you move a lot of modules your older sketches will be all over the place.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
TrueGrid is an experimental modular web synthesizer which let's you create, listen and share modular synth patches.
TrueGrid works like a real modular synth in a way that you have to wire up different modules to generate useful or not so useful sounds.
It needs some experience to get something predictable out of this synth, but thats where the whole fun starts: Discover what is possible
Create a new empty rack and name it "My awesome Truegrid Synth". More creative naming options will work, too.
With the search function of the module browser you can enable a checkbox Playable in TrueGrid.
This lists all available playable modules for TrueGrid.
Add some modules to your rack. As a start you should add an Oscillator, VCA, LFO and VCF to create basic subtractive building blocks.
If you have found a cool TrueGrid Patch from an other user you can copy the Patch and alter it as you please. Just click Save as a new Patch in TrueGrids secondary navigation.
Sockets of the modules are color coded.
To connect two sockets:
Drag a cable from an output to an input till the cable snaps.
To disconnect:
Drag the cable away from one socket or simply double click on the cable.
To turn the knobs, hover over a knob, click and hold the mouse and do a vertical movement.
ProTip: if you hover over a jack the corresponding jack on the other side of the cable will light up.
No, they are not. The modules are carefully modeled after their originals but since all coding is done in JavaScript they can not achieve the sound of their originals. Sorry, you still have to buy the real ones.
The intention is that you can experiment with the settings of a module and get somewhat familiar with the interface.
This is even more experimental. You can play TrueGrid via MIDI!
To make this work you have to take care that your MIDI interface is connected and switched on before you start your browser.
More detailed information can be found here.
You need a reasonable fast computer and as of today TrueGrid works best in Chrome.
Safari should also work, and since more and more Browsers implement the required WebAudio API it should be widely supported in near future.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
Using the planner should be self-explanatory. Just some things to point out which might be not obvious:
You can use keyboard shortcuts to edit your rack.
First you have to hover with your mouse over a module until the info icon appears.
This activates Module Select Mode.
In Module Move Mode:
The power consumption per rack is calculated by the values users add to the module data.
Those ratings are error prone. Don't rely exclusively on the values when choosing your power supply! Always check manufactures specs from the manuals.
You can disable the display of your accumulated rack prices in the user settings.
If you can not edit modules or reply to discussions or threads in this forum you most likely missed to click on the link on the confirmation email you received when you registered to MG. Probably this email is hiding somewhere in your spam folder.
You can request this confirmation email again in your user settings.
See above
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
It's kind of context sensitive, so if you are on the Thread Index Page of a specific Forum the search will only return results from that Forum. If you want to search all Forums go to the Forums index page first.
The entries in the search fields are preserved. If you enter a search term and you click through the forums you will always see only threads which include the search term on the index page until you reset the search field.
The Forum uses Markdown Syntax to format text. This keeps the Database very lightweight and allows semantic representation of text.
A link Markdown Syntax below the Editor explains the most common used syntax.
If you don't care about it, just ignore and start typing right away.
Before you submit your post click the Preview button below the Markdown Editor and it will render your post inline.
No, you can always delete your last post if there is no reply to it.
Regardless where you are in the world, publication times of postings should adapt to your current timezone. No manual settings necessary. Daylight Saving settings might not work though.
You can embed Media like
by simply pasting their URLs into the form.
No need to fiddle with sharing options, no embed code necessary.
The exception are album embeds from Bandcamp. You have to copy the code from the Bandcamp share options and paste that in the form.
Click on the Quote Button to quote an author, you don't have to mess with any HTML or proprietary Markup code. Those missing closing tags should be a thing of the past.
You can also quote multiple authors at once if their posts are on the same page! Just click and click and click on those Quote buttons.
To highlight a user prepend an @ to the username. A link to the users profile page will be generated.
Like in @solitud.
Upload your Avatar in your general ModularGrid user settings. No animated gifs, sorry.
If you do not upload an Avatar your Avatar from Gravatar will be used.
If you do not have an Avatar at Gravatar a unique Retro Image will be used.
Also in the general ModularGrid user settings. Links will be parsed, no Media Embed like Soundcloud is allowed in the Signature.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: