Please add Quanalog Instruments; there are currently 5 modules in "other/unknown" by the manufacturer, the modules are not Mutable Instruments clones, and the manufacturer distributes their modules to at least one third party vendor.

Thanks in advance.

In short: I request that ModularGrid admins unlock manufacturer-approved module pages when users discover, with publicly available evidence, that the manufacturer is defunct.

I have come across a few modules with editing privileges locked, accessible by the manufacturer only, for which I suspected that the manufacturer had discontinued or otherwise abandoned support. Rather than start a new thread for each manufacturer, I figure that it would be better to create a dedicated thread for reporting defunct manufacturers with module entries locked for their exclusive editing privileges.

Now onto the first case. I just came across this particularly egregious instance. It seems Birdkids is now defunct, and has been since at least December of 2022. I point to this article to support this conclusion:,at%20the%20beginning%20of%20December.

Many modules of Birdkids provenance have entries that are locked under manufacturer-approved editing privileges. It behooves ModularGrid to unlock these module entries for editing by users at large.

Please add Tear Apart Tapes; there are currently 15 modules in "other/unknown" by the manufacturer, the modules are not Mutable Instruments clones, and the manufacturer has a storefront on Etsy.

Thanks in advance.

Please add S3n0Я to the list of manufacturers. There are 19 modules of theirs already on ModularGrid, all still under "other/unknown". Thanks in advance.

Can we get Nervous Squirrel added as a manufacturer in the drop-down list? They've got three modules available in MG now.

I have a Hypster and love it.

But I also have a Timo Rozendal Ian Fritz Jerkster - Chaotic CV Generator, and it is also a worthy option to consider. It's also just 6 HP. Mind it is DIY, and as I don't have DIY skills, I found a builder to assemble the module.

All unlisted
-- modulargrid

Now there are three more, same link.

So what you're saying is that even though you recognize that there is a solution (the Panel Selector), because the solution is somewhat inconvenient, you feel entitled to exacerbate the larger problem of adding entries for functionally identical modules that differ only in their panels.

Edit: I guess it's a moot point now; the entry in question has been removed.

The official modulargrid admin has provided the solution: consolidate modules that are functionally the same but merely have different faceplates, and just use the provided Panel Selector tool to switch between versions.

It would be helpful if MG provided a means for a user to edit modules locked in virtue of being approved by manufacturer. Perhaps a two-step process.

I recently was able to verify via email that the manufacturer Dovemans is out of business. It would be great if I or someone with greater permissions could mark all of their modules as discontinued.

Thread: Bug Report

I keep on hard refreshing (Ctrl-F5) both the rack page and the screenshot image page, but nothing is resulting in a capture of the current state of the rack.
-- sibilant

I think that might be Shift-F5 (perhaps also CTRL-R) in Chrome, which for me does refresh "screenshots" when they're not updating. Perhaps try it in Command Centre view first, also the "refresh" pop-up button that appears when you mouse-over the layouts in Command Centre View.

-- AndyQ

It is Ctrl-F5, but more importantly thank you because going to the Command Centre view helped. Now the view has been updated. Much appreciated!

Thread: Bug Report

I have a new bug report. I have been trying for over 24 hours to get a refreshed screenshot image of one of my current racks, but the link to the image keeps showing a state of the rack from over a week ago.

I keep on hard refreshing (Ctrl-F5) both the rack page and the screenshot image page, but nothing is resulting in a capture of the current state of the rack.

+1 I also endorse this idea

I understand that removing terms from the functions/secondary functions dropdown list is a delicate matter. In fact, I personally don't think it's already too long at all, and while a bit of clean up seems like it could be helpful, I was mostly just interested in adding a few. But I get it: the admins at ModularGrid want to act parsimoniously.

So, I guess if I had to prioritize, I'd keep my request to just add "analog" to complement and contrast with the existing "digital" option. For the time being, anyway.

It would be great if the search field allowed for Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT.

This way, I could do a search like "fm AND sine" to find modules that include both 'fm' and 'sine' anywhere in the description, rather than the literal string of "fm sine" with both words together.

I can use Google and enter something like:
"fm" "sine"

However, if I do the search through Google, then I don't get to additionally leverage the Function and Secondary Function dropdown fields. What I'd like to do is make selections in both Function and Secondary Function and also enter search terms with Boolean operators.

These are not feature requests, because the feature (Function and Secondary Function) exist. I only want to start a thread for requests to add more options to the master list.

I have several at this time to start the thread with:

'Triple' — There's already 'Dual/Stereo' and 'Quad' but no option for three or a trio or triple or trinary in Function/Secondary Function, and yet several modules exist based around three channels or functions. The need is not so strong with above four, so by adding 'Triple' we'd have the ability to search for 2, 3 and 4, and that would do it.

'Analog' — There's already 'Digital' but no option to narrow Function/Secondary Function to analog-only circuitry, and yet it matters to some users (such as myself, in certain searches).

'FM' — for modules that have an input for FM, or modules that feature internal frequency cross-modulation.

'AM' — for modules that have an input for AM, or modules that feature internal amplitude cross-modulation.

The following two additional ones are more specific to oscillators and LFOs and as such may not have the same importance as the preceding four.

'triangle core' — for triangle core oscillators and LFOs

'saw core' — for saw core oscillators and LFOs

Not how it works. While MG's info is very much user-sourced, adding manufacturers is something that manufacturers have to request themselves. And the reason for this is because if THAT were user-sourced, there would be nothing to stop spammers and other related jackasses from adding fake manufacturers or some such bullshit listings because...well, this IS the Internet, you know. The mods here have enough to deal with in keeping that off of the forums (and yes, there have been some HIDEOUS spam attacks there over the past few years, all thwarted by MG's excellent crew) and maintaining this amazingly-huge database already.

-- Lugia

I just contacted Dannysound about this, too. Thanks

Umm, maybe you ask Dannysound to register as manufacturer at MG?
-- wiggler55550

I already asked ModularGrid, because that's what we're supposed to do as users.

Dannysound already has more than enough modules on MG to qualify without having to ask them to come here and make the request themselves, especially seeing as there is a community of users here, like me, who own modules of theirs and have a vested interest in seeing the information represented correctly.

I recently contacted Thonk about a Dannysound MM VCA module. Thonk replied, indicating that they are just the retailer, not the manufacturer. All Dannysound modules should be listed with Dannysound as the manufacturer, not Thonk.

I don't have the authority to add manufacturers to the master list, but I would be happy to edit the Dannysound modules once someone does add the manufacturer in.

I ordered a HEXa(s)r from Perfect Circuit and can confirm that it is 10 HP, not 9 HP.

Except...there ARE some "rare birds" in pedal-land that are definitely pedals, but they don't have the footswitches. One is sitting just a foot away from me right now, in fact: the Korg X-911 "guitar synth". I've seen it used like that, with a guitar or other instrument played monophonically...and I've also seen (and used) it as a patchable processing device, with numerous patchpoints for synth functions AND additional footswitches.
-- Lugia

The Korg X-911 is an interesting case, and I think it's a good case of being viewable among the non-pedals when the checkbox to exclude pedals from the current view is checked.

I agree, there's stuff in there that's not supposed to be. But it takes a bit of care to pull things out of MG that people have in use in their builds. Even so, the pedals category could use a tad of careful cleaning.
-- Lugia

I'm not suggesting we take anything out, but rather to view the non-pedals display separately when looking through the Pedals section. Actually, I want to add more non-pedals, like standalone sequencers and samplers.

My feature request: Separate the non-pedals from the Pedals section and create a dedicated section for standalone semi-modular or otherwise patchable hardware.
-- sibilant

I hear you, situation is not ideal. But I am not sure that another patchable hardware universe will improve the situation.
I think many of those Strymon BigSky pedals are placed on tables beside synth gear so there will be a lot of duplicates in the pedal and patchable hardware universe. But maybe it will come, followed by the 19" universe ;)

-- modulargrid

In that case, my alternative feature suggestion for the Pedals section is to implement (1) a boolean checkbox for "no onboard footswitch / jack for remote footswitch only" -- if checked, exclude the true pedals from view, and show only the non-pedals; if not checked, show the non-pedals along with the true pedals.

Furthermore, in the Pedals section, I suggest as a feature (2) "CV modulation" be added to the drop-down menus of primary and secondary functions.

I've been using ModularGrid for years and what a great site it is, especially for modules but also for pedals, even though I am really not in the market for pedals. Instead, I have used the Pedals section to browse standalone semi-modular or otherwise patchable hardware. And I have to say, it's a chore to have to visually weed out such devices from the pedals themselves.

My feature request: Separate the non-pedals from the Pedals section and create a dedicated section for standalone semi-modular or otherwise patchable hardware. The category name could be something like "Devices" or "Tabletop" or if those names are too broad, then "Semi-modular" but if that name is too restrictive, "Patchable Gear" even though that might seem too long.

Distinguishing pedals from semi-modular / patchable gear comes down to some pretty straight-forward criteria:
1. Pedals are designed to be placed on the ground and consequently feature a prominent foot switch. Even if a pedal can be used as a tabletop device, the presence of a foot switch sets a device apart from those that are designed to be used on a table and operated with fingers.
2. Semi-modular / Patchable devices are designed to be patched with cables. Signal input and output are insufficient; patching requires additional, independent inputs and outputs that modify the signal within the device after the signal has come in from an external source and before the signal goes out to an external destination. Virtual patching does not count; the device must be at least capable of being modulated by an external source through a patch cable. MIDI can be part of the device's connectivity with other devices, but the device must be patchable in the sense of control voltage, gate or trigger.

These criteria can easily be used to test specific cases.
- The Soma Laboratory Lyra-8 is listed among the pedals but is not a pedal. It has no foot switch on its surface, is meant to be played on a tabletop with fingers, and admits CV for voices, CV for delay and gate for the hold function.
- The Koma Elektronik Field Kits are listed among the pedals but are not pedals. They have no foot switches, are meant for tabletop use, and feature in and out jacks in Eurorack format for being modulated as well as modulating outside devices.
- Koma's RH-301 Rhythm Workstation, on the other hand, really is a pedal, even though it is patchable both to and from its 1/4" jacks, and even though it sports knobs, because it has foot switches that enable it to be played on the ground once it has been patched and knobs set.
-Moog DFAM: not a pedal, but a semi-modular patchable device.
-Moog Moogerfooger: a pedal, not a patchable tabletop device.
- Empress Effects Zoia: this one has attracted a lot of attention for its tabletop usability and internal patch capabilities, but it is still a pedal, not a semi-modular or otherwise patchable device as it cannot be patched from external gear, and just takes a signal and passes it back out once it has modified it in a self-contained way.
- Alesis IO Dock II: (Here's one that's bugged me) neither a pedal nor a patchable tabletop device, from what I can see. It only features signal throughput, but no way to otherwise interact with external devices (that I can tell).

I think adding a section for standalone semi-modular or otherwise patchable devices and separating out those that are currently included among the pedals would add a great benefit to the site and its users. We could not only populate the new section with devices like the Lyra-8 and the Koma Elektronik Field Kits, but also add devices like the Soma Laboratory Pulsar-23, the Sherman Filterbank, the Iotine Core Sound Processor and the Sequentix Cirklon sequencer (with its CVIO expander).