Thread: The plan

I'll echo what Jim's saying, but also I'd like to point out that the oscillator that's in this build is part of why Mutable's gone now.

Don't give Uli your money when he misbehaves. Like this. It's sort of like training a dog: praise and reward for good behavior.
-- Lugia

Thanks Lugia!
I think I understand what do you mean so I'll try to look for alternatives...any suggestion is welcome!

Thread: The plan


Already happy that I'm avoiding the big mistake as I'm trying to do my best to research what would suits me the best.
For the moment, I'm connecting to a small home studio system with a Scarlett solo.

Many thanks for your feedback!

Thread: The plan

Looking for feedbacks as I am very new and trying to figure out my starting system for some ambient/drone/generative music.
Not sure (of course!) what my objective is besides having a lot of fun but I do like Alessandro Cortini, Aphex Twin, Ginevra Nervi, Helene Vogelsinger...
Anything I should look specifically for? Or big mistakes to avoid?
Do I need outputs and/or mixer or some other modules can do that?
