Its really too bad this is Module discontinued.
I own (2) and the added CV input control for up/dwn slew ( 0 to insane) and ablity to individually control the up/dwn slew rates with the sliders really made this a awesome Slew device.
I have 3 other Slew modules but other than the simple Barton BMC057 Gated Slew
the Mini Slew by SSF & Joranalogue Contour both have too much feature creap for my taste and while capable
they just dont have the immdiate form to function the Befaco Slew has.

Thanks for the write up on this . The CMOS 4017 has always seen the perfect chip to make a sequencer out of.
Now I want to see some make a compressor circuit using an LM3915 Audio Dot/Bar Display driver
to control multiple OpAmp gain.

My opinion
I have many of each and Im now of the opinion
that if your goal is to play tonal music, owning 2 'quality' VCOs with the normal triangle,ramp,square & sine work and one with wavetables is my preference vs owning a single 'complex' VCO.
By “quality” I mean like $$$ VCOs, like from AJH, Synthesis technology, MacBeth etc

Two VCOS + a wavetable can make some very complex sound..and all track in tune
I have come to find that while complex VCOs make some cool noises they don’t play well together w/ other VCOs when it comes to solid tonality- some earlier examples
Teleharmonic,Orgone Accumliator,Rings…
If your just wanting to make interesting sounds
there are totally fine

My opinion
I have many of each and Im now of the opinion
that if your goal is to play tonal music, owning 2 'quality' VCOs with the normal triangle,ramp,square & sine work and one with wavetables is my preference vs owning a single 'complex' VCO.
By “quality” I mean like $$$ VCOs, like from AJH, Synthesis technology, MacBeth etc

Two VCOS + a wavetable can make some very complex sound..and all track in tune
I have come to find that while complex VCOs make some cool noises they don’t play well together w/ other VCOs when it comes to solid tonality- some earlier examples
Teleharmonic,Orgone Accumliator,Rings…
If your just wanting to make interesting sounds
there are totally fine

i just got mine today - #0138 - man, I gotta say -its pretty farking awesome - the extra features alone like the tuner, dual clk div/mult and dual vco/lfo would alone make a nice module.
I can't fully compare it to the O'toole as i never owned one (but have briefly checked them out at Chi knbcn's)
I can compare this scope it to scopes I own - and older Tecktronics 2445 analog and a new Rigol DS4014 digital
For the audio range the Mordax display pretty much matches my Rigol (albeit its display is not nearly as large)
and its a lot simpler to use. I didn't find a manual but its operation is obvious and intuitive
The Mordax Guys are going to be very busy trying to keep up with all the orders

Wow - that was great!!

Wow - that was great!!

Nice stuff!

i suspect this isn't whats being discussed but i thought id mention the Klee Sequencer uses shift regs to provide mult cvs out (4) banks

Try to find one !

it is now later : (

Purchased thru Perfect 👍

BTW Coolest ever +ADSR imho 

@yo! traded his Intellijel Mutagen for my MFB SEQ3 1 for 1 and the transaction was perfect !

I agree with that comment "Knobs for mode should be stepped"
But its most excellent and a very easy build that I would recommend to a detail oriented nube

0ne of my favorite vco's - simple to dial in just what yer lQQking for - sounds farken great

i build my own frames for my euro stuff (wood) in very wide formats and found that if I leave out the mounting rails my Mobius height fits perfectly - i used it this way for a year before it got move to my rack bay

I forgot to post .. built mine bout a month ago - cool sequencer
- nice layout and display - i 1st had probs as i put in the analog switch chip in backwards but we
hen i discovered it and switched it the right way all wired great - amazed i didn't fry that chip!

Want now- soon?