Filters & oscillators I've built.

This is my outside world interface rack. It lives with (3) other 10U racks full of MOTM format modules I've built (except for the Encore Frequency Shifter). Check em out!

The ES-3 takes 8 channels of lightpipe from my Logic DAW & can send/receive audio (modular & line level), drive & calibrate VCOs, sync analog clocks & LFOs with Logic sessions & drive modules with software based step sequencers & LFOs.

The Mobius interfaces via MIDI & can sync with my Logic rig as well.

This rack is also my 1st leap into Eurorack land. I'm liking the lights!


I have a real Steiner 24-stage vactrol string filter at the top of my Rack 4, but there's no way to get it on the grid.....or is there?

Sorry, didn't realize it was stored in the Eurorack database.

There's no 19" rack gear database to store it in that I could find.

There's actually more 19" synth gear in my rig I'd like to include, but no provision on MG for hybrid systems. The Mobius just happened to fit in 3U like the Eurorack stuff.

I also wish there was a way to show my rig (4 racks) in a single view. It's all together in my studio.

Mark as private? What, how & why?