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Swap Erbe Verb in main case with Batumi and URA in this version.
Big issue is we have no mixer (Linix, Tangle Quartet, Cold Mac, etc)
Never get:
* MI Shades
* MI Branches
* MI Warps
* MI Streams
* Dave Jones O'Tool
* Intellijel uScale
* Quad Temporal Shifter
* Shapeshifter (Don't really care about wavetables)
* ADDAC 402, MI Grids, Zularic Repetitor (Hella full on sequencers)
There are ~150 jacks in the complete system. And 32 in the Mother, of course. So I'll shoot for between 40 and 90 cables.
65 would be a happy medium. Just ordered the Mutable Instruments cable pack so I'm at ~40 presently. Only 6 stackables though.
Options (organized in decreasing order of HP):
* Intellijel Linix (16)
* E350 Morphing Terrarium (14)
* Make Noise Telharmonic (14)
* MI Rings (14)
* SSF Ultra Random Analog (10)
* TipTop Hats (8)
* Noise Engineering Zularic Repetitor (8)
* Antimatter Audio Brain Seed (4)
* SSF Quantum Rainbow 2 (4)
Could replace the Shapeshifter (26HP) with ...
* a MI Rings and a Tangle Quartet and a Sequential Switch
* a E350 Morphing Terrarium and a Tangle Quartet and a SSF Quantum Rainbow 2
* a SSF URA and a Intellijel Linix
* a MI Yarns and a Zularic Repetitor and a Dynamic Destiny
* ADDAC 402 and a Dynamic Destiny