Patch info in the video descirption.
I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.
Patch info in the video descirption.
I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.
Hi there,
I bought this used case and I know what I think I see and what I need, but it'd be nice to have some experienced input.
Here are some images (the last one is probably the best):
So what I think I see is a bunch of distribution boards and no power supply. I think I see holes in the bottom area where one big PS was attached and removed. If that's correct, can someone link me to some PS's that would be suitable? Or some keywords I need for the type of PS?
It's unfortunate that there doesn't seem to be any manufacturer info on the front of the distributions boards so I can go lookup a manual--perhaps there is on the back, so I plan on removing one tomorrow to see.
Hints on wiring would also be greatly appreciated!
Sounds like a plan, a Disting would be a good and easy step.
my tunes:
wow.. I definitely need to explore about modulation.
Forgot to mention that I also use Digitone + Shuttle Control to sequence my rack as well.
After browsed through your combinations, I think I will get Disting mk4 just for now as it has loads of tools in small hp and price.
So, I can use it with my current modules to learn more about modulation before expand my set up further.
What do you think ?
Thanks Garfield,
Hopefully if I can move into larger studio space this year then I can have more room to get a monster case for my base case and then will have lot more room. I'd love a Cwejman VCO and filter module along with Brenso, Sapel and Falistri, more percussion modules and of course another matrix mixer and support utilities.
Hi Mowse,
Another nice jam from you. I love those... how you call it, kind of knocking sounds, percussion kind of sounds just before 03:00, lovely done, fits very well in your jam!
My healing therapy goes very well doctor ;-) Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.
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Just another relaxing, live jam on the Moog stack and modular. This weekend is going pretty well. My build is really feeling like an instrument rather than a collection of things.
This is mostly M32's, DFAM, Plaits, Telharmonic and live playing of filters (something I really enjoy doing).
Hope you dig it.
Hi Brunomolteni,
You got yourself there a nice rhythm with an interesting sounding pluck instrument, sounds good! In combination with the sunset a beautiful video as well :-)
Nice to watch it and thank you very much for sharing this. Kind regards, Garfield.
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Hi Mog00,
He, he, nice one! Something different and yet beautiful.
Thanks a lot for sharing this, I need to listen at it at least one more time to let it sink in :-) Kind regards, Garfield.
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Hi Sacguy71,
Yeah, nice showcase of your modular setup! Ha, ha, you got the same problem as I have, not enough space for the racks. Like you I plan to get a new studio setup as well but I need a lot of time and work to put in there to be able to do so, so I am kind of dragging it...
Anyway, nice setup and thank you very much for sharing this, kind regards, Garfield.
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This just arrived from Reverb after a long period of no scopes available anywhere in the US. This thing is super easy to use without looking at any manual so far. And it's going to be a massive value for understanding what is happening in my rack. It could do some things better, but it's affordable, and uses limited HP. I have no complaints, and have barely started using the features.
Hello Doctor Mowse,
I used your recently new developed "modular therapy" (see here above track), and wow, I felt myself almost directly much better after done that therapy!
Could you please subscribe me to some more modular therapy, especially your Moog ingredient in this therapy is helping me a lot!
Thank you very much, your much addictive patient, Garfield.
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Thanks again for all of your useful contribution to the thread.'s your money and your gear. Have fun with that.
Managed to record this one with a sunset in the background, hope you guys enjoy!
Patch notes:
Instruo Ts-l as kickdrum
Calsynth Rangoon as main melody
Erica Pico Drums as high hats
Mutable Instruments Stages as envelope generator, LFO and step sequencer
Doboz XIIO as arpeggiator
Robaux LL8 as gate sequencer
Super Vcas as vca and mixer
ST Rocinante's Gate as LFO and Env. for sidechain.
Music Thing Startup as mixer, clock generator and clock divider.
Thanks for that completely useless response. They are designed to come out of the box as well. They just don’t explicitly advise on signal flow when doing so. Figuring out that signal flow is the point of this thread.
Yeah, the Paradox is a good bit more twisted than just being a dual VCO. For one thing, it's a Noise Reap module, which means that it comes with all sorts of interesting "defects" in operation that make it crazier than that. Also, the VCOs are set up to cross-modulate, so it also has weird aspirations to be the oscillator core from a Buchla 258.
And yet again, here's reasons why you DON'T take a synth that's already in a powered cab and...move it to yet another powered cab. Not only does it make the synth in question cost a lot more (because you have to take the Eurorack space costs into account), there's always a significant chance that you can fubar it while doing this.
Put 'em back where they belong.
Thanks it was fun experimenting with my new Euclidian Circles v2 sequencer for WMD drum modules and getting some patterns with my other modules. Eventually I plan to get a Doepfer monster case to put on the base case and add some Frap Tools and Instruo modules and more drums of course to the mix. I am good on sequencers and will see what reviews show up when and if releases their Ground Control sequencer and see if future firmware updates resolve the issues with Erica Synths Black Sequencer. I'd love to add some more Erica Synths modules as well.
Thanks yeah the WMD percussion modules are super wicked fun! I love modular drums :-)
I need some snare, cowbell and taiko drum modules now.
If you do want to minimize menu diving but you're looking for melody I think a nice small step sequencer and a quantizer would go a long way here. You can already use the Pam's for random I think, and you could mix the sequencer, that random from Pam's, and let's say a long running modulated LFO, and then out that into your quantizer. If you got a dual quantizer it'd be even better.
So proposed additions:
Tirana MK2 + Tubbutec uTune
Tirana MK2 + Ladik Easy Quantizer + 2HP Tune + Joranalogue Add 2, lots of combination possibilities here.
Tirana MK2 + Disting mk4 + Ladik Easy Quantizer, in this configuration you could always use the Disting for other purposes if you don't need 2 distinct melodic lines.
If you got rid of the 2HP Mult that could also add a little more flexibility, and I also think it could be worth swapping out one of Morphogene, Clouds, and Magneto (maybe put one of em in a 4MS pod) which would open up a ton of room for more experimentation in your rack.
my tunes:
Yea so prior to mounting in my eurorack it worked fine on it’s own. The dipswitch is hard wired to the board in the K-2 original case along with power, midi thru port and line output. So no chance i can put that in my rack. I always used it standalone with some simple patching with the model D and vice versa. I never attempted to use either as a midi thru device until I rack mounted them both and now that is the only way i’m going to be able to get my D to feed midi to the K-2. I only have a Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol keyboard which unfortunately only has midi out over usb with no cv ports. Trying to avoid un-mounting the K-2 and i’ve seen very little out there in the way of people using it mounted. Scoured youtube for what seems like an eternity trying to figure this out too lol
Well, the uO_C has analog shift register, chord sequencing, quantizing, envelopes, and more in a very small package so you would need to substitute a large range of modules to do what it does. The only problem is that it requires patience and is not so quick and easy to use. You really need to spend time getting to know it. For something more immediate, Marbles may be fun but much more limited.
many thanks,
I use Digitakt + Shuttle Control for modulation sources; envelope, lfo, s&h and random etc.
uO_C is what I have recently been looking for cv quantized to create ambient melody but I am not quite sure about menu-driving. Is there any alternative module for this purpose ?
But it did work before you put it in the rack? I don't have the K-2, but for the Neutron there were small dip-switches in the back, I think, to set the MIDI channel. Does the k-2 have those as well? If so, maybe you need to also remove that little board from the k-2's case and connect it to the k-2 in your Eurorack case. Just make sure it's affixed to the case in such a way that it doesn't short anything.
I would definitely look into more modulation sources and utilities. How about something like Ochd, Mixwitch, and Pico RND? Or maybe a uO_C and Disting MkIV if you don't mind menu-diving?
Funny you should say that, I let this play for a few hours while I was soldering the other day, the aim was to make something relaxing or meditative.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Lots of players
Dreadbox Typhon (Brass Patches)
Modular (Arp and Lead) (Ataraxic Iteritas, Dixie 2, Xaoc Belgrad, Bat Verb, FX Aid)
Pyramid Main Sequencer
Blackbox Main Sampler
U-he Zebra Chords
Mixed and Arranged in Studio One.
Added my 5 String custom bass to this one as well.
I tend to program base sequences and samples using the pyramid. I then track these into the DAW using my Tascam Model 24 and do arranging in the DAW. I like to sequence in hardware so I don't lose the ability to just jam live. Lots of sound design practice in this track using all my synths, hardware, software, and modular.
What would you guys suggest to fill 15hp space left ?
I play this rack with Digitakt, Digitone and a reverb pedal ( Mercury 7 ). and mainly for making ambient music.
Had a very long week.
Wind storm. Power outage. Septic drain field problems. Job interviews and questionnaires.
Took some time this evening to chill with the modular synthesizer.
No agenda.
Just plugged holes and played.
Modular therapy.
Yeah for a pure quad LFO, Batumi is hard to beat. I am a modulation and sequencer junkie you could say and Batumi has most LFO beat. I mean there are others like Clep Diaz and Acid Rain Labs Maestro and Kermit super modulators that do way more than just LFO and are tons of fun and have their uses but if I just want a basic modulator, Batumi is hard to beat.
When the K-2 is mounted you lose the usb midi input. I have a Model D that i’m am sending my midi thru to the k-2’s midi in, but for some reason i get nothing from the k-2. Does anyone know what i’m doing wrong? (Sending midi via usb to the model d from Logic Pro)
Good to hear that!
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Thanks Garfield,
Yes the Batumi is great quad LFO and especially with the Poti expander for the extra functions without setting jumpers on the back of the module. Probably my favorite LFO module thus far as it is powerful and simple to use.
Hi Sacguy71,
Nice jam! So nice, this video, you are showing quite a few interesting modules here! How is the Batumi, worth it? I am considering that one too.
Such a nice way to enter the weekend with your jam, can every weekend start like this please? ;-) Thank you very much for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.
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Hi Wishbonebrewery,
Oh this is nice! It's beautifully done and so nice relaxing. Could listen a whole day to something like this!
A great 2021 gift to us, thank you very much for sharing this! I wish you a Happy New Year too, kind regards, Garfield.
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Hi Lugia,
Ha, ha, every time I watch this video I still have to laugh. Brilliant clear demo what happens if you put DC to your speaker.
"So, you should put AC to your speaker, not DC", ha, ha, he keeps repeating that. Anyway the smoke should tell the rest ;-)
I am still grateful to you and some other members here on this forum telling me this, now almost 2 years ago. I don't save money on a good Audio Interface Input/Output module. I want to be able to sleep at night and knowing that the next day my speakers still work and the room has not this awful smokey smell from last night when DC "slipped through" to my speakers!
Thank you for demoing it again and kind regards, Garfield.
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Hi Lugia,
Thanks a lot for the additional information, interesting reading material! :-)
Not sure if Uli likes your idea of nationalising his factory and then give it to Cuvave, he might be "not amused" ;-)
I barely can wait for the Behringer's 2600 and BCR32. The way they sound from what you told, it sounds like a great addition to our modular synths!
Have a good weekend and kind regards, Garfield.
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Dang, Deleted my first Reply. So here we go again:
Thank you Lugia, first of all! I'm not only running out of space, but also out of Amperes! I'm considering/planing a bigger case but a big sturdy wood DIY box and the Befaco Excalibus (1.25A on both 12V rails) at it's core. In the end it probably will be around the same price as the mantis or more, but I really don't like the mantis looks/material. Even with the bigger case I will still use the tiny modules. If I'm cool with the tiny 2hp sine in the middle of all my cables, there is not much else that can shock me. And then there is room to grow and space stuff out.
I already ordered the Antumbra DVCA. I had this on my list before and saw that pusherman has the full kit in stock so I grabbed it at an instance. The LPG will be next, was also on my watch list but didn't put it in the build before.
I also shoot myself in the foot as I see now that pusherman also has the nearness panels in stock. Anyways...
For the stereo Mixer I need to look into the Happy Nerding 3x Stereo Mixer (2x mutes and additional TRS out) vs. the Befaco ST Mix (4ins + aux). both coming in at 6hp.
The Noise Reap Paradox looks cool, reminds me of my first synth/toy, the Korg Monotron Duo (which probably is a extremly unfair connection I'm making here, but both are dual). I'll do my research on this VCO, but a nice 8hp oscillator should be easy to find.
Thank you again for your fantastic considerations and explanation!
I will keep on tinkering with the rest.
The Machine:
Yeah I would love a whole row of frap tools stuff: Brenso, Sapel, Falistri, Usta, mixer, etc. Expensive but work of art if difficult to understand due to the iconography.
you rock, thanks for all your work on this. Well done to all the contributors let's make sure the 2021 release has even more submissions!
Had a little fun with this...
Added a dual VCO with interesting crossmod quirks, and two Takaab Nearness fixed-pan, fixed-level mixers. The Antumbra Dual VCA is an improvement over the Doepfer as it offers the same variable-response capabilities as the Veils VCAs. Also, I added an LPG for the Sine/Kickall combo so that you get a more drum-like result that should hit a lot harder.
The Nearness outputs should go directly to the Happy Nerding 3x Stereo Mixer, and you still have a third input (mono or stereo...the HN channels are normalized as "L = mono"). Then this now feeds the FX Aid more appropriately, since you're sending that stereo FX module from a stereo-out mixer. Lastly, I reordered it somewhat to make the signal paths and subsections more apparent for ease of use.
Also...this really would work a lot better with larger modules for ergonomics, which would necessitate a larger case. Something along the lines of a Mantis would be cost-effective AND fill that purpose.
One note here: VCAs that are able to affect CV and modulation signals should be LINEAR and also DC-COUPLED. These are sort of workhorse VCAs in a build as you can use them for basic audio amplitude control AND CV/mod control. But these need to be linear because if you change a voltage by a given amount, that amount needs to reflect the CV scalar system. Case in point: let's say you want an LFO to sweep a VCO by a 5th on one sequencing point, but by an octave on others. With that, it's just a matter of calculating the voltage change needed, then sending that from the sequencer to the VCA. Easy-peasy.
Now, what EXPONENTIAL VCAs are about is 100% about audio. Since we perceive "apparent loudness" on an exponential scale (phons), we use exponential VCAs so that an incoming CV or mod signal can affect the thruputted audio on that same scale. Also, VCAs for audio usually are AC-coupled...they cannot pass voltages down in the subsonic and/or DC range. This is useful because DC + amplifier + speaker = And this is ALSO one reason why transformer-balanced output modules are also useful, because they block the same subsonic and DC signals.
Step #1, like Jim said, is to remove the M32 from the cab. It HAS a cab already, and it HAS power already. Eurorack cabs should be for things that DON'T have those already...unless you like making the M32 more expensive than it already is.
Step #2: overspec your power. Jim suggests a 20% overspec on current, while I prefer 1/3rd more than the module complement calls for. The reason is...and yep, this is significant with all of the digital modules...there is a very short interval at power-up when your modules can draw MORE than their rating, and that few milliseconds of overcurrent can cause serious problems for your power supply. And another reason: the more reserve current your power supply has, the cooler it'll run. Heat is very much the enemy of electronic components, and one of the main causes of component failure over time.
Step #3: rethink this. This build is very insufficient in terms of the supporting modules that can make the expensive ones in here already do what they should do. Removing the M32 will give you another 60 hp to play with, and I would suggest that you NOT fill that up with more "sexy" modules. Look instead at the "boring" modules...especially ones that can play with timing, given your sequencer complement. Also, consider carefully whether or not some of the present modules even belong in there, such as the impracticably-huge Fuzz module; could you do that better with a waveshaping module, or by having an outboard fuzzbox and a pedal send/return module?
Try and keep some perspective on what you're doing. These are some expensive modules in there right now, but they're not capable of fulfilling their potential without their support modules. Stop now before you paint yourself into a very costly corner! Avoid being all starry-eyed about these "sexy modules", also...they're really only as worthwhile as the entire build they're part of, and if the build is incapable of using them well, it's going to cost.