As long as the VCA fully closes, you should be able to do what you want to do. There are small mute modules that may make this task simpler, but you can modulate VCAs for more interesting patches. Check out this video from mylarmelodies for some VCA ideas.

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Wonderful! I think you have a crowdfunding project there with potential to bring it to the world.

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Had fun learning my new Noise Engineering Mimetic Digitalis (MD) step CV sequencer and Cursus Iteritas

Used Pamela New Workout to clock the MD
Noise Engineering Cursus Iteritas modulated by Batumi
Erica Synths Polivoks v2 Filter for spice
Batumi LFO with Poti expander

Sure, if the VCA has mutes, I don't see why not.

Hey, thanks. I really appreciate the kind words. I was hoping for more synth time this week, but we had a major storm and lost power for a few days. Now I'm in the yard repairing a septic drain field and hauling out fallen tree branches. It's glamorous!

Hoping to get some time in this week before starting a new role.

Thanks again!

I want to send CV from four channels out of a Qubit Pulsar and have that CV trigger samples elsewhere. Can I run each CV through one of the VCAs and "mute" the CV?

Frap Tools 321 is such a simple, useful and beautiful thing

Scale + Flip + Shift + Combine

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Agree @toodee- Intellijel rocks in every way. Clean functional module design, great functionality, awesome support team. I've been happy with my Intellijel modules like Mixup, Quadrax, Quad VCA and Tetrapad plus Plonk is great fun and the 1u modules work great.

@farkas- that looks awesome value for a 10 channel mixer! Have to look at it! I am using Praga now in my monster base case but need more than 4 channels so this could fill the gap.

I'm looking at the DIY version of this module, but I've only found one demo of it so far (and a short clip on instagram that wasn't great). With the factory version, it seems easy enough to dial in a hoover bass sound using detune. I'd love to be able to do that, I don't know if the drive function can get it done though.

Thanks for the feedback Jim! I might have to move to bus boards at some point, it looks like the CP1As weren't the best choice in any case.

I could get away without the bin seq I think, and I haven't actually pulled the trigger on the voltage block yet -- I would like a bit more CV modulation though and it seems like a good way to both sequence and modulate the rest of the rack. The er301 has tons of internal utility and modulation, including VCAs and so on, it can't send CV out though. You're right though, with the Pulsar in there too the rack has quite a lot of sequencers haha. They're for triggering samples in the ER301 as well as interacting with the visible voice modules.

I'll post another thread to get some feedback on the setup overall though, that's a good idea. Thanks!

Thread: Twinkly

Cheers :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

general advice is leave at least 20% (preferably more) headroom - this is too allow for both inaccurate reporting of power draw/capacity and on-rush requirements of some modules that can be significantly higher than the quoted figures

you should aim for at least 2250mA on the +12v rail for these modules and I'd want to use real bus boards not flying ones

these power supplies are 'designed' to power 1 row of 84hp mostly analogue modules - not 140hp with a lot of heavy draw digital modules

or look to slim down a bit - take the moog out (or power it off its own supply in the rack - if you can do that?) and do you really need voltage block and varigate8+ and the bin seq (and the sequencer in the moog) in this size rack? maybe replace 2 of them with another veils (maybe get the new one!) and get rid of the output module (use veils as final stage for speakers/mixers and add an alm hpo if you need headphones - small, inexpensive and very low power)

maybe you could post another question about the other modules - it does not look to be a particularly balanced rack to me

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Here's the link to the rack: ModularGrid Rack

I haven't calculated the individual draw from each row, but I'm sure I can shuffle things around as needed.

Berhinger CP1As are rated for:

+5 VDC @ 0.5 A, pins 11, 12
-12 VDC @ 1 A, pins 1, 2
+12 VDC @ 1 A, pins 9, 10

My rack will draw 1803 ma +12 V and 290 ma at -12 V, which might be too close to maxing out. I'm not too sure how some of this works, whether it's as simple as matching up the power draw to the supply rating or if there's something I'm missing in terms of individual module requirements.

New to the powering side of things. I'm getting to the point where I should power it internally, but I'm using an antique suitcase and I'd rather not cut any more holes in the thing haha.

Can anyone help me out here?

Thread: Twinkly

Nice tune and I like the patch breakdown too. Thanks for sharing @wishbonebrewery

Thanks for the comments. This is not an attempt to recreate a IIIC/P. It is based on my needs and preferences.

The 904C is not a module that is available to purchase. Maybe it wil be later.

As for the amount of attenuators and mixers, you can never have too many....hahaha

This isn't laid out like I recall the original IIIc. Shouldn't the CP3A-Os and 992s be on the bottom row? Why are there two of each, when the usual complement is just one each? And you're crippling the 904 filter pair in the upper right by not having the 904C coupler for them to work in tandemmed bandpass/notch modes. Plus, why all the attenuators? The CP35 (also should be in the bottom row, so you can use it to reduce the output to something approximating line level) takes care of a lot of this already. The sound should be right...but there's going to be some real differences in how this will "play" over one of the original systems.

Thread: Get ZAQed!

It's good to hear that BCR32 and 2600 match so well. I am surprised to hear from you though, knowing that normally you don't like the "Behringer concept" very much, that you already done a full prepayment for the 2600. If there is one thing I have learned, no matter how "juicy" and nice something might look like (like the ASM for example that was once tested to me also quite a bit of a disappointment), I rather prefer to test it first at my local dealer before I really make a decision.

I've gotten some feedback via some European players who got theirs when Thomann got the first drop, plus from my sales engineer at Sweetwater (who knows first-hand what a picky bastard I can be about synths!), and the info was consistent: the SOUND is indistinguishable, but the "sweet spots" are slightly different, probably owing to the different slider pots used. And if it doesn't work, I won't simply return it, but I'll actually return it to Sweetwater in person.

Yeah, I don't like Uli. I've watched his business antics since the company first popped up, and I've seriously disapproved of his behavior since then. At least he's been consistent for the past 30 years on that tip. But in THIS case, I'd have to say that I'm more pissed-off at Korg for the whole "limited edition 2600 reissue" crapfest, which was the cherry on a bullshit cake that had taken a few years to bake as far as I was concerned. Even if they came out with a shrinky-dink 2600 at this point...yeah, don't care. Especially since there seems to be some very real QC issues with that $4k musical erection substitute of theirs.

But as for the BCR32...remember, I've used the ARP 1601 back in the day, and Korg's not made any move aside of the SQ-64 to come up with a substitute. The BCR32 comes a lot closer to the 1601, in that you have the ability to do a lot on the fly since the BCR2000 + ZAQuencer firmware was intended specifically as a LIVE performance tool, not merely a studio thing. And, of course, $, in THIS case, B. didn't just rip off the ZAQencer's developer, as he's getting credit for the firmware AND, apparently, a royalty on units sold. Hopefully that's a trend...except that they pulled the "Swing" stunt around the same point in time, so...perhaps not. Maybe the CCP will nationalize his factory and give it to Cuvave...which, IMHO, would be CRAZY COOL given what Cuvave was able to do on their own with a minimal budget. Not likely, tho...

Can't wait for the 2600 to arrive in the shops for testing! Usually a demo device arrives faster at my local dealer then the sales itself, since those kind of things, as you also already indicated, are sold out in a matter of minutes or hours.

This is why I did the lock-in the way that I did. I'm not getting burned on getting a new 2600 twice. But this would've been different anyway, since it doesn't come in a "LIMITED" "road" case that seems to have been made of papier-mache but which is part of the whole "LIMITED" rationale.

Really, I think Korg needs to issue an apology to the synth community for yanking them around for, in some cases, several YEARS with this 2600 shitshow. If they want to sell any "shrunk 2600s", that is. Otherwise, the Behringer 2600 is likely to be far more ubiquitous than Korg might like! And along with nonsense like $1400 green and blue MS-20s, drum machines without basic sync ports, attempting to rehash the Kronos as the Nautilus, rehashing the Wavestation as the Wavestate, etc etc etc, Korg needs to watch its step, as there seems to be a gradually-accumulating litany of errors from them in the past couple of years. Not good.

Hi, just a note ... you'll need to drive the Boog Envelopes (otherwise you'll fail)
-- forcept

Thanks ! I have V-trig to S-trig converters elsewhere ( 2x Korg MS-02´s ) and I plan to get a separate sequencer rack with a 961 in it.

This is really good.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Hi, just a note ... you'll need to drive the Boog Envelopes (otherwise you'll fail)

Thread: Chainsaw jam

Thanks @wishbonebrewery, lots of room for improvement but I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thread: Chainsaw jam

This is good :) Nice work :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Thread: Twinkly

I kinda slipped with trying to do a piece of music every day for Jan... in #Jamuary, Oh well.
Almost completely Generative, just turn the modular on and reverse the grains on clouds and tweak some levels a bit.

This piece is driven from the 2hp RND which randomly triggers the Befaco Burst which has the probability control set about half way, these pulses then go out to the 2hp Pluck and Bell, the Pluck goes into the Mutable Veils with a bit of AD action from the ALM PipSlope where I wipe off most of the 'pluck' before going into the 2hp Verb, for the Bell then that heads into the Monsoon Clouds on Granular mode with the grains playing in reverse. Modulation comes from the 2hp RND too along with some slow LFO's from the DivKid Instruo Ochd. Oh.... and the Pulses from the Burst also head into the 2hp TM (Turing Machine) and 2hp Tune. I am manually using the Transient Modules 7J Joystick module to modulate the probability and Steps on the Turing Machine and also the Grain Size of Clouds which all together adds a bit of space.
Cheers for Listening. And quite possibly Happy New Year :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

I've changed quite a few things up. Decided to go with 3 rows, each a separate Moog 104hp rack, that way I can focus on one rack at a time and gradually build and seperate modules into groups.
Row 1 are my essentials
Row 2 are my wants
Row 3 is to be determined

Thread: Get ZAQed!

Hi Lugia,

Ha, ha, yes let's see where Korg is heading on the long run but looks like nothing much interesting for the moment.

It's good to hear that BCR32 and 2600 match so well. I am surprised to hear from you though, knowing that normally you don't like the "Behringer concept" very much, that you already done a full prepayment for the 2600. If there is one thing I have learned, no matter how "juicy" and nice something might look like (like the ASM for example that was once tested to me also quite a bit of a disappointment), I rather prefer to test it first at my local dealer before I really make a decision.

I agree with you, from the looks it almost can't fail, but I want to have it tested first :-)

Or can you return the item in case of a huge disappointment? Not that I expect that will happen, it really seems to be damn good :-)

Can't wait for the 2600 to arrive in the shops for testing! Usually a demo device arrives faster at my local dealer then the sales itself, since those kind of things, as you also already indicated, are sold out in a matter of minutes or hours.

Or once you received it and it's not generally available yet, a first impression from you would be very welcome :-) Thank you very much in advance and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

This came up in another thread a few months back. And I can tell you right now, the answer will be "no".

The reason it's "no" has to do with the sheer amount of 19" rack gear that's been part of recording all the way back into the late 1930s. You'd have to find images and specs for things such as the Collins 26C, Federal AM-864, Cinema Engineering 4031-B, RCA BE-1A...the list goes on and on, really, and that's without ever getting past the late 1950s. In fact, you'd wind up with a database that would rival the Eurorack modules for sheer size. And then, what would you do about fractional rack devices...things that take up LESS than 1U of rackspace? I use a number of these (several halfrack Boss units, 1/3rd-rack Alesis Microverb IIs, etc), and they're not necessarily "unusual" pieces of gear. And then, what about classic outboard devices that DON'T fit into a rack normally, such as the Roland Space Echo/Chorus Echo aside of the RE-555, which was the only one intended to be rack mounted. So there's that, as well...where do you stop, exactly?

This is one of those "can of worms" things...if the site developers did this, it would massively expand the data storage requirements for the site, and add a huge additional maintenance headache. I'm not saying that it's not a good idea, mind you...I DO think something like that IS needed, but right now the MG crew has loads on their plates, so it won't be here, more than likely.

I am a big fan of Intellijel stuff plus their support team is awesome, responsive and super friendly.
-- sacguy71

That's almost an understatement, I think it's probably one of the best support team I've ever dealt with, modular or otherwise, they are extremely professional and effective, to the point that I prefer going through them directly instead of simply sending them back to the EU retailer I bought the broken module from, less delays and way friendlier staff

--- Voltage control all the things ---

OOOOOhhhhhh 👀

@troux This may be worth a look for you.

I love the Mixup and have two, one in an ambient rack and one in my 360HP case alongside a Manhattan Analog DTM. I tend to combine it with an ALM HPO. I've been thinking of getting a larger mixer for the 360HP case, but I can't quite seem to find the right one. VCA control doesn't really appeal to me, nor does pan control, and I really appreciate that the Mixup has both mono and stereo input channels for when I'm using stereo effects... and that it's small lol. I like the Mutant Hot Glue (inbuilt compressor is sweet) but it's only four channels and no stereo from what I can see. What I'd really love is a 6+ channel mixer in ~24HP, with multiple send and returns that are in stereo. Haven't found it yet so if anyone has any recommendations let me know!

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Great feedback everyone,

Yes, the Intellijel Mixup is superb small mixer and have that in my travel 6u Doepfer suitcase mobile rig. It came in handy recently when I was over a modular synth friend's place jamming with him and can mute/unmute and change levels quickly and easily. It pairs well with the Intellijel Quad VCA as well. I am a big fan of Intellijel stuff plus their support team is awesome, responsive and super friendly. I do want an Intellijel 7u case for a side add to mobile rig but they have been hard to come by over the past year.

Indeed now that I have multiple voices, many percussion modules and multiple reverb/delay modules, the aux sends and pans become even more critical for a modular setup. My next purchase will be the mixer add ons for Befaco and Praga to get the headphone cue outs and more aux sends as well as WMD Performance mixer. I have plenty of sound and modulation sources now just need more of these mixer support tools and that comparator window module hehe.

It takes me to the inbox, but the message isn’t there

What happens, when you click on the link in the email notification?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

No unfortunately it's still as described. Only getting the email-notifications, but no message in the inbox. Also tried chrome instead of safari.

One audio mixer that people often tend to overlook is Intellijel's Mixup. Nothing special really apart from the mute switches maybe, but an interesting choice for those rocking Intellijel cases: they can serve as output module as the small ribbon at the back can be used to connect Mixups together but also to the output jacks, removing the need for an output module. No headphone out, cue mix or VCA's are included here, so if you need that you're probably looking for a bigger mixer.

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Among my mixers I really like the WORNG Soundstage and despite being ergonomically challenging the 2hp ones are super useful.
Regarding utilities i love Ladik Gatsby, Probability Skipper and Gate Delay. Also I just got a Twiigs because lately most of my patches involved my O_C with Hemispheres running the Brancher app on both sides.

I am afraid that sharing my personal opinion that I don't see that much use in this feature seems not to be very helpful at first glance as people have different needs and wants and views and so on. Though I'd like to say it anyway for some reasons.

One is, that I find that planing a modular system is way more complicated than planing a 19" rack due to the lack of standards for module sizes, the sometimes cumbersometopic of power consumption and the complextiy of modular systems, like how many VCA's one would need and if there are enough modulation sources than. Ups, no room for oscillators anymore...

A second thought is that I am not sure if people really plan their 19" rack in that way? At least it is easier because devices usually only differ in a minor amount of Heigth Units and mostly are designed as independent entities.

So why do I bother about something I am not interesting in? Basically because I am a bit afraid that it will consume a lot of work that would be better invested in maintaining the current state and my personal impression in other situations was, that when an idea is worded in a community and just a few people love it, things get momentum, things get more and more complicated, like troublesome and expensive to maintain and only a few people are actually using it but of course the majority of people would not participates with their views to prevent sounding negative.

As long as I open racks and suddenly modules are missing which I might find beneath other modules later, I would prefer prioritizing maintance over extension.

Yes, I am sorry about that - I meant silly just in the sense of an unusual development of the price curve.

It just feels so normal to trade and somehow live with folks from the UK that all the changes now have something absurd to them. Even without a political attitude towards the whole topic.

Today I read that Belgium custom officers have confiscated home made meat sandwiches from lorry drivers because meat can not be easily imported anymore. Don't know if that is right or wrong but it surly is a bit absurd.

Just a reminder that ModularGrid is not the place to discuss politics. The new UK Option is not a political statement.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

But this is two ways, right? Not only sales from UK to EU but also if somebody in the EU wants to sell something to someone in the UK? So it works both ways I am afraid :-(

-- GarfieldModular

I don't know how exactly taxes are handled within the Kingdom. But I guess so. Maybe @Kel_ can help out here and clarify that. It still feels a bit silly how trading modules back and forth now would make them become more and more expensive with every new owner in the chain, instead of less.

I'm 100% down with the idea of CVable performance mixers, actually. Not only does this give you a proper set of amplitude VCAs for the end of your patch's signal chain, you can automate a lot more with many of them...panning, AUX sends, and so forth. Plus, having CUE outputs to headphones is nothing short of a godsend; if your tuning goes spooey mid-set, just route the problem to the cue and fix it while everything else is going on, and the audience is none the wiser.

Case in point: for my B-day, my partner got me the HUGE TD Virgin Years box, with a bunch of unreleased stuff, and much of that is live. During the Royal Albert Hall set, someone's VCOs went bonkers...and while they were able to snap into a mode that allowed that to be corrected and sort of sound like it was part of the set, had they had something that had that CUE function, there would've been no need for that to wind up on the live master.

Thread: Get ZAQed!

My B.2600 is paid for at this point. While Sweetwater has a listing for it, it's marked as "Check with your Sales Engineer" since it's going to be a bit before N.Am shipments. But if you DO check with them, you can set up and prepay an order. It's also worth noting that Thomann is saying "6 to 8 weeks" at present for the next B.2600 batch, which probably is the date it'll finally drop worldwide.

As for the BCR32 (that's the name of the new sequencer), it also seems a bit aimed at Korg as well. After all, they also dropped a 4-channel sequencer in the past few weeks...but it's not the Zaquencer, which already has a devoted following and a sizable user base. And while the Korg SQ-64 has some sizable differences, there's a lot of similarities between the two of them. But if you were to just view the situation in terms of sequencers that're appropriate for an ARP 2600, the BCR32 much more resembles a synth's step sequencer than the SQ-64. You've got the knob controls per step, for one the Zaquencer firmware was more performance-oriented than most sequencers of that sort.

Not sure just yet, but Behringer may have whomped them twice. And with Korg's vague stumbling-around in the past couple of years (which seems to be getting worse...$1400 green MS-20, anyone? Anyone? Buehler?), maybe it'll take a few head-shots from Shenzhen to get them to snap out of that.

this user has left ModularGrid

Besides new modular sequencers, I am fixated on modular mixers and utilities the bread and butter of modular.

So far have enjoyed XAOC Devices Praga but need Hrad expander as well as Befaco Hexmixer/Hexvca combo and plan to add the expander module. WMD Performance mixer looks ace as well.

Utilities- like Mutable Instruments Shades with Kinks and Links, Erogeneous Tones Levit8, WMD 4ATTEN, Doepfer sequential switch

Logic: Intellijel Plog is fun. I also have WMD/SSF Toolbox that has lots of goodies in small HP sized module.

Hi Zuggamasta,

Wow what a nice track is that?! Some real nice and fun sounds you got in there.

I love your video too, nice "night" view with a clear view on your Disting module :-)

I will be honest with you, first I thought: "9 minutes???" now I think: "Why not 19 minutes please!" :-) You keep the tension, enough surprises to keep the listener engaged, that's just my kind of track. Experimental? Yes certainly but all worth it, every second of it :-)

Nicely done and thanks a lot for sharing this! Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Ha, ha, okay fair enough, then the 4 Mutes it is ;-)

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Thread: Get ZAQed!

Hi Lugia,

That indeed looks very interesting! Since there is no announcement/release date yet we have to be patience...

Talking about that, shouldn't be the Behringer 2600 coming out any moment from now? Oh... I just check at my local dealer's website... end of April... I thought it would have been somewhere this month or so...

Anyway patience seems to be a main ingredient required for synthesizers ;-)

Thanks for letting us know, interesting and let's see how that goes. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Zucker,

Thank you very much for your detailed explanation. This one here:

It does not cover trading single used devices between private persons.

That really sucks that it isn't covered by this "Christmas eve" deal...

But this is two ways, right? Not only sales from UK to EU but also if somebody in the EU wants to sell something to someone in the UK? So it works both ways I am afraid :-(

Sorry to hear this but thank you very much for the explanation. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

United Kingdom is now a new option in the marketplace selector. All existing UK offers are moved to the new option.
I hope it will work with the Reverb offers too, that needs a couple of hours.
-- modulargrid

Thank you very much!

I know it's not a good thing at all really, but it will help until we can sort this mess out - thank you!!

Thread: Change Log

Users can only rate each other if they have had contact via the ModularGrid messager

You cannot rate random people anymore by accident, you have to send them a message or have received a message from them.

Added United Kingdom as a separate region

UK is not part of EU anymore.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Nah, Divkid mutes is four independent mutes, whereas the dirty secret of the Mute4 is that it is four mutes summed to a single output which is essential to my intended use here (and might screw you if you actually want 4 mutes!)